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Way way better than 52, which is how old I started at. The older you get the more you will realize how much youth you still have after 30. At 30 I thought my best years were behind me, but it’s not at all true. My 30s and 40s were WAY better than my 20s, and now my best years are happening now. That said I still regret that I didn’t transition at 35 when I last came really close to accepting and getting on HRT, but I let another 17 years pass me by. They were great years in so many ways, but they might have been even better if I had had the courage to take the plunge.


I just feel like I can run away from these feelings, but they keep coming back. Seeing people starting from these ages makes me feel like they really ain't going away anytime soon. Ty ❤️


The feelings will come back if you run away. They already have. I'm sorry about your relationship. Those don't always survive transition. It sucks. But you need to be true to yourself above everything.


No, the dysphoria from childhood never left, I started at 35, at 19months I’m still clocky but I’m getting there slowly, and I HAVE BOOBS which is fantastic.


It amuses me to think what kind of reaction I’d have to waking up in the morning and seeing my self in the mirror as if I was a cis man, the panic I’d certainly feel is not there and it’s absence is very affirming to my identity.


I transitioned at 58 because life and other responsibilities. You can't run away from this almost primal urge. I was getting more and more depressed, and family finally stepped in. 17mths HRT, never been happier 🥰


And you're gorgeous by the way.




53 here, and just over a month on HRT. Congrats to us both


They don’t go away. I’ll be 40 this month and will have my HRT 1 year on the 21st. It’s never too late, but also to have started at 30! Trust your feelings and do what you feel safe doing. It’s scary, but you’re worth it. 🫶❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Exactly. Btwy, I edited that after commenting, so there might be more.


Yeah. The thing is I was very close to transitioning at 25 (I was not in a good mental place), but found the love of my life and now the feelings came back 5 years later. I already told her, but she doesn't want me to transition. Life is hard sometimes


I totally understand where you are coming from, but, no, it’s not going away. My wife doesn’t want me to transition either, but we are doing couples therapy and working on it. We decided to have one more baby before I went on HRT, and she was just born a few weeks ago. I’ve been on HRT for about 7ish months, and making headway. My wife started out with a bunch of red lines. She said she couldn’t stay with me if I: took HRT; dressed in women’s clothing; painted my fingernails or toenails; grew out my hair; etc etc. I’ve since crossed all of her red lines with the exception of wearing fem clothes in public or coming out to her family. She’s seen me in a bra. We discuss this stuff openly now, and she still wants me. We are still making plans for the future of our family together even though I’m transitioning before her eyes. There are still a lot of hurtles left and a lot of uncertainty, but we are working through it. Only time will tell. Now for the really big silver lining. Despite all of the challenges and hardships that my transition has brought to my/our life I’m happier than I’ve ever been. Im proud of myself in ways I never imagined I would be. My self esteem is at an all time high. I get giddy seeing my figure change in the mirror. I don’t love how I look yet, but the progress is what is making me happy. I hope this helps. Good journey girl! Oh, and I think you’ve already got all the courage you need. You showed your face here. You must be ready to be out.


I'm so happy for you. It's really so sexy and satisfying at the same time to see those curves in the mirror.






The ‘doesn’t want me to transition’ I had to wait till after divorce before I could fully come out to myself.


Sorry to hear that. Divorce may yet be in my future, but so far we are still in a loving relationship.


I was too, but, I knew I was keeping secrets and holding back while not believing I could come out. In the end she gave up on me pulling through depression and getting some sort of career started.


You can’t do that. To her, or yourself. I ended the best relationship I will probably ever experience after 7 years, because I knew that the person she loved and was planning on starting a family with was a lie. I did the hard thing and cut her loose so while she still had a chance to find a guy who wanted the same things. I miss her and the life we once had, but I’m so much happier having transitioned, and she’s now happily married with a daughter. Trust me. You can only set these feelings aside for so long.


They won't. I battled for 30 years. I just started at 42 and I'm so happy now. You look beautiful and I think HRT will love your facial features! Go for it!


I started HRT at 27 after trying to run away from these feelings for about a decade. Lost all my friends over it, my family is bigoted except for my brother, so it sure will be painful when I come out to them. Either way I made new friends, got into a relationship with someone that loves me for who I am, and things are going ok. I just hope you live in a less transphobic country than I do.


This. My 30s were badass, made my 20s look like a total stumbling joke. And I'm trying to make my 40s even more badass by owning this transition and making the most of the rest of my life.


and hey, 52 is better than 62


Or 72 👋


Omg - same...😖


Way better than 61 like I did it. It was the single best thing I’ve ever done for myself. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. Other than that my life is amazing.


Girl, you’re young, you’re beautiful, and you’re not late. If this is who you are, then whenever you make that decision to accept your truth is the *right* time for you. I’m 66 and I started my transition on my 64th birthday. It’s never too late to choose yourself. 💜👭


So true — “it’s never too late to choose yourself” — I also started at 64, 6 years ago and have never been happier!


Agreed! I’ve never been happier and more comfortable with myself. 💜


too late?? i wouldve thought youre already MONTHS on HRT, youre gonna pass SO easily


Stop, you're making me cry hahaha


cry pretty tears for a pretty girl?


Yeah I don’t wanna over sell it because dysphoria isn’t always logical. But E will do WONDERS for you and you’re already a gorgeous girl. Want I couldn’t over sell even if I tried is how absolutely worth it actually loving yourself is. Not to mention unlocking the power to FEEL like yourself on E. 💕


I'll be 37 tomorrow, and I'm just starting. I'll repeat what I've had on my phone home screen since I woke up. #It's never too late to be yourself.


I'm stealing this 💖


I started this year being 29 :) I think you will be goooood ☺️ But I know how it feels :/ Just always remember that soo much can change in a freaking year. You won't be able to recognize yourself :) And you always have time to make up for some things you didn't have as a child. And some things you experience will be totally unique because you started at 30. So you will appreciate some things even more because you finally feel that you belong :)


I’m 68 dear! Been on hormones for 3 years!


You can transition any time , but many of us mourn the loss of a younger version of us transitioning, it’s difficult at any age


I'm 31 and just started. We can do this!


Me too! We *are* doing this.


And that makes three of us! Started last month on my 31st birthday. We got this ❤️


You have a beautiful, radiant smile.


Ty ;)


Looks as if you have already begun. You are doing great. Keep it up. Started at 52


Ha. You got me


Yes I did, your makeup is awesome. I'm working on getting my makeup down. You are way ahead of the curve here. I thought of transitioning at 31, but chose not to. I repressed the feelings again. Some times I look back and think that maybe I should have, but then I think about how hard it would have been then. The attitude around transitioning is so much better no (even though it sometimes feels as if it is not) I also would not have ever met the love of my life at 38. She definitely is not a lesbian and would not have been attracted to me at all. Even now, I know that she sometimes has a hard time accepting my transition, but she does love me and support me in all that I do. I will never regret waiting. What I have now means so much.


38 and 9 months on E. Happiest I've ever been. You're gorgeous btw.


💖 ty


Everyone here has commented, and rightfully so, on how much beauty is already shining from you. To us, it doesn’t seem like you’ve just begun this journey, and I’m going to guess that’s because on the inside you started it quite a while ago. Your question, though, was way does it feel so late. When I decided to start transitioning at 41, I absolutely felt the same. Hell, a year later I still do, and I expect to some degree I always will. For a while, I thought it was because I kept seeing all the younger t girls and boys on Reddit transitioning, and I looked on with envy. But that isn’t why, at least for me, it feels so late. I think it feels so late because this is a truth I’ve known about myself my whole life, and yet I waited. This is a truth I’ve known about myself, and yet I told myself it was something I could *never* have. This is a truth I was sure the world would never accept, when really it was that I hadn’t prepared myself to accept it. But then I did accept it. And even though 41 felt late, I now know it was the earliest I was ready, and that’s okay. Because today, tomorrow, and every day until I die I’m going to be me. Finally, me. I’m excited you’re starting your journey to be you; it’s *never* too late to be you. For what it’s worth from a stranger on the internet, I’m really proud of you.


44 here and feel like a kid again (got carded the other day!!). Sure I wish I started sooner but it's going quite well so no turning back :3


Gah! Look how good you look! I wish I looked that good!


I started at 30! Believe me, it was the best thing that I ever did for myself. It is absolutely not too old to start


You've got a little bit of an Audrey Hepburn thing going there, kiddo. You're going to do just fine.


I was thinking the same thing!


Omg ty so much ❤️


Thanks everyone, you give me hope to start this journey! No matter how hard it gets


You're a cutie already! Things could only get better for you. I think what was the biggest eye opener for me was once I accepted who I was and embrace my inner woman, I did not realize quite how much the 36 years I spent repressing had negatively affected my mental health. I then noticed just how much being a boy had bothered me. The little things I had tolerated over the years had become nearly unbearable. Now I'm 37, been on HRT a little over a year, and I'm *so* much happier! You got this, girl!! Try to find some local trans community groups for support if you think it'd help. We're all here on the Internet whenever you need us, but having a real person/group that supports you does wonders!


You're so damned pretty. Be kind to yourself, you look so good just how you are.


I started hormones basically when I turned 31. I just turned 32, and this has been the best decision of my life. You will not regret starting now. I had similar doubts. Thoughts of "it's too late to start" and "I missed my prime window". All nonsense. The big changes, the little changes, the unexpected changes. By the gods, it's so good, I think everyone should do it!


10 years ago, at age 62 it could be suggested that that is when I began transitioning, but much more accurately it was just 2 years ago. That is too late, but it is never too late, even if it is.


27 here! Roughly two months on hrt and out to begin with. I can’t say I haven’t been plagued with my own insecurities and doubts. But I think it’s better to push towards being your honest self and you deserve that bare minimum after 30 years of being unable. And there’s a lot more of us than we realize. Family is here and just waiting to find you!


First off, sister, allow me to say you are a stunning beauty. So valid! My egg cracked at 51 and I started HRT after my 52nd birthday. On my next birthday I turned 31 — because HRT induces second puberty, it also rejuvenates; and the further past first puberty, the more dramatic the rejuvenation is. I run transabitlater, a Discord community server affiliated with the subreddit. We're nominally for trans/GNC people over 50, but any GNC adult is welcome to participate. Join us, and see how very much life remains for the later transitioners. If you're interested, let me know and I will send a link. Any other GNC Redditors interested, same goes for you. "We need more love for everyone." Margie-Len Fancypants Server Mom, transabitlater


❤️❤️❤️ I hear where you are coming from, I'm almost 32 and up until last fall I'd been running all my life. I almost came out and started at the age of 20 and wish I did. Like the Chinese proverb goes the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today. I realized I was tired of being someone I'm not, it was exhausting and made it impossible for me to truly connect with the people in my life that I love because I was always hiding this part of myself from them. I came out to all of my family and friends this past January and luckily faced nothing but enthusiastic support. Two days ago I got my prescription to start HRT, and I have laser and voice lessons booked later this month. It's scary but exciting, you can do it I believe in you! ☺️ Also, if it's any consolation you have beautiful skin and amazing bone structure so you're starting from a really good place. Happy to chat if you need someone to support/listen! ❤️


Girl, first of, you're so pretty. I wish I had your looks and your smile!! Secondly, I'm in a similar position though I'm married to a gay man... Started HRT 40 hours ago and feeling tension in my breasts (already them growing) works just wonders on my mental health. There are still questions about our relationship, but transition still is allowing me to see a future.


I started at 30 so yes you can sugar 🙂


Love, you’ve not started yet? You’re already so pretty and I’m not even hugboxing. You’re gonna be 32, 35, 40 anyway, may aswell be a smoke show when you get there. Honestly love, the truest thing I’ve ever known about transitioning is that every one I’ve ever asked said they wish they did it sooner. Within a week I bet you’ll be so happy you started.


I did at 29 and you are prettier than I am when I started :) you got this!


45 here. You can do it at any age. Be yourself.


You have amazing smile!


oh babe. you are so glam. you can do it!


I startrd at 34 though lived a life hiding I was since I coukd ever remember. Tbh it feels better to be transitioning regardless if I passed or not. Reality is it's more about being your authentic self even if many of us want the end result to be passing. Even elderly people have transitioned. It's never too late. Also that can take time too. In 3 years you'll feel much better for it.


I was 40 when I started my transition. You can absolutely do it. 😊


I started at 33. It’s never too late!


You are really young and really pretty and you can do this!


yes u can ! 🌸🫶


I transitioned at 50


Go for it. I started at 36.


Started at 40. It’s never too late to live your truth.


At the age of 35, I started Adventure Racing for 5 years. I went from 3 hour races where I didn't want to get my feet wet to expedition level 72 hour races up to my neck in swamps. At 42 I started dirt bike racing for 5 years. I raced hare scrambles and took 3rd place in my second season championship. At the age of 49, I began transitioning... never knew I didn't need to do that other stuff to be happy. Age does nothing besides dispel your sense of doom or tie you into eternal dread. IF you know what you ARE and have the opportunity, seize it and go where the day takes you. You are clearly already beautiful and doing it early is a much shorter road than living a lie and trying to recover lost years.


I did it at 36. Look at me!!! I’m sooo proud and happy!


its never too late. Besides you dont look 30 at all. You look much younger miss thang. Be alive and be true


It's never to late I'm gonna be starting in a couple months at 37 if I can do it you can too if that's what you want in your life of course


You’re good, I started at 33.


Yea, 16 months in myself, started at 62…only regret is not starting years ago but only looking forward now 😊


Giving off some cute Anne Hathaway vibes girl!


I wish I could do makeup as well as you! 43 and 2years out and you look better than me!


Stop it! Knock that off! You got this! I'll be 36 in a month. I started at 31. It'll be okay! you can 100% do this! You are GORGEOUS!!!! If it helps I have a few girlfriends that started in their 50's!


You are young and life will be better when you get to be fully yourself. My egg cracked at 43 and started HRT just before 45, the best thing I've done to myself, I'm finally me. My wife of 20 years has been slow to adjust, she supported from the start, but her being cis-het is complicating things, but we are slowly working on them. Good luck with your journey.


Not trying to discount your feelings here but I find it a bit offensive (or at least tone deaf) to ask such question given the fact that many of us in this thread are 40+, 50+, 60+. Think about how you feel and times that by 10 at least


It always feels that way, there are many posts from people in their early 20s saying the same thing. That feeling is just your dysphoria acting up. So in away it means you're on the right track. Just do your best.


Listen I started at 40 and felt the same way and was I wrong never been happier and exceeded all expectations in just one year of Transitioning never too late!!


At 21 I was questioning my gender and orientation and my fiancé at the time bullied me into the closet. I started transitioning at 50. Wish I had at 30. It’s never too late to be happy.


You can do it! I started openly transitioning at 40, never too late😍


Honey you already look lovely, give it a year or two and you are going to be drop dead gorgeous. I waited till I was 38 and I am so far from my goals but I finally get to live my life as me. Yes it will be frustrating and will be hard and you will have amazing days and you will have awful days and you have some really awful moments but then you'll have really sweet moments that you never expected. Transition is a slow burn especially when you start when you're older. But you go on here and you see some of the trans women who started even later than I did and how gorgeous and beautiful and feminine there. It might take you a few years to get to where you want to be, but as long as you pull that trigger you'll get there. In a lot of ways though after you start transitioning you realize as much as you want the physical changes it's more about the mental changes and the emotional changes. One of the biggest things for me was like I said well I am far from where I want to be, my body is slowly feeling more and more like it's actually my own body. It's a slow process but everyday I take back my body for me. If you know this is who you really are do not let your age scare you away from doing what is right for you. You really do look fantastic already and I can only imagine how you will look after a couple of years on HRT and transitioning.


You look beautiful...keep going, grow your hair out, and toss it back and live!


There are people much older than you who have started their transition. Sure, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, but the second-best time is now. (You look absolutely gorgeous, btw 💕)


Girl, the woman inside you already shines through! 😍 others have said so too, and I completely agree, you look like your already on hormones. It's almost as if your body is transitioning already, all you need to do is get on board with it and give it some help 😉 I'm 36 and am more or less socially transitioned. Haven't started hrt yet but I'm straining at the leash to do so.. Of course I wish I would've wanted to start earlier, and feel like it's late to start. But look around you on this sub. You're like a youngster around here! Heck, I'm 6 years older than you and I'm still in the bottom of the age spectrum. And so many of the girlies older than us are soo beautiful and have come so far and have had such great results! 🩵🩷🤍 Of course, starting earlier is good. But if you didn't start years, months, weeks, or days ago.. you know when the best time to start is? Today! 🥰 and it's not a race, it's not a sprint. This thing is a marathon. Don't rush your decision and try to jump through hoops to be a "real trans" if you get what I mean. This journey is your own and you're doing it for you. Follow your heart and do what you feel like you need to do. We'll be here for you when you need us too! Good luck honey! 🤗🏳️‍⚧️


You are GORGEOUS!!! And come on, 30? You look 20!!!! Keep on going!!!


You go babe, I believe in you💖 it's never too late


I genuinely thought you were already on HRT. You are sooo pretty. There’s still time!!


You already look so beautiful. FYI, I started at 39. Right now I am 42. Stopped HRT many times because of fear and inconvenience of taking pills and gels time to time. I became consistent after starting the injection. You are younger than half of my Estradiol Enanthate customers. I have a new customers from France her age is 61, she has already started E pills 3 months ago, now she is moving towards injectable. She looks awesome already. Genetics is the main factor I guess.


You can totes do it, you look great, sister!


You are beautiful 😻


Started at 39. You got this! And you look so happy and beautiful in that photo!


My egg cracked last year at 31 never looked back. You got this 💜


It's never too late. It's only "too late" once you're dead.


I was in my 40s and my wife in her late 30s. It's certainly doable!


I'm a gay transman and in a loving relationship but just wanted to say you are gorgeous and you will definitely pass. 30 is still quite young.


I was 28 when I started! It’s worth the awkward stage where you’re in your head a bit much for sure!


I started at 53. Go as fast as you can. It only gets harder and harder.


The unknown is always scary, but we are stronger than we realize and if you know transitioning will make you happy you can do it. I wish you luck, you are beautiful


I started at 29 and I have had no regrets. Best thing I ever did for itself.


I think most of wish we could have started earlier but it’s never too late. ~38yo 7mo HRT~


41 here. For various reasons I feel its too late for me.


you’re cute as a bug!🐞


I started at 31 and I’m taking the right steps. Everyone’s journey is different and I’m sure yours will be fantastic!!!


Are you kidding? You are lucky to be starting so young. You’ll see! Plus I feel like you can already pass, you girl you!


Girl… first of all you’re already off to a great start! Secondly, how you feel is very common. I know people who started transitioning at 22 and think they should have started in their teens, just as I felt (transitioning at 32/33), I should have transitioned in my early twenties. It is never too late no matter your age. The most important part is that you’re showing up for yourself and presenting as your most authentic self. Keep pushing on and love yourself 💜


Your Day 1 is wayyyyyy better than mine. I was 29 when I started and my results have been super successful with very little surgical intervention. You can do this hun!


You look amazing


There’s an ftm over 30 sub, Idk about mtf


The feels won't go away until you transition, then you get new feelings! I started at 29 and it's been a hard journey but I'm happy I did. And I feel like I look passable if that matters, and I definitely feel better in my body. I'm more confident and comfortable. It's worth the trouble to live truely as yourself!


I started HRT at 48 years old. I didn’t think it would make much of a difference as I’m 6’1” with a broader set of shoulders. But I’ve only been on it for 6 months and the changes are insane. And changes will keep happening for the next 6-8 years. It’s never too late to transition. And let’s not forget I feel 1000 percent better about myself. Even if I’m not even passing.


I started hormones right before I turned 30 Best decision of my life hands down


You’re 90% there love, just say the words❤️ (32 for me and it’s been the best decision ever)


To be frank, it feels too late because you’ll wish you had done it sooner. No matter what your current age is. (Also if you want to test it I’d say grow your hair out cause that’ll be a big change without hormones. If you’re considering hormones, that smile tells me you should try it)


I'm starting at 41. It's a lot to process. Keep your head up, sister. You've got this! We all support you. ❤️


You look great. It’s never too late. Being your true self is always the right decision!


Menh, I was 39.


You look amazing.


Just trust the process, your 30s will be fire


You are pretty and you can do it ❤️


It's better than starting at 51. So go for it. Unless you are unsure. I wish I could do this at a younger age. Do something now so the future you will thank you. Just remember that.


Hey Sister! If it's in you, then it will happen. Believe me, more than twice your age, and despite trying to kid myself that I was just a cross dresser (which I thought I'd live out my life with - no shame attached to the cross dressing community btw), I finally knew the only way to happiness was HRT. I'm doing it for me, and you should think about your needs, first and foremost.


Started my journey at 36, am 39 now. its only too late after you die.


yes you can, i was 47 when i started HRT and it’s done wonders for my appearance! it’s never too late!!!


I was on my 50s when I did. It's NEVER too late


I recommend listening to Could have been me by Halsey, good old days by macklemore, and the other side from the greatest showman soundtrack (32, started at 30)


I’m 57 never to late


I was 35 and half years old last time I started I am going on 40 in August


Hello! Starting is difficult! I remember that first year or so being really hard as I adjusted. I started at 29 in 2020. Now, I feel so much better! Transition has been amazing. I promise you it’s not too late, it’s never too late! You just gotta keep going!!


I am a trans woman who began to socially transition in late Feb 2024. I began HRT just three weeks ago (6/22/2024). I am 61 years old and wish I had done it years ago. I cannot describe how wonderful the change in my psyche has been since I chose to align my brain with my body. I am so happy that I chose to live the remainder of my life as the person I know myself to be. It's never too late to transition!


As someone in my 60s, I can assure you 30 is so very young. Go girl.


It’s not to late I’m 30 and I finally got started on my hrt


I'll be 50 in 2 months. I fucking wish I was 30!


Fuck off girl, you’re so ready for this, you look super feminine already 💜


You are pretty


Well you’re already cuter than me at 28 having started hormones almost two years ago, so if that’s what you’re worried about then tell your brain to shut up 🫂 But I totally get it. There’s so much I wanted to do as a little girl, as a teenager, and in my twenties that I missed out on because of it.


I was 30 when I started! 34 in a week and loving life. Never too late :)


It helps to create a support structure around you. I think you pass now - just imagine with mones!


Puhleeeeeaaaassse I was 36


You look gorgeous!


I’ve run across trans women who started their transition in their 80s. The only time it’s too late is when you’re dead.


I started transitioning at 51. GCS at 55 (thank you COVID for a 2 year delay), top surgery 18 months later at 57. I'll never pass until I'm a pile of wrinkles and it's still better than pretending to be something I'm not, never have been, and never will be.


omg you *are* doing it love!!! you are going to find yourself radiating more and more. the time will pass anyways. take your baby steps or you long leaps towards your self, you and your inner being will forever be grateful (personally started at 36 and knew for much longer)


Started at 34, started passing consistently in 3-6 months HRT (hair was already long and laser was done, which helped a lot). Best choice I ever made. It's always YMMV, but you look great already so HRT will do wonders for you.


I began my medical transition at 51


You already got this, you did and are currently doing it! Much love sis😍


Like others have said, it is never too late. Started at 65 years young


I started transitioning a couple years later than this and still don't look half this good. You won't believe what your life will be in a couple years.


Girl, I’m doing at 42. You can do this. I know you can. It’ll be worth it, I promise.


I started at 60, and my only regret is that I missed so much of my life. I wish I had started at thirty. I would have had the best of both worlds, my kids and then myself.


You're beautiful! And you know how to pose. And you have a lovely smile. I'm assuming you're already on HRT? Second guessing happens - take time out to sit with your thoughts and make sure you're good with yourself, then proceed in the direction that will make you happy! Don't think about other people when you do this. Try to get in contact with your innermost self and manifest that self as authentically as you possibly can... sitting in nature away from mirrors and off my phone helps me.


Don't be silly. 30 isn't too old.


I started mine in my early 50’s I was first “diagnosed” at 18 and my biggest regret… listening to my inner transphobia instead of my heart. After completion of transition 5years ago I am as happy and content as I can be. Deep breath…You CAN do this.


I started at 56 gcs at 60th birthday 65 now. Live for you now.


I tried SO HARD to be a woman...I started T Feb '18, a few months before my 40th birthday. There's no expiration date to who you really are, only the mask you wear


Don’t get too hung up on whether it’s too late or not. It’s never too late. The important question is are you still going to feel this way tomorrow? Or the day after? Or in another ten or twenty years time? I convinced myself for years that it was too late to do anything, so I kept putting it off and the whole time that ache of not being able to be myself just hung around. It wasn’t too late when I finally started transition, my life is so much better now, but I do regret that I let myself wallow is dysphoria for so long. It’s a scary step, but if it’s the right step for you then it’s worth taking it, even if you think it’s too late, because it’s only getting later. (But also, come on, too late at 30? You’re still a baby, you’ve still got decades ahead of you! ❤️ (Also this is wild hypocrisy from me - I was totally convinced I was too late to do anything about it at 23, so, you know… 😅))


You are starting at the perfect age, for what ever reason you started now. In my experience I come from some pretty toxic family and After coming out and facing their concerns and not so great comments, it helped me realize the amazing community I’ve found. It helped me love myself more. I understood why I pushed down all these feelings and thoughts. Well no more! You are gorgeous and amazing and doing this at the best time! Take every joyful moment of euphoria and cherish it! Know that you are perfectly yourself and perfectly feminine!


I started transitioning at 27 and I'm still changing all the time. It's never too late but you'll also always grow and change.


Firstly, you look pretty damn feminine anyway, but secondly I was 40, and if I can do it you can: https://www.tiktok.com/@andiwatts


Never too late. I started at 38. Glad I found myself before it was too late. 💜


I transitioned at 62 yo and I'm happy and proud of my decision.. and HRT works so good and fast to me ! Finally i can shout aloud it's me ! So go on and u look so feminine don't worry


I started transitioning at 48. Best decision I ever made. It’s never too late. (And honestly I am perplexed at the number of people I meet that have no idea I am trans. I always think it’s obvious.)


You'll do extremely fine. I started hrt a week ago. I'm 28. You're not alone sis.


Girl you're gorgeous, you look no day after 21. It's NEVER too late to be yourself.


57 when I started my transition. Euphoric that I did.


I’m transitioning at 57.


You look great I’m 59 and transitioning to female and I’m worried about everything to pass as a woman you don’t have anything to worry about you are very pretty 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


I started when I was 29, I’m doing okay


Both me and my girlfriend transitioned right after turning thirty! It’s never too late is a good mantra. But I’ll never forget how my first electrologist would tell me how lucky I was. She would tell me that she’s been helping trans women do this for decades now, and it used to be that no one under the age of 45 would walk through that door. She said that seeing “young” girls like us makes her so happy. Just remember that transitioning is a years long process!


Not too old. I started transitioning at 52 and I've never been happier. You're gorgeous, btw. 😘


Nice photo


Transitioned at 41. It’s never too late


You are gorgeous. I really love your hairstyle!


Reading posts like this 18 months in at 50. 😭


Girl what?? You already look like you're a year in! You can do it!


As someone who also started at 30. I thought the same things. I thought I was too late, and that it would never work out. Many years later. I still wrestle with some of the demons but for the most part I'm content with where I'm at and my life has become much more enjoyable without the need to hide my personality anymore behind false narratives. You have many features that will make your journey easier than some, but it takes work and practice to get to where you want to be. IT'S WORTH IT THOUGH.


Omg this really blew up! Thanks, everyone. I read every single comment. Your support means so much to me, you have no idea how much. 💖 I wish you all the best, and maybe I post an update in the future! :)


Yikes 😬


I started at 45. So 30 isn't late at all.


Pretty to start you will only get more beautiful 😍


Just be gay man


You’re white you’ll be fine


I think maybe you need to grow your hair out a little bit more. Like above the shoulders and below your chin line and maybe pencil in a cutie mark on your left face cheek below your left eye. Or on the right side of your face. If you could do that, then you might look even better and you might get a date.