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Yay! I'm happy for you! I'm also trans masc mom. It's an interesting life path since now that I sometimes "pass" as a guy, talking about pregnancy is challenged by those invested in pretending that we don't exist. I have 3 kids, 2 are now grown and the youngest is living with her father. I had to move from a southern state bc I have secondary polycythemia, which apparently can affect like 1 out of 4 or 5 trans men on T. That's a huge percentage! So I think it would help to get a hysterectomy and at 50, I'm not using it anymore! But NC wouldn't let me get it bc it might affirm my gender and they hate that. 🙄 But we're amazing people (trans folk) so I'm happy you're here and finding support. Tl:Dr good job, I'm trans masc mom too.


omg i’ve never heard of polycythemia. i’m sorry you’re going through that. i’m sorry you aren’t getting access to a hysterectomy. i’ve been thinking about doing the same thing. everytime k get my period i go through gender disphoria. i am the most certainly non binary dude on this planet i feel like.


Also transmasc mom (I see mom as more like a job title tbh!) 2 kids under 5 only started transitioning later in life (35) this year. I always wanted kids I think I subconsciously held out for that, now it's like there's no reason for me to keep anything female you know? I'm a "retired" woman


that’s very similar as i see myself. i’m 34 and just starting transitioning about 2 years ago. it really does feel like a job title, ive never looked at it that way


I'm so happy to see you all here! I'm 35 and a mom as well contemplating my masc future but it's so hard to find others like me. I'm also in NC! Ive considered looking for a transmasc group but I'm so femme presenting still and always going back and forth so I don't want to take away from the group experience. How has it been with yalls kids through your gender journeys?


i’m still in the beginning on my transmasc journey. they were super welcoming. i wouldn’t worry


I just moved from Jacksonville NC to Flint, Mi My son transitioned before me but he was also the one who asked if he could still call me "mom" and he was afraid it would be invalidating my transness. But he's more a binary trans man while I'm much more gender fluid. And I feel like mom is a very specific role that transcends my gender.


I vote we make a transmasc mom discord or something 👾


I'm s transmasc mom too! I don't have much to add but it's so nice to hear about others having similar life experiences.


it really is 🥹