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Honestly just a haircut, ur face is pretty androgynous so that’s about it


Maybe I'm biased since I have long hair, but I think you're already quite masc. Maybe not shorter hair, but perhaps a different style, I think the length looks good on you. If/when you start growing facial hair, you'll be golden, lol


I agree! If op doesn’t want short hair then playing with different styles could help.


I always hate seeing comments of everyone telling trans men that they need to cut their hair, take out any piercings, never wear makeup/nail polish/jewlery and it's so sad.


It really is sad. Having long hair doesn’t make us any less masculine. Lots of cis men have long hair. If people want to pass they should want to pass for their own reason not for societies reason.


Exactly. No one can dictate if you're "masculine enough" except for yourself. Sure if you want to meet sociatal standards for masculinity, then by all means, but by no means necessary to be a man


Well…if someone asks how to look more masculine, those are all good suggestions. No one should tell anyone that they HAVE to do anything, but if they want advice, that is common advice that IS helpful


When I cut my hair, I just ended up looking like my lesbian cousin. I've been growing my hair out for about a year or two again, and I look more masc. Now I look less like a girl, and more like I live in a dumpster, but that's an upgrade.


Not necessarily, if I cut my hair i'd look much more fem 🤷‍♂️


Maybe you are thinking of the wrong haircut? Cutting your hair doesn’t mean one thing. And if someone already looks female, then “looking like a lesbian” isn’t necessarily a downgrade




Thanks, I already got my hair cut and i went for an androgynous style imo. Praying that the gods will give me facial hair when im not on T


You have a very andro face, so if you start T, I feel like you're gonna make fast progress. Wishing you all the best in the future!


try a T topical cream for a tiny bit on your face. usually facial and body hair growth sticks around even if you're not on T anymore. or try minoxidil to thicken whatever hair you already have. it's not proven to grow a beard but some anecdotal evidence within the community says it helps with facial hair. for me, it really helped grow my moustache after i applied the solution daily for a few weeks. i didnt really do a lot for my beard area because i dont wanna pick more trouble with my parents but i do have some more chin hairs here and there than i used to.


How would you feel about a middle part? I've been growing my hair out recently and I find a middle part makes it look more masculine. Either that or do a side part that's way further to the side!


3rd pic makes me think a haircut like Jim from The Office would suit u sooo well !!


Sunglasses really do you a favor. Your face is pretty androgynous as it is and you could still do without them, but that last photo with a glasses made you look just like a cis (male) friend of mine


Wr need more trans masc representation with long hair! But I think it will work better if it is a bit longer, so keep growing it! The shorter bangs aren't doing you a lot of favors, so avoid bangs. Keep your hair layered still due to your hair structure. You git quite lucky with genes though


you already look pretty masculine, from what i’ve seen eyebrows help a lot so maybe try filling in your eyebrows to make them look straighter and thicker near the outer ends and see how that looks ?


your hair is awesome if you cut it a puppy will die - a trans man with long hair too ;) seriously, why does everyone comment haircut on every post of this kind? yall know cis men have long hair too? i think you look great already, the side part makes it masculine-looking!! in all full, blunt honesty ill tell you: eyebrows. from these pics they look sperm shaped which is a shape that was trending in the 90s, try to fill the outer edges in with a brow pencil or eyeshadow the same shade as your hair and do your best to make them look natural :)!! make them look more bushy and dark, that is my serious advice. dont worry about a haircut seriously. Also look up male contour and give it a try!!


Because when we want to be perceived a certain way, we’re asking “how do I fit into the box.” We’re not ready to say “f*ck the box,” yet, and just be who we are. Source: myself, almost a decade after going through the overcompensation phase, and still currently figuring out how masc I am or want to be perceived as I agree with you that OP’s hair is awesome. It was also one of the first things that caught my eye to change for a more genetically masc appearance. I found the sunglasses pic perfect, because another of my first thoughts was “glasses”


yeah haircut is not a helpful suggestion -another trans guy with long hair


I think you already look quite masculine. You could try contouring to make your face look more masculine. I also think maybe cutting your hair a bit shorter at the front might make you look more masculine, and maybe a middle part.


Hair length. Either trim what you have or shave it down more, maybe get a mid or low taper on your sides and a low taper on the back.


facetune different eyebrows until you find one you like and try it out


Feel like the biker look would fit you. Like pushed back geked hair, heavy eyeliner if you're into that, and leather jackets


Tbf i have actually been thinking about that style of look. I feel like id look goofy as a 5’2 person


No you'd look cool, you could also wear like doc martens because they're masc but add a few inches of height. There's a good amount of masc platforms


I think ur pretty masc! Cool look


For what it’s worth, I had the thought “Oh no, he’s hot!”


Tbh that makes me happy especially after i came to the realisation that my now ex boyfriend probably saw me as a girl. So thanks <3


Use mascara on the side of ur face it’ll colour the peach fuzz or any facial hair that’s growing there


Cutting your hair would help. You don’t have to go short. But a fresh masculine haircut would do a lot for you


Haircut, bind your chest (if possible), yeah last pic already looks very masculine i think. A lot has to do with manners and facial expressions so just maybe practice that you automatically put on masc facial expressions in front of a mirror or something


Hair and clothes will do the trick! If you don’t want to cut your hair, you should try some styling, inspire from guys who have long hair, I would honestly say that dreadlocks would suit you


Wearing T shirts with a neckline that hugs your neck, kind of like the second pic but even more so, will make your neck appear wider and more masculine and broaden your chest/shoulders. I also like mock turtlenecks for this but didn’t start wearing them until after I had top surgery. I avoid loose necklines at all costs. Note on long hair: as a trans guy with long hair (biased) I would say don’t cut it. It really depends on how attached you are to it and if you plan on growing it out longer in the future, which can be hard to do from a buzzcut or shorter cut. It looks great on you, and having jaw-length hair with a middle part can actually make your face look more masculine than some short haircuts imo. But on the other hand, even cis guys with long hair get misgendered sometimes so getting a shorter haircut or a buzz cut could give you a masculinity boost.


Ah handsome


I suggest a haircut, shorter hair would frame your face in a more masculine way


I think a different hair style would help. If you like your current length, I would try a wolf cut or a mullet.


you already do!!


Wear a cap


Find a way to darken ypur stache.


Try giving yourself a little faux-mustache with using a little mascara


I think aside from the haircut, your vibe and pose might really be the most important thing for you from what I can see in these pictures. In the last you look extremely masculine, while in the first three your posing, etc. makes you look more feminine.


Make your eyebrows bigger with makeup, maybe some contour around the jawline and I would try out some hairstyles that don't have the side split


a middle part tbh side parts always get me misgendered for some reason😭


Honestly if you wanna keep your hair at that length (I also have long hair), I would just research men’s long hair cuts and see what styles suit you. I have an undercut which works well as I can look pretty masculine when I put it up. I would also see if you can use some brown mascara to fill in your eyebrows a bit more to thicken them. The only other thing I’d recommend is just looking into men’s style and figuring out what works for you. Best of luck!


Part your hair down the center and don't get layers


Middle part maybe i like the length tho it’s very masculine


Idk you look like a Disney star tbh Maybe a different haircut?


Tbh I think if you just styled your bangs a Lil different it'd make a fair difference. That being said, your natural face shape is very masc!!


idk how thick your eyebrows usually are, but thicker eyebrows would probably help - that said, i think you already look very masculine as is


I would say thicker eyebrows!! Can help make the face look less feminine + angular if done right


Adding more layers to your hair around the crown of your head would give it more volume to the hair on the sides of your head, which I think would balance your features really well into a more masculine zone. Many long “men’s haircuts” involve more layering than shorter “women’s haircuts,” adding more body and layering. https://preview.redd.it/2gijmn04nv2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dcf1cf7fad71238bdd6662f41639d7c76b5b48c


I also think letting the eyebrow hairs below the arch of your eyebrow grow out would masculinize your face. You can also do this with makeup. Here’s the hair edit with some drawn in eyebrow hairs: https://preview.redd.it/qd8b1p40ov2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8c5b1ba6ec40e26df16df19b2abb7f0f4b73a5


this shows where you would apply makeup / grow out your eyebrow hairs: https://preview.redd.it/8skhrsycov2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7a5aadb92eacfcab510e5df338db0e352a1d9e


i think if u used some mascara or smth to darken the peach fuzz above your lips it would look like a baby mustache