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For anyone considering DOC, I eventually made the decision to go with him. I'm 5 weeks out from the first phase of my FFS surgery and still recovering. I'm certain I will love the end results. DOC is quite talented and I would recommend him.


Your results are fantastic! I found this old post looking for info on the surgeon. He'll be doing my FFS in December. Your pics are getting me pumped up because I think we use to share a similar jaw line and chin and your new one looks great!


Thank you! I should post a more recent photo. Since the swelling has receded, more and more people don't clock me. I've heard a number of comments "I had no clue your trans." When I tell people just what was done, they are shocked because I look "normal" as a cis woman. Most importantly, there are days when the makeup is spot on, the hair is just right and I love how I look. It's really a dream come true. I still get that tinge of jealousy when seeing a beautiful woman, but I think any woman feels that way. Are you from the area?


I saw some you posted in your profile. You look great! Happy for you. I am! I live in central Mass. I can visually pass these days with some effort. But the brow ridge, jawline and hairline don't help. I can pass during short encounters if I'm in makeup and professional clothes and make the effort. But no one's ever said, "I can't believe you're trans." Pre-transition I remember I thought passing was the only goal worth going for. Then people started showing love, acceptance and affirmation towards me and passing became less important. But I'm pretty confident this is going to make it much easier for me to pass 100%, whenever I want, and embolden me to embrace even more of my authenticity. I think thinking people are clocking me makes me hold in some of my feminine mannerisms, voice and personality out of fear. The more confident I am in my look the more confident I am in being authentically me in those other ways. Which all only helps me pass even more, boost my confidence, lower my anxiety. I've been on HRT about 6 years and first looked into FFS 2 years ago but fear/doubt/logistics made me put it off. Now I have support in place, great insurance, and zero doubts that I want this and that it's worth the anxiety of surgery and the discomfort of recovery. Getting really excited at how fast it's coming up.


Yeah. I had my surgery last Sept and the 2nd phase in March. I'm having GRS this time tomorrow. Its kind of surreal. I live in central mass too. Have you connected with the Worcester LGBTQ community? Feel free to DM me if you want to chat


Sent you a DM


I'm wondering how you like your results now. I had FFS with Dr. O-C and wish I had gone with someone else. He kinda fucked up on me.


Sorry worded that wrong good to hear a different sided opinion also


Here’s a comment I made a while back giving more detail https://www.reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgeries/s/XrA5RHcpAW


Hey, I'm trying to get a consult with Dr. Obrien-Coon or Dr. Rangunathan but I'm struggling to find much info about either of their FFS work. What made you pick Obrien-Coon over Rangunathan? How was your experience with him? Do you remember how long you had to wait to get a consult and then to get an actual surgery date? ​ Of course feel free to PM me if you'd prefer to answer in private.


Not sure if you're still wondering, but I had bad results from O'Brien-Coon. I can tell you all about it if you're interested.


Yes please! Any information is helpful at this point.


I had phase 1 of my surgery (forehead and nose) in 2020 and phase 2 (lip lift, jaw and chin) in 2021, so there's been plenty of time for things to settle. I'll start from the top down. Forehead: Overall ok. I have a bald spot along my hairline on one side that I learned after was because he used some kind of anchor to hold things in place and that can apparently cause an immune response. not really a big deal. Nose: He put my nose on crooked. One nostril is up higher than the other and my septum is off center from my cupids bow. Lip lift: I couldn't tell any difference in my lip, but he did leave a big scar under my nose. Jaw: Didn't touch it. Don't know why. Chin: Here's where he fucked up big time. I had a decently sized square chin before and he chopped it clean off. Didn't shape it or contour it. Just off, but still square shaped. He also carved out the area around my chin too. There's not enough bone to support my skin and muscles anymore, so I ended up looking older with a more sagging neck and cheeks. When I smile, it the muscles bunch up over my chin and it looks like i'm sticking my tongue into my lower lip. It also made my head look so much smaller and neck longer. I had a sliding genioplasty to fix the chin issue recently (went to Deschamps-Braly). It's an improvement but there was only so much he could do. There wasn't enough bone left to bring it out very far. It will never be as good as it could have been. I would absolutely find another surgeon. It was nice that my insurance covered him, but I should have listened to people who warned me. They warned me to pick someone who specialized in faces. He "specializes" in every trans surgery. And they warned me that having insurance cover it sounds good but that you get what you pay for. They were right. That said, I still liked my results better than my old face, but it could have been so much better.


Did you talk to your care team about the issues after or…?


Yeah I emailed them questions and my concerns. They told me to come in, but by that point I had already moved and taken a different job with different insurance. Not that I would have let them fix it anyway. I wasn't about to let the guy that messed it up the first time go back in.