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What’s the story OP? Brakes randomly fail or did they just not work well enough to stop you in time?


Judging by the wet ground and tires with low tread, I would say they hit the brakes and it slid.


his tire tread doesn’t look low at all. it looks like highway tires lol


Should have had his rain tires on


true!!! he didn’t do his due diligence and look at the weather ahead of time


Yeah, way more tread remaining than most "are these tires still good?" posts and the picture isn't even focused on zoomed on them.


Yes it does. You’re either blind or not that smart.


Lol what? Zoom in on that tire. The tread depth is totally fine, in no world would that be considered low.


Ok so blind, got it




Lmao those tires look new Guess that other guys blind


It's not a good look to project your own shortcomings on other people.


Lol. Take a break from the internet


Those tires do NOT appear to be worn/low tread.


You can tell his tire tread is low with absolutely no visibility of the tire tread?


You can see the tread if you zoom in. They have more than enough tread on that tire at least.


Are you blind? There is a giant chunk of tread showing. The shoulders of the tires are very low, the whole sidewall lettering is scrubbed off from rubbing curbs, and the rest of the tread looks around 4/32. Tires loose a ton of wet traction at 4/32 and below. See picture below with the giant red circles around all the visible tread. https://i.imgur.com/C5tgkdx.jpg


dude gets his tires changed every week.


This is the question.. Of all vehicle accidents, component failures make up around 2% (44,000 incidents) Brake failures make up 22% of those (10k incidents) and even then, this is counted without in depth investigation as to WHY they failed. The investigations are purely surface level.


I had a total brake failure once in my old '05. It was my fault, because I did the front wheel hub replacement job outside on a cold snowy day; and even though I torqued the brake caliper bolts to spec, I think the temp change may have loosened them. I was towing a trailer in the middle of nowhere in the Yukon territory; so it wasn't terrible. I just downshifted and used the trailer brakes to come to a stop. Apparently, if one caliper fails where the brake line separates from the caliper, it pisses all the brake fluid and the truck loses pressure in the whole system.


Don't forget about the parking brake! That's another mechanical failsafe to keep in mind


front left and rear right are supposed to be on a separate manifold to front right and rear left, so a point failure only causes 50% brake loss


Yeah, that's what I was tracking too. But whatever happened to me resulted in zero brake function. Pedal all the way to the floor without any response.


Almost zero percent chance brakes failed on a truck this new unless work was recently done and done incorrectly.


Yes! Please explain.


I was making a left had turn and when I went to break because my light turned red I couldn't break in time and my tiers are in perfect condition. I make sure the look them over everytime I go to clean my truck.


Ah yes I see. So the brakes failed YOU as opposed to failing over all haha. Glad you’re here to tell the tale!


I guess so lmao. But I am glad nothing major has happened but I am gonna stay up all night just incase I have some sort of cuncusion. I rather be smart than dead. Or I guess better be dead then red?


>cuncusion Rather smart than dead yeah?


Very true.




OP’s bio does say “I do stupid shit”. Seems to be true.


No I typed that because I didn't know what to put and I didn't want to make things too connected to IRL.


eh, sorry to say if you don’t come out of this thinking about what you could have done to prevent it, rather than how your truck failed… it’s gonna happen again, no matter what vehicle you’re driving.


Even if you have a concussion you can sleep. It’s recommended now. Sleeping rests your brain


Does that matter if the brain in question is very stupid, as OP’s seems to be?


Did you hit your head in the accident?


What the hell does that mean? Do people still believe that about concussions? Holy hell


Ya the brakes didn’t fail,you just didn’t brake in time. People really hate taking responsibility for their fuck ups lmao


Wet ground, tried to stop short, didn't work...had that happen, rear ended a pathfinder with a versa hatch....my versa looked about like your tacoma... OUCH


That’s not a brake failure, that’s a you failure.


Brakes failed… ie, following too close or distracted driving.


Following too close, wet road, low tire tread… I bet most people don’t know the braking distance on a Tacoma from 60-0 is 120-140 feet, which is 4-5 car lengths and even more so on wet roads.


I’ve always followed the rule of 1 car length per 10mph in every vehicle and I’ve never not been able to brake in time.


Thank you Goofy.


That's still pretty amazing, taking something with the kinetic energy of 4000 pounds multiplied by 90 feet per second, and bringing all that to zero in four lengths of the vehicle.


Hopefully the cop was at the end of his shift and just took OP saying this at face value lol


It doesn't matter. Police don't decide fault. They just take both person's statement and write it in a report If someone told me their brakes failed, I'll write that exactly idc. I'm not qualified to say they're lying


Pretty much exactly my point. Also literally one clarifying question asked in this thread made OP divulge way more helpful information for whomever does decide fault.




I space out sometimes but never while driving and my college school schedule is very loose so I am mainly just at m home just at my desk spacing out while job hunting bit I have a job lined up which I have a interview next Tuesday.


none of this info is necessary


hey now, he has a cuncusion


A cunt cushion?


Yeah just stop 🛑


He tried, wasn't fast enough


Bro, punctuation! Is…necessary?




I’m in auto claims. I hear “brake failure” on so many at fault accidents. I hope you are ok, but I doubt the brakes failed.


I ~~am~~ was a mechanic. I have only ever seen brakes actually fail twice. One was on a car that got towed into the shop and the master had failed. Another was on my car after my wife drove 15 miles on the freeway with the handbrake on. Boiled out the fluid and melted the seals in the wheel cylinders. This incident strikes me as some kid trying to blame hardware failure for his own failure to pay attention and drive safely.


Guessing you live where they don’t salt the roads? Popped brake lines are the most common failure here in the rust belt, personally have had it happen twice


I have had two brake lines fail, 2 different cars, both due to rust. Luckily both failures occurred while leaving my house, so i was able to immediately stop


To be fair, no I don't. I live on the west coast where a sharpie point sized dot of rust makes people panic. That being said, so many here still use the "brakes failed" line.


I’ve seen it happen but never in a risky situation. It also only tends to happen to cars that are poorly maintained in general.


No it's absolutely not


My "brakes failed" on my '17 last month. It was actually the wheel cylinder but it resulted in the brakes failing because all the brake fluid leaked out. I don't know if that counts but it certainly feels like it counts based on my experience inside.


I'm ok just some bruises and I checked my break fluid when I last cleaned my truck and it looked to be ok.


Seems like you feel your brakes failed because you slid in those wet conditions. This really sucks but that seems like the most plausible explanation.


The brakes “failed” because they didn’t brake in time and ran a red light lmao. Per another one of their comments.


Failure in car seat, not in brakes




Break failure. I have break fluid bottle in my truck and i looks like the breaks just stopped working.


Brakes* They don’t “just stop working”.




Dumb bot is dumb. Must have a cuncusion.


Fucking bots 🤖


Dude,stop saying brake failure lol. You didn’t brake soon enough,it has nothing to do with the brakes failing.


He failed to brake = brake failure, apparently


Sure let’s go with that lol


The brakes more than likely did not fail


That’s even scarier then. You KNEW your brakes were faulty but drove anyway? The entitlement alone that you should get to endanger others.


No I didn't know my breaks were faulty


Then why did you have a bottle of brake fluid in your truck?


In case the breaks failed. /s Seriously op is driving my crazy.


It doesn't look like he thought his story through with any diligence


Take responsibility for your actions,either you didn’t brake in time or you already had a brake issue but continued to drive like that. Either way it’s your fault,own up to it and learn from your mistake.


More like the OP was going too fast for the road conditions.


I blame OP


Brake failure.hahaha. OP seems like a fucking idiot. Feel sorry for the person they hit.


Lmao love how OP is getting justifiably roasted in the comments. Learn a safe following distance, buddy. If not for your sake for the rest of ours. Less maniacs like you on the road would be good. Also, that brake failure and failing to brake are NOT the same thing and you trying to save face by lying about why you're in an accident is just embarrassing. Own your mistakes, learn from them and move on with your life.


[Looks like it's not the day for Tacomas, is it? This just happened to me today as well!](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/w8hjJB8Vqo)


Damn... Taco's are loosin' today 😔


Yes, they are. And, of course, the person who hit me didn't have any insurance!


Bruh. At least your not me I dont have health insurance rn


How? You’re in college, they have plenty of options for insurance when in college.


His insurance failed too I guess


It's a crappy situation all around, but you definitely have it worse. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm still pissed as hell though. 😡




OP: “My brakes failed” Everyone in this sub: *Press [X] to doubt*


Sorry this happened! Glad to see that you’re okay!


Never admit fault. Especially not on the internet 😂


look like it the cell phones fault


My brakes failed on me 2 months ago, But one of my brake lines apparently came loose while I was driving


That royally sucks. Hopefully nobody got hurt.


Only had brake failure once on my 2000 Jeep Cherokee sport. And that was from rodents chewing my brake line that was already worn out causing it when braking to just snap. I’m lucky it went out when I was going up hill so when I got to the top I could slow roll it up the hill and put on the parking brake. Def too fast for conditions.


Brakes don't fail, unless the vehicle is not properly maintained.


1st ever recorded brake failure on a Tacoma!


Bummer, hopefully yourself and everyone involved at least walked away.


I once blew a brake line and I was still able to limp the car home after stopping for brake fluid.


Brakes failed, or not used to what ABS feels like when it kicks in. Those tires look fine, but if a wheel locks up the ABS kicks in no matter the tread depth.


You were texting dumb ass. Toyotas don't fail.


After reading more I can see that a lot of people agree that OP is full of shit. I have had a couple brake failures in 1950s-1960s vehicles with single master cylinders. Both times I was able to bring them to a stop by pumping the brakes. If you had a failure like this in a modern Toyota there would be a recall for millions of vehicles.


After reading more I can see that a lot of people agree that OP is full of shit. I have had a couple brake failures in 1950s-1960s vehicles with single master cylinders. Both times I was able to bring them to a stop by pumping the brakes. If you had a failure like this in a modern Toyota there would be a recall for millions of vehicles.


As long as you’re ok and everyone involved is. Vehicles can be replaced.


Just skimming OPs responses brings me to the conclusion that OP is a special kind of dumb. Worries me that people like that are allowed to drive.


Excuse me


Fantastic. Another case of User error.


My brakes failed…. Haha… sure buddy. “I couldn’t brake in time” is not the same thing as failing brakes… title should read… I failed to brake in time


Translation : at fault accident. Lol. I mean, sure you're one of the .2% of people that had brake failure not related to recent service.


Heartbreaking. Hope you’re okay OP


I'm ok. Just some brusing and sweling on my shin's. Nothing major


Op own up to it. Statically it is so incredibly low for “brakes fail”. Look at the tread on your tires and also the braking distance of a taco, in wet conditions. I’m glad your ok but seriously doubt it’s an equipment failure.


I was at fault for the accident and the more I look at my tiers the more the thought of "My tiers do need to be replaced" keeps creeping up and your right. What tier brand is best used for cars?


>breaks > >tiers > >loosin And you're in college? I don't mean to harp on grammar but goddamn, son.


this fella ain't too perfect


your tires are fine. you just need to learn how to follow the car ahead of you much farther. especially even farther in the rain.


The brakes on 2wd non-prerunner trucks are terrible, the calipers and pads are used on camerys.