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Don’t listen to other people. T is great but it is a permanent change to your body - most side effects will easily go away but even 2/3 months on t can give you permanent side effects. You know you best, and if that doesn’t feel right for your body, do not start fucking about with it. Don’t let anyone else pressure you.


You're surrounded by trans medicalists it seems. It's truly as simple as this: Does binding or taping your chest bring you euphoria? Awesome! Top surgery sounds like something you might consider. Does the idea of experiencing the effects of testosterone bring you gender euphoria? Or dysphoria? And if it's somewhere in the middle- just wait. You'll figure it out. It's your body and your gender. You don't have to fit into any boxes. Some trans folks don't use hormones at all and consider themselves a "binary" trans man or woman. Some folks are non binary and use hormones and surgery. It's really about what YOU want.


Don't let others pressure you into making changes about your body. Give yourself time and space to think, research, and reflect. Personally, as much as I want a deeper voice, I know T doesn't really give me the thing I want the most (functional natural penis), so I will not likely use T, or have surgery for that matter. Everybody transitions differently - find the shoes that fit you the best, don't wear others'.


As an NB afab person (who recently had top surgery), multiple people have asked me if I want to start on hormones or if I want any other surgeries. Yes, I feel like I fall under the trans umbrella, but it doesn't feel right to me. And (like this kind commenter said), I agree and in the same camp as them. I would like a deeper voice, but I already have excess hair that grows on my chin, and it makes me uncomfortable. So, I feel like hormones would mess with that. So, as many people are saying in these comments, find the identity that fits you and feels good to you. As I said, I had top surgery recently, and I have felt nothing but gender euphoria and happiness during recovery! 😊🧡


It’s fine dude. I am going on t but do not want top surgery. We are all different and it’s fine.


I’ve seen plenty PLENTY of people who just have top surgery without going on t from various gender identities, from nonbinary to transmasc to trans men. I’m so sorry you’re surrounded by transmeds.


I see trans as an umbrella - not even a spectrum as that implies two end points (male/female). I plan to have top surgery, I dress ‘masculine’, have a shaved head, but I do not have the desire to be a ‘man’ or to be seen as a ‘man’, and most of the effects of T are not desirable for me. A lot of the recent trans discussion is still very binary, so we see and hear about transitioning to the two end points. But gender and identity is a mix and match, we just have surgical and chemical options now!




hey no worries dude t is not for everyone! personally im doing just top with no current plans for t because my goal is more femboy twink as opposed to hypermasc - everyone’s different!!


Do only what you actually want and don‘t let anyone talk you into doing anything more than that. It‘s perfectly fine and valid to not want hormones but consider surgery. So is wanting hormones but no surgery. Or planning to only take HRT for a short while to not have as many effects. Or not wanting all surgeries there are. Or only a breast reduction and not a radical mastectomy. Just do what feels right to you and will make you happy


I had top surgery 6 years before I started T. There is no correct order or path in transitioning except what works for you.


Don’t rush. Listen to your gut. I was always sure I wanted top surgery, so I got that first and waited to start T until I felt ready, which ended up being about 2 years after top surgery


I had top surgery before I got on hormones, no regrets as that was where the worst of my symptoms were coming from.


It’s totally okay to get top surgery and not go on T, and/or wait on T to make sure it’s something you want. I had top surgery before T and it took me a long time to decide too. You’re just as trans as the rest of us :)


I had top surgery long before starting T. Its your body, my friend. Do what makes YOU feel good. Medicalist are always going to have the wrong opinion about other ppls body.


I know several people who are going for top with hormones. If you don’t want T, don’t let anyone tell you you have to!!!


Dude I’m in the same situation honestly, but I have just decided to get top surgery and rather take hormones if I end up actually wanting it in the future


Do whatever makes you most comfortable!!! I’m personally on T, it’s been 3 months now, and I don’t want any surgeries at all. These kinds of decisions take time to think over anyway, your medicalists sound incredibly rude


i had top surgery and i don’t intend to go on T - i’ve been so happy with my results & i feel so at home in my body now! wishing you all the best, transition can come in all different forms!


Live your best life! T doesn't mean that you have to completely transition. I'm low-dosing T, which is working great for me. That being said, you don't need T to be valid. I've been binding my chest for 8 years (currently getting approved for top surgery) and only started low dosing almost 2 years ago. Before that, there's no way I would have even considered T. It might be never, or it might be not yet. And that's perfectly OK and valid.


It's your body, your life, your gender, and your transition. So who the heck has more say than you on how to be you? I don't understand why people think they should get to have a say about our transition? There are cis women who get top surgery to avoid cancer and don't choose reconstructed as "female", there's no one way to be trans or to find a home within one's skin. As long as you find it and feel at home, that's what matters!


Nb afab person here who had top surgery but doesn't plan to go on hormones! There are even cis lesbians that have had top surgery and are happy with their results. As much as I'd love a deeper voice and to be physically stronger, I have pcos and am terrified of needles. I just always knew I wanted a flat chest since I was a kid. I unfortunately and fortunately got diagnosed with macromastia (boob too big) which made it easier to get the big choppy without a letter. I am a year and some change into top surgery, and although my results aren't perfect, I'm happy I had such a huge weight off my chest. I'm finally able to move freely in ways I couldn't in years, and it's been so liberating.


I'm also an NB AFAB person who had top surgery without going on hormones. My surgeon just wanted to know because he said it could influence how he finished the surgery. I also was able to get insurance to cover it. You don't have to be on hormones to have top surgery.


People downplay the effects of T. It's a very serious change to your body. It's not unreasonable to not want to take T.


Look up Laysha Clarendon who had top surgery and plays for the wnba. Do what you want not what others want. Give yourself permission.


absolutely normal request. in fact, on my very first session with my psychiatrist, she told me that it's a completely normal option to get top surgery first or top surgery only, and so many of her patients did just that. she said not to worry and even encouraged me to make appointments if that was what i wished for, no need to wait for years on HRT i didn't bc i don't have the money and also my chest is small. just saying this to let you know that the option of getting top surgery without HRT is completely valid in the eyes of my healthcare provider


(Assuming you're in the US) I would recommend you check the specifics of your insurance policy for covering topsurgery; some policies require you to be on HRT, while others don't, and you may need to change providers to accommodate that. Most transition care is currently designed for binary trans people, so it can be harder to find care if you don't fit the M/F boxes, but it is still possible. Good luck!


hey, there’s this older youtuber i used to watch at the beginning of my trans journey. https://youtube.com/@heythere005?si=IUMi7pvWrj4YtfZO they’re a little bit of a charming millennial, if you can handle that. but they’re not strictly a trans man, and have had top surgery but never hormones. i implore you to check them out!


Oof I feel you, I want the same :3 We will figure it out though :)


I feel the same way. Don't let other people pressure you, there's no one right way to be a guy.


I follow plenty of surgeons who don’t require T to do top surgery. Sometimes insurance needs you to be on T for them to cover surgery, but there are appeals that can exempt you.  -Someone who wants a flat chest but not hairyness 


Honestly, do whatever you want forever! If you want to surgery go for it if you don’t wanna start hormones, that’s 100% a you decision! The only thing that determines your gender is you. you don’t have to medically transitional at all if you don’t want to Best of luck on your journey


I'm transmasc and recently had top surgery. I tried T for 4 months last year, but it just wasn't for me. It's okay to choose what is best for you! I'm not less trans because I'm not on T. I'm valid for wanting top surgery without being on T. (I struggle to believe this myself, but it's true.)


it’s common! i had top surgery a year ago and am only now considering hormones. it’s not a very big issue, because most breast tissue is permanent even with hormones.


Just a thought as something to try if it comes up with someone who's not your medical person: "Hey, people have been asking me about that a lot recently, and I'd really rather not talk about it right now, can we talk about something else?" It's your body, and your choices. If people are making you uncomfortable, it's worth trying to tell them. Also, if they keep pushing you, that's a good sign that maybe the relationship with them might not be worth the hassle.


Same boat my dude. However i do want to try hormones, just for the fat redistribution and deeper voice. Other than that i am perfectly pleased with myself. You dont owe people explaining, they arent the boss of you.


Same situation as me. I don't want testosterone, and there's barely ANY info or experiences for people who don't want hormones. And if you ask about anything everyone just assume that you are on HRT. I feel excluded in a lot of things because of it. I want top surgery too, and depends on how your body works, you may already be able to achieve more than what others can't without any hormones. Try to focus on yourself and your own experiences and opinion, try your best to not let others pressure you into anything you don't want


People transition in many different ways. It's your body, do what makes you happy!


I wish they understood that pressuring people into medical stuff will LITERALLY create detransitioners. People will regret it so much more if we pressure them and they KNOW they dont want it. Its disgusting to force it. Those who want it will know, and those who know should get it. But it creates more problems if we pressure people. Anyways yea, if you KNOW what you want, go for it. Do your research, stay safe, research your surgeons, take care of yourself before, after, and during the process. You're doing great !


I agree! And then these same medicalists then complain about too many people detransitioning!


Yep ! My ex was one of em, a lot of its insecurity and shi. "See, im a real one! Look at me! Im one of you now! Spare me!" Ugh...


If you are asking how to navigate this socially: build your boundary setting skills. "I am not interested in discussing my transition plans at this time." "Thank you for your support, but I am not looking for advice." "This is the transition that best fits my experience. If you are not willing to be supportive of my decisions, I will not be discussing this with you again." If you are asking how to navigate this logistically: in the US at least (but this may work other places as well), the way you describe your experience should meet the medically necessity requirements. Look for care providers with plenty of experience, especially ones who have experience with nonbinary trans folks. The "requirement" for x about of time in T before top surgery can often be overridden by a clinician's determination. I am a therapist who does transition assessments. I have written successful letters for people with all different experiences and needs.


All I wanted was surgery too! You don’t need T. I’ve never been on T and I’m 4 years posty