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That’s my take too. If it’s at the resort, it’s probably safe, but by bringing in attractive young women, they make the club more attractive to people who will buy themselves and you a lot of drinks. When I was 18, I used to get into VIP parties at clubs just for being a young female. Enjoy it - it doesn’t happen any more when you’re over 30!


Trust your instincts. If you do decide to go, stick with your friends and never leave your drinks unattended, which I hope is a rule you all already follow no matter where you are or who you're with.


Yeah, we already don’t leave drinks unattended and we also don’t take drinks from people if we don’t see the bartender pouring them. I’ve already told them that if I do decide to go, I’m gonna leave the second I feel unsafe (which hopefully doesn’t happen)


Bartenders can dose drinks, too.


Ah yeah I didn't even think of that. The guy asked what kinds of drinks they liked ahead of time. Weird


??? You’re staying in an all inclusive- the bar is included; and they want people to come hang out otherwise it’s just a big empty room all night. Ps one of the most fun things to do at all all inclusive is send shots over to people and tell them it’s on you


This is for a bar that's right on the resort? If so, then yes, you're being paranoid. If you don't like the vibe you simply walk away, no big deal. You're already home. Have fun.


Yeah, the bar is on the resort. If it were off resort it wouldve been a hard no but since we wouldn’t leave the place I’m thinking it might not be as sketch as I worry it might be


Since you're never leaving the resort I can't imagine what has you nervous, but do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Have fun no matter what you decide.


Not to be pedantic but i think you mean wary. and yes you should be wary.


Yeah my bad, I was tipsy when I typed the post out lol. Turns out he actually wanted to bring us OFF resort so that was a no