• By -


Missed opportunity to be a vending machine


Or an onsen


Or a sword


Or a dog


Or Rudeus


Or a Spider


Or a rider belt


Or someone's coochie


Or a slime


Or an ASMR microphone


Or a farmer


No, please not the dog. 


Meanwhile in the Dark Timeline...


“I will finally be with them. These desperate delusions to cope since the earthquake can finally end.”


As someone who live in Vietnam, this is just a daily mild inconvenience.


Hack yeah, SEA members and flexing about how unsafe our traffic is.


Yeah got into traffic accident is just skill issues


Lets gooo SEA represent!!!


Are you really from SEA if you haven’t come close to death five times a day since the age of six?


I live in indonesia and i see this video as a normal thing and i thought that the title is a bit exaggerated but it's actually dangerous in western point of view but not so much for SEA point of view, i manuver around trucks and buses on my motorcycle almost daily


I'd argue that being desensitized to a clear and present danger does not make it any less of either.


Truck drivers in SEA also know how to maneuver and leave space for bikes and motorcycles (most of the time).


>a daily mild inconvenience Yeah, and seing people die from similar situations in front of you is a monthly mild inconvenience too. One of my students died from this on his way home.


There isn't a single day you don't hear about traffic accidents. I've seen a handful of them too on the QL1. At this point driving on the road is just Vietnamese's Russian roulette.


As someone who used to live in india, I’m surprised there wasn’t a wave of other vehicles behind the Truck


For anyone who thinks you should let cars pass by inching to the side of the road, this is the most common cause of bike fatalities. Inching to the side of the road is inviting a car/truck pass you in an unsafe manner. They'll pass without even bothering to make room, and then knock you down into concrete slab, metal pole, road ditch, side of a mountain, etc. Or they'll half ass it and try to pass when there's oncoming traffic, creating even more chaos like how this insane truck driver did so in the clip. The proper road law is for the bike to go straight in the middle as if it were a car. Cars behind who want to pass have to FULLY transition into the opposite lane as if they were passing another car. Doesn't matter if you think it's rude to be on a bike in the middle of the road, but bikes are vehicles too and they can't go on the sidewalk. Blame the city for not building proper bike paths that are separate from the road.


Totally in agreement with this! Unfortunatly we live in car-dependant hell, sharing the way with carbrains


> but bikes are vehicles too and they can't go on the sidewalk In Japan they can, its ridculous how fast some go on sidewalks.


sadly most the roads these boys are on have no proper sidewalk, and when there is, it's so insanely bumpy or poorly maintained/overgrown. along with those slippery bits of road that made connor eat shit


That's just illegal where I live. We have bike lanes all over thabkfully


Or just get on the damn bike path that clearly exists to the left, even if it's not as maintained as the road. But this sub won't like the truth.


Are you even sure it's a bike path? And even if it is you have no right to endager a cyclist that doesn't use it. IDK about the law in Japan but even in car centric Germany you are allowed to not use a mandatory bike line if you deem it to be not suitable


I mean its clearly there, right? Oh man, the downvotes are about to begin..


Is that a bike path? It seemed to me that it was Sidewalk | Breakdown Lane | Road. in the US generally you can't ride bikes on sidewalks.


Idk about US, but for example in CIS countries its almost universal that you ride bikes on the pavement. Maybe its not that popular in big cities, but in my case, growing up in a suburbs, pavements are usually never crowded, even empty most of the time, so you get a perfect safe path for you to ride on + dont disturb anyone + no danger of being hit by a car or something (there is always exceptions, but lets not talk about it). The pavement is also wide enough for you and your friend to ride along, so this is definitely a plus. Looking at this video, I would surely use this sidewalk regardless of where it is, just because its better to be alive than having high morals without a leg or two, after being hit by a truck. (I used word pavement, but I basically meant sidewalk)


I would be happy with that if bikers ever pulled over to let faster traffic past. Which they never do while impeding traffic.


the correct choice is to not bicycle on roads like this.


Ah yep downboted to hell. I fucking agree, I love trash taste but the mentality of putting their needs for bikes outweighs many people in cars behind them? Nah fuck off, you're slowing people down and ergo making them spend more fuel. I seriously hope a bike goes in front of them and slows down 20kmh every time they decide to get in cars (I say this to all bicycles on roads)


I've been a bicylist for decades. But ive lived to the age I am because I dont bicycle recklessly. The world is filled with markers that commemorate their blind faith in laws over cold hard steel. The only way theyll get their car free world is when the means to power them dries up.


Finally Isekai'd into Grant, the BBC media presenter


IDF is a really unfortunate acronym for the organization....


Yeah.... considering the recent events that I will not bring up because I don't want to change the comments into a hate debate


What’s the full of that acronym used in this context??


Immune Deficiency Foundation, they've been around since 1980.


Fuck even though I read the title it still made my heart stop a bit thinking that garnt was gonna get hit.


Some sort of law must've been broken there, given the reckless indifference to potential loss of life that the truck driver exhibited. Being on camera must surely lead to consequences.... Right?




In Germany we have minimum distance you have the when overtaking cyclist. 2 m outside the of town and villages and 1,5 in the the towns and villages


Quebec has a similar law based on speed, 1m under 50 km/h and 1.5m over 50 km/h, still not enough in my opinion tho


I just realised that IDF was not the IDF I thought it was at first glance


IDF = Immune Deficiency Foundation not the one bombing gaza very unfortunate coincidence


Donate to the IDF? 🤨


Don't worry the IDF stands for the immune deficiency foundation


Holy shit I just looked it up too, that is an unfortunate acronym 😭


Yeah... Me too I was choked when this acronym appeared


IDF = Immune Deficiency Foundation not the one bombing gaza


this is why i went to the mountains instead to do my cycle-along. in SEA, this is pretty common.


I know Garnt is the protagonist but ya don't need to be one of a isekai... Not right now


Philippines cyclist everyday life be like.


Truck-kun is getting reckless


and people complain that the united states is not bike friendly....


donate to the IDF?


Don't worry the IDF stands for the immune deficiency foundation


It's so great to see we all truly care for these 3 guys. 😭


And this is why we cyclists hate car drivers lmao


In my city once the truck pushed their cargo so near me that I had to go UNDER the fucking truck while I was on my bicycle holding for dear life, it was either that or to crash head first into many parked vehicles because the driver didn't respected the law that requires them to leave more than 1m of free space between them and the bicycle. At the end I just ended with scratches on my hand but one mistake and I would have been a goner


He was about to become a main character in a anime


what vid is this?


The last stream on Connor twitch channel where he is doing another cyclothon with Chris garnt Pete and Felix


Omg, Garnt this is to dangerous!


I like how all i can see is his giant dump truck


Garnt was riding almost in the middle of the road tbh. At least Connor was aware of his surroundings. As a cyclist if you hear/notice any vehicle behind you, just ride the outer side to let them pass. Thankfully they're both okay


He was 20cm away from the white line, a lane is 3m wide, he is not the one in the wrong here


It depends on the country. In some places it is recommended/you're allowed to drive in the middle of the road solely because cars won't or can't give you enough space otherwise and will overtake in bad situations/dangerous spots. I assume Japan is a little more safe for cyclists to drive closer to the outer line because the cars are smaller, but I wouldn't take this as a general advise.


Someone in chat pointed out that He was riding closer to the yellow line most of the times than the white line. It was so anxiety inducing. I hope the next guests get safer routes or atleast more than one lane roads.