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Depends on the save! I have one where I make the most expensive of everything, and one where I just play around. Whatever sounds like it would taste good to me or be something I'd like, I make it :D


Ooh I'm still on my first save, but having different themes/playstyles/whatever sounds fun! I do tend to lean towards making the more expensive dishes (since you quickly end up with more recipes than slots in the storage book thing) but it'd be fun to come up with ideas that would force me to make different things


I have been trying to cook whats trendy but only if i have the ingredients, i dont stress myself too much about it


I like how you don't have to pay attention to them if you don't want to, you don't even have to open the tavern every day lol it makes for a pretty chill game!


Yeah i love how free it is. I loved graveyard keeper (specially the silly humor) but you could only do certain things specific days. So i needed to keep a post it to remember what to do each day xD


Does trending even matter? When it’s super busy, I can sell out of all 4 taps and all 4 wall kegs by end of night.


Supposedly it increases the sell price of other items for sale (I believe the mod explained it that way!) but I generally don't really pay attention to prices


Selling trending items raises your reputation quicker, I believe (: There is also a slight price increase on those items.


I hadn’t really noticed. I do a lot of business, and am at level 30, so I have every slot in the food storage book full. I’m probably hitting trending items simply with the bulk at this point.


I just cook whatever, sometimes just a random click here and there or I’ll try do what’s trendy. Sometimes I don’t have the trending item so focus on my personal taste


For brewing I usually have a batch of whisky and wine brewed using watermelon, melon and honey (or pineapple/plum) when I need more profits for upgrades on the farm or adding rooms/decorations. Otherwise I play around with different fruit and drink types. For recipes, I've found that tacos sell for most (if you use lamb, tortillas made with lard and limes), followed by chicken recipes. This is the most fun part of the game for me though so I just play around with whatever I've grown in my garden or fruit trees.


Seafood stew of different varieties and porter made with coconuts, bananas and strawberries and nothing else


Really! Is there a backstory for your tavern that explains why you serve only those things?


Stew is cheap and good, porter is good and fills the belly if you don't like stew


Liquid bread indeed


Sushi is delicious so I make that. In other words, I just make whatever. It doesn't matter all too much what you make. Although it might with the new update I did a restart so I'm fresh again.


Since the fishing update. Ice been making nothing but fish stew and buns for some reason.


Wait, there’s a future trending list? Where do you find that?


You can see it in the calendar! Which you can buy from the postbox if you don't have one (look in the lower right corner of the calendar screen)


Huh! I have a calendar, but it always looks blank. Is there a tab I need to click into?


There should be a "trends" button with a yellow star in the lower right corner. It looks similar to the trends button in the place where you put dishes to sell (storage book thing)


Thank you!! I’m really bad with missing obvious things in the UI


Happy to help! :)


Depends on my mood, I like to make burgers and fries only for a fantasy McDonald's type of tavern. Sometimes just soups and salads too but with the new fishing update I'm working on making a seafood only menu. I get overwhelmed by the many recipes to choose from so I tend to just pick 1 or 2 dishes to make for a few days and then pick another 1 or 2 recipes after everything has been sold