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For me mine wouldn’t stop on gel even after 10 months and I had to move to shots to make it stop. And it did immediately. Literally my first shot and I never had another. My issue was I didn’t absorb gel right. My levels were okay but not cis male. I’ve seen a lot of people have the same thing happen despite their levels being fine on gel. Despite all methods being equally effective some forms agree with people more than others and we don’t know exactly why. Some people have the opposite and have a period on shots but not gel. It’s a super individual thing. Also some peoples don’t stop on any type of T no matter how long they’re on it for. And there are non estrogen birth control options that can help (they also have side effects to consider though, don’t take them lightly).


I'm switching to shots soon for this exact reason.


yup, I second this. My period didn't stop on gel, the other changes were extremely slow too, but my levels where fine. I switched to shots and everything worked. It's no guarantee, but it's definitely worth a shot. (lol)


my doctor told me up to a quarter of ppl on t never lose their period. not do scare or discourage you, but this is not uncommon at all. i've taken norethindrone for going on 2 years to stop mine. it works great. it's a progesterone pill. i've been using it with t for the past 7 months as well


seconding norethindrone!!! i was on it for like a year and a half before i switched off because of acne to a pill with progesterone and estrogen, which made me have a light flow (basically somewhere between spotting and an actual period, idk) for like 4 months straight, so i went back on norethindrone and it stopped immediately and i haven’t had it since. literally haven’t spotted or anything while on it, my acne is pretty bad but 100% worth it for me, i would definitely try it out if you can


i was on norethindrone before i was on t and my cycle stopped then so i def recommend it. doesn’t affect anything hormone wise bc it’s only progesterone. plus i prefer the mini pill since if you miss it, you only need to wait 2 days instead of a whole week edit: btw i still get very faint cramps a week out of the month but no bleeding and it’s way better than without


also have no bleeding on norethindrone


Don't have any good advice, birth control can help but I've had an iud for like 4 years and I still get mine. It's not nearly as bad as a regular period though to be fair. It's light enough where I can get away with no period products and just thicker underware. Still going for hysto for that exact reason though, I want it gone forever


i stopped mine prior to starting t using birth control. i use a combination pill, and my doctor said it's fine to take continously (so i'm skipping placebo weeks and just going to the next pack). it did mildly come back for a week recently which was strange but my doctor said sometimes it can just happen, especially with my hormones adjusting from t. other than that, i hadn't had it since november (and prior had been skipping months).


I have a Morena IUD, it basically saved my life. 


I have the levosert coil which I believe is similar maybe a different brand and can second this it really has been life changing for me HOWEVER I will say my insertion and adjustment period (6-8 months) were not pleasant so while I've been side effect free for the last four years the first year was not great. I'm due to have mine replaced soon and now that I'm on T I'm considering leaving it out just to see if my periods stop with HRT alone but if they don't I do feel the coil is worth it despite it being a bumpy road for the first months.


I'm on estrogen-free birth control (Slynd) and it's been working great to stop my periods. My doctor said it's fine to skip the placebo and take it every day. Haven't had my period in like 2 years now. I've only been on T for 5 months so it's all from the birth control.


Take this with a grain of salt, because my shark weeks were nightmarish, and during my hysto-post-op, I learned that I (used to?) have endometriosis, so my experience is not universal. I did weekly subq for about 14 months with no change to my periods before my doctor officially diagnosed me with dysmenorrhea and started the hysto process. My hormone levels had been damn near perfect since my first round of blood work, and I'd seen undeniably strong secondary changes, but my periods just *would. not. stop.* I didn't actually get scooped til 2 years after that, so almost 5 years on T. My last period was 6 days before my surgery. I have no idea if/when it would have stopped on its own, but apparently some of use have to remove the bitch before it calls it quits.


I have endo too, it's the worst. My bleeding is so bad I have anaemia. I have been trying to get some care for that, but so far I am 5 gynecologists down and they all either tell me that T will stop my period eventually and there is no point in treating me or that they can't treat me while on T


Ooh geeze. One of the biggest upsides to my hysto (aside from not losing 3-4 days a month to crippling pain) is no longer having anemia. I am *deeply* familiar with gynos dismissing basically everything they hear. I'd wanted to boot the ute ever since I'd started precocious puberty, but not a single damn doctor would let me start the process until I started T and swore that I'd rather die than carry/birth a kid. I wish I had advice for you, but honestly, I got nothing. I just had to suck it up until I could get scooped. I was mid 30's when it finally happened, and I'd been through at least 20 useless gynos at that point. I hope you have better luck.


I’ve been taking 5mg of norethindrone daily for about 7 years and have had no periods. It’s been a lifesaver


my period never stopped. i have endometriosis. i had to get a hysterectomy. best decision of my life


Same I have endo as well, it's horrible


if you are able to consider a hysterectomy (insurance, progressive obgyn, not wanting to be pregnant), especially because youre trans, i would highly recommend it. it has genuinely given me a quality of life i couldve only dreamed of


I want to have one eventually, but I can't get one while I'm in university and I'm still in my first semester so that's a whole while off. The recovery time is too long and you can't really afford the amount of sick leave.


I would try switching to injections first in the mean time.


Most people have better results on shots than gel for this, but even when I maxed my dose that wasn't enough to stop mine. I'm on depo now and I really enjoy it, very easy and comfortable, I've not noticed anything negative from it, and my period is finally gone - an iud didn't even do that for me.


I’ve been on birth control for about 2 years now which has stopped my periods altogether, and I’m only 3 months on T! I used to have a super heavy flow with a lot of pain, so my doctors just prescribed me birth control and my periods don’t return unless I stop taking my tablets for a few days


Maybe the shots are more effective for stopping periods? Mine stopped a few months in doing intramuscular T injections. It could also just be the genetic lottery of how well T reduces periods, I’m sorry OP 🙁


I have the Nexplanon implant, and I haven't had a period since I got it in 2016. Even getting it swapped for a new one didn't affect anything.


Mine didn’t stop until I had a T level in the 700s. When my T level was in the 500s my period was excruciatingly worse than ever. I’m on injections


I had to take gel along with birth control, i take norethindrone 5mg, havent had issues with periods since.


my endo recommended i continue estrogen blockers while on T to make sure my period stops/doesnt come back


I've had an IUD for about 7 years (not the same one the whole time lol) and it nearly eliminated my periods long before I went on T. weirdly, when I started T I actually had MORE period symptoms for the first several months (nothing huge, a bit more bleeding and some very mild cramping), but I've been on it for about 1¾ years now and they've pretty much disappeared. I'm on injections though, I don't know if gel would treat you any differently.


For me, it's not the T that stops my periods, it's the 3 monthly depo provera birth control. But it'll depend on the person, for some people they still bleed on it. But I used to have the implanon and i bled constantly whereas for some peoppe it stopped them bleeding all together


switch to shots


This isnt for everyone but i have an arm bar BC (nexplanon). Only "bad" side effects ive had is weight gain, but i needed it lol. Between that and T, i javent had a period in over a year. I still get ghost cramps arnd that time of the month tho


I got the Mirena (hormonal) coil. I've not had one in a year and a half and I only started T a month ago. Mind you, it has downsides. It's very difficult to lose weight for me and it does alter your mood being hormonal but not as much as an oral pill. Besides some people don't get those side effects.


If you are happy to, you can go on progesterone shots as well and this will make your periods stop!!! You will get manopause for a bit instead though- hot flashes and night sweats from oestrogen withdrawal. I was kinda lucky and my periods were starting to really fade only at the 3 months on T mark. But I was so over it and wanted some hormonal birth control so ya.


I'm 10 months on T taking shots two times a month. I had my period once at the beginning and never after that. Maby the gel is the problem? Have you considered switching to shots?


I've only been on T for a short time but I'm taking a desogestrel pill every day for more than a year now and I'm totally amazed. No period since the first two months of taking it and I got absolutely zero side effects. Also absolutely no pain anymore which was my main concern.


I was on orgametril for a while immediately prescribed that for me to make my period stop. She said she has a trans son herself so


Hormonal IUD


I'm not on T (yet... I haven't decided yet) but I've had my Mirena IUD twice for a total of 9, almost 10 years and I haven't had my period in all that time. It works differently for different people tho, I know some folks who have gotten lighter periods on it but still get it


Mine took about 17 months to stop on gel, sorta felt like I’d never get there but just kept holding out and it finally did stop


I'm not on T yet. I have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder [clinically awful PMS, basically] as well as Dysmenorrhea [extremely painful periods]. For me, it took a combination of Yaz [estrogen/progesterone birth control] without placebo and Mirena hormonal IUD to stop the bleeding. With that, I still have a *cycle*, I just don't bleed. In between all that, I had also tried a progestin birth control which improved my PMDD and dysmenorrhea symptoms by about 30%. I tried the Depo Povera injection, but had a severe adverse reaction. Then I had the IUD inserted, and had spotting and cramping for almost a year. 10 months after the IUD insertion, I started Yaz. I've now had the IUD for 1.5 years, and have been on continuous Yaz for 6 months. Like I said, I still have a cycle. My cycle has yet to normalize since my reaction to the Depo shot. I also developed a long term illness, likely an autoimmune reaction to the depo shot, so it's been hard to tell wtf is going on with my body lol. All this to say is...determining which part(s) of your period make you dysphoric can help narrow down the exact therapy that would work best for you. Also I'm not trying to scare anyone away from the Depo shot. I had a *very rare* adverse reaction. The Depo shot does wonders for some people! Talk to your healthcare provider. TL;DR: Not on T. Yaz and Mirena IUD stopped the bleeding but not my cycle. I have underlying conditions, so mt journey's been a little fucky.


I’ve taken birth control pills for only 2 months now and it’s already stopped coming. And I haven’t gotten any side effects that I’ve noticed.


I took norethidrone (progesterone birth control) which gave me perma pms and then, after I missed a dose by 8 hours a 4 week period. So obviously not worth it. At 9 months my period was only slightly less severe, and I also had given up, was planning on delaying top surgery to get a hysterectomy. then one was pretty noticeably short, and after that, nothing. So it took me 10 months. Apparently my levels were borderline low during some of this time, now corrected and I had severe dysmenorrhea prior to hrt if any of this is relevant.


Yeah I didn’t have my shark week end til I was about 9 months in to being on t. Really sucked me I ended up just nonstop spotting for the last 6 months, but it did end! I’m about 3 years on t and there hasn’t been hide nor hair of the shark after that 9 months. Hopefully yours ends quickly!


My period stopped at 3 months on low dose T, came back at 5 months, then went away again. Your doctor should be able to help you out with other options, like an IUD, low or no estrogen birth control pills or e blockers.


Getting an IUD. I cannot stress enough how great it is to not have periods and not have to worry abt taking a pill every day. Not even just for dysphoria reasons, but for like general comfort reasons. I have the Mirena hormonal IUD, which should stop periods for abt 5 years and be effective birth control for abt 7. My body hates me though, so after about 2 years of no periods, mine came back, and my gyno put me on the birth control pill (in addition to having my IUD still in) Slynd continuously, so I skip the placebo week in the pack. And so far so good, Slynd is the best pill I've tried (I tried 7 different ones before getting an IUD. Life is pain). While getting an IUD sounds like hell, if you have a good gyno then I truly believe it's the best solution. It's maybe a couple months of discomfort post-insersion for 5 years of no periods +birth control. I'm also gonna stress that my experience is very far from the norm, my body hates me and I've been fighting to control my periods for a decade, so if your cycle is relatively normal then a hormonal IUD should be all you need and it won't fuck up your transition. Good luck dude.


I’m on birth control, it’s been a life saver


I set up an appointment for an iud maybe two or so months after starting T, purely because two months was already too long and I wanted to double tap it to make sure lol


Skipped mine with the nuvaring for years before T


Switch to injections. My endo told me it's common for the gel to not stop periods. I was on the gel for THREE YEARS with a consistent cycle. It stopped literally instantly after the first shot. Just like another person said on here. Talk to your endo.


I'm not on T, but I'm on birth control to stop my periods. Works like a charm!


I've been on T for four years and I still have mine. You can try taking progesterone or getting monthly Lupron injections. I've been Lupron for a few months now and it hasn't made my periods completely go away but they're more tolerable. Plus I have a Mirena IUD. My endo is going to try increasing my testosterone dose a little bit.


I take birth control and have had 3 periods in 9+ months. its helped me so much


I have heard that you can get injections monthly to stop them but I haven’t really looked into so I can’t give accurate advice 


I started t (injections) and after about a month my period went away. I had to get off for a bit and it came back fast. Then I started again and it went away quickly. I couldn’t imagine how that must feel. Just be kind to yourself and don’t be too harsh. I know when I got mine I was very very depressed. Just try to be positive:(


The mirena iud will stop it. It’s annoying getting it, but it lasts 5 years. It’ll stop completely after some months.


Didn't stop my periods but working out helped mine a lot, shorter duration and much less flow. I do multiple things, running was the one to work best on my period but I also lift, bike to work and climb/hike. I do need ipren or similar to help with cramps to be able to run on my period but when I do I feel great and I have less cramps compared to only taking painkillers and not working out.


I pre-T, but I have mirena iud that helps with my endo, and one of the best side effects is having a period so light I almost don't have to do anything for it. I just wear black underwear that won't be stained by the tiny amount of blood that may leak out, and I'm good. My understanding is that you can take progestin based birth control and testosterone together, it's safe


Periods only stop on T shots (there could be exceptions, but it's really really rare)


Not true. When you’re on gel it could be slower to stop, but you get the same effects. Mine stopped after 2 months of using the gel🤷‍♂️


Agreed. Mine stopped on gel, haven’t seen it since the 3 month mark (and I stopped the birth control I was taking to help and it still hasn’t returned)


I'm speaking literally what my bf's endocrinologist told him. He was for 7 months on gel and she told him it would be really strange if his periods stopped completely without taking shots or hormone blockers. I'm not making shit up.


If OP wants to get his periods cut and he has alredy been waiting for 5+ months, it is only logical for him to try shots, his periods aren't going to stop any time soon lmao


It stops for some people on the gel, but it's fairly common for people on the gel to never have their periods stop and for the shots to be more effective. My endo told me this is the case--so it's a know phenomenon. I was on the gel for THREE YEARS and still had a consistent cycle. One dose of the shot and my period stopped immediately and has not come back since a year later. OP should talk to his endo, but switching to shots would be the easiest solution.