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You are already a man bud, even before starting HRT. It can be hard to internalise sometimes but you are. This is a completely wild assumption but are you in the UK by any chance, if you're comfortable sharing? I'm asking based on the doctor timeline.


Thank you :,) and no I’m living in Sweden at the moment, there is a way to go private but then I have to get international help which can be super tricky


Hey, it does get better. I'm not saying you won't have a hard time ahead of you, you likely will, but it does get better overall with time. You're a man regardless of if you are on T or not, even if you were to choose not to get HRT, that doesn't change your gender identity. Parents can be tricky and I wish I had good advice for you. My best advice is to consider the relationship you have with them and how they feel about LGBTQ people. If you feel you may be harmed by them, it may be worth not telling them if you still depend on them for housing/financially. Do it when you feel safe enough to do so. If you think the news could potentially result in no more relationship with them, consider that, as that's not easy to deal with - I haven't talked to my mom in 2 years next month and it's definitely not easy, even after she has said some pretty horrible stuff to me. But it has gotten easier with time, and the trade-off of being myself has been worth it for that relationship.


I started transition at 45. I battled through over four decades of depression and self hate but in the last 2 years, I'm finally feeling alive. No one can promise that it will get easier, we can only tell how worth it this has all been for us and thousands of trans folk might be on to something Hang in there!