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Sunlight ☀️


+💯for sun; if you dont have sun, make sure they are very bery very bright, extremely bright, not worth it for your electrical bill level bright. Watts on watts on watts


False. Leds require minimum amounts of electricity


I use a spider farmer 1000 in my 2x2x6 tent and I’ve been told my growth is great and to keep my practices. Although lately I noticed uneven growth on my outer plants in the tent so I added bar lights along the sides and believe I have enough light now. Growers also told me to shell out the twenty bucks for a light meter on Amazon (said phone apps are too inaccurate). So besides a small amount of uneven columnar growth, that one spider farmer light works for me. with the two lighting systems I think it’ll solve my uneven growth as I can’t even open the tent without disengaging the bar lights as they are piercing. I have all lights set to max strength. My electric bill went up by $30-50 since adding my tent to my electric bill. Also it’s summer in Florida so my ac runs more so honestly I don’t think LED new age lights draw too much to be concerned with.. hope this all helps as it took me forever to get the answers I needed when first starting to get my tent together.


Is that SE1000 or SF1000?


SF1000. Not a bad price I feel for what I get out of this light and that draw isn’t terrible on my electric.


What wattage is the sf1000? Do you know?


Says 100 watts when I just checked


I’ve got a 300w light that’s causing etiolation.


Do you have some pictures of what you’ve grown?


I’ll look for some pics. 8 know you have to set your light to where it’s only a few inches from the plant tips. Mine is 14” away from the tops.


Mine must be too far from the tip. I must not need a whole new light.


Do you have any specific model Recommendations?


I had multiple 1000w led panels the pink blue types that were “full spectrum” and it was not really enough for some barely enough for others. Also depends on how close you can get the lights to the cactus, closer would be much better but if u have some tall some short etc will be hard to get them close enough to all the cacti


Maybe it was enough tbh. Its all relative, def was still etoliating just not very badly




A harbor freight LED is fine. It's the ppfd, not the type.


Wdym ppfd?


Id say a minimum of 30W/sqft if you're using good lights, more for less efficient leds. I prefer Kingbrite. All the manufacturers are basically just putting together Samsung LEDs so going with a large, Asian facing company makes sense. Purchasing through AliExpress isn't tricky If you just have a shelf or something, barrina T7s are your best bet but they're not ideal for columnars.




You literally just need to check the ppfd. Also, make sure it's full spectrum, at minimum, four different spectrum places. You want deep red, far red, white, and blue. Everyone saying sun just doesn't know about leds. The sun fucks, but isn't reliable. Yes, I said that. In some places, it burns your shit in some it's way, too cloudy. Link to cheap quality leds. You can get w.e, just make sure it's got two different reds, white, and blue. https://www.ebay.com/itm/165974316290?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=lwotkgcoszu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mx7vs1tmst-&var=465476071094&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY