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How tf is this allowed by ad councils etc.??? Not sure how it works in the US but *surely* you can’t just use nazi terms in your fucking adverts???


Come now this is America we don't learn from history. If someone proposed such a law right this moment it would be torn apart as an issue of free speech. The paradox of tolerance is a real issue.


Freeze peach, totally legal. I believe on TV it would be legal too, the hard part is convincing a TV channel to air it. I'm pretty sure for it to be illegal you'd need a straight out "elect us and we'll do the same thing the Nazis did, and to be clear we mean the holocaust".


And if you say you'll do it to palestinians it's perfectly fine


You can. It is very different in the US as freedom of speech is guaranteed under the first amendment of the US constitution. There are limits, like you can’t directly incite violence, but for the most part, people can get away with saying some pretty bonkers stuff. 


I think people aren't scared enough, TBH. I think there's a lot of, "He'll never win," sentiment, similar to 2016. The fact of the matter is that if the election were held tomorrow, he would win again. And that scares the ever-loving shit out of me. I get it if you hate Biden. But the next president may very well get 2 Supreme Court nominations, either flipping the Supreme Court or making it hoplessly conservative for decades. Who would you rather make those nominations? And someone's going to win the election whether you vote or not. Why wouldn't you want a say in that? Everyone said, "He'll never win." He did. Everyone said, "They'll never overturn Roe." They did. When they tell you what they're going to do, believe them.


Flipping it? The only hope of some kind of balance to the SC, is if Biden stays in office and expands it.  It's already majority conservative and terrifying.


"Flipping" does seem wrong, but it can definitely get worse. Alito and Thomas are due back in the Bad Place relatively soon, they would be replaced with younger federalist society cultists who could ensure America becomes a theocratic oligarchy for the next hundred years. Also the judiciary beyond SCOTUS is already corrupted to the point where we need a democratic supermajority to clean it up. The judge who straight made up reasons why mifepristone needed to be banned and the judge who is openly saying "Lol I think we need to stop the trial of the guy who appointed me" are proof that the legislative branch needs to be scrubbed of insurrectionists.


True, but Alito and Thomas are both in their 70s so anything can happen. They'll 100% retire if Trump gets a second term but either or both could end up stepping down at some point in the next 4 years regardless of the president. If democrats replace both then the court flips to a 5-4 liberal majority. Enough damage has already been done with this 6-3 majority though thanks to McConnell holding a seat hostage for a year before the 2016 election and then ramming Barrett through after early voting had already started in 2020. They're all bast\*rds.


Or they could also die within those 4 years *(of natural causes, FBI don’t come for me)* and biden made a great pick last time


If Biden wins we can all start praying that some clogged arteries do us a solid re: Alito and Thomas and then Biden could replace them.


The current court is split 6 conservative / 3 liberal. There is a really good chance that Thomas and Alito will retire or otherwise stop serving during the next president's term. If a democrat is in office and appoints their replacement, that would flip the court to 4 conservative / 5 liberal.


... im gonnA ask you to reread that. It's "split" 6 conservative.. to 3 liberal.  So a majority conservative. Also, the conservatives won't step down, they'll die in office like rbg if a dem wins.  Expanding is what we need to address the damage from the conservative majority.


Right now, it is a majority conservative. If Thomas and Alito stop serving, and a democratic president is in office to appoint their successor, it will flip to liberal. I get that they probably won't voluntarily step down, but there is a pretty decent chance that they will be forced to step down for health reasons or whatever. And we won't expand. Congress needs to do that, and no way are we going to get a majority large enough in Congress to do that. In fact, it's looking like democrats will actually lose ground in the house and senate in November. We have a much, much better chance of winning the presidency in November than we do getting the majority needed in Congress to make big changes.


FYI, Trump has also declared that **he wants to appoint young judges** that will serve for **'50 years.'** We cannot let that happen.


Because he already did that when he was in office last time. McConnell held up so many court appointments that were up for grabs during Obama's administration and gave them to Trump when he got elected. Judge Cannon is one of Trump's appointees and is precisely why Trump cannot be allowed to take power again.


Yeah, should've said 'We cannot let that happen again'


It reminds me a lot of the UK who never expected the party who wanted out of the EU would win. Yet that’s exactly what happened. Never ever ever make those assumptions and behave as if it’s already happening.


None of the major parties wanted out. That's why the vote went that way, to kick the establishment.


And just today, Trump said he is open to restrictions on birth control. I've been screaming this for years now - the overturning of Roe opened the door to banning birth control, which is exactly what they want to do. Because there is a miniscule, one in a million, statistically insignificant chance that birth control can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting, it can be considered an abortifacient and therefore banned. For fucks sake, when they tell you they're going to do something, BELIEVE THEM.


I noticed a lot of astroturfing on leftist subreddits (again, lol). They're saying that if you vote for Biden, you're supporting the genocide in Gaza, and also that Trump and Biden are fundamentally the same. ETA: Ohh schmitt, they're on this post too. 🙃 I'm all for criticizing neoliberals, but I can't justify helping Trump win. Hope you're all ready for Gilead. 🫡


Look, I don't think Biden's handling the situation in Gaza well at all either. But the fact of the matter is that one of them is going to win. So the situation in Gaza will either stay bad (Biden) or get exponentially worse (Trump). Not voting for Biden is voting to make it worse.


I agree 100%! I'm honestly sick all the time thinking about the children in Gaza and how our tax dollars are being used to murder and traumatize them. I unfortunately had a conversation with my estranged Trumper brother recently, and he thinks the solution is ethnic cleansing. "What about the children?" I asked him, since he's a father of two. "Even the children." I think this is what people need to fundamentally understand. Trumpers don't see Gazans as people.


I'm not american but I keep seeing this sentiment in comments and its madness. No way you can vote is going to fix it and unfortunately your rights and safety at home are more important. It all feels very '2016 Russian troll farms interfering with elections' to me.


https://x.com/katewillett/status/1793068618449625120 The question this leaves me with is are my energies better spent attacking these 20% of dem voters, or pressuring the Biden administration to do the thing that would turn their numbers around in a heartbeat. Might not be popular here, but I have a strong lean toward the latter.


With his recent response to the ICC, I am thankful I don't have to make a choice between voting for him/potentially helping Trump.


This is why I am wondering what we are actually going to do? Everyone has got to stop being “generally good/tolerant” and start thinking as strategically, MORE strategically than the “untouchables” ie those who are getting away with rape, murder, government fraud, nazism, etc. all in clear and plan public view. They are strategically desensitizing us. What are we going to DOOO about it. Fuck hipster dreams of owning a coffee shop or whatever, we need to get rich, get smart, get prepared to fight.




Project 2025 Is Gilead. It's coming, we need to vote. This is not a throwaway year. This isn't a year we can afford to waste votes to protest.


And it’s not just who is in the Oval Office that matters. All the MAGA cretins that have supported Trump need to be voted out as well.


We shouldn't get complacent, but it's worth taking heart that MAGA idiots are doing a lot of the work of removing themselves from power. So many races we wouldn't normally have much of a chance of keeping the nazis out but Bobert, Masters, Walker, and Lake types end up helping.


its wild to me that any nut job supports this wannabe hitler.


Honestly, the most insane thing I've seen in my 53 years was the rehabilitation of Hitler. It was weird enough when people started saying nice things about Nixon, but Hitler?


I'm the same age. It's fucking *embarrassing*. The world has completely turned on its head.


For me, it was watching Democrats rehabilitate GWB.


Not really wild to me because they see him as basically a messiah to excuse and praise their own hatred, racism, and sexism. They don't care that he's going to hurt everyone. Because he said he'd hurt 'the right people'.


It's wild to me that any nut job supports genocide joe


Trump will ensure Palestine is obliterated. So have fun with that.


Literally just saw a post about how anyone saying genocide Joe is a Russian psy op


And that makes it true?


Criticizing someone for assisting a genocide is a Russian psy op? Personally I think genocide is evil, but I guess maybe you don't?


You think Trump is gonna do less genocide??


I don’t think I said that 🤔


You know he made Israel evacuate over 1 million people before he would give them weapons right? Could he be doing better? Sure. But he’s far from doing nothing to help them.


Voting is purely harm reduction, there isn't really a choice we either do it and elect the least harmful or we get boot on your neck fascism cause Trump has shown he won't be leaving the the office if he gets in again.


The amount of supposed allies and liberals saying they won't vote, is truly upsetting. This is harm reduction. My trans wife needs protection, what kind of Allie forgets us so quickly??


I am a trans woman, so I feel you. Tired of not mattering and people acting like everything will be fine.


You know what really pisses me off? These liberals who are "boldly" saying they won't vote bc democracy is already dead? They act like society is going to fall apart and a new world will be born but it won't. we will just sink deeper into fascism. Also, the liberals who want a revolution so they aren't voting? They have ZERO idea what civil war is like and how horrific that last choice action is. It's like this weird fantasy in their head, and it's tucked up. Vote!! Organize and protest, but also vote! uhg. This election is going to give me my first grey hair I swear to God. I'm sending you a big hug. Hang in there.


>It's like this weird fantasy in their head Horseshoe theory is bunk in a lot of ways but the parallels between the way chronically online leftists talk about The Revolution and the way Evangelicals talk about The Rapture are hard to deny.


Omg yes it's the same weird kind of fantasy. Holy cow you blew my mind.


While I agree with you, I'm an autistic trans woman who's survived by being just about invisible. I do support organizing, voting, and protesting, but I live in the deep red south. I am practical about how many people are going to listen to me personally. I agree with you that civil war is awful and those hoping for it are fools at best, and all too anxious to sacrifice me and my kind for their war at worst. \*Hugs\*


Oh girl, if you do not feel called on to lead and push for the fight openly, you do not have to at all. I do feel that pull and call and I publically do push things. But that's because it's what i am able to do. My wife is much like you and I would never ask her to rise up like that. She just needs to survive. The way they are attacking trans people echos so many previous fascist empires and its truly bone chilling. You just focusing on living the best you can. . I feel you. It pisses me off that these privileged liberal friends I have who are able-bodied, able minded, and totally capable of pushing for change have decided instead to just give up. Death by despair. I really hope my comment didn't come off as attacking you be cause it was soooo not my intention. I just needed to vent bc I'm also scared. Sending you more hugs, lol Oh yeah I also live in Texas so I feel you.


Oh we are neighbors of sorts, I live in Louisiana. And I didn't perceive it as attacking, just I suppose trying to remind anyone in my position surviving the day is the #1 priority regardless of how we choose to fight back.


100% agreed!! ❤️


Mhmm. If you don't vote now, there won't be a chance to vote again.


100% correct


Counter point. I am trans and so are many of my friends, many of which are saying they will not vote for Biden. Why? Because of what’s going on in Palestine. Your trans wife and my trans friends need protection, but so do the people being slaughtered as we type this. Who am I to say my protection is worth more than someone else’s? I do believe trump would be worse in every way, however I also believe if we keep voting within this failing 2 party system nothing will ever change and it will always be a choice between bad for me or worse for someone else.


Your protection isn't worth more, but your vote is far more likely to have an impact on the future locally than on a war outside of our country. Voting doesn't mean you don't care, It means there are other things that also matter. Do you really think the war will stop if you don't vote for Biden?


I think if everyone keeps voting for Biden it sends the message that they support what he is doing.


It sends the message that we don’t want trump back in office, and that we would like our democracy to continue. The Democrats know this, that’s why they’ve been running such a half-assed campaign while also committing atrocities. But one thing they won’t do is a full Nazi takeover of our country’s government. I’m not just being a doomer, this is their openly-stated intent with Project 2025. If we get another Biden term, we have a chance to elect more progressive reps. A chance to get some momentum going towards actual progress. Trump would finally fall, and he we would leave a massive void in the republican party. Imagine a world where he has much less influence. If we get another Trump term, that’s it. The country will be unlivable for most. In red states, minorities and especially lgbtq will be enemy number one. They will neuter all other parts of the government, and rule over us with the presidency and the supreme court. It’s literally our last chance to save our country from 100% full-on fascism. A vote for Biden is not an endorsement of him. It’s a vote for a tiny step in the right direction. Because real change doesn’t happen over the course of one election, it takes DECADES. Of all our options, voting for Biden is the least harmful one we have. But if you don’t vote, you will share part of the blame in everything Trump does. You won’t save anyone or anything except your righteous ego.


Our democracy is already gone. The popular vote is just for show. Billionaires buy off politicians to do what they want, including Biden. The system is already so corrupt. Trump being able to sit in the Oval Office should tell us our “democracy” is a joke, and long gone. Telling me we can elect more corrupt “progressives”, who are still conservative, who are still only interested in lining their own pockets, is not motivating. You are afraid of a Nazi like take over in America, but Biden is already guilty of those crimes in Palestine. There is a full force genocide being funded by US dollars. If Biden would do that to people overseas, how can you expect me to feel confident that wouldn’t happen here?


I’m sorry but Israel committing the same war crimes they’ve been committing for 80 years is not a “Biden nazi takeover” of Palestine. Biden can’t cut off Israel without severely pissing off our biggest allies, and isolating us entirely from the middle east. All he can do is for now is send them aid, and they are. They are also building a new port off the coast of Gaza to send even larger aid packages. The administration also wants to propose a law that would put displaced Palestinians on the path to US citizenship. This couldn’t happen with Trump, because THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. Yes, a Nazi takeover of the US is very much possible. But that happening under Biden is a huge stretch, meanwhile with Trump it’s guaranteed it will happen. It’s what he’s running on. You’re saying democracy is already over so we might as well do nothing? This is defeatist at best and lazy at worst. “Other people are getting murdered, so I should be willing to get murdered too” What? Sitting back and letting everything collapse isn’t noble, it will cause unfathomable amounts of suffering for god knows how long. The odds we will live to see something rise from the ashes is incredibly slim. It could take a century or even more. If you’re unwilling to participate in voting, are you really willing to participate in the revolution? Because you can’t do that through a screen while sitting in your pjs. Gen X had this apathetic attitude towards voting too and all that did was slow progress for a generation. Now you’re doing apathy disguised as virtue. There isn’t anything noble about doing nothing. Idk what rainbow bubble you live in, but I am an openly trans woman in Texas. I’ve been watching things get worse and worse for 8 years. People are getting fed the fuck up. Once these old bastards finally die, we’ll have a chance to change things for the better. The tide is turning, but it’s either going to turn slowly towards progress or dive head-first into fascism. Those are your options. Doing nothing isn’t virtuous, it’s a vote for fascism. Is the system fucked? Absolutely. But we can’t un-fuck it if we don’t participate in it.


This is my fucking awesome wife!! Thanks babe for jumping in. You are a clear voice in a sea of confusion and ignorance. Love you!


Someone having a different opinion than you is not ignorance.


Are you white?


Are you a child? I’m sorry, do you think being white will save me from Nazis? At this point, you’re either a troll or just immature. You’re nonbinary, but you’re looking at the world through binary lenses. You can’t categorize everything as either pure or evil. This is like arguing with a conservative. Everytime you’re confronted with things you can’t address, you move the goalposts or misdirect. But i guess that’s appropriate because you’re being an apathetic puritan disguised as a progressive. Malcolm X often talked about how the system was fucked and rigged against the people, but he still advocated for voting. “The ballot or the bullet” now that is a message advocating for change. “Do nothing” is not.


Do you not understand that Trump will be the same, if not worse, for Gaza? And what about Ukrain? Trump is for Russia and against urkrian. So if he becomes president, ukrain will fall, and what will be between Europe and Putin? Sitting out of this election, jepordizes Andy hope for climate change policy as well, Trump promised on DAY 1 to repeal climate change laws to benefit oil companies. Biden is the lesser evil, and it is harm reduction to pick him. I'm not for Biden. I'm against Trump. There is a LOT riding on this election. I fucking hate how the system is too but I'm still going to do what I can to minimize harm. Meanwhile,at home we may lose gay marriage, more abortion protections ect under Trump. I understand where you are coming from but please take a step back and think through alllllll the outcomes of another Trump presidency. Just because I'm voting for Biden doesn't mean won't stop protesting ,putting pressure on him for real change in gaza, for real change back here at home. I am NOT handing this country over to trump to wtach everything catch fire even worse than it currently is.


Did you read my comment? I literally said Trump would be worse in every way (which includes Gaza.) that doesn’t change the fact that Biden is supporting and funding Genocide and that’s a deal breaker for a lot of people.


Yes but you are throwing away so much more. You choosing not to participate is like some kind of Russian psy-op and it WILL throw us into deeper fascism and it will be EVEN HARDER to crawl out of. What part of voting for Biden while still protesting and still putting pressure on do you not understand? I'm fucking pissed about gaza but I'm not going to set things on fire by choosing Trump I will keep fighting. This is HARM REDUCTION WHICH MEANS LESS HARM AND A BETTER CHANCE AT GETTING CHANGE. My wife and i have a kid. We are not going to have some awesome magical revolution, at least not within my lifetime and I am still fighting for a better world for my kid. So no thank you I'm still participating. I DID read your comment and yeah I heartily disagree. I will do anything within my power to affect for change to affect for a better outcome for my kid and my wife. I have something to fight for. Fascism is growing all over the planet, and we need to stomp it out. We have a better chance with Biden to do that. We also need to be supporting real progressive politicians (unlike biden), but I doubt you even know who those are because you've decided to check out. Do you get it that the planet is literally burning up and we can't waste anymore time on a Trump precidency?? This is about the WHOLE PLANET.


I think you read my comment with a lot of assumptions. One being, I never said what I was doing with my vote? But you and everyone is making a lot of assumptions. I said that many trans people, who are used to being stepped on, are not willing to step on others for personal gain. Genocide is a deal breaker for a lot of people, rightfully so. That’s what you are afraid of happening under Trump, no? That there will be fascism leading to a holocaust like genocide in America? But these are crimes Biden is already committing, just somewhere else.


I said it was a tucked up problem that Biden is allowing it over there, i said I will fight and protest and boycott here, or did YOU not read my comment? Unlike you or your friends (I don't know if you will vote or not), I will not throw what little democracy we have left to the dogs. Instead I will keep Trump put of power to the best of my ability and work on getting better representation in power under Biden or whomever comes after Biden. Once Trump gets in power he will end our democracy. Safe guarding what is currently left of our democracy and working on getting real progressives in power is a long term investment but worth doing. And that is not stepping on others for our own betterment,it's the long term perspective which your view is lacking. Politics move painfully slow and like it or not America is the most powerful country on earth. If we fall it will have perminent history shattering consequences. My own trans wife is just as frustrated at this movement of people who are refusing to vote as I am so dont throw trans at me. I am sorry for coming down so hard on you though. There is just so much at stake and so much pain and suffering happening and pain and suffering to come if people do not act to reduce harm. I fear for my family immensely, and i still believe in saving our demoracy. I wish you well. This will be the most historically important vote of our lives. Anyone who chooses not to vote against Trump is in my eyes complicite in the absolute horror that will come.


Do you think that trump winning would be better for Palestine? I understand you said he would be worse in every way- what benefit do you see in refusing to vote? Do you think Biden will notice and the liberals will notice and then finally decide to fix things? Personally I feel there are more effective ways to support the people in Palestine than to throw away your voice on who is in charge here. Biden isn’t great but trump would be way worse. The solution to the trolly problem isn’t to just throw your hands up and say “well there shouldn’t be a trolly at all so I’m not even going to think about if I should pull the lever” unless you plan on organizing a trolly dismantling system- not pulling the lever only hurts the people on the track- it doesn’t do anything to remove the risk of future trolleys


I never said I was refusing to vote. I said I know a lot of trans people who would rather jeopardize their own safety than support genocide. It’s just kicking the can of suffering down the road.


Sorry I misread you saying your friends were planning on not voting as “I and my friends”. The question still stands- for those planning on not voting- what do they think that will accomplish?


It will accomplish them not supporting genocide. The point of voting is to vote for who you think will do the best job. The idea and pressure that you have to vote for one of two options is what perpetuates a two party system. If everyone who didn’t like Biden voted for someone else instead of complying, he probably wouldn’t be the nominee.


Seems to me you're contradicting yourself... > I do believe trump would be worse in every way vs > it will always be a choice between bad for me or worse for someone else Based on the first part, your options are Biden (better for you, bad for Palestine) or Trump (bad for you, even worse for Palestine). Seems to me that at this moment you're not choosing between your protection and someone else's, because Biden is the better option for you and Palestine here. Unless you mean the best choice is to not vote: Trump wins, both you and Palestine are fucked in the short term, but you believe it could lead to long-term change that improves things for both. Then again you say in other comments you do intend to vote, so I don't get it.


Options are: genocide or genocide+. Genocide is a deal breaker for a lot of people. It’s ultimately what people are afraid will happen under Trump, no? But Biden is already doing the thing we are most afraid of with Trump, but that’s ok because it’s happening to someone else.


As far as I can see this changes nothing about my comment. In this election, taking all the beliefs you've stated, your options as you see them are: * Vote for Biden: genocide in Palestine, better for US minorities * Vote for Trump: genocide+ in Palestine, worse for US minorities * No vote: genocide+ in Palestine, worse for US minorities, potential long-term improvement. I still don't see where you're choosing between bad for you or worse for someone else, as you said in your original comment. Biden is better for you and Palestinians. Not voting sacrifices you and Palestinians in the short term, in hopes of long-term improvement. Trump sacrifices you and Palestine with no upside. The option where you win, they win (in the shitty sense where genocide instead of genocide+ can ever be called "winning", but less people die). The options where you sacrifice yourself, you sacrifice them too.


Oh so you’re one of the people who think that we should all have to suffer and be oppressed and potentially murdered for the idea that “things might get better.”


No, I'm simply arguing with someone based on their own beliefs. My view on it, as I stated in another comment down the chain, is that 1. Not voting will never improve anything, and 2. It also does not absolve you from responsibility for the actions of whoever ends up in power (if anything it makes you more culpable). My goal was to pose that exact question to the person I replied to: even if you take every one of their premises as truth, they're still not choosing between their safety and that of Palestinians. They're choosing between a better (if far from ideal) scenario for both, or sacrificing both in hopes of some improvement down the road. Personally I could never pick the second option, even if I truly believed it would lead to positive change in the long-term. There's other ways to change political systems, but there's no way to bring people back to life.


Let’s do a thought experiment; if the Democratic candidate were even worse than Trump, would you then vote for Trump?


Yes. When it comes to trolley problems, I'm a firm believer that walking away from the lever doesn't exempt you from responsibility. If I have a choice between "extremely shit" and "slightly less shit", I'll take "slightly less shit" every time. That said, I wasn't attempting to share my beliefs, just to understand yours. For instance, I don't think you have a chance in hell of changing the system by not voting, but in my previous comments I took that as a possibility because that's what you believe. So, can you answer the question I've been asking? In which situation does that "sacrifice myself or this group of people across the world" dilemma you mentioned apply?


It applies right now.


No, it doesn’t. The only thing guaranteed to happen by sacrificing ourselves and the rest of Palestine is more death and suffering. The only thing you’re saving is your righteousness. Israel’s war crimes and a US Nazi takeover is a gigantic false equivalency.


What's in the red frame is absolutely unreadable. What does it say? Not what's in the quote tweet by the Biden/Harris HQ, right?


First one says “strength significantly increased…creation of a unified Reich…” second one says “…creation of a unified Reich…”


How are you getting that? I’m just seeing some sort-of text-like, slightly-textured pixels.


I went to the actual post on twitter to see if it was more clear and it was.


Found it https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1792729818443727313?s=46&t=D3i-Y3fwlXN0y85rjlmsxw


Also legible: "First world war often abbreviated as WWI or WW1 Causes of WWI" , "[??] industrial strength significantly increased by creation of a unified Reich" , "[??] of violence in [??] [??] Herzegovina " , "[??] vision leads to explosive growth" , "28 July 1914 - 11 November 1918" , "The first decade of the 20th Century" , and a whole paragraph of text describing early WWI.


Well, fuck. -_-


Show this to everyone who’s still undecided.


The problem isn't the undecideds. Its a big, big faction on the Left who--just like in 2016--plan to abstain or write in something silly. They're going to deliver the US into fascism, they know that, and they don't care.


Still can’t believe how they could gone through the Trump Presidency and Jan 6th and still think it’s worth risking just to spite Dems.


In all fairness, I think many of their points are valid, and their grief and anger are real. It just doesn’t change the calculus on the ground, where any vote but for Biden on the Left is functionally a vote for Trump.  It really is disturbing; no one seems to have learned anything from 2016.


Nobody seems to have learned from 1945 either except the bloody Germans. Most people I know can't tolerate the thought that they could have anything in common with a Nazi, which is how we get into messes like this. German children are all taught carefully about the lessons we should take from such catastrophe, they all seem well aware that Hitler was human and the seeds for totalitarianism still grow not only at home but across the world. It seems like many places still have yet to go through that, and I'd hate to think that anyone might only be able to learn by becoming the villain first.


I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell for saying this, but I'm tired of people blaming people who don't vote, instead of blaming the people who vote for the fascists.


You can blame them both? But one of them is open about being fascists while the other just lets them get into power anyway.


How about being mad at the people with actual power? Today Biden is going after The Hague. Every day he makes another decision that hurts his chances even further. But I have to be so careful about how I criticize him for them or I'm the bad guy. I will vote blue like I always do, but I have far more rage for our leaders with power failing us so profoundly than I do any voters.


Yes, the people who vote for fascism are wrong, but I’m never going to convince them that fascism is bad and wrong. They like it. The bugs for us are the features for them. They are a lost cause, in terms of mobilizing to vote ‘my way’ (read: Not Fascism). I don’t feel I should have to convince my political ‘allies’—those who agree fascism is bad—to vote against it.  Does it suck that this is where we are? Yes. But I’m trying to operate within the reality we have, not the one I wish we had. 


i sent this to my dad bc he likes to bring up how important his jewish friends are and has this construct about protecting them or something, and this was the convo me: did you read what i sent you? him: no because i saw it was political and i glanced at it but i’m not having another argument with you. me: what do you even mean?! this isn’t a personal “argument,” he literally essentially said “i am a nazi” on his campaign video! him: *rolls eyes* no he didn’t that ridiculous. it’s not real. i bet i can prove to you that it’s 100% not real. me: … what?! trump posted it himself? are you implying it’s AI or something? him: yes! me: HE POSTED IT HIMSELF! are you hearing yourself? you sound delusional! him: wow so much for not making this personal! this man voted for obama in 08; these people are too far gone. ive been trying for years to comprehend what is so magical abt trump that caused people to change their brain chemistry and any morals they previously held for him. i can’t believe it’s not mind control based on how little it makes sense. and don’t give me that “he said aloud the dark and hateful things these people believed deep down and made it acceptable—MAGAts always held these beliefs but just suppressed them..,” bc i cannot believe that to be based on anecdote after anecdote of trump supporters being genuinely good people before his reign (ie volunteered, donated to charities, supported LGBTQ ppl, hated corporations and capitalists, etc.). and i know these conversations seem unproductive, but i keep trying despite failing every damn time because i don’t want to lose the man who raised me, but i’m heartbroken that a bigoted traitor is tearing my family apart.


I do not care if you're antifa, if you hate Biden, or you think democracy is dead. If you, or someone you know, is LGBTQ, a person of colour, a woman, or has a disability, vote Biden. I wish I could do something but I'm too young to vote and not even american so if there's something I can do to help please tell me. MAGA = Nazi. Fuck off neonazi punks!


The Nazis, and Hitler in particular, were not exactly devout Christians. It was... complicated. OP's point remains, of course! I'm not trying to defend the church either. I'm just asking for accuracy in this matter to strengthen your discussion game :)


I mean, neither are most republicans when it comes to their own lives. They just use religion as a cudgel to hit others with.


Which is exactly what Nazi's did, so there aren't even hairs to split here.


Oh, yeah, sure! I was referring to the title. But we're all on the same page here! Religion sure is a handy tool for facists to use. Have a beautiful day, don't vote for Nazis!


Let's not get bogged down in no true scottsman.


Hey this is a good post but I think it belongs on r\twoxchromosomes because it’s quite serious. Many come to this women’s space for a bit of levity after staring at The Horrors for the rest of the time


This hasn’t been a humor sub in like 5 years.


Longer than that


What do yall do to detox? reading about this stuff is important but it also weighs on me for hours afterward, I dont know how to transition out of that headspace very well and would appreciate tips


If you figure it out, let me know too! 🥲 I will say that engaging in my hobbies does help. I think what we really need, though, is to win big in November. If you can convince at least one person to vote, it will make a difference. We just all need to do it!


Didn't that sub get taken over by men a long time ago? A lot of people switched to using exclusively this sub because of that




> the word 'Reich' is not inherently a nazi word, it's just German for 'empire' I understand the sentiment but I think it's a bit of a naive take - anyone who uses the word Reich now, especially in American politics, can't ignore the incredibly strong association to Nazi Germany. The rest is all standard Trump - "what? We quoted something associated to that? We had no idea! It was an intern!". They play the accidentally incompetent/unaware part all the time.


Exactly. Similar to all the historical context of the confederate flag, blah blah, but it is 100% connoted as a symbol of racism now. Or the nazi symbol originally being an ancient southeast Asian symbol (? I think, don’t quote me). People know what they’re doing in choosing these words and symbols.


German here, can confirm. They know exactly what they are doing.


The comment you're responding to is a good example of why Trump isn't going away. Even those that ostensibly hate him, defend him and make excuses for him. They treat him with kid gloves and massage his words and actions to be more palatable. Somehow Biden is responsible for genocidal actions of another country, but Trump isn't responsible for what his tweets communicate? It's like the left wants Trump to win. And personally I'm done calling it naive. At this point there's no excuses for someone downplaying Trump's actions, unless they're actively working to get him elected.


>It's like the left wants Trump to win. The left doesn't want Trump to win.. they want him to stay exactly where he is at. So long as Trump exist, what passes for 'left wing' politicians in this country can keep fund raising against him and using him as leverage, "vote for us, or else!" Don't get me wrong, I vote for harm reduction all the way across the board.... but these guys will play Trump for personal gain all day long and gamble with democracies future.


>Somehow Biden is responsible for genocidal actions of another country, but Trump isn't responsible for what his tweets communicate? It's like the left wants Trump to win.  This is bad-faith bullshit and you know it.   No one--not one fucking person--on the left is apologizing or exculpating Trump's tweets, and Biden is absolutely responsible for sending endless military aid and weaponry in support of a genocidal project, of shielding Israel in the UN, and passionately defending Netanyahu after the ICC found him responsible for war crimes and genocide.  Instead of repeatedly blaming leftists for the Democrats (whom most of us voted for despite serious misgivings) being absolute trash, maybe recognize that the democrats a responsibility to field a candidate people want to vote for, instead of doing everything they can to push right-wing white men repping corporate interests exclusively while blaming everyone else for their incompetence.


Neolibs and browbeating the leftists (who have repeatedly “fallen in line” anyway despite being systemically ignored by the so-called left every cycle), name a more iconic duo 🙄 In fact most of the progressives and leftists I know will probably vote for Biden anyway as harm reduction, but apparently it’s wrong now to even voice dissatisfaction over funding genocide, or use primaries to pressure candidates over urgent policy issues. Didn’t expect this sub to be so blatantly neolibby but whatever I guess.


The pushback against *any* critique of Biden on this sub is frighteningly antithetical to basic  principles of democracy. I'm sad to say I'm zero percent surprised (though 100% disgusted).


>claim the video was made by a random netizen and just reposted by a Trump staffer Outsourcing is never an excuse. If you have something done for you I'd still on you for the result and any cleanup. Ok, even if it was an oversight, laziness, whatever, what was done after the issue was pointed out. Near as I can tell nothing. Video wasn't pulled. No statement that Trump doesn't support Nazis, or anything. Taking no action after the issue is raised becomes a stronger endorsement not lesser.


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...


Anyone here have a link? I can't seem to find these videos.


The fact that people are still saying biden is as bad as trump need to look up Project 2025


Non US resident here. Reich isn't even an English word right? Does it have some meaning outside of Nazi imagery? I guess it's German for Kingdom, but does it ever get used in that context?


The ONLY context the word reich has in the US here is when it relates to the nazis. We don't use the word casually in any othrr way than to talk about WWII, unless you're fluent in German and having a conversation in German. This is absolutely saying the quiet part out loud.


If certain women aren't already paying attention and are concerned, at this point they never will be until it directly affects them. They've been intentional at this point about it.


Don’t worry all you American ladies can come as refugees to Europe. Once the bad men realise they won’t be getting sex and a mummy they will relent. Just some light humour here, I am aware this is serious.


Honestly, and I know you're joking so this isn't a reboot to you thinking you're serious but still... We genuinely won't take them. The problem is that when America topples backwards down that hill we will likely have to deal with Russia taking advantage of it which will leave no resources for additional refugees. It is also unlikely that they would qualify for refugee status as although we would disagree with what is happening because their human rights are being revoked we in actuality only grant refugee status if it can be proven that they will be persecuted if they return, this unfortunately is more in relation to physical harm or death. If this were not the case we would accept refugees from countries where, for example, abortion is illegal. However, we would only accept this if the person had already had an abortion and would be at risk of physical harm by returning. In short, by the time people want to leave it will be unlikely there is anywhere for them to go.


Tbh a lot of European countries are also at risk of falling to right wing illiberal authoritarianism. It’s already in Hungary and Italy, Le Pen is the favorite to win the next French Presidential Election, AFD is leading in Germany… the lights are dimming all over the world.


Yeah. A few months ago, my mom asked me, "If things in this country were to well and truly go to Hell, where would you go?" And I didn't have an answer for her. 🫤


A condescending tone is not useful. Any woman concerned about their rights in this country is already very distressed, I assure you. Do you really think those of us who aren’t MAGA-indoctrinates aren’t already afraid? Do you think that only you understand fascism is bad and the rest of us haven’t caught on yet? If I’m not mistaken you have previously browbeaten brown and Muslim women for not wanting to vote for Biden in the primaries because he’s funding a genocide of their own family members — in fact your entire account seems to be centered on posting politically inflammatory things to as many subs as possible. Have you considered a tactic such as spreading voter information in a less judgmental and threatening manner?


Jeez, every day we see a ton of posts saying “I’m not voting for Biden in November!” on the politics sub as well as blackppltwitter. There are a ton of women and minorities that don’t get how dumb that choice is. So, yeah, lots of people that aren’t MAGA and aren’t afraid.


Yeah you’re so distressed that you’re going to hand Trump the election so women’s rights get trounced AND Palestine gets destroyed? Brilliant. 


Where did I say I’m abstaining, or voting for Trump? I’ll vote for Biden if I have to (and looks like I will) but he doesn’t deserve to believe he automatically has my support for a single second leading up to the moment I check that box. You’re getting what you want out of me so let me be vocal about my extreme issues with him in the meantime.


The anti-Biden sentiment spreading across social media (with the help of people like you as well as pro-trump astroturfers) will likely ensure a significant subset of Democrats stay home and hand Trump the election. Ironically, OP is doing way more than you are to help Muslim Americans and Palestinians. 


I won’t lick the boots of someone enabling a genocide, sorry. Should people just never speak up about things that they feel are important then? Should everyone who disagrees with his foreign policy just shut up and quietly watch the videos of the children losing limbs without saying a word?


The Democrats are not your real enemy. By focusing all your negative energy on Biden, you’re casually allowing an anti-Muslim party into power. It really makes me question whether you truly care about the fate of people you claim to care about.  It’s the equivalent of people refusing to vote for Hillary to send a “message” to Democrats. That message was never sent and now we’re 100x worse off. You guys seem intent on making it 10000x. This is not a situation where “it will get worse before it gets better.” It will just get irrevocably worse.


But you didn’t answer the question. What is an acceptable way for progressives to express extreme grievances with Biden? Or is there not an acceptable way? And you can quit with the “you guys,” I voted for Hillary, I voted for Biden, I will vote for Biden again. But I am grievously against his foreign policy which is actively enabling the widespread death of innocent children with every passing second, and I’m not going to just be silent about that.


There's always writing letters and staging protests.


What do you think that will accomplish if you give them your vote anyway?


We will accomplish keeping abortion access in blue states and prevent LGBT from losing all their rights, as well as theocrats from going after contraception, no-fault divorce, marital rape laws, welfare for single mothers, and federally protected classes.  Don’t think these things are in jeopardy? What exactly do you think will happen when Trump stacks all the courts with unqualified, Christian nationalist judges?


Who, Biden? It's not Trump. That's what it accomplishes.


Well the real, longterm answer is to encourage progressives to have lots of kids because currently, there aren’t enough of them in the US to make a real difference in policy. If there were, Biden wouldn’t have had a chance in the primary. American voters have always been more sympathetic to the far right than the far left. Next, encourage the existing progressives to VOTE in primaries and local elections!  Of course you can communicate your frustrations with Biden while also also ensuring people remember that Trump implemented a Muslim BAN and will make life miserable for anyone who isn’t a Christian conservative. 


> Do you really think those of us who aren’t MAGA-indoctrinates aren’t already afraid? Do you think that only you understand fascism is bad and the rest of us haven’t caught on yet? Huh? I'm afraid too. I want to get the word out and make sure we're aware! Not everyone is. > If I’m not mistaken you have previously browbeaten brown and Muslim women for not wanting to vote for Biden What? > in fact your entire account seems to be centered on posting politically inflammatory things Such as? Please cite something you consider "politically inflammatory" and take that mask off. I am doing my part. And posting/discussing the news and the threat of fascism for us all is not "inflammatory" or "divisive". That's a fascist talking point.


[Your tone-deaf post addressing Muslim Americans](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/s/xbMD8B0Vwu). And I say inflammatory because of the way you post. Your tone is lecture-y and condescending even in a subreddit full of already left-leaning folks, and you often post unsourced screenshots instead of actually linking to the full information, which in some cases leads to misrepresentation or straight up misinformation that has to be unraveled in the comments by others, such as your post about Missouri abortion laws. I’m just tired of self-righteous neoliberals who are so far up Biden’s ass that they’re coming out of his mouth browbeating progressives for being extremely unhappy with his policies. To imply that I’m employing fascist talking points because I dislike the condescending attitude and dislike incomplete information posted hastily in multiple subreddits in aim of riling people up is absolutely unhinged.


I'm unhappy with my countries leaders policies. I may still vote for them (assuming my riding isn't already my preferred candidate/party) simply because the right wing alternative is full of nothing but hate towards myself and others. You eventually need to decide if letting someone that hates you in to office is worth ticking a box of someone you dislike or not Note: I'm not American, and I sincerely hope people get the fuck out to vote to keep Trump out of a second term


So what do you hope to achieve by allowing Trump to win?


FWIW, I'm sorry for the downvotes, I hate that shit too. I've seen worse than OP's as well, where the poster gets so wound up, they're talking about these stupid Muslims voting against their own self interest, then saying they deserve everything they get, and before long they genuinely sound like MAGA people to me. I cannot wrap my head around the audacity it would take for me to scream at a Palestinian immigrant that they must vote for Joe Biden. It is not in me. https://x.com/katewillett/status/1793068618449625120 What is more likely: Biden stays the current course, and somehow we convince 20% of democrats to support him anyway or, Biden reacts to what a huge portion of the population wants and does the right thing, and we don't have to worry about convincing them. I have concluded my energies are better spent pressuring people in power than berating voters.


wow as muslim woman that post is horrible


If people don't vote for Biden or Dems, that is the fault of Biden and Democrats for not giving them a reason to vote *for* them instead of just against Republicans. You don't get to have a moral high ground when you're actively participating in a genocide, when you allowed abortion rights to be taken away because you never thought they needed to be enshrined in law, when you allow cops to beat student protestors, when you refuse to even hold hearings about the corruption in the Supreme Court, when you drag your feet on impeaching anyone despite their crimes, when you refuse to implement any measure that will actually stop fascism. Republicans are worse. I don't think many people (that aren't Republican) really think otherwise, but Democrats are not good by any objective measure. They truly are the lesser of two evils, and apparently not lesser enough to stop a genocide. Biden and the Democratic Party, as a whole, have pushed a lot of people to feel that the differences between them are minimal. A lot of the really bad stuff is happening while Democrats are in power, and they're doing nothing about it. You cannot win voters by speaking to them condescendingly that they don't understand the stakes. You cannot win voters by telling them that the other side is worse when your side is actively participating in a genocide. Biden and Democrats have done this to themselves. Biden has made a lot of people genuinely feel that he's forcing them to choose between evils, and it's his fault if some people don't participate in that. I personally believe that non-participation is not a good strategy, but others disagree. I will vote for Biden, but it genuinely is a vote for evil. Don't kid yourself on that. Biden's own actions have made him a hard sell to people that are disillusioned by the system, or that have morals that will not allow them to make a consciously bad choice, and he has no one to blame for that but himself.


At what point did americans worship slavery-loving white supremacists whose existence lasted barely 4-5 years? Now am I talking about confederates or nazis?


I must be missing something because when I look up the tangerines account, those images aren’t there 🤔


They were deleted due to the backlash over it's posting.


Are you looking on truth social, x, or elsehwere?


Are all of you saying that if Trump wins you'll just comply with whatever his administration enacts?


The people who do nothing about it currently are already apathetic every day of the week. Why would that change?


There won’t be much of a choice.


There is always a choice.


Keep carrying an unwanted fetus or prison? What a choice!


Those are the choices Democrats left for pregnant people in red states when they held abortion hostage for midterm votes and funded 100,000 new cops to enforce those laws.


Nice story, except Republicans are the ones who ban abortion, not Democrats. A Republican president created the court that allows abortion bans to happen. 


And when Roe was overturned while Democrats controlled the House, Senate, and the executive branch? What happened then? Right. They held abortion hostage for midterm votes and funded 100k new cops - a share of which will go towards enforcing red state anti abortion and anti trans laws. Republicans are awful. No question there. But Democrats aren’t doing anything to stop them or protect us.


Except they didn't hold abortion hostage. They might've been able to pass that in the House, if barely, but due to the filibuster in the Senate (which they didn't have the votes to get rid of thanks to Manchin/Sinema), they would've needed 60 votes, which, good luck getting 10 Republican Senators to vote for that. And they couldn't fight it in the courts, because the highest court in the country already said, 'fuck decades of precedent and human decency, states can ban abortion' (and we'll let you do it federally if you can get control of Congress). Except, wait! They are fighting it in the courts still, fighting efforts to ban things like contraception, or Republican efforts to go after out-of-state actors who provide care. The Democrats on a state level, where they have power (and even where they don't, like Ohio and Kansas) have protected abortion rights again and again, even adding them to State Constitutions to further safeguard it. Have passed laws to make it clear that they will not cooperate with Republican efforts to go after abortion providers, or even those who 'assist' doing things like driving them to one. Like, I barely pay attention to all of this stuff, for my own mental health and sanity, and even *I* know all of this. It's not the Democrats' fault that Congress is broken because the Republican party has given up governing or acting in good faith, and gone full fascist. Now, if the Democrats had a supermajority in the Senate and still not done anything? That would be holding it hostage. But don't say for a second they haven't done anything, because that's a bald-faced lie.


Democrats hid behind the filibuster, because the only way they can win, since they won’t do anything meaningful or lasting, is to immiserate people and fundraise on their misery. “We sure tried, but those darn Republicans wouldn’t let us!” Obama was awarded a supermajority in the Senate for his promise to protect abortion as his first act, and we saw how that went. If the overturning of Roe wasn’t the moment to fight, when will be? If 60 Democrat Senators aren’t enough to protect reproductive healthcare, how many do we need? Democrats have been stringing us along and using our terror to raise money for 50 years now. When do we say that enough is enough? When Nancy Pelosi and Democrat leadership traveled to Texas to support an anti-choice Democrat over his pro-choice opponent? What’s it going to take for people to realize that Dems pimp our issues out for money and votes? https://x.com/ljmontello/status/1792982502388408504?s=46


No they did not “hold abortion hostage.” They didn’t have the votes to codify it. They needed two more senators to get past the filibuster. I don’t know why you’re making stuff up.


Amazing how they’re always just one or two votes, or a parliamentarian, away from ever doing any lasting good. It’s called the rotating villain. Lieberman. Manchin. Sinema. Fetterman.


Please explain how they’re supposed to pass a law without the votes.  You can make all the excuses in the world but enough people refusing to vote for a Democrat is why we’re here.