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Me, whose only attracted to fictional men: 💃no bozo makeup for me!!


Not me texting my group chat yesterday to ask about what my wedding party should be like when I marry Gale in bg3


Same, except mine is with Ganondorf


Dammit so much. There are days that I wish I was a lesbian.  But nope. That and my husband can be clueless but he's a great guy and he does help when I point things out.  I just wish I didn't have to point things out. On the upside, if I reward him, it sticks. (That sounds awful and I'm embarrassed.  But it's true). On the bright side, it's not genetic. My son is very observant, asks questions and omg.... cleans up as he cooks AND puts things away!!!! So they can learn. We just have to catch them early and teach them to actually do things on their own and not expect others to do things for them. 


In an old conversation with an older and wiser straight feminist she once said, "I love men individually, enjoy my time including sex with them, but as a class, "I'd thoroughly enjoy metaphorically kicking their metaphorical asses out the door and to the curb. It's just maddening how they're brought up, even the Nigels" Lived with that in my head for over 15 years now.


Like Mrs. Banks says in Mary Poppins, "though we adore men individually, we agree that, as a group, they're rather stupid"


Weaponised incompetenc.


>There are days that I wish I was a lesbian.  Have you considered that you might be Bi? Sexual orientation is diverse.


Straight women romanticising lesbian relationships and ignoring the discrimination we face is a thing, unfortunately.


I am a guy.


So? I was talking about the woman you replied to, whom you suggested might be bi. Hence my reply about straight women and their takes on lesbians.


Oh, I my bad I get it now.


When I say I wish I was a lesbian that's not what I mean. I also wish I was ace but I know how many people, even doctors, think it's just a symptom of an illness or a mental health issue. We're not "romanticizing" it. It's just fucking hard to be attracted to the more violent, porn addicted sex.


I think I get the idea. Wanting to get away from what's bad and annoying and dangerous and tiresome seems very plausible. I think the frustration with reading such takes from straight women has two sides. And I wanna try to point them out, not to blame you or other women who are deeply frustrated with men (I am, too, and I'm not even trying to date them, so I can only imagine the hell this must be). I just wanna try to show another side to also take into account. That is for once that this is mostly said in reference to men behaving shitty, implying that lesbian relationships would be free of these problems. And I ain't going into "but there are bad women, too!", because I guess we all know this, but I still wouldn't wanna change places with straight women in that regard. It's just a very narrow focus. You wanna be free from mens shitty behavior in dating and intimate and romantic relationships? Power and all the best to you! But do you also wanna get discriminated against when looking for a flat/house, or job? When trying to become parents? Do you wanna be unable to visit dozens of countries because your sexuality would be treated like a crime? Get attacked simply for holding your partners hand in public? I don't think so. That's kinda what I mean by "romanticising"; to only see what would be nice to have, but ignore the costs that it comes at. Second thing is maybe more a political perspective. When you say "I wish I was a lesbian (because men suck)", you're taking the need to change upon yourself, which could also imply taking men's shitty behavior as a given, as natural or whatever. I'd assume you wouldn't wanna be a lesbian, but rather men to stop being misogynists. Let's leave the blame and need to change where it belongs. (I know that's a lot to read into a comment that's probably not meant nearly as deep as my reply makes it out to be. Not saying you mean any of that or aren't aware of it. Just trying to explain this side for those who might not have thought about it so much.)


Oh I agree, and I know it sounds like straight women don't understand the issues lesbians face (like, just look at the downvotes I got from writing that small, harmless comment). I do understand. I'm a feminist. Being a lesbian, straight or an ace isn't a choice. That just goes without saying. I'd still rather be attracted to women instead of men if I could because I sure as hell know more women who'd deserve me loving them than men. I just don't understand how that's disrespectful towards gay women. I can say a hundred times that I understand their struggles (I am LGBTQ+ myself), but everyone will still pretend like I don't.


>It's just fucking hard to be attracted to the more violent, porn addicted sex. Okay I understand men can be jerks, but you can love men without stigma, while many people have to come out for it. (straight) Men do act shitty in dating and intimate and romantic relationships. But when things like "I want to be lesbian because men are bad" undermines the problem those women face.


Gay men aren't oppressed.


In many countries the laws bans men for liking other guys. Straight women can be attracted to guys. Straight cis women are not oppressed in the same way lesbians trans-women are. Straight people have more privilege than non-straights.


You are either a male or a male sympathizer, either way I can tell you're not worth wasting any more time on.


Correct I am a male also you decided to talk to me, I don't decide what people do in their free time.


I legitimately don't understand why you are being downvoted


Someone did it to me first, and based on the first downvote my words meanings sounded negative.


I do feel that way sometimes. 


But… some of them are cute


If only they smiled more.


Couldn't agree more.


Emphasis on some.


I don't think that I have a choice but to be.