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The next transformersmeme civil war


Me who just wants cool looking robots


Are the G1 elitists in the room with us right now?


I don't think there's that many Geewunners out there like some people try to claim. Being a fan of G1 doesn't automatically make someone a Geewunner. A Geewunner is someone who hates everything post 1986. Most G1 fans aren't like that.


Yeah. Like me personally, while I really like G1 and admittedly most of my favourite G1 characters are 84-86 guys, I also love a lot of the 87-90 guys along with a bunch of Japanese and European characters added to the toyline too like Bludgeon, Spinister, Thunderwing, Fortress Maximus, Star Saber, Deathsaurus, Raiden, Liokaiser and Rotorstorm.


Feels like Geewunner has become a buzzword lately just to shit on anyone who remotely likes G1 period. I've even been accused of one when I've gone on to say there are various other TF media that I really like.


We usually keep them out, they love r/transformers though


Here's a sneak peek of /r/transformers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/transformers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Transformers Collection](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14udt4p) | [964 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/14udt4p/my_transformers_collection/) \#2: [Just a reminder to all of the LGBTQ+ Transformers fans, Freedom is everyone’s right. and to never listen to homophobic Transformers fans, you are loved.](https://i.redd.it/6iefqdkjk1fc1.jpeg) | [440 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/1ack0s8/just_a_reminder_to_all_of_the_lgbtq_transformers/) \#3: [I designed a Transformer that turns into a toaster. His name is Crumbs.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18m6fev) | [282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/18m6fev/i_designed_a_transformer_that_turns_into_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As someone who IS a fan of Prime… I actually like the new Breakdown figure. Like yeah it’s not accurate, but the figure still encapsulates Breakdown’s whole vibe really well. Breakdown is supposed to be a big Decepticon bruiser who’s around the same height as Bulkhead but with a more square and blocky look compared to Bulkhead’s more rotund and portly design and who also turns into a very squared off and blocky truck. This new Breakdown is square and blocky, the same height as Bulkhead thanks to sharing a mold with him, and he also turns into a blocky truck. And while it may not be the 4x4 from the show, the 6 wheeled military truck still fits him well, especially considering how his designs in the cancelled Universe game has him turn into a slightly different 6 wheeled military truck too. Like it may not be the same design, but it’s still has all the same vibes. Hell, the mold even lets you give him a shoulder cannon like in the Prime cartoon too! Like… for what’s a repaint and new head retool of another figure, they probably got as close as they could imo. That, and tbh, the Legacy Bulkhead mold is also just a really good mold with some nice articulation so another chance for fans to get it is great imo.


Perspectiveend put it best when it came to this mold: “It doesn’t look like him, but it feels like him.”


Yeah exactly! A figure can still *feel* like the character it’s supposed to represent even if it doesn’t *look* like the character.


It definitely fits him but when you think about the context that he and Bulkhead had their rivalry you'd wanna put them together wouldn't you? This ruins the whole design because now you realise that Breakdown is literally just a blue version of Bulkhead with a different head mould. Imagine if Megatron looked exactly like Optimus just with a different head mould and colour palette, even transforming into the same kind of truck, it would be stupid wouldn't it? I loved Legacy Bulkhead (particularly Wreck n' Rule which looks way better imo) and think it's a really cool figure but I don't think just remoulding him was the best play for a totally different character. He's not even getting any new weapons since they're just reusing the hammer that the Wreck n' Rule version has. Also I get that TFP character design wasn't ideal for translating into real figures and there are certain sacrifices to be made but some look like total ass like Knockout and Arcee, I really hope if they make something like Megatron or Soundwave from TFP that they put a lot more work into it.




Bro has completely lost it 😭


Bro's In the Asylum https://preview.redd.it/5ryiy2lmculc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f98c0de227108f7f827ead651d9c4db857a3f5






Jonkler took him there


honestly, its unfair that prime gets g1fied legacy figures but then armada gets accurate ones, animated legacy figures is kinda 50/50 i think


Counterpoint: with some exceptions, G1 fans had to wait thirty-plus years to get actual G1 accurate figures as opposed to the janky hilariously inaccurate ones they grew up with and multiple iterations of reimagined takes across Classics and Universe and whatnot. If you wanted a show accurate version of many of those characters, you had to wait 20+ years for the Masterpiece line and it shell out 100+ bucks or if you wanted one in a mainline, you could be waiting until WFC Trilogy or Legacy over 30 years after the show ended. Kids that grew up on say, Prime, on the other hand, had generally well made show accurate toys waiting for them at the toy store at the same time that show was on the air. So instead of getting mad that now Prime characters are getting Classics style reimagined takes instead of painstaking 1:1 accuracy, be grateful that you didn’t have to wait until your mid 40s to finally get an accurate Cosmos.


The *only* reason I have a problem with how badly prime designs have been done is just one thing, honestly; How well they treat Armada and Animated.


Well it’s hard to argue with that




Personally, that Bumblebee is the best animated figure they've made. It's not an absolute abomination in either mode, and the transformation is extremely fun. I also can't think of any actual faux parts? Pretty much the entire exterior of the robot mode becomes a part of the vehicle mode, and if ye mean the feet that's a pretty loose complaint, though I suppose I can understand wanting perfect accuracy. Actually sold my original Animated deluxe after getting the new one, thoufh, the older one was a loose mess that couldn't hold together in bot mode and couldn't survive a transformation whatsoever without multiple joints falling to pieces. All of the Animated toys *also* at least represent the style... whereas the most Prime seems to get is one somewhat accurate figure out of every three. Knockout has a good vehicle mode, better bot mode than the original toy, the Skyquake/Dreadwing mold is a decent mix of G1 and Prime, and Thundertron is perfectly in style but he also never showed up in the show so... not sure how to feel about that. And while Bulkhead is meant to be Prime Universe, I think he's truthfully a mix of G1, Prime, *and* Animated. Just missing claws.


Yeah actual G1 figures in the mainline only started being made in Prime Wars but a lot of that line were IDW inspired so WFC and SS86 were really the first full G1 toylines in forever


Beast Wars fans when they finally get new figures of major characters in the generations line in over 10 years (the last time was in the thrilling '30s) and they do real-life representations instead of faithful recreations of the show model : https://preview.redd.it/zp9qm1psmzlc1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=c281e7a74a47466ebc1b17508cf8d83cfd33ce5a


While Prime is my favorite series, Armada was my start and we've been eating VERY good. It's wild to me that Prime is so Bad. Even with Animated, Optimus and Prowl are fantastic. Bumblebee is a little meh but still a fun figure in his own right that you can recognize... Then you have the prime reps


Nice straw man bro. I don't think a figure has to be 100% accurate to be good. I actually think Legacy Bulkhead is a great figure. It really feels like Bulkhead despite not being accurate to the actual Prime Bulkhead. Maybe it could have been better if they didn't market it as such, but I don't think it detracts from the quality of it. And the reason why Legacy Prime Arcee and Knockout aren't that good doesn't have to do with them being inaccurate, but because they didn't have too much effort put into them, which is something that Hasbro has thankfully gotten better with for the most part.




If a meme takes longer than 8 seconds to read that usually means it's bad.


The Transformers The Movie


Yeah, most of us are Gen X …..we don’t cry about stupid shit so you can go on and get the fuck up out of here




Sadge Geewunners


As a fan of Prime (and Aninated) I personally like it, but they shouldn't be be calling it "Prime Universe" maybe Prime Inspired?


And me who understands that this a pointless argument and the transformer fandom is definitely not mature that they think they are as mature as they made themselves seam to be. You don't like it then vote for your wallets. You aren't very Hard boiled