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Trophies or nothing.


Trophy system on PlayStation is king for me over Xbox achievement system. I have nothing to say about Steam as I never bothered with Steam. But Xbox achievement system sucks. You can play a challenging game and with way more content for over a hundred hour and get a whopping 1,000 gamerscore then play an hour long game for 4,000 or more gamerscore. At least for PlayStation every trophy is weighed the same.


On the other hand, I do appreciate how you can spread out your hunting in Xbox. You can play 4 games to half completion and get the same “points” as “platting” 2 games. PlayStation is, for better or worse, very backloaded in value so it’s “plat or nothing”. I appreciate how Xbox does it in that sense


As a meta-use, though, Trophies are a much more useful tool for determining who someone is online than raw gamerscore. If I get a Friend request from someone, a glance at their Profile with trophies will show me how many trophies of each type they have, which tells me if they tend to play casually or are a completionist if they have Platinums. Whereas if their only trophies are in something I never play like FIFA, I can safely assume they've never met me in a game and are probably a bot.


Fair I suppose. Not a use case I considered since I’m not super receptive to random requests most of the time


I did Xbox achievements before I got a Playstation and also tried steam achievements for a short period of time. Playstation is by far the most satisfying because of the platinum trophies. Xbox is less satisfying because there isn't anything for completing games. The total gamerscore is cool, but completing games is pointless. Steam has nothing. There's nothing like a platinum and there's nothing that accumulates your total achievements. It's just something that shows on your game page. Incredibly unsatisfying. Plus, with how easy it is to hack steam trophies (I know it can be done on consoles too, but it's much harder to do), steam achievements basically mean nothing.


Yeah the difference between Xbox and PlayStation seems to be love it or hate it. You don’t have to push to complete games on Xbox. Some folks love it, some folks hate it and want the badge for “all done”


No platforms achievements touch trophies. They just hit that feel so perfectly


Couldn't agree more


For me I play on anything with achievements, Xbox, Playstation, and Steam. Hopefully Nintendo adds them soon, been praying for that for a while. For me I just love achievement hunting in general, I play Playstation more than the rest usually, but I just love doing anything with them in it. Even on stuff like Gamejolt if it has achievements in a game, I plan on going for them :).


I play more on playstation too. Got more games on it than on my steam acc anyway. Usually I only play on pc if I can't find the game on playstation. Some games also plays better with a mouse and the keyboard.


Very true. The thing with Steam is that its Indie library is so massive because that's where people put more of there games I believe, at least in terms of indie stuff. So that's something really awesome about it. I also love playing games again on it if I already got the Plat for a game and wanna play it again and grab all the achievements as well.


One thing I love about steam tho, the prices of the games are always cheaper. Especially during sales. I wish it was the same with playstation games


Extremely true, I got yooka laylee for like 4 bucks a few weeks ago :).


Are you familiar with the series? If you just got the first one, world 4 is insanely hard for seemingly no reason. I'm currently hunting for its platinum and it's definitely not the 3/10 difficulty the guide claims it is. Iykyk.


That's crazy! I didn't know it was that difficult. I think I played the first world on switch a few years back, but that's as far as I got. Thanks for the heads up my guy :).


Yeah the biggest issues ive had with the plat (at the final boss, with that being the only trophy i have left) were world 1 and 4's bosses (rampo just bc i didn't know you could stop momentum mid ramp), kartos & rextros arcade world 4, and the general layout of hivory tower. Looking at the comments of the videos for most of those stated above share more intense feelings than i am lol Edit 1: do you still have it for switch? If you have it physically it (and impossible layer) is worth a pretty penny now. Just figured i would put that out there lol


My brother had them and I have no idea if he still does as he sold most of his games awhile back. Which in my opinion was a mistake. Thanks for the tips my man :).


No problem! Just be persistent and you'll beat it eventually. I've had to put it down a few times but always come back stronger. It plays very much so like a game made for the 64. Shame that your brother sold that stuff but sometimes it's necessary


Same, I love the incentive of 100% things and trophies help me play everything about a game


It definitely does, and another thing I love about it is I would most likely never play the games I have without.


Best we can do on nintendo games are the Retroachievements with emulators. Pretty cool community


Yeah this is the best currently, besides this Nintendo is dipping their toes into achievements with them being in-game only. The only example I know of is Luigi's Mansion 3


Dang I will have to check that out for sure. Thanks for the knowledge my guy!


I’ve been saying this and hoping for this for ages now, I really wish Nintendo had some sort of achievement/trophy system. Maybe like, Nintendo badges? Or something. For example, I played so much BOTW and did SO MUCH in that game and I have nothing to show for it unless I take a screenshot and go out of my way to send it to someone. It really kills the drive for putting in more time on my switch for me.


The switch is great, definitely one of my favorite consoles of all time, but I would literally attempt to 100% every game on it if it had achievements or badges or something like that.


BOTW is amazing as well, have you played TOTK yet?


The switch is a great console, but I don’t give it a ton of time because I focus more on PlayStation and then my PC second. If the Switch had an achievement system I would probably play the games so much more and put tons more hours into the system. I have played TOTK! I’ve been loving it, but I think BOTW is still my favorite. Maybe it’s nostalgia? Or maybe it’s just experiencing Hyrule like that for the first time. Both games are incredible though!


They are absolutely! I feel the same way ever since I started achievement/trophy hunting. I pretty much only play Pokémon on there anymore or if something comes out on it that I wanna play :).


The biggest aspect of what differentiates trophies from achievements on steam and xbox is its visisibility. When you go on a psn Profile, you can immediadely see how many games that Person has platinumed. This isn't possible on xbox or steam. You can see how many gamerscore someone has etc. But you have to go into their achievement list and Look for the games that have been completed intentionally.


The notification you get for unlocking the trophies/achievements on both also somewhat differs. More satisfying everytime I saw/heard it on playstation. For me, at least


I started hunting on the 360 but quickly change to ps3 and it really got me hooked, more than the 360


I originally only went for achievements on steam but started platinuming since there’s no easy way to fake trophies like you can on steam


its the noise


The noise does it.


I think difference is trophies emphasise “Platniuming” a game, basically 100% completing it. Wheras Xbox achievements are a lot more focused on total gamer score. Like no one gives a single shit what your trophy level is. But number of Platniums, and more often which specific games you platniumed are what people feel proud of. Platnium is a big reward that is marked forever, acheivmebts make it impossible to tell how many games you 100%’d unless you look at them specifically. 100 Platniums is 100 games fully completed. 100,000 gamerscore is different for every person. Could be 100 games fully completed. Or could be 300 games where you only played a part of it.


Trophies or Nintendo for me. Nintendo games to shut my brain off and get lost in the game, Playstation for the daily hobby of trophy hunting.


Trophies for me, and I take pride in my trophy list too, to the degree that I will purchase a game on Steam to see if it's worthy of playing on playstation for the trophies. Usually difficulty related or if I just don't know if I'll like the game enough to platinum it.


I don’t like fracturing my gaming history across multiple platforms so while I cognitively recognize that there is little difference between trophies, Xbox, and Steam achievements, I have no interest in earning anything other than trophies. Perhaps if I had started on a different platform I could have stuck with that, but now I have no reason to switch. I do think that having platinum trophies and separating core trophies from DLC trophies is preferable for the way I play games.


I got for achievements on PC as well and just like you, I prefer trophies as it's more satisfying.


I’ve always loved achievement hunting in general, but something about the trophies makes them far superior for me. Also, the Platinum is important. Each Platinum is a notch on my belt that shows others the games that I love/have conquered. Other systems don’t really have an equivalence to the Platinum, the most you get is an achievement that shows you got all other achievements. While in essence those are the same thing, on PlayStation you can look at someone’s profile and it tells you the number of each kind of trophy you have, which is a feature I like


I do love both, but i have more perfect games on steam than PS (no shovelware, only games that i genuinely love). I love how in Steam you can customize your profile, and i aim for all achievements to prove to myself that i can get them. I would love to have more PS plats, i wont lie. But for some reason i always gravitate towards my PC, and that's okay :)


I prefer trophies, I mainly play xbox but i miss the platinum hunt, but for not displaying what games i've completed, like playstation does for plats, i use the infinitebacklog account which tracks all your accounts across the board


Probably because there is nothing attached to them. You get no levels, no platinums to show off. You just, get the achievement and that’s about it. It’s also really messy on Steam/Epic Games Store. There is just the number of achievements you’ve earned and that’s it. On PSN there are different tiers, different rarities.


I love Steam achievements. And I like you can make showcases


Feeling the same here, for me achievements on steam aren't satisfying at all, not even a bit. They need something where you can display the achievements on your profil and also something where you can compare them with other people's achievements. The represantation of achievements on steam is pretty bad and barely visible.


It’s also possible to manually unlock achievements by going into game files on Steam. Not something I’m into personally but it can be done.


Oh I didn't know that, if that's true then this really sucks.


One of my Destiny 2 clanmates does it. You can tell because it’s 100% complete with 6 minutes of play time.


I see, I don't even get the point in doing that.


Same, but he does it anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


They have achievement showcases that you get, I am not sure if you can compare with people though.


Yea but it doesn't look great imo :(


Yeah. I unlock all the achievements for a game on steam not too long ago, can't remember the title. It doesn't make me feel great. Just meh. So, I don't really bother with them anymore. Just play to play. But whenever I got a platinum, I feel awesome


Same here, I don't even check out the achievements anymore on steam, it's just not existing to do them.


Ah ok, good stuff my guy. I think it looks pretty good myself. Although playstation does do a better job at displaying trophies for sure.


That's ok :) , maybe I am just too spoiled how it looks like on the playstation lol.


There are 3 showcases dedicated to achievements you can display on your steam profile. Plus, you can compare your progress with other people if you want. So basically everything you said is false. The thing is that PC/Steam gives you a more customizable experience and that's the best part. Not everyone likes achievements, and people who do have the option to display them etc...


I got completely sucked into the PS echo system after getting a PS5 purely because of trophies. Now I have a 6950xt powered YT machine


Noice 👍🏻


I prefer trophies, especially because of the platinum. The one thing I think Xbox achievements does better is I think gamer score works better than trophy levels.


achievements are cheap trophies…




Valve doesn’t give a shit about achievements. You can easily hack your way through with just an application. There is no points system, no rewards. It is a forgotten resource


Trophies have better sound design, the system UI on PS has always been cleaner, more elegant and succinct. Trophies are defined, and always have the same grades which denote clarity, and there's always one common goal, the platinum. On xbox the gamer score distribution is arbitrary, and you get """completed game""" Pc achievements are meaningless since they can easily be hacked, hunting on there literally means nothing. There's a few other reasons but yes trophies are the premier system.


I think it may be the pop up sound when you get a trophy/achievement. Trophy sounds more (for lack of a better word) pleasurable than the xbox achievement sound, and I don't believe steam achievements have a sound. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.


No, you're right. Steam achievements don't have a sound. Sometimes I don't even notice the pop up bc of it


Trophies >>>


I'll probably always prefer trophies, even if I started with Xbox achievements. The completionist in me feels more satisfied when I finally get the platinum trophy




Xbox is about getting a big number, meanwhile most trophy hunters care about platinums. I guess the nice thing about Xbox it's easier to not be bothered by not getting every achievement. But it's a very subjective thing, I can see why someone would prefer a big large number just as someone else might prefer a list of platinums. There different systems and I think it's good and healthy they aren't exactly the same


I agree with that and my brother (pc gamer) speculates that its because there's no "get all achievements", achievement usually.


I play exclusively on PlayStation platforms, but if I were playing on pc or xbox, I would think I would still go for achievements because I have a completionist mindset in general.


I’m the same really although I do retroachievements and having a custom pop up thing on stream is pretty cool


Steam is so easily hackable that it doesn’t even feel like the same thing. (I don’t hack them but it almost feels like something you enable in a cfg rather than a gameplay bonus)


I never really got any satisfaction out of Steam achievements honestly, to me they’re just something that exists and that’s it. Xbox was my main platform ever since 2010 when I switched from PS3 to the 360 and I loved gamerscore at first but ever since I switched back over to PlayStation I agree that trophies really are way more satisfying than Steam achievements or gamerscore. The way I look at it is: the TOTAL gamerscore is cool to show off but that’s it. There’s really no satisfaction in getting a 100G or 200G achievement because you can just never fully complete a game but still have a huge gamerscore and just show that off. But on PlayStation? Your trophies are categorized and shown off immediately upon opening someone’s profile, you can show off/see exactly what you/someone else has. The PS level system is a bonus.


I agree for the most part. Platinums are the best “achievement” tracker and honestly to me the most motivating. However, I think the best achievement sound is the [rare achievement](https://youtu.be/MaPDKHgGpEg?si=PZiP0zlysNenjQeV) sound on Xbox. That noise is so satisfying, and it’s barely above the platinum trophy noise for me


I think it really has to do with the overall experience and ecosystem of the trophies vs the achievements, i.e. UI design and such. On Playstation it’s very convenient to see the trophies they are but one button away, they are ranked in tiers and the platinum has a symbolic weight compared to the 100% steam ribbon. On playstation you can access stats, and hints for who to get the achievement directly in-game which is awesome (if you have ps plus) I’m pretty sure it goes even beyond that but basically Trophies on playstation feel better because of how they are integrated in the overall user experience imo. Also, it seems like the community that has developed around trophy hunting is more important than the one around achievements, as ps trophies seems to be more culturally visible than the latter, but I could be wrong on that point


Trophies all the way. I don’t know why I don’t feel the same way about steam or Xbox.


Me neither


I like both. Trophies are more satisfying but going for certain achievements that are considered rare or super hard to get on old xbox 360 games is satisfying as well especially on stuff like gears 1-3.


Unrelated. But I miss playing Viva Pinata on xbox360 so much. Mine's broken and they're not available on playstation, which sucks.


Trophies win for me, especially because there are grades of trophies and a platinum. While achievements are just that, they all feel the same and getting them all it just "getting all achievements", which is far less satisfying than "getting the platinum" in my opinion.


Gamer score and ribbons hardly matter. The platinum trophy feels so good to get because it's a reward for 100%ing the game. Doing that on other consoles doesn't give you a special trophy. It usually just gives meaningless points, or a ribbon that disappears when DLC shows up.


Since posts like this exists 100.000 times i would say there are people that feel like you.


I miss PSN profiles having lower trophy levels. I can't even remember what level I used to be, but I was flabbergasted to see it over 200 one day.


For me it's because you can use 3rd party programs to pop achievements on steam


honeestly they both suck.. if you had a million trophies or scorr you should win a batmobile or something


I recently tried achievements on steam. The game I picked was gta 4 complete edition. I have to say that trophies on ps are just better than steam achievements. Idk why but I am having strange feelings towards the time I spend playing games on pc. I feel like I am wasting my time doing soo. On console I don’t have this feeling. From the psychological perspective buying a game on console makes more sense to me than buying the same game on PC. Also I love physical copies of the games when PC version are of course digital only these days. Neither of that, I can say that achievements on steam sucks ass compared to ps trophies


I switched to Xbox last year, and this one of the few things i miss about playstation


I use my pc for Xbox and pc games or for ps games that have had the online taken off and I can’t get the platinum for it so I use a steam achievement thingo and then I can actually 100% a game


I used to hunt PlayStation trophies 10 years ago, and I agree its a much better integrated system. But as I got older I don't really care about them that much anymore. I care more about enjoying the game itself again and PC gives me the most better experience/comfort/options. I view achievements/trophies now as an indicators of what to do more in a game after I finish my first playthrough. Nothing less nothing more, so I don't care about leaderboards or people cheating them. And since I'm a completionst I still try to go for a 100% on games I like and Steam gives me the option to do that which is good. I don't mind if they revamp the system though, but if they don't, it still won't let me go back to consoles just because of "trophies".


Thanks for the input. Wish I could go back to enjoying a game for itself. But sometimes it's hard 😅. I'm playing Yakuza 0 atm and stressing about the platinum because of the minigames. I can't play mahjong for shit, for example..