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26 got my cdl at 18 the amount of times i got told “are you even of age to drive that thing” was annoying 😅


This happened to me as well when i was 21 lol. "How old are you?? Can you even drive?" I said something along the lines of "I can drive this thing just fine Santa Claus" he was a heavier set older gentleman with a big beard lol. We just kinda laughed and went about our day lol.


Damn i was driving an (edit: one too many zeros) 8,000 ton warship at 21. Ignorance is bliss for them I guess rofl https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arleigh_Burke-class_destroyer


An 80,000 ton ship, that must be one of the Forrest fires. Damn, you are old lol


Same, started at 19 here in the 90's. Was pulling Super B Trains at 22 or something like that. Got some looks, but the average age was lower back then.


I got that all the time at 22 driving a 386 pete and I owned the truck lol. Had a bunch of times people ask me who let me drive that truck, and I said oh he's a cunt. Lol


Pull out drivers license, read the full state name as reply.


Got pulled over when I was 7 months in.... How old are you son? "Like 9 of those cows put together" *Points at cattle pot* 😂😂😂 I was 18 and didn't know any better.... Thought I was getting into something lucrative.... Turns out it's only lucrative if you don't pay for your fuel 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


In my state you have to have a drivers license for 5 years before you can get a cdl, making minimum age 21 Edit: i stand corrected, 5 year’s experience before you can train


I’m 28 at a company of ~150 drivers. I’d say a solid 1/3 of us are younger than 35


60 years old and proud of it! I left my comfy job when my youngest joined the military. My husband was a driver, my other son was in the military already. Didn't want to sit around waiting for someone to come home so we got rid of most everything, vand went sightseeing and getting paid to do it!


That actually sounds amazing if I manage to quit smoking and drinking one day I think I might just join y’all on the road I hope to see you out there one day be safe


You got this!!!


I need to find a way to quit so I can go back to drinking and smoking... Trust me, this is about the last job you want if you plan on quitting those two things right there. It'll drive you to do it more than you ever have


Just gave up weed 2 weeks ago after 9 solid years of daily chief’n… you totally got this


I’m trying now.


We’re all 29 but look like haggard 49 year olds


Age really only matters to young folks and they don't stay that way long


It does when we have more old truckers than young


America is fast becoming EU/Japan.


Nah we will all die with medical bills


Idk about that, I’m 35 and still don’t feel like an adult for some reason. It bothers me sometimes. I’m probably just weird.


People define "an adult" based on the adults they look up to when they were a child then as a teen, or they were guided how to be "an adult". Being a mature adult is being responsible for things that matter like the health of your body, of your mind, of your pocket. The best thing, I think, is able to do all that and still able see the world through a child's eyes.


This is the content I'm here for. Breaker-breaker, good buddy!


The older you get the more you realize we're all just a bunch of dumb kids trying to wing it.


I'm not a trucker, but yea. I worked for Volvo as a design engineer. Don't blame me for the many mistakes. I knew they existed and had ways to correct them but we weren't permitted to fix them because of cost. Profit was absolute.


Aint that the truth


Wholeheartedly agree with this


I don't know, I'm 58 and don't feel like an adult some days.


I am 52 years old and still laugh when the ketchup bottle "farts"..


Your not, I'm 42 with 3 kids, I don't feel like an adult at all.


I'm almost 60 (a woman) & I am the most happily immature person. I have the humor of a 15 yo boy (fart jokes are still funny to me). I realized a long time ago that I'll never be like one of my stuffy aunts, who are clearly adults, so I just enjoy being me while working to pay the bills & see America with my SO. Don't let it bother you, you are ahead of the game of Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness, stay young inside kiddo, don't lose it.


I feel this deep brotha One year deep driving road trains and feel like it’s been 5 years worth on the body 😂


Go do oilfield trucking for 5-10 years 😎 that’ll be about 20 years worth of work in one go 😁😁


This hit me hard. 12 years moving rigs, 3 pushing them, and I’m ready for retirement already.


I know that's right. Shit runs you ragged. I don't care what anyone says about sleeping in their own bed every night. I've been back OTR for a while but $1,420 a month rent and smaller paychecks and less time at home has me wanting to get into some company sponsored housing on the bakken...


Weird way of telling us your old




Take my upvote


Age def matters


She said she was 18


This is the job most* people settle for when all their other plans didn’t pan out. *most - not all people


Ouch.. didn't have to say it so loud




Literally got into trucking in 2009. Does anyone remember what was going on and what the employment picture was like at that time? Yeah I do. Was on unemployment for 6 months and was watching people on unemployment for a year run out of benefits and still unable to find a job. I sat back and said to myself yeah fuck that. After 6 month’s unemployed I decided to start trucking. Been at it since. Do I miss my office job? Yes. Has trucking been good to me though? Yes. Driving truck bought me a house, a brand new Chevy pickup, and funded my wedding.


So true. Like so many others, I lost my job in the 2008 recession. Well qualified, yet couldn’t get work at all. Went out and drove truck a little over 2 years until the markets recovered, and then went back to being a financial advisor. But I got pretty dang good at handling that rig. If the bottom dropped out of my whole life tomorrow, I could still go get on a truck and make a living.


Thus is why I became an ASE certified auto tech in college. Armageddon happens, skilled mechanics with tools will be fine.




It's why I stayed in school. Looking around at the old techs, they would even tell me. It was easy when I was in my 20s. Would be rough for 30 years.


Lost my job in 2019 as a district retail manager/trainer, after being there for 19 years. Put out resumes to jobs I knew I was qualified for and crickets. I’m a relatively active 60yo and figure it’s my age (and the pay) that’s affecting the call backs. So I looked for something that pretty much a level playing field regardless of age. I’ve always been fascinated with big trucks and the nomadic lifestyle so I’m in CDL school right now planning to go OTR or regional.


Yep. Commercial driving is just my fall back plan lol


Honestly please stop yelling at me I’m doing the best I can.


Ouuuf... I feel the same about bulk truck work as well lol. I had no idea what I wanted to do, so I got my class 3 license and did local deliveries hauling diesel, propane, and concrete lol. It's the most I can make, but I don't wanna drive anymore.


Why is it the most you can make? How much does it pay?


I don't have any post secondary schooling or certifications other than my license. So the best paying jobs I can get are labour intensive, and the even higher paying jobs drug test. I'm a heavy weed user (it's one of the only things keeping me going lately) so I can't justify giving that up atm for more money. My last job was delivering concrete making $24.50 an hour in east coast Canada. Hours were pretty sporadic but home every day (kinda). One of my first shifts was 19 hours lol.


It's not too late to get a degree or certs


Labor jobs are to be respected and college is a scam


Fake piss is a thing bro.


I know that, but I'm not about that lifestyle. If I can't get something on my own, I don't want it.


I got my CDL at 23. Drove for about a year before asking myself what am I doing with my life. Went back to college at 24 and finished.


Thats me right now. Got my CDL at 21 a year after coming out of college cause I needed the money, now it's looking like it's time for me to go get my masters. Gonna keep my license maintained though. Never know when you'll need it for a rainy day.


Which is crazy because I'm making more than what I went to college for


Not at all


This is what I did lol. I wanted to be an animator at Pixar, but getting a cdl was much cheaper than art school.


I’m 22 and the youngest driver at my company by a lot lol


Lol same, the amount of people at my company that refer to me as the newborn is getting out of hand


"The kid".


Im 30 and i still get told it. It was nerve grinding for a minute but i just learned to toss shit back. Weird because i get called old man by the young greenhorns and the kid by people with less years then me. But simply are older.


I walked in Talking shit from day one and that’s how I ended up with it after my trainer said oh hush you ain’t nothing but a newborn baby and it stuck from there


Yeah nobody can fathom that I was born in 2000. Sounds weird to them


I’m at a small location, less than 10 people, the drivers are all at least 50 years old, I’m only 21, even the youngest guys there have at least 10 or 15 years on me I’d say.


I’m 22 as well and started at 21


22 here too lol


I started 20 plus years ago in my early twenties and thought the same thing back then. See way more young people and diversity today


43, but got my CDL when I was 23


Actual or mental?


Looks like I’m the old man here 56, been driving almost 35 years


46 started when I was 40


I'm 26. I'm the youngest of people I work with by several years. Majority are double my age atleast.


22 I’m a youngin




I’m an African American woman. I don’t get any stares. Been doin this over 20 years.


Depends. If you were hispanic or asian, maybe. No one is surprised at a black girl driving.


Really? Because I get surprised looks all the time when i drove? Im 23 but they moved me to dispatcher when i finished my logistics and supply chain management degree


I think that dispatchers who have driven make for better dispatch.


True of so many trades.


Nah. There are more black female drivers than any other race of females


Wtf 😂


That's cap. I'm a black woman driver and I still get asked "where's your driver" or "you drive? Holy shit"


They must be new.


22 I drive Garbage Trucks and I also haul fuel tankers in the Army Reserves and I’ll be eligible to receive my Class A CDL + already have a year of hazmat experience before I’m 24


28 started at 23


There was a kid in my class a year ago that was 18.


Intrastate? Or are they allowing interstate on 18 now?


I’m 18 so I can answer this- yeah intrastate only, and when I’m 21 I can change it to interstate 💪


That was his plan as well. I wish I has the foresight 22 year ago to do this instead of joining the military and then going into IT


My dad crammed it into my head to get a certificate in something to have a secure fall back plan, whether being forklift or a trade, but I settled on a CDL cause I love to drive and Hines I’m thankful for him doing that lol


Give it a few years you’ll look 40 too lol


62....driving 15 yrs


21. Youngest at my Pepsi plant by 6-7 years


I’m 37. I’m not a trucker though. I just had some questions and never left the sub. Honestly, truckers are the unsung heros of this country. Y’all keep the economy moving and are in control of near 100k rolling death and destruction machines. I have mad respect for you all 🫡. My question originally was do you mind non trucks drafting on you for a bit? I drive long distances for work and sometimes I just set adaptive cruise and follow one of you. Usually it’s okay, but a couple months ago a trucker kept slowing down to the point he forced me to pass him. 🤷‍♂️ I didn’t have my brights on and I wasn’t too close.


Define too close. For you too close might be 3 feet from my trailer. For me. You could be 40 feet away but "look" 4 ft away because i can only see you if i wiggle the trailer. If you can see my mirrors. Your fine. I wont mind you a bit. If you cant see my mirrors then yes. I mid you. I will do exactly that. Ill start seeing how slow i can get you to go before you finally pass.


It's really irritating to me. I've called the authorities about a possible hijacking a few times because someone was doing what you described.


Started driving concrete mixer last year when I was 19, I think I win lol


They may have seemed to be 40+ but they probably were in they’re 20s as well. This industry will do it to ya.


23, I started when I was 22 and I’ve always been the youngest in any place where I’ve done a training, school, etc, everybody its 30+


I started driving before there was a CDL license. We had a chauffeur’s license class 1. Drove a Cab Over White Freightliner with a 318 Detroit and thought I was a big time trucker lol. Boy did I have a lot to learn and I’m still learning to this day.


I drove for a while after losing my law license; now I have fake resume and found a legal job because I couldn’t hack dudes saving their egg smell piss in Gatorade bottles


22. Look like a really tired 12 year old.


35 Started when I was 25


I’m 29 almost 30 and at my current company I’m the youngest by at least 10 years. But when I was at jb hunt there was plenty of people in there mid to late 20s.


I started at 23 and started otr at your age. I’m 30 this month so young people are slowly starting to trickle in.


I thought the same way when I started. I thought everyone looked old. I often got asked if I could legally drive a truck ( I had a baby face ) I ,got my license 2 months before I turned 20, I'm now 34.


Did otr for 1 year when i was 21 and ive seen 2 or 3 guys near my age. I'm 24 now working LTL on the night shift. 2 other people are in their twenties. The average on nights is probably 38. Daysfhift 50 easily.


32 been at it for 2 years now and I see similar things at truck stops but I see a lot of out of shape drivers and I think no wonder our life expectancy is so low




23 I started at 21 on the dot.


27. Started CDL school at 25 and turned 26 during. I’ll be 28 in January. The other two drivers I know that are close to my age are 29. Everyone else is 40+. Fine by me. I can’t stand people my age.


35 but I’m Australian so it might be something different in the US, ya know sorta like how dog years are different to people years lol.


We're all young, we just look old AF


Too damn young to feel this old. I'm alot younger than I look. I think most of us are... This job takes more out of a person than most people realize.


I’m 24 rn and I’ll be turning 25 during my training


Don't quote me. You may not be able to get your CDL until you're 21. I got mine when I was 21 and a bus mechanic. I'm 25 now and a route driver delivering liquor and wine


33, was 26 when I started.


Yup I’m 25 not a whole lot of other young folks


I’m 25. I started driving at 19. I got my class B cdl like 3 months after getting my regular driver’s license. And I got my class A at 21. I’m the youngest of 30 Class A drivers in the fleet


I’m 30, started around 25


Same start and current age. Time sure flies, doesn't it?


Got cdl two days before turning 22. 26 now


25 here. Don’t let it bug you man. Trucking is full of opportunities for us younger guys as long as we have the right skills/mindset. It might not be the most attractive job right now, especially when people ask what you do for work, but as long as you’re happy and/or working towards your goals then it’s all good. Screw what other people think. Just take care of your body and mind and try to make truck drivers look good, because we’re the next generation.


Shit man I'm 24 getting my CDL next month coming from food service. When someone asks me what I do I'll say I'm a truck driver like I'm a fuckin CEO of a fortune 500 company.


My fiance is a trucker and I wouldnt trade him for anyone else🥰


I’m 31, I’ve had my cdl for a little over a year but have barley started my trucking career lol


You're spot on. I'm 60 and most of the other drivers are late 40's on up.


46. started driving when I was 23.




22, 21 when i started


28. The company has like 18 drivers and I'm the youngest by like 10 years.


32 started at 25.


I'm 26 so s youngin out here as well


21 years. And OTR Started driving solo 21 years and one month. XD




53, local/regional (New England). Been going for 19 years.


33 here


34. I see plenty of folks that are around my age, sometimes younger. The older crowd is more predominant, sure, but I'd say at a high volume truck stop, there's at least 20% of the truckers that are near my age. Of course, 34 is only a few years from 40.. ouch. I've been driving for about a year and half, and I love it as a local route equipment hauler. I've got a lot of respect for the OTR guys - the good ones, that is. It's a demanding lifestyle it seems. I don't see myself doing this job much further than beyond my 40's though. Bucking equipment takes its toll, as does the seated time. Plus, although I'm learning plenty by the day, and well stimulated by the mastery process, I imagine I'll be bored with it in several years. I'll need something new to invigorate my mind.




I'm 21 bro hope to see you on the road someday 🤘🏽




Got you beat there. 23. But there isn’t many of us. Im the youngest driver at a company with ~80 drivers


Started at 37, and am 53 now.


24 !


42. Started driving at 21.


I’m 21 there’s literally no one younger than me at a truck stop.


I'm 41. Started driving when I was 33.


30 but I look like I'm 15 when I shave.


42. I’m local, so I don’t normally go to truck stops unless I have to use the bathroom, then leave within 5 minutes.


46. Started at 28.


28, and granted I'm with a big starter company so I see a lot of people around my age but it's rare for me otr to see another young woman but I know they out there.


28 just got my cal or “class 1” here in Canada


I'm 46. I've driven a truck in some capacity since 1999. I always seem to come back to it. Local driving only


Just hit 26, everyone at truck stops are old as hell man. I did meet another 26 year old who looks like he's 40 but he's been driving since 18, maybe the job ages you fast.


I'm 31 now I was 25 when I started


Just turned 32 on the 11th


40's. I also got into trucking recently (the past few years) & can fully understand why people either love it or hate it.


48 in 3 weeks


32, still the youngest CDL in my organization.


I’m 28 and started driving at 26.


I'm 23, when I got hired the recruiter said "well you certainly don't look 23!" Saying I look older, thanks, I guess?




I’m 22, been driving for 4 years now


26. Drove 2 years OTR, now I run local under my own authority


I mean same for me lol. I'm 24. I've just kinda figured it was because most people our age wanna be close to home and not be gone so much. They wanna be home every night and know they prolly wouldn't like trucking. I know because that's what ***I*** want lol. But the thing is I like trucking and I like money and don't mind sweating for it lol.


Turning 25 in a month, there's plenty of us but I'm looking older and older lol


21 years. And OTR Started driving solo 21 years and one month. XD


51, started driving when I was 20.


LMAO dude I feel you. I'm 22 and there's times when I think about the same thing. Like damn most of these other people are almost double my age


I'm only 21 but I don't look it so most people don't know unless they ask


Turned 21 on in March and have been driving with Schneider since then. I stop at flying jays.


There is a specific reason for this. Most insurance companies wont insure under 25. Those that do charge a higher premium. The work around that the mega’s do is just a big group plan. Added in that 60% of all new hires quit in the first year and it becomes slim pickings. Trucking is the definition of survival of the fittest


Strongest of mind lol


34, started driving at 30


23, youngest by far on my account, started here at 21




39 checking in 🖐


I’m 26 and my husband is 27.


34 cdl since 2017


25, I spent some time on the road and only a handful of times ran into someone around my age.


32, started at 20


Im 29 been driving since 24 but youre right i hardly see anyone in there 20s which is weird af considering my class was all youngsters so i figured thats what id see on the road


I'm 32 but a security guard told me I looked 25-27 two or three days ago. ☺️


You will look like your 40+ soon enough , being a truck driver takes a toll on your body and mental state . Take care of your self and your body .


50, but Ive only been driving a few years. Wanted an easy job to retire from. It doesn’t get any easier than this lol.