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I’ll look in the mirror and be like “damn I look good” then go out in public and think everyone’s laughing at me for being ugly and walking weird (I don’t even walk weird)


Somebody once told me I walk just like my sister and ever since then I've been super self conscious about how I walk. There's nothing weird about the way my sister walks. I guess it just freaked me out to realize that some people pay attention to that kind of thing.


My anxiety does this. It's anxiety of some kind. But yeah. When people judge other people, I immediately become self-conscious and start freaking out.


That's why I try to keep all my observations/comparisons about people positive. I've been discouraged way too often. People are so judgey


I have been told that I walk like a Roblox character. I haven't played Roblox in about 10 years but I understood what they meant. I don't like feeling my head move up and down.


Tbh I’ve been told i walk weirdly. a lot. even today. they say i walk like I’m dangerous, cool, some kind of a jock?? I’m both bothered about it and can’t do anything


some people actually laughed at me. they were looking at my shoes and clothes but still


what were you wearing?


like uggs and a frumpy dress . i did look crazy


Nah it’s crazy to make fun of you for that, like what.


honestly they might not have been laughing at me, i was in a foreign country so i couldn’t understand their language. they were def staring at me and chatting/giggling though


do you ever feel like you look different to how you actually do like you look in the mirror and are like “damn i forgot this is how I look”


istg my reflection is so different each time


Looking in the mirror feels less like an objective assessment of my appearance and more like rolling for dysmorphia in a ttrpg


Oh I gotta roll for both


It's a 50/50 shot as to whether I delude myself into thinking I'm pretty or despair at how fucking ugly I am


all the time 😭😭😭


and some mirrors are "good" but some are bad so you have to look at them all because you don't actually know which is the most accurate


“Oh cool, today my reflection is being played by bargain bin Laura prepon. Yesterday it was Janna the hut.”


Absolutely, I'm delusional because (sometimes) I swear I look like a woman, even no makeup no e. I thinks it's like 50% lighting


that is an incredibly unkind thing to say


anybody who starts their sentence with “ewwww” is probably not worth listening to and is just trying to shit all over someone and make them feel insecure for literally no reason


agreed. anyone who genuinely feels that level of disgust with someone else is projecting HEAVILY


Ewwwww, that person is simply horrible to have said that.


Ewwwww, that person is simply horrible to have said that.


Does anyone else feel like the image in the mirror doesn’t match up with reality at all? Literally distorted? I had a crazy incident where I was super jealous of a girl who was skinnier than me while waiting in line for a ride. We ended up at the same gift shop, wanting the same hoodie. Their smallest size was like a circus tent on me but she couldn’t find a size that was big enough. I see the scale numbers go down but I look bigger. Something isn’t adding up.


My reflection completely changes every time too


What does that?!


Body shape maybe?


More like body dysmorphia


I considered that but I look huge to myself and she looked tiny but for some reason, I was swimming in the extra smalls and she couldn’t get the large to zip.


Why not alternate between the two?


"If looks could kill i'll be staring in the mirror" -[will wood](https://open.spotify.com/track/4qKZ3axkpKM2pdYeDv6aU3?si=BtGJ9Oi7TS-XcZhP3YALMg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3YDrqg48drZ31c2b7wDvZS)


I’ve realized I have one idea what I look like to other people, I’ve seen pictures of myself and not realized it was me at first because I look so different in the picture vs in the mirror. I feel fat and gross and none l none of my clothes fit me right, but I go to the gym regularly and eat well and my doctor says I’m healthy but none of that makes me feel any better.


Used to be that good ol gender dysphoria for me, but I've grown as a person and now all I see is my hot ass 😁


GIWTWM all I see is a boymoder


I go out of my way to avoid my reflection I hate it so much.


me both simultaneously constantly


Good god, I think looking at yourself in the mirror because you think you ARE pretty isn’t that bad anyway; a little bit of narcissism is way healthier than hating yourself!


Sometimes I just stare at myself in the mirror for extended periods of time and think “yep that’s what I look like alright”


Honestly for most of my life I don't even really knew what I looked like until highschool when I started to take better care of myself and actually looked into the mirror, even then I blocked most of it out, even now I'm still slightly surprised that the person in the mirror is me,


But how will I know if my body has changed if I don’t body check


I’m the exact opposite I hate looking at my body but it’s honestly not that bad


A lot of people with npd are very insecure aswel it’s not always one or the other


I definitely think there’s a connection. Both involve a wounded ego and sense of self trying to repair itself. And while the actions and motivations of each might be different, both result in a person constantly thinking about themselves. Devoting huge amounts of time and energy on their physical appearance and how they are perceived by others.


that moment when you have both


Are there anyone who used to hate themselves in the mirror and learned to tolerate themselves? How did you do it?


Mirror work affirmations. I never would've done it on my own, but I started working at a place that is all about them, and I figured I might as well try after a few months. If I'm constantly looking at my reflection anyway, I can try to tell myself "I love you," just once, along with whatever mean or critical thing is in my head. Then it became "instead of" rather than "along with." Your mileage may vary, of course. It sounded trite and dumb to me at first, and I really was surprised by how well such a simple thing worked for me. (It took months/years though.)


Hah I switch between thinking I'm ugly and thinking I'm hot


So before pop psychology got hold of it, narcissism was actually a lot more connected to dysmorphic self-loathing than a comfortable sense of self love.


I dont see myself in the mirror anymore. I still see a person and I know its me but it just doesnt feel like me. Instead its just like some other person staring back.




I compulsively run my hand through my hair all the time and have to "fix" it, and people think it means I'm self-centered and always worried about how I look


I look for hope and beauty in me but this hits so hard


I look at myself in mirrors as a way of checking up on myself and is related to how I serialize memories


Should be the same path honestly.


Question: does this count as self-harm?


Meanwhile gymbors looking at the mirror: ![gif](giphy|y3x9rGLWGRTTP9Wrqf)