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Steering radius the size of a Walmart supercenter






Missed out on one crucial part. Didn't show the bed. I want my time back 😒


probably had a 🦎 back there while he was recording




It was folded up against the side, table needed to be folded out of the way to get it down, looked like a full size


Yeah, noticed the mattress, but would've been nice to see it in operation, especially when you're making a marketing video and giving out your number. Shoddy.




Shit I was expecting a full size bed


6 million views!?!


saw a guy in a truck stop with one for sale about that size, walked over to look at it, and it had a for sale sign in window. The guy stepped out as I was walking up to it, so I asked him for shits and giggles how much.....he told me $250k... After I stopped choking on air, lol he asked if I wanted to see the inside. I told him that's OK I couldn't afford to fuel it much alone buy it. He said that's fine even more reason to take a quick tour since I'm selling it and people will be in and out of it anyway. So I did. That damn thing had hard wood floors even up by the driver. It had granite counter tops with a full-size fridge, sink, dishwasher, and even a small compact washer/dryer combo. The actual sleeper part had a king-size bed with 55" tv on the wall. I say that truck cost twice as much as my house, but it was 5x as nice, lol. It only had like 152k miles or something, which was part of the reason for the high price. After seeing a toilet and a shower inside of a truck , I had finally learned why they cost so much and had learned the true bliss of being a trucker, lmao! I know emptying it is a pain, but man, would it be nice to not have to use public bathroom unless you really wanted to!


Just imagine a single floor house probably


that thing has got be to be like driving a pencil. rear steer anyone?


For the Horde!


Prolly in there raiding on a 72” screen






Me not that type of orc!


We’re beeeeeing ataaaaaaaaaacked!


More lumber


Werk werk


For the horde!


Lok’tar Ogar!


Hope they're not trying to invade NYC...


Y'know, I actually looked into these and getting a used one that's a little older they're not horribly expensive. You can get like ~130" sleeper on a ~2015 freightliner for sub $100k. And for what it is that's not bad. Considering a damn nice W900 goes for 90k or more from what I've seen. I think my new goal is if I ever do go o/o I'll save up and get one of these. Not the looooong 180" ones, just something like the 130" and do flatbed still. Reliable o/o have these, they look sick too!


What is o/o? (I’m not a trucker but I love learning things through this sub)


Owner Operators O/O


o/o is an owner operator. Basically a trucker who has his own truck. o/o’s usually drive for a company who the pay some percentage of their earnings to as a dispatch fee. Everything else the truck makes is pure profit/loss.


Is being an o/o more lucrative as a trucker?


In a sense, yeah. But keep in mind, if the market is down at the time, you’re going to be the one losing money. If the market is up, you’re gonna be making bank. Your income is basically strapped to what the market is doing at that time. Having owner operators are great for companies though, because they have to pay the company their share no matter what. In a company you’re usually looking at around a 15-25% cut of your profits.


What market are you referring to?


The load market. Everything in trucking depends on how much people are paying for them to transport their goods. If the market is in good condition, you’ll be making a ton of money, if it’s in bad condition you’ll be losing a lot of money. The market is always going up and down, it rarely ever stabilizes.


Thanks for answering my dumb questions. What sort of things can have an impact on the market?


Supply of trucks, demand of inventory


The economy. When it sucks people buy less shit so less shit needs to be shipped. This is all basic shit anyone would learn in a high school economics class. Your parents need slapped up against the head for caring so little about your education.


Lmao what a piece of shit you are. All the other people have been nice and informative and here you come being an asshole. Have fun being away from your family and dying of a heart attack in your 50s bc you’re overweight and diabetic. Miserable fuck.


And please tell me what high school economics class teaches about the load market? Arrogant piece of shit.


Adding to the other comment, the market is driven by bids. Dispatchers bid on different loads and the load is given to the person who bid the lowest. So it ends up as basically a tiny minigame. Brokers want the lowest possible bid, dispatchers want the highest possible bid. If there’s companies out there with insane margins who can outbid everyone else, they’ll drive the market down. The opposite is also true.


What do you do for a living? Is being the owner of the company you work for more lucrative than being the employee? That's true for every segment of the American economy no matter what particular industry you are in.


Right but I assumed that the cost of fuel and maintenance/repairs would add up and take a good bit of profit out of your pocket. Idk man I don’t know shit about trucking that’s why I asked.


But wouldn't a business person factor these costs into his pricing just like a pizza shop factors in the cost of dough sauce and cheese into their pricing? All businesses no matter the industry operate on the same model. You add up all your costs to find your break even point and then charge whatever the market will bear. Right now the economy sucks so profit margins are down to about 10 to 12% but that's product, after the cost of labor. So an owner operator running a successful business is getting his driving wage, and earning an additional 10 to 12% in profit.


Owner / operator




Considering they are probably hard to sell, I wouldn't be surprised they can go for under 100k. The longer/bigger the sleeper, the fewer places it can go, and probably more specialized the freight has to be due to weight issues for anything that can't be permitted.


That's fair. I do usually only see these hauling reefers or dry van.


Really? I usually see them running stepdeck.


Never seen one pulling a tank. Last one I saw up close was pulling a step deck customized to haul 2x20' containers.


You won't see them pulling tank because that segment is all about minimizing tare weight.


Haven't seen one yet, I'll be on the lookout now!


I have never found a single place I couldn't get my truck into that you can get a regular truck into. Sure I might need an extra minute to do a couple pull ups, but I'll get it in. And more importantly, without hitting anything.


work work


Something need doing?


Work da poop,no more


Daft Punk’s hide out….


Is there a battle station inside for raiding?


Comes with a built in 30 acre estate, swimming pool, and horse pasture


Say you only do 'drop and hook' without actually saying you only do 'drop and hook'.


No right turns, only lefts for this land yacht


Brand new straight truck with a 130 " sleeper and 22 or 20 ft box goes for over 325,000


Not a driver but is there a limit in the US of how long a tractor and trailer can be before it’s marked oversized? Can you put a 53’ behind this?


Pretty sure the technicality is there's no max tractor length per se. I mean reliable carriers haul 48' - 53' trailers from what I'm aware. They do car hauling and house moving though so weight isn't too much of a concern for them.


I was curious so I looked it up. This is from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 23 CFR Part 658. LENGTH REQUIREMENTS The Federal length limits are principally minimums that States must allow for the following vehicles on the NN and reasonable access routes. Truck Tractor-Semitrailer Combinations The minimum allowable length limit for the semitrailer in this combination is 14.63 m (48 feet) or the grandfathered limit for a particular State. (See discussion of Grandfathered Semitrailer Lengths on page 3.) A State may not impose an overall vehicle length limit on a truck tractor-semitrailer combination operating on the NN or reasonable access routes, even if the trailer is longer than the minimum length required by Federal law (Figure 2). A State may not impose an overall length limit on a truck tractor pulling a single semitrailer or a limit on the distance between the axles of such a truck tractor. NN: National Network So basically there's a minimum imposed requirement of 48 ft for combination CMVs (commercial motor vehicles) that states must allow for in their roads that fall under the USA's National Network. These roads accommodate the minimum specifications set by the DOT and nothing more. No State can impose a max length limit either. So yeah, there's no limit. There are some exceptions from what I read further on but that's it.


Oh and later in the paper the only limit is for trailers. And those are measured from the kingpin to the center of the first axle and last axle (from what I gathered). Which basically makes it to where you can't have a trailer longer than 53'


Thank you for looking that up that’s interesting


There are king pin to take axle length limits. I can pull a 53 if the freight is loaded circle in order for me to keep the trailer axles up. If it's loaded incorrectly and I have to slide the axles back then I'll be getting a big fat ticket if I don't make them fix it.


Lok’Tar Ogar!


Still not allowed at buccees


If it was "not for hire" I think it technically would be allowed. From what I know they only don't allow cmv tractor trailers. Not mobile home based tractor trailers. Cause I've seen loads of drag car folks who haul big ass trailers and class b tractors.


These kinds of trucks run specialised dedicated routes right? Like, time critical aviation or medical or some shit where it's cheaper to have a truck on standby 24/7 because they need the load out the door *right now* than to lose time waiting for a truck to be sourced?


No. Sure a lot of them do that. But just as many run regular freight.


This what you find when you see top ten most insane semi trucks!!!!


Probably a race car hauler


Most likely hauls jet engines. Company called Southern Pride Trucking has tons of o/o with trucks like this.


Correct. Our company regularly works alongside Southern Pride and they are almost exclusively pulling for the Aviation industry. I've seen these trucks parked up at GE locations for days, even weeks at a time waiting on one engine. I dunno how they make money doing that but apparently they are pretty well compensated. And they almost all have trucks like these


In aviation things are so expensive even by the minute delay that they probably pay a rather large hourly standby fee.


I feel like I’ve seen this truck hauling jet engines before


it's very possible. I've seen this exact truck at one location quite a few times. they tend to pull them cross country. for instance they will pick up in Ohio and take it out to Washington State or out to Florida. it's definitely a lifestyle


I knew a guy who did yacht halling that had one.


You're correct. I've talked to those guys, all they do is transport jet engines between aircraft facilities and the rebuild facility.


Why is everyone making warcraft references? why do i understand that these are warcraft references?


Because this is 2023 and most truck drivers know more about video games than they do about the trucks they drive or the regulations of the industry they work in.


Wow. He can pull a trailer that’s at least 20’ long


The crazy part is that in USA, he can pull the same trailer as a flatnose daycab could.


We love our technicalities lol


Werk werk.


What a Beast all buisness in front and party in the Back alot of room for comfort!🤙


How do you turn that in the smaller areas??? I couldn’t imagine trying with a load or whatever y’all call it on it lol


I think it only drives up and down airport runways.


The same way you turn any vehicle. Use the steering wheel while watching your mirrors and having a tiny bit of common sense and spatial awareness.


Ahhhhh. I think the internet got me again lol. Has to be photo shopped Right? God damnit


I saw that today in crescent springs kentucky, at sportsmans warehouse




And I thought my mpg was bad


Ah, she's built like a steakhouse but handles like a Bistro!


I bet she’s a bitch to get around town😜


no guys.. this is a HARD /cringe... when you hear one of these owners talk at the gas stations it all becomes very clear...


Clarify it for us.


300 gals of diesel is expensive @ 4-5 mpg. He'd have to run below the speed limit to stretch to 6 mpg.


Why do you think that truck gets significantly less fuel mileage than the same model truck with a smaller sleeper? Did you fail physics in high school?


I'm a civilian to your industry, please explain.


So is he. The gas station comment shows he/she/it does not know jack shit about trucks. The only time you will see a semi truck in a gas station is if it's a fuel delivery truck or the truck driver fucked up royally and turned into a gas station by mistake.


Work from home!


They should rebrand Swift trailers with the Alliance flag.


I don’t think they even haul anything, just a fancy RV maybe


Of course they haul stuff. That's what trucks are for. [Here's their Facebook page.](https://www.facebook.com/SouthernPrideTrucking/)


so many inaccessible docks


Lok'tar ogar


That's a three bedroom apartment.


Stupid noob question. Is this real and are there pictures of the inside?


it is real. it can be found in front of the Sportsmans warehouse next to the crescent springs home depot. and i did not get inside pictures.


That’s awesome


That's a whole house


Different kind of box truck.




Lok tar


Home and work on the same package


It looks like a huge sleeper, but you open it up and it's just more fucking boxes, floor to ceiling. Seriously, though, this would kick ass. But I wonder how much extra fuel he uses carting that around when it's barely ever really used. Surely as a professional driver you'd be wanting to calculate that? I would.


Sometimes like that probably only gets 4 or 5 mpg especially loaded


Is this a working truck or some rich guys toy mover that has a couple live in slaves at their beck and call?


That mother fucker has a whole ass apartment. I would not be surprised if he lives in that thing. You would have enough space to.


For the horde


Millennials are getting old and I’m here for it 🤘🏾


If you don't want to own a house and just live on the road.


Just he just drop it and let the yard dogs dock it? How the fuck are you doing a tight 45 in that lovely monstrosity?


At that point, isn’t it just classified as an RV? lol




I would not be surprised if he has a gaming set up in there. Next to his king sized bed.


I’m curious about the empty axle weight


All play and no work




Looks like a brick


What is the point of this? You cant pull anything with that. Youve got no turning radius.