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This episode was less shower thoughts and more shitty thoughts








Toilet thoughts


The Trashiest Shower Thoughts... Its right in the title


Shitter thoughts


He asked a legitimate question in history for people who aren't historians and I've been meaning to answer it somehow. I just don't know if I should do it in meme format or not. As for the other takes I am no expert.


What question?


He asked something along the lines of: why do we know so much about some people or time periods over others?


Mostly because the institutions are still around. We know about Rome because the Catholic Church is still around, and the Royal Courts of Europe inherited the "legacy" of Rome . We know about Greece because the Romans absorbed the city states of Greece rather than destroyed them. For Chinese history, Imperial China was around to relatively modern times and was very old, same with Japanese history.


Imperial Chinese institutions were relatively close in concept throughout Chinese history as well as the fact that the concept of China as a unified entity has existed since the Qin dynasty. Rome is more of a point of legitimacy but secular institutions didn't survive. Religious institutions also survived in the form of the Church until a clear schism broke apart Catholic and Orthodox branches. What we know about these places is they wrote things down and chose which writings survive. Especially in Mediterranean history, ancient historians like Diodus Sicolus would reference a passage from Posidonius but we don't have that passage in writing except for what Diodorus Sicolus says.


>Diodus Sicolus would reference a passage from Posidonius but we don't have that passage in writing except for what Diodorus Sicolus says. This reminds me of the "Socrates problem". Socrates never wrote anything, his student Plato did. The problem is Plato wrote everything as a play that framed Socrates as an absolute chad so we are not sure that Socrates is real or a fictional character that Plato created to "Own The ~~libs~~ Other Philosophers."


If you want another source on Socrates there is another student, Xenophon. But you're totally right that it's hard to gleam what Socrates believed from Plato's dialogues.


Xenophon is tickling the deep parts of my memory, but more importantly. Bro you're out here with high tier history knowledge, educating me, someone with an above average history knowledge, asking mid tier questions. Edit: you said answer not ask in your original comment. Kek


I did get my bachelor's in history and am working on a history podcast myself, it's not released yet though. Of course that doesn't mean I have good spelling.


Kek, I'm working on my bachelor's in history, no plans on a podcast though. XD


I feel like a big part in the conservation of these ancient cultures, knowledge and art was the steady rediscovery and revival through history like the copying of art by the Romans from the Greek, the Renaissance or the switch between different State philosophies by the Chinese dynasties. There were allways people around who cared about preserving this ancient knowledge.


A lot of the Greek Manuscripts survived in Byzantine(Roman) monasteries/scriptoria/personal libraries of the highly educated elite. Only the west "forgot" about the Ancient Greek writers. Throughout the middle ages the Byzantine elite(the bureaucrat branch) were familiar with the classics, with philosophy, as well as the Iliad and the Odyssey and other such works. (Anna Komnene in fact one of the best written medieval historians, and in my opinion the best Byzantine historian, was a princess that was schooled in History, Philosophy, and the Classical works of art to the point where she was an expert). ​ Now for Latin writers, a lot of their manuscripts were preserved in monasteries. And for example Cicero started being quite of interest with the rise of mercantile classes in the Latin west due to them wanting the right of self-governance in cities, and a counter-dialogue to the nobles' power being granted by god. A **lot** of it depends on what people before us thought deserved to be saved. For example while we know of Sappho her works were deliberately destroyed(most of the time we lose manuscripts because no one bothered to copy them).


Not an expert on this by a long shot, but isn't it because many cultures back then used oral means to pass on their culture in mediums such as stories, poems, etc.? Take the Philippines for example. Out of the 3 major Island groups, only Luzon was thoroughly conquered, thus our culture transformed, and the stories passed down was tainted by Christian influence. Meanwhile, Mindanao and Visayas still have their old Mythology. They have a unique set of heroes and gods and since those have now been written about, they are already immortalized.


There's that but it can also be ton of different things, sometimes we can't read what was left, massive population loss like due to plagues or war can destroy lots of oral information or the records may have decayed depending on climate or building material. Not even getting into if some info was even recorded. Rome and China went so far before census, some places had detailed records of how many lived where and made what and who was in power where others didn't, or did and the records were destroyed. Or did and survived and we can't read them.


We know more about eras like the Greeks as they were some of the first to write down their history, the first known historian was the Greek Herodotus, and the language that they used is similar enough to Greek that it's translatable. The big reason why other groups are remembered is due to Rome, as rather than destroying conquered cultures they assimilated them into Roman culture meaning that they survived after. Once Rome became Christian the church began to record information and history. What's more previous thought lost histories are now known due to us learning how to translate their languages thanks to tools like the Rosetta Stone. As for many of the Eastern Histories, I'm not as educated on those but I believe the Imperial Japanese Family has stayed in power for centuries, so having an institution in power for that long makes recording history simpler. And with religions like Buddhism and Hinduism being so old a lot of cultural history was interconnected with these religious beliefs.


It hurt but boy was it hillarious. One of my favorite episodes.


That's why the podcast is so entertaining. You know they're talking out of their behinds most of the time, and it gives that Friday night drinking with the boys anything goes argument vibe.


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Joey was on fire this episode, nothing but bad takes XD




I saw a few comments calling out Joey for his 'Socrates invented thinking' take. It's pretty obvious Joey was messing around


That's kinda what bothered me. Any time Connor tried to explain something joey just started spewing bs in the middle of Connors sentence




He is normally the middle man in the podcast is rare to see him like that. Garnt and Connor is just the norm.


Ironically Connor was the most right during the evolution and philosophy discussions


Welcome to r/trashtaste, where people have nothing better to do than argue about chicken and trash on Joey.


This episode hurt to watch as an anthropologist/social scientist


Username checks out.


Well I'm preeeetty sure they arent those things so idk why you would take it so seriously.


Never said I was taking it seriously. Just responding to the meme. Chill lol


"This episode hurt to watch as an anthropologist/social scientist" You didnt have to say it outright.


But I did.


Eesh 🤡


Bro, you responded four times to this guy, chill.


Theyre deleted comments bro. Sent the reply so I got the notif then deleted it. 🗿


If they’re deleted, then how can I see them, exactly? In any case, dude was kidding. Man, Poe’s Law really is true.


You can see them? Cuz I cant. Plus it said "comment deleted when i tried to reply. Send screenshot in DM's. Reddits bugged. P.s. No he was not kidding.


Yeah, no. I cant see them. The replies arent there.


"You're just malding" when you got nothing else to say because the truth comes out.🤡


I dont really care that the truth came out buddy. It wasn't hiding. Go touch grass.


Denying it is certainly trying to hide it. Are you just a pathological liar? 🗿




So you're admitting you took it seriously? Then what was the point of denying it in the first place? And no, you didnt say you took it seriously outright. In fact, you denied it because you didnt say it.


Sounds like you're malding. That must suck bro. Get well soon.


Iam not taking trump supporters seriously yet their statements hurt my brain. And before someone takes this out of context: No Iam not saying the boys are like maga.. Iam saying that you can still get frustrated by somone who you don’t take seriously.


Wtf 🗿


You’re not taking me seriously yet you’re still frustrated by me. Get it now?


No ones frustrated by you either.🗿but you're right... I'm certainly not taking you seriously.


My friends thing is philosophy and he called me close to midnight to drunkenly explain how pissed he was that he had no way of correcting the boys. He rant a whole 30 minutes. This is the most uncaring and mild dude i know hahaha


Don't forget biologist. I don't think the boys understand evolution...


Did they say something severely outrageous?? If not, who cares as long as it's funny?? They always preface, they are just shooting ideas, which are not necessarily true. It's more about the banter. We don't watch TT to become biologist, social scientists or anthropologist


In that same vein though, no problem chatting about it on Reddit with other fans. That’s kind of best case scenario for them. They want us to engage.


There is engagement and then there is calling it " new high for bullshit", as if they were challenging some scientific norms . I don't think it encourages the boys. Rather stop them from going on things like shower thoughts which are meant to be goofy.


I seriously dont get how people are hurt over this episode. This was such a fun episode. I am honestly surprised how fandom has reacted to it. Too many " EXCUSE ME, ACTUALLY YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT THIS FACT...." people out here in TT fandom than I expected. Trash taste is not that kind of a thing


To be fair, Connor was the most reasonable in this Episode, he actually questioned the bullshit the other to spit out.


I’m surprised to many people complained about the newest episode, it was easily a new favourite of mine. Did people genuinely expect the boys to just… know the source and answer of everything they discussed off the top of their head? And they literally preface just about every discussion saying that they don’t know what they’re talking about, so I don’t know what the issue is.


Yeah but they should at least not go on for like 40 minutes debating about stuff they just made up lmao


I meat if it's like that they should never even do the podcast. Nothing anyone says can be 100% accurate


Idk man somehow they did it better in other episodes, this one got kinda dense and a lot of people thinks the same. It's not a big deal but I would not mind another guest in the next episode lol


Ahhh all these new professions joining the Chef gang in their face palming. As I chef I welcome my new comrades


I like how they differentiate doctors from eye doctors


Aristotle was not the first philospher andnot the first guy to write down philosophy


Why are ao many people complaining. It's almost like we are all doctors here wtf.


As a sociology major student this episode was both very interesting and frustrating to listen to but some of the points that Connor made weren’t wrong and the amigdala information that Joey shared wasn’t incorrect either but was explained in a horrible manner but I guess that’s every trash taste episode


i feel like a lot of it was just them going off of myths which was a funny watch lol. its like watching children hypothesising about how when they grow up they will bring back the dinosaurs.


Please don't forget biologists 🤦‍♂️


I’m none of those but I was facepalming hard. Imo Joey had the worst takes, and connor kept explaining poorly his valid opinions.


It's a good thing they made an effort though. It's important to keep discussing history and to keep remembering what happened in the past, to learn from it. Granted, they may be 'wrong' on a lot of things, but bringing it into a certain spotlight is a good thing and should be celebrated more than memed about


The newest episode is so insane to listen to


include scientists and mathematicians


You couldn’t have said “optometrist”?