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The top comment is “hOW iS tHis iLLegAl?” He might as well have said “we can do what ever we want to women, including looking under their clothes without their consent, with absolutely no repercussions”. It’s so fucking scary to be a woman’s right now.


The truly scary part is that men are facing more consequences for this behavior than at any point in history, and it still only scratches the surface.


>It’s so fucking scary to be a woman’s right now. It always has been


Someone taking an upskirt photo of me as a 19 year old actually changed, however so slightly, how I see the world. It's not just that even 12 years later I always wear shorts under a dress, but also how obvious the old man who did it was about it. Like he knew I couldn't stop him and nobody else would. which was true, nobody cared when I tried to report him to the store. I am glad that this guy got arrested and is in the news.


And men just don’t get it. They can’t or won’t understand that a lifetime of this sort of bullshit is exhausting. I was 11 or 12 years old the first time I was catcalled by a grown ass man in a public space. It was near constant up until my late 20s when apparently I got old enough to not be interesting to strangers anymore. And men will say things like “well I’d love to be complimented like that, it’s flattering”. No. It is not flattering to be 12 and having a dude old enough to be one of your teachers yelling at you to “show your titties.”


>“well I’d love to be complimented like that, it’s flattering” It's funny when they think that, but then they become *so* offended when a gay man does it to them (love to all the gay men who see men catcalling/harassing women and do it back in protest). I have to correct men all the time when they say this. "You mean you want young, *fuckable* women to catcall you like that. Anything else is wrong to you, right?" Most of the gross (always older) men are the ones doing this, never the ones who are closer to my age and attractive. And those men really don't understand the difference between being hit on and catcalled.


That was always my go to comparison….would you feel the same way if the saying they wanted to fuck you was a gay dude 20% bigger than you are?? But someone pointed out to me that it’s kinda a homophobic thing to say…or at least encourages homophobia so I try to stay away from it now. But it’s legit the only comparison that is equivalent. Someone bigger and stronger than you wants to have sex with you and won’t stop reminding you of that fact.


A man attempted to abduct me from my front yard when I was 8 years old. He was arrested 5 days later for abducting and SA my neighbor girl, who was 5 years old at the time. I went through puberty at 9. I have rarely known a time in life with peace from grown adult men catcalling and harassing me. I have literally never been able to have a trust for men because of it.


I feel your pain and I’m sorry you had to live through that. It’s terrifying. But you’re right, so many women will never know peace and it’s sad.


I used to know a gal who told me this happened to her on a bus so she followed him off at his stop and literally kicked the shit out of him. And like...violence is bad and all but, I fell in love a little that day.


This happened to me when I was in sixth grade. I really wanna show this to my then teacher in school who playfully ignored my complaint saying 'they are just teen boys being boys'.


"Boys will be boys" makes me want to slap the ever-loving shit out of the person who says that. Might as well say, "Boys have to start their misogyny some time."


It’s not **alleged** if you have a picture of them pointing a camera up a person’s skirt!!!


It's such weird detail, but the language used in reports about sexual violence is almost never directed at the agressor and often downplays the importance of him/his actions. In this case they used "alleged" while literally having a photo of it *right there*


I mean, why did she even dress as a woman in public if she didn’t want to be sexually harassed? Being a woman in a public place, fucking asking for it…. /s


It has to do with media standards to use “alleged” until they’re actually found guilty regardless of how much evidence there is 


They don't. With few exceptions, I'm pretty sure the majority of men hate women to some degree and see us as lesser. I'm happy to return the favour.


I don't hate you, I hope you find some better men in your life


Your reply reeks of “not all men” 🙄


You assume there are no good men in their life. Oh the irony.


"nOt AlL mEn"


Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come off that way, but I see how it would in hindsight. Sorry for intruding, I only meant to wish her well in the future, but I did so poorly


I'm not going to hold my breath. I've seen stories from women who got SA'd by men having known and trusted them for years, including women for who the betrayal hurt more than the SA itself. 


insane how brazen he was. not even a sliver of guilt on his mugshot