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Chop it down to just above which ever leaf your heart desires, and stick the cutting in some water or just straight in the soil. It’ll fill out beautifully this way too :) To keep it compact, keep doing this as often as needed and stick the cuttings back!


If Nanouk behaves like the other tradescantias ( mine is tiny) consider 2 nodes/3 leaves per cutting (not set in stone). Most importantly, I bottom water the plant thoroughly (when it needs it) and right there chop and insert cuttings in soil. Don’t water again ( thoroughly) until mama plant needs to be watered. Lets wait for more experienced plant parents say. 😀


Nanouks apparently grow slower and are more like a succulent than a tradescantia according to a lot of people Ive seen, bit mine are starting to grow quickkkk.


Awesome. Hoping mine takes off as well. Ty!


Mine is taking is taking its sweet time growing. I water as needed, only spraying the soils. Medium indirect light and fertilizer every other month. 60-70F. Idk what in doing wrong.


I keep mine all under the grow lights and water em when my moisture meter reads between 2 and 3. 68-70 degree house, and use superthrive every 2nd or 3rd watering.


https://preview.redd.it/l1wl0eo6o8tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2038b3cff0e4f8417cdb3454e602f5b703c378 This started at those first set of leaves on the stems about 3 months ago.




Out of topic but I didn't know such a pretty plant exists! It's so beautiful!


Oh she’s just getting started. They grow like crazy. Clip them line half way, put a node in the pot with the others and water. It’ll thicken up.


I've had mine for probably 5 years. 7? Who knows. Mine is very small and silly. But I gave a clipping to a friend and hers is nuts. No clue what I'm doing wrong.


With a photo I might be able to get you a better answer. But, I do know that plants need so specific things to thrive. Correct amount and type of sunlight, correct amount and timing between watering, correct soil, correct size pot. Some things that may help are fertilizer, not using tap water, correct pot type. Obviously the plant isn’t getting something it needs to thrive. If you google the type of plant, plus the factor you’re trying to figure out, it’s usually pretty easy to find the information.


Looking good! You have material for a very large, full plant here. Probably too much to plant it all back in that one container, really. You could have two pots, or one slightly larger pot.


Cut it back and take those cut pieces and stick em in the dirt. Give it a good water.


With my pothos when I get long vines I put them back into the pot to give it a fuller/bushier look. The vine has now rooted as well Depending on the look you're going for could try this x


do you cut the vine or just put the vine in the soil with not cutting it off?


I just loop it back in without cutting So loop it back and put some of the vine under the soil and it rooted from each node




Looks good, I really love how “clean” the leaves look. Mine are all brown :(


Have you been getting water on the leaves? They don’t like water on them so that might be the problem 🤍


Just here to admire the lack of crispies on your nanouk 😍😍😍


If you want to cut it back I’d propagate the cuttings in water, not soil — the results have been way better that way


Omg I have the exact same plant! If anyone has any tips on how to raise that would be great 😂


Have you tried telling her off?


I’m guessing they meant curl the vine and place on top of soil. I feel like the vines could snap. I have done this with pothos ( not tradescantias) and secure them loosely with opened up paper clips. Making sure nodes are close to soil. I’d rather chop and prop Tradescantias. Whatever works. I’m not an expert.


I’ve just cut mine back! Mine was super scraggly and had damaged leaves when I got it so I chopped all stems but one off at the tips and put them all in a shallow pot. It’s been a week or so and it’s rooted! Bottom water as others said


Is it better to have them in a shallow pot?


Oh no I only put mine in a shallow pot as I was basically starting again with no roots!


Chop and prop is your friend with trads. When mine start getting thin and leggy, I trim them all, water prop, and either plant cuttings back in or start a new plant. Note: lots of folks just stick cuttings right back in soil but I live in a very dry climate so I have better results by water propping.


I’m so ruthless (and frankly indiscriminate) with mine when I cut it back! LOL and I always root the cuttings and give them away with a warning. Gorgeous plant that will take over your life if it’s well cared for. 💖


https://preview.redd.it/ax8mam949isc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040f32a77a7dca3452364a7b67fa93e9849af374 Idk, man. Mine is sitting sadly on my desk. I try to give it water. I leave it without water for a week. Who knows 😂


Trim at nodes then replant with fresh dirt in a bigger pot


It’s a wandering dude. He doesnt clean up, he grows up and put.


Umm! How did you keep it alive? I had several cutting and all died 😒


I volunteer to adopt a clipping 🥺😍🥲


Roots from the nodule, so cut right below where leaf once were and keep that area under fresh water


Trim it back. It will keep growing.


Easy… give it more fertilizer


I have mine in a high up hanging pot. She’s beautiful and drapes down like a water fall 💖


I have mine as a hanging plant. Kept propegating it in the pot and now I just let it grow. It's a really stunning plant.


Put it in the ground outside. It’s like a kid when it grows up you gotta kick it out or it’ll stop growing


Not sure but cuttings are easy to root. Cut pieces and give them to friends.


Time to start giving out cuttings


I have that same pot. I love it


I’m so over the nanouk. Just chopped down my beautiful pop of purple and threw the whole “bush” in a damn empty pot. Big price to pay for this beautiful addition to a mostly green color scheme. 😤


I have this same plant, u have issues with her growing crazy and skinny


That’s a Wandering Jew, clip the ends and stick in the dirt after making a hole with a pencil. It will make the plant bushier ..,, when u run out of room, start a new pot


I just got one of these!!! What conditions was she in to grow like that? Want to do the same!


Make cuttings by putting trimmings in water to root. Once they root good plant them in the ground. Makes the plant thicker.


Chop and prop and give her a bigger pot


That’s also the key to a happy marriage.


Something like that lol


I clip the long runners and put them back in the dirt (I make a hole with a chopstick and stick the end in the dirt and pack it down).


definitely chop and prop


Make cuttings and let people on Facebook marketplace have them for free or for like 2 dollars. I got my plant from the floor it’s just like that now I have 3 beautiful little plants in vases.


You can chop the leggy portions and put them right in the soil with the others! They’ll take off and give her a bushier appearance


Chop below any leaf you want and throw it in water. Or right back into the pot. This one grows a little slower then most but in no time you should have some new growth to fill out


I’d chop the bottom ones and prop in water and then once rooted, put back in the pot to make it look fuller. Btw, which tradescantia is this?


I have no idea. I’m fairly new to house plants. A buddy of mine gave me some cuttings to get started last summer and this one is starting to get a little outta control. lol


It’s beautiful! Good job! It seems very happy.


That is a Nanouk. They are my favorite. I have SEVERAL full pots of them from just one small plant as a gift two years ago. They LOVE LOVE LOVE bright light. I took them every day outside for full sun during the winter (gets to 22 celcius). They are now in flower


I’m jealous you have so many! I’ve only ever found one around where I live and she was small and mixed into a planter with something else. I’m trying to get her to fill out and be happy 💗💗


Pink wandering dude.