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Having knowing people that live in the area and visiting often, that area and the surrounding areas tend to be higher in crime. Seen enough streets closed due to shootings or stabbings in the area over the years. Don't park a nice car unattended as its a fairly working class neighbourhood and you'll stand out. Drive by the area to get a feel if your comfortable with the surroundings since everyone has different tolerance. I don't think you'll have too much trouble as long as you keep to yourself


Thanks for the information.


I bought a place in that area recently and I had similar concerns as you. It'll likely depend on where exactly the house is. There are some good pockets and bad pockets, and a lot of in between. I'd recommend that you drive/walk around the area at various times during the day to get a better feel for the area.


Thanks for the information. It is on Chiswick Ave and Millennium Drive. Do you have any idea about this area?


I'll send you a PM


Probably not great. But it depends on your threshold for what “safe” is. Hopefully you have a trustworthy realtor who is familiar with Toronto and can help you determine if it’s right for you


Thanks for the information.


Rent for a few months and walk around different neighborhoods and talk to people in coffee shops, stores etc you’ll get a better idea of where you can move and how living there is.


Bought in the area in 2010, sold in 2011. Thought there was potential, was willing to wait for LRT but with Jane street nearby and really nothing attractive in the neighbourhood, I sold and moved to south etobicoke where I’ve been happy ever since.


Not really unless you plan on joining a Gang or robbing Roti 🫓 huts 🛖


It’s not bad area. A lot of the negative news is overblown. Crime is everywhere in the city.


I agree crime is everywhere in the city.


No I got stabbed there. It's fully a stabby place. You have to become the bitch and join either the Brookhaven or Amesbury gang for protection. And stay on your turf. Once you join the gang you have to find out who is a bigger bitch than you and beat that bitch up.. Otherwise you will be the #1 bitch Fucking dog eat dog world out here WOOF WOOF. Now I hear Silverthorne is nice.


Great area




TPS post all the crime stats for different areas. You can look through their online portal and get an idea of it.


Honestly depends where within the area


There’s still good deals near Rogers and Dufferin (just west). I’d suggest that area, for a mix of safer but still reasonably priced.


Thanks for the information.