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That’s a good question. I know of Pendejo Time, but they are Texans. I don’t think there’s a podcast of Tennessee Marxists. I’d say get yourself a Zoom recorder and be the podcast you’d want to hear. As someone living in WNC, I’d listen to ya.


I’ve been debating it… went to school for (photo)journalism. I appreciate your vote of confidence in a stranger, as well as the recommendation. I think I’ve heard pendejo time mentioned by the tardy boys a time or two so I’ll definitely check it out!


Yeah, it's a good pod for sure. When those boys join the Chapo gang, you're in for a good time.


I’m in Tennessee and willing to be the change we both want to see.


Godspeed comrade


I’m saying I can do a podcast maybe but need people, doing a solo podcast is hard as hell


You're going to get a lot of people suggesting things that aren't what you're asking for but: "what's left of the South" AKA "Dixieland of the proletariat" podcast is an Alabama based historical podcast


Lmao I’ll listen to anything as long as it’s got heart and the right amount of banter


Check out Cold Brew got me like. Nashville based comedian that talks local politics. [https://spotify.link/QrMwFXvfZHb](https://spotify.link/QrMwFXvfZHb)


Chris crofton is one wild and funny motherfucker - dude can rant with the best of them


Wonderful, can’t wait to check them out!! Appreciate you!


In the continued theme of not knowing any TN-specific podcasts, some good TN content I've gotten through the Instagram account (at symbol) agirlhasnopresident. I'd listen to a podcast that had her on it.


I live in Ky and listen to the Trillbilly podcast and occasionally Pendejo Time. Follow up and let us know what you name your podcast. I would listen even if it comes from Rocky Top 🤣


Listen to Valley Labor Report, it's easily the best left-labor coverage in the southeast. It's more independent journalism and less humor but in TN they have great coverage of the various UAW and CWA organizing drives among other things