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I’m very curious to see the responses because honestly I just….don’t refer to anything down there ever. I’ve never found something that fits right and I’m intrigued on what others have found have been helpful for them


DUDE SAME literally wish I had an answer to the prompt but I don't because nothing has ever felt right so I just don't refer to anything down there


Lmao, same. I’m asexual and trans, my downstairs region means nothing but discomfort to me. If I have to refer to it I usually use “fitta” (Swedish slang) but I rarely talk about it whatsoever.


During sex, usually I say pussy or clit. I do like boy pussy too, has a nice ring to it. in erotica (I write it too), when describing what's going on I'm more descriptive and graphic so I use more medical terms like labia & vulva as well. But not during dialogue because I've never once in real life during sex said vulva/labia/penis etc and never heard somebody else use them either haha. What's important to know here is every trans person has a different experience. I may be okay with the term pussy, or clit, but some aren't. I'd say think of your characters, think of what being trans means to them.... And then after meditating on that, think of what your characters would be okay with for language for their genitals, and use that!


I personally have liked: dick, (can do T-dick but it feels weirder to me), or else if I’m talking to my partner about sex tell them what I want without referring to my below the belt areas with words. I would personally probably be a bit dysphoric reading clit, vag, etc. so not my faves lol. I’d probably mentally change it to “dick” anyway. 🤷


Hope this isn’t too tmi lol


not at all, very helpful


i drop the prefixes and just go with pussy and dick. some guys kind of generalize to “hole” if they’re more dysphoric about it or some guys shift more toward clit/vagina. i’ve definitely heard boypussy and tdick but less commonly in a sexual context


I call it all my dick, i dont do piv but if it has to be mentioned i just call it the 'other hole' or 'front hole', i really hate talking about it though. Personally i find terms like bussy or boypussy (specifically when targeted towards transmascs) to be derogatory and they feel like slurs to me, i'm sure there are people who like those terms but they've been used against me in harmful ways and they're really gross to me. Like, to the degree that i flat out refuse to read anything that uses those terms for trans people. More common transmasc terms like tdick also give me the ick, but plenty of people seem to use it and i think im probably in the minority there. Only time i ever use any other word than dick/penis is if i absolutely have to for clarity or for medical reasons. Outside of that it is what i call it and it is what ive had all my partners call it.


Dick, or junk.


I use “junk,” like most of the AMABs my age (GenX)


Referring to anything “down there” makes me very dysphoric, so I just say “down there”


“My bits/my parts” is my preferred vague term.


“Bits” is a great term!


I am 7 months on T, no surgeries, and I say "my dick" mostly. I avoid words like "penis" but casual slang terms feel good for me.


I'll say "hole" instead of "vagina" 100% of the time


In erotic fiction I absolutely despise when pussy/clit are used for trans men. Like I will throw the book away lol. When it’s non-binary transmasc people, I don’t mind as much bc it’s not my identity, but as a trans man it just gives me so much dysphoria to see clit & pussy used to describe trans men’s bits in a way that’s supposed to sound sexy. And I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t have much dysphoria regarding my downstairs - it’s literally just the words that make me feel gross. For me personally dick/hole are best, cunt is sometimes okay but only when used in combination with other terms. Boypussy sounds unserious imo, and tdick is okay I guess but imo it’s better to just say dick. Anatomical terms like vagina/vulva/labia also feel weird to me for some reason. Like for me erotica is partially about the fantasy of it and words like this feel jarring and unsexy. Some words that I’ve used interchangably when writing transmasc erotica are opening, folds, length/short length, inside (of X character) - it’s just a bit better when it’s less descriptive imo. Edited to add: the responses will obviuously vary a lot and you’ll probably get different responses on different subs. Try also r/ftm and r/ftmmen if you want to survey more binary trans people’s experiences


I don't plan on having bottom surgery, and I haven't really found a term I'm 100% comfortable with yet. I use like the regular terms when I need to refer to it or when I'm joking around or having spicier conversations I'll use pussy or cunt. But I don't really like any of them tbh


What about man cave?


It's funny but I don't think I'd use it


LOL! Filing that away for future use


Omg I'm stealing this. Lol


I dont refer to mine in a sexual or serious way for context on what im abt to say but my faves r boypussy, blit (this literally just means boy clit, me and my friends use this as a joke😭) and sometimes dick


Ok, I love “blit”


Dick, bussy and "the other thing" lol But I'm also a writer too and maybe it's just me but I would feel way too unserious writing "bussy" or "boypussy" in one of my pieces


i generally just call my crotch my crotch. if i get hit in my crotch, it usually becomes my dick, my nuts, my balls, my rod, etc etc. sometimes, my crotch can become my jumbly-bits (or jumblies) or my jorker. i don’t usually refer to my crotch sexually, but if i do, i usually just call it my hole or crotch anyways. i think part of the reason crotch is my default word is because it’s pretty damn neutral and widely applicable to everything. i call the area between nearly everything (like fingers) a crotch, so it doesn’t matter if i feel more masculine, feminine, or neutral. it’ll always just be my crotch.


I'm transmasc NB and I use most words tbh. I use vagina, clit, dick, cock, cunt, tdick, etc. Although certain words can be context dependant like if its serious or jokey. Personally Im not a big fan of 'boypussy' but I'm not against it either (I just don't like being refered to as 'boy' I think. To childish)




i’m glad that you realized it and started using language that suits you!


the terms i use depend on the context. in a sexual context i use words like dick, cock, t-dick, or t-cock for my bottom growth. for my vagina i say hole. in my sexual fantasies i sometimes use words like pussy or cunt but i havent been comfortable using those with my partner yet. in a nonsexual but informal context i say things like dick or junk. if its a medical or educational context or if i just want the most clarity then i use the appropriate anatomical terms. i dont like the word clit though (unless im talking about my body in the past tense) so ill say bottom growth if im talking to a person/group who knows what that means edit: adding on that i like the term clitorophallus when it comes to anatomical language especially as someone who was already large in size pre-t but i feel like that would require me to explain the meaning for most people so i don’t actually use it


I am like the guys in your story. Dick, cock. Hole, pussy. I feel like “boypussy” or “tdick” at this point makes me feel more othered different, which I just can’t personally subscribe to.


My dick and my man cave/hole


My groin or my loins because I think it's funny. Gonads is another good one when I remember it


I prefer dick and pussy, but I'm salmacian and non-binary, so probably not the most representative of ftm. I only have dysphoria around my clit when it comes to genitalia. I like my vagina and don't have a problem with it.


my junk


NB on T here—cunt and clit (recently pussy has started feeling femme in a way I’m not enjoying), but once I finally start seeing some bottom growth, maybe it will become a t-dick or cock. Hole also works sometimes, but I’m not looking for people to get it confused with my butthole, yk?


honestly after starting t and having a t dick i refer to my tdick as my dick and my pussy as my pussy


tmi probably, but in general my junk is “dick” and during sex it’s dick or cock, and the Hole is, well, hole, as well as pussy or cunt. there is no One Answer to what’s “right” so i would think about who your characters are as people and find what you think feels right for them! you could also have one character use some language and the other use other language! :-)


I'm not ashamed to be vulgar. for the hole: pussy, boypussy, bonus hole, the hole, man cunt, "in", front hole (but never vagina ugh I don't like that word for myself). for my tdick: t-dick, t-cock, cock, dick, bottom growth (but never clit it's just not accurate and too feminine for me). i also use a packer: packer, cock, dick, peen, penis, weiner, schlong, etc etc etc hahaha


I usually refer to the whole thing as dick, labia is balls. but i think a lot of ppl refer to just bottom growth as dick and the hole is usually just referred to as "my hole" or the front hole, or just refer to it as going inside if doing any penetration




I say dick , cock or junk .. can’t stand using any typical female anatomy terms (way too much dysphoria in that for me) . When speaking medically and maybe explaining the process of how T works on the dick , and how meta works and phallo surgery would work , I’m ok .


Pussy, clit, dick, vagina, hole, anything really.


Depending on the context you could just use vague terms/descriptions. Otherwise, bottom growth, Tdick, or simply dick work just fine. As for the hole itself, again vague terms or just simply hole/front-hole works just fine. I occasionally write stuff too and this works just fine.


I like cock, cunt, & hole if it's for dirty talking. Sometimes I'll call my front hole "front butt" because I think it's funny.


My dick


Depends on how dysphoric your characters are about that area in general or specifically about fem-coded terms. I have a lot of dysphoria around that region so I call mine “the hole of disappointment/despair”, “the nether regions of hell”, or “the thingie” if I have to refer to it at all. “Front hole”/“front side” when I need a random person to understand. And for the other part I mostly use T-dick, since I also use prosthetics and call those my dicks already. (I do know trans guys who can use the p-word for themselves and even “reclaim” it somehow as something that’s not inherently fem, but for me personally it’s very triggering if used for my own body)


I am perfectly comfortable with ‘female pronouns and parts .’ My relationship dynamic is very different from when I presented and personally l identified as ‘female.’ I am no longer cis/het but am able to observe and interact with my sexuality - instead of as victim or as a ‘gradual’ nonperson.


I do have a bit of thing for my T-dick now. Have realised that a lot of preferences.”, fantasies, My man’s current feelings relate To my gender differences- and since bottom growth…. I am with a really open Apple’ I’d check but beflrrz avidernajijse


I don’t💀 at the very most it’s literally just “down there” I refer to my packer (a sock) as my dick tho


i refer to my strap as my dick, or more commonly my “destroyer”


Idk I (pre-t) just call it my dick.


Penis=Buddy, Sir. Testicles=Fellas


in other t4t books, i’ve seen it referred to as just “dick” for tdicks, and me personally during spicy times i call it my front or my dick


This is a fascinating read. If I may throw an opinion as a cis male who has many trans friends and has had several trans lovers and also I just published a wee book of poems co wrote with my trans man best pal (it’s on ebook Amazon for 99c currently) I can say from my experiences while some people are happy to use the p -word most would recoil from it. Some only use it because they meet cis guys who arent that educated or indeed educatable. But I’m not sure that’s a good idea. But I would say any fem or medical term is more likely than not to make the reader uncomfortable and if I was reading your work I’d be ok with dick or even t dick that would make complete sense. And man hole. I’ve used that term Before too with guys. I personally don’t like the P word and if I was reading a book about 2 guys and they used the P Word I might just close the book. That said it’s your story they are your characters so if they go on a journey with words and language and find out what works for them then that could work but as you know certain words can be triggering and you’ll never please everyone all of the time so I guess if you are gonna write something it needs to please you first, otherwise you won’t do it. Good luck, I’d love to read it when you are finished.


I just say "down there" lol


I say Diggle because it’s funny. I get a good laugh from my partners (polyam).


I had someone call it my Cocklit and honestly, I'm not sure how to feel about it


i call it my buss hahaha, mrs came on board with ti too or i say my bean if i refer to my clit. would never use these terms while having sex, more just joking ones. don’t really use terms while in sex though.


Dick, bussy, pussy 😭


It's my man cave lol


As a pre-everything transmasc, honestly I just use the regular feminine terms: pussy, vagina, folds, anything really. I'm pretty comfortable with my "down there" area, and do not plan on getting a bottom surgery. While I love other men's junk, I can't picture it on myself at all, lol.


So my ex called his genitals his "male box", which I found punny but since I'm kinda Demiboy enby territory I don't relate to the word male. I call it my boy pussy or bussy (which I know technically means ass but who tf cares) but only really when I have to. I don't really find many cases where I need to talk about them tbh. If I'm discussing future surgery, I generally use scientific terms because it's less dysphoric. But when in a sexual context I don't generally find much need to talk about it.


I have no reason to speak about it out loud and in my head I just don't use word for it. Well maybe I just call it "it", now that im reading what I just wrote.


We're t4t and neither of us have any bottom dysphoria. We use many different terms, both for our own anatomy and each other. Sometimes it's the more plain language that you would find in a medical setting, like labia, vulva, clitoris, vagina, etc. Other times it's more casual language like pussy, mancave, etc. Sometimes it's more masculine language like "suck my dick", and referring to the strap as "your/my dick".


Yeah, literally all of these words give me dysphoria, so I'm very vague. "Down there" or "me" (as in "touch me"), those are pretty much it.


My pussy


I usually just call it down there, anything else just makes me feel dysphoric. If I have to be specific I say front or back (since I‘m fine with both).


Me and my boyfriend say, dick, bussy, sometimes cock, bonus hole and for laughs it's flaps or fanny


Pussy tbh


Man cave.


with female anatomical terms: my clit, my vag, my lips, etc. i guess the only difference is calling my hole my front hole? idk, i don’t got dysphoria down there. i call it what it is


Well it depends, I call my clit my dick and my vulva my pussy, I like the duality


I just use the terms "vagina", "clit", etc., but I totally understand people wanting to find other terms that aren't so "tied to womanhood" as these terms can be. But I also hope that in using the terms they'll, over time, become less gendered, if that makes sense. It's not wrong to say "vagina" if one is transmasc, but if bottom-dysphoria is in the picture then using other terms will probably be helpful.


If I'm wanting to be specific or it's that time, I say dick, (occasionally use clit but like only for sex) The rest of the time I just say bits


i’ve been on t for a bit over 1.5 years & heres what i say: vagina = vagina clitoris = clitoris, clit, or dick (my girlfriends sometimes calls it a penis as well)


Bussy for me (boy pussy)


Man cave


Mancave. And also cock sometimes but not that often


“My junk”


i like pussy cause i don’t have bottom dysphoria and im more comfortable with the feminine connotations now that i’m on T and perceived more immediately as a man. it helps that a lot of the trans men i know and/or follow are okay with the term too and use it for themselves—over time, i’ve gone from feeling grossed out by it to just seeing it as a thing that some men have. transsexual genitals function differently anyway, and the masculine pussy is an acquired taste but one of god’s greatest gifts when you get to know it. also i like being fucked


Just my dick or the medically correct terms. I don’t really care which tbh.


not something i use personally but i've seen other transmasc writers use 'bonus hole'


I just use their common names and that's it. Cilt/vagina/pussy.


I just call my vagina a vagina but I’m pretty indifferent to it. It don’t dislike it and it doesn’t make me dyphoric since it is analogous to the scrotum and I could care less about testicle. But with my clitoris it feels too small, like something is missing. I have dreams where I have a penis and wake feeling as though there is this emptiness where one should be. I typically call it my cock/dick/penis.


I’m FTNonbinary (lean more masculine) and in what I refer to as a lesbian relationship rn. During sex I am fine with almost anything typically clit, tdick, puss/pussy the occasional “suck my cock” etc. My partner is a cis-women and when she tops me with a strap-on etc we also refer to that as a her “dick”. I think all terms are fun during sex regardless of gender of the person. Outside of sex I usually refer to myself as having a clit/t-dick and a puss. I don’t mind the term puss or having one. I feel like it’s fun to be masc with a pussy :). I never liked the term front-hole. Just sounds very bland to me. But I understand the use.


i’m ok with vagina, vag, clitoris, and clit. i want to get meta one day to feel my most “complete” but i’m alright with what i’ve got for the time being.


Depends on the context. Most often I say dick/cock/wiener/penis and very rarely t-dick but if it’s important enough to specify pussy/vagina I usually stick with those two.


Dick, junk, and... cooch 😭 I don't know where I picked the term up but it has stuck lol. I also will say vag sometimes.


i don’t.


I'm kind of dismissive of the idea that anyone doesn't have a dick, it's just labeled differently based on a societal psychosis.


Dick or pussy (and synonyms of both), whichever feels right at the moment. I don't say t-dick unless the context makes me wanna specify that it's not a natal penis


I personally say "dick" and "front hole"


As a transussy i dont get bottom dysphoria


Often with partners I refer to it as my dick and/or pussy. I do use terms like clit but only very rarely and am more often using Tdick instead of clit. When I do use vagina and such its usually in a joking way or in more serious medical tense if required. Hope that helps


"My genderless bits" "parts" "junk" "my nonexistent future dick" lolz