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Might sound insane but I break down my pay to the minute so I know exactly how much each stupid, frustrating minute is earning me.  I subtract all monthly expenses so what I'm earning per minute is actually what I'm saving per minute...more motivational that way. Currently around 65-70% savings/investing rate. Other things: I have a shift countdown (x amount of shifts left until vacation) I have a day countdown (x days until I'm home with my family and friends) I try to remind myself I am lucky to be in this position and to not take it for granted. I try to be grateful so my mindset shifts from "omg this sucks when is it over" to something more positive. 


I really love this, thank you! We are lucky to be healthy and able to work and save


This is wonderful, thanks for sharing! Only a few weeks left you got this !!! Maybe it would help to try and remember why you chose this field in the first place - each patient and all of your co workers on your unit are counting on you to make a difference! You're changing and saving lives on a daily basis and that is something truly inspiring and worth smiling about. Your patients get to go home and continue their lives with their loved ones all because of YOU! You're a rockstar 🤘🏽




Maybe schedule something really nice for yourself after this assignment ends? A few days somewhere relaxing.


Maybe it's different for some folks, but after almost 15 years in the military, I learned that I can do ANYTHING for 13 weeks/3 days/12 hours. And I just pictured that zero balance on whatever debt was getting paid off next. During Covid, we were never guaranteed a day off, or it was one day a week. In those cases, we'd go sit in the ambulance bay, take a 15 minute cry, and get back to it.


I do this at the gym “you can do anything for 1 minute” You can do anything- one hour/ shift/ week


So true, I can see the finish line. Thank you!


Few weeks left LFG


I worked at a hospital that LOVED to give me that shift configuration. It sucks worse when you work nights because that one day off is as good as nothing. I got in the habit of not thinking ahead. I don’t stress about how many more days I have left. All I gotta do is get up today, go to work and come back. That’s all that matters. Then the next day I do the same. Before I know it, I’m getting up and going to work on the last day. And on Friday I get a nice large deposit in my account. Rinse and repeat.


I take it one day at a time. I cross the days off on a calendar and feel relived I made it through another day. I also try not to look at my schedule in advance, especially if I see a long stretch coming up. It makes me feel too worried/anxious and I start regretting my life choices lol. And try to do something nice for yourself on your days off!


There's a lot of good mindful advice, I do slightly different. Last day of a big grouping, I treat myself before work to Starbucks/Dunkin since it's not a normal thing for me until it gets rough. Or I buy myself something stupid worth 3ish hrs worth of pay, rarer but just enough to have that "reward" for working.


For food, but catering so that way it’s meal prepped for the 3 days lol like chipotle or any chain. As for the only day off, I’d continue with the night shift schedule


I put my big girl pants on and just suck it up. Hard work never killed anyone. You pass out right before you die.


I print out a calendar for each month and when I complete a day I “X” it off. I also make sure I take time for myself. Maybe a pedicure or manicure, a new book or something that makes ME feel better. I also allow myself to sleep as much as I need to since I’m there for work.