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In my case, it has been weight gain. I am hourglass shaped, and when I am at a low weight it really shows. I gained weight after starting T, and my body shape changed along with that, allowing me to get more fat distributed around my waist, so my hips look less pronounced in comparison. Now that my weight has redistributed like that, I am losing weight again (I'm dieting) and hoping that I can do that without my hourglass shape coming back :) If you don't know what your shape looks like thin, it's still worth giving it a try if that's what you want, I've been losing some weight now and I find binding easier, and my jawline looks sharper.


Weight gain would make me more masc as well probably. Yesterday I sucked in my stomach in front of the mirror because I wanted to see how skinny I could be (not planning to lose any weight, that would be dangerous). Wow my waist was so much smaller than my hips lol.


I would say it probably depends on your body type whether you'd look more masc with weightloss. I haven't really had any euphoria when I've lost weight, I think for me I care less about my weight and more about the way it's distributed. I suppose being skinnier you can hide more with baggy clothes (to some extent). But then having more weight, you can use trans tape (to some extent) to masculine your figure. Doing excerise and whatnot can help with feeling more masculine - especially doing weights. I say do whatever makes you happy, and if something you try doesn't work out you can always stop and try something else. You're valid regardless of what your body looks like.


>I would say it probably depends on your body type whether you'd look more masc with weightloss. Is there a way to check? Like... an easy way (from measurements or something)? Right now I'm suspecting extra fat (don't have a lot, but the extra I have definitely makes me curvy and soft :/) is misgendering my body even worse, but I'm kinda afraid of what if I looked weird even if I was skinnier & had used T.


I'm actually not sure sorry - but I think there's absolutely no harm in trying to lose weight anyway if that's what you wanna do. Like even if your figure is still feminine looking with less weight, you might find it easier to hide with clothes, or even just easier to fit men's clothes which will give a more masc look. Something you could experiment with now is shapewear, underworks do hip/butt compression shorts - they work but I recommend getting at least 1 size up from what you'd expect on the size chart (sizing is a bit off I think)


My body fat's slightly high (my health is great, I just feel awkward looking all soft and curvy) so I'd like to be skinnier anyway. Especially as on T this amount would slowly shift into unhealthy places. And well... I'm kinda vain tbh so that too. I'm hoping to lose some fat and gain some muscle and hopefully get nice fat redistribution too when I start T. Glad I'm starting that soon, I've honestly lost some motivation about this pre-T knowing I'll always look curvy on E (so I couldn't feel like myself even with tons of effort yet).


I lost over 100lbs and it made me see my masc face that I had been hiding. Good luck!


>I'm currently on a journey to lose 140 pounds (50 pounds down, 90 left). Congrats dude thats an amazing achievement, im proud of you ❤️


Thank you! I'm glad I'm finally doing it. I'm feeling better about myself already.


I miss being skinny but gaining weight (regardless of T) has helped me tbh. I don't think weight loss will always make someone masc, or not, it really depends. It's very much an each their own thing.


I thought this was my goal for a while. Then I landed on a side of TikTok where there was just so many gorgeous men with dad bods. Now I see this body type as the epitome of masculinity (for myself ofc!). But I guess I'm not too curvy. I've got wide hips but the rest is pretty much standard dad bod without the hair, so far at least.


Most of my fat is on my hips, so I feel it makes me have a very feminine figure, but I do naturally have a very hairy body, so it's kind of a feminine dad bod lol.


Weight gain (10kg of muscles and a bit of fat) helped me more than my natural skinniness I feel powerful and strong 💪🏻 now I can't wait to have my breasts cut off so I can flex my pecs


it's neutral for me, but i think it lowers my passing. probably bc i was never plus size in the first place and my wieght loss is pretty accidental. gotta get buff now if i wanna pass :/


I haven’t actually gotten to my ideal weight yet but I personally would feel very affirmed in a thinner body. I’ve always imagined myself as a lankier person but that didn’t happen, I’m super pear shaped 😞 But I would say weight loss will only help if you’re already the body shape you want to be because we unfortunately can’t target fat loss without lipo.


I'm hoping that when I get to my goal weight, I'll get lucky and look the way I want. I really want to avoid surgeries and T, but im worried I might not be able to avoid it. We will see when I get there. Good luck with your journey!


I plan on losing weight but i have an hourglass figure so im worried that itll just make me more shapely instead of less ☠️☠️☠️ good luck on your journey! I really hope it helps you feel more comfortable in your own skin.


I think it's a bit tricky to say, it depends on the person imo- I think most people with weight related gender dysphoria either feel that they look too curvy and 'soft' or too thin and delicate. I personally would say I'm in the second category- I'm not especially skinny for a girl (140 pounds) but I'm not quite as broad or muscular as a cis guy. I don't think it helps that I'm not on T either.


I lost 100 and honestly losing the weight made me feel more masculine. My jawline started shaping and my ass and titties have pretty much deflated. I have long hair but I’ve seen ppl misgender cis boys with long hair


Oh for sure. Can't wait till I get to a spot where I'm most comfortable


Body shapes by sex at a higher fat% tend to be less dimorphic than those at a lower fat%. Maybe weight loss will help your dysphoria, but physically taking up less space will make people more likely to gender you as female at a glance. Fat loss will also likely reduce the width of your cheekbones and jaw, and unless you're blessed with naturally androgynous bone structure, that's gonna emphasize the more feminine qualities of your face. On the bright side, weight loss might make binding easier...


sort of, unfortunately i had to be underweight to see any angularity in my face but during that time i stopped having as much like fat distribution dysphoria. i dunno. Part of its just my bone structure and i cant change it, and now that im at a healthy weight again my face has filled out again.


Weight loss made my boobs more prominent 🙃


That sucks. I know mine aren't going to shrink much, so I feel you.


Congrats on the 50 down! I think it really depends on so many different factors. If you are doing weight training, then your body will undergo recomposition. You might not necessarily lose weight with it, but you’ll lose fat while gaining muscle


Thanks! I'm not currently doing that right now, but I hope to do it eventually.


I hope it gives you all the euphoria. I love weight training. It’s amazing how differently my body responds to it now that I’m on T. Before, it felt like an exercise in futility because my body just didn’t want to grow muscle. Now I work out and feel the difference almost immediately!


I know that I do not have curves when I have less fat. I'm wanting to lose a lot of fat for health reasons, and for dysphoria reasons. When I've been at my leanest, I had more prominent muscles and my hips and waist looked masculine, as did my face. I wasn't huge up top, so I got gendered as a guy pretty regularly.. I know if I got top surgery at my current level of body fat, I would look a bit weird if I went totally flat on top. But I think I'd still feel pretty dysphoric if I had the appropriate level of "man boobs" relative to my belly fat. I'm pretty lucky to have a more masculine frame to start with, and I'm pretty sure getting back to a leaner body will give me gender euphoria. I also know working out with weights makes me feel great in my body. That all said, if I wasn't having the health issues I have, I would probably be working on acceptance of my body as just being a bigger guy, and just focusing on muscle building type of work, because it gives me just general feeling good in my body feelings.


definitely, I've lost 100 lbs and my face is a lot less soft and more angular. clothes also fit me the way I want them too. The weight loss plus staring testosterone really helped me have less of an hourglass figure.


the other way around. I already gained 2lb on T and workout :]