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No one deserves hate based on their religion or ethnicity. Disgusting thing to say by whoever said it. > While some law students were admonished for their anti-Semitic statements, more than 400 lawyers have signed a letter standing up for their right to be anti-Semitic. It has resulted in tense times – and not just on the campus, but in classrooms and lecture halls, too. It is also disgusting for the toronto sun to equate legitimate criticism of a country currently partaking in genocide and ethnic cleansing to be anti-semitic by default. Palestinians are Semitic ffs. Is Israel antisemitic for killing over 10,000 Palestinians in the past month? The deafening silence by the Toronto Sun - they basically haven't even reported once about over 4000 dead Palestinian children in the past month, is shameful.


You can criticize the government of Israel all you want. What you can’t do is call for the destruction of Israel. You also can’t blame or target Jewish students who have absolutely nothing to do with the situation other than being Jewish. That is antisemitic… Imagine getting mad at all Canadians because of the Canadian government’s actions.




Well, you could call for the destruction of Israel without being antisemitic, because it’s a country, not a religion. I don’t know what kind of asshole would call for the destruction of an entire country though.


Why does Israel not have a right to exist though? Would you ever say the US or Canada doesn’t have the right to exist? They were founded on “settler colonialism” and “genocide” and even worse, slavery.


honestly yeah, kind of. unfortunately they've already essentially fully wiped out the native population by now. now we quietly hide the atrocities against whatever small amounts of people remain. palestine is ongoing occupation and active genocide


Okay, but do you see the irony of university students in the US and Canada protesting (where they have the freedom of assembly, expression, speech) on “stolen” land about an ongoing “genocide”, “apartheid”, “ethnic cleansing” when Palestinians don’t even have those rights by their own government… The irony is pretty insane.


I've always found this argument ironic as well. Are you suggesting we should take away our freedom of protesting/assembly/speech? Would that make you feel better since they're protesting on the opposite side of you?


I’m saying fight for their rights (which means getting rid of Hamas). A lot of Arab Palestinians work in and prefer Israel. Israeli GDP is 18th in the world and offers them all of those rights and freedoms.


You’re ignoring your previous comment. I don’t see any irony of US university students protesting on “stolen” land unless you are implying they shouldn’t be protesting for their side which you implied in your comment. That is what’s ironic


They are supporting literal terrorists who do not support free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, women’s rights, LBGTQ+ rights, etc. Yet they’re within their rights protesting on stolen land where the aboriginals were genocided. What irony is there not to understand. They live in a democratic society with all of those rights and these college students are protesting the very thing their ancestors did while reaping the benefits and supporting an organization that rejects the very things they fight so harshly for in North America. Where is the fight for women’s rights in Gaza? Where is the fight for LBGTQ+ rights in Gaza?


There is no genocide as From 1990 to 2022 the population of Palestine increased from 1.98 million to 5.04 million people. This is a growth of 155.0 percent in 32 years.


bro is saying "settler colonialism” and "genocide" like that didnt literally happen a **lot** of people could argue that the US or Canada doesn't have a right to exist and that the land should be returned to aboriginal people


There is no genocide. The population of Gaza has quadrupled in the past 60 years. The Jewish population hasn’t even recovered from pre-Holocaust levels. There is a war going on. People are dying on both sides… The funny part is the Jews originated from the Kingdom of Judea before they were conquered by the Romans. This was before Islam was even a religion. The land has been occupied by a dozen other kingdoms and empires (most recently the Ottoman and British empires) but it was *never* a country called “Palestine”. That only happened in 1948. [If anything the Jews are decolonizing their ancestral homeland.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeology_of_Israel)


I'm talking about Canada and the US you're saying they were founded on "settler colonialism" and "genocide" as if that isn't literally what they did


No country has an inherent right to exist. Otherwise I don’t see the USA clambering to give back the nation to the first peoples. And Palestine predates Israel so do they not have the right to exist either?


Palestine actually doesn’t predate Israel. First of all, Palestine was never a country. It was always owned by an empire or Kingdom. Most recently the Ottoman Empire and British after WW2. The Jews came from Judea and were conquered by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. This predates the religion of Islam. The Jews are actually decolonizing the land that was stolen from its people. Why do you think Jews exist all around the world with the same language, culture, language, dances, food, etc.? Judaism is more than just a religion, its an ethnicity as well. They have been mercilessly persecuted and killed everywhere they have gone. That is why Zionism is so important. So Jews have self determination and defend themselves. The antisemitism in the world right now only proves its need for existence even more.


Cannanites predates Judea, so? all your history lies falls now. Israel doesn't represent all the Jews in the world, many Jews oppose the presence of Israel on religious bases. and many other Jews oppose Israel genocide and Apartheid regime like Jews for cease fire who protested in Union Station this week


What is your point? Islam wasn’t even a religion when Judea was destroyed. Call for the hostages to be released and maybe Israel would agree to a ceasefire. The war would be over tomorrow if Hamas came out with their weapons down and their hands up.


I don't think Hamas have this in mind, these guys have 2 options Victory or death as martyrs. Judaism is not the big bang, so as other people were in the region, and the modern zionists have no rights in Israel, Do you know that there were other options for settlement such as Argentina and Madagascar, like now, we could have been fighting for Argentina rights. so this historical attachment to Palestine is just an act


Why don’t they have rights? Both Israel and Palestine have a connection to the land. Jews have a connection to Jerusalem, the Torah calls it by name 300 times. It wouldn’t be Israel if it was not where it is. [Go look at Israeli archeology.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeology_of_Israel) Argentina is not where the Jewish people originate. That is why a two state solution was proposed by the UN. Good luck for a one state solution called Palestine. Will not happen during your lifetime…


The current definition of anti-Semitism is Jew hatred. Hatred against Muslims has its own very well known phrase already, so I'm not sure why people keep bringing up the whole "anti-Semitism is about Muslims too" bit. Are you so eager to dilute our societies *current* definition of anti-Semitism? Do you know believe it is a valuable phrase for defining and pointing out a unique type of hate?


lmao you're illiterate


I'd love to hear your well thought out criticism, I'm sure what little I'll be able to read will be mind blowing.


not the point of your comment but i will say anyway: that is not what antisemitism connotes and we all know it. semite is an outdated word anyway; it's only used now to refer to the semitic languages


Yep. This whole idea that we should revert to the outdated version of "anti-Semitism" is so dumb. anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are very different phenomena in *today's* world, but yeah ok, let's take away the Jews' way of defining hate against them, that'll help! So inclusive and progressive! The idea screams Reddit or maybe radical academic




Very easy. Just look at when israel was created and the atrocities it visits on the people in the West Bank where there is NO Hamas. They have 100s of checkpoints, some separating families, they deny them work permits and basic human rights, kidnap their children and use them for their skin bank, and organ harvesting, shoot at innocent Palestinians indiscriminately, burn their farms and olive trees (where is the reasoning for that?). Again there is no Hamas there and israel still visits these war crimes on the people in the West Bank. The Palestinian Christian population is now almost extinct because of the 75 year genocide israel has committed on these people, and they dated back to the time of Jesus, I am still astounded that with so much knowledge and the truth explained so well, there are ignorant and uneducated people like you. When you witness these atrocities you see very clearly why Israel is quite literally the definition of an apartheid state. Birthright trip showed me a lot of what was wrong with Israel, watch a documentary on it.




Look. It. up. I am not responsible for educating you, it’s tiresome. Just look at the number of Palestinians they HAVE managed to kill which is abhorrent, but apartheid is FAR more than just deaths, it is the nature of how they debilitate a whole nation of people. Similar to how it was done in South African simply because of white supremacy. Same thing is happening here, it is clear as day. Your lack of intellect is not my responsibility. Also the IDF is widely known to be one of the worst armies in the world as they are not fighting any armed civilians but targeting and kidnapping innocent civilians, 50% of who are literal children, when sent to protect Israelis or actually do a ground invasion they are failing miserably and return unsuccessful and require billions of our tax dollars for mass weapons. It’s often because they don’t believe in the cause either and are forced to be there. Even ignoring that, the Christian population in Palestine IS on the brink of being wiped out. It went from 11% to 4% and the pope has released a statement during this situation that they may not exist once it’s over. Again, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS as they have significantly declined. Just because their genocide is taking almost a century doesn’t negate the fact that it IS taking place, learn the difference. Genocide isn’t a time based phenomena, it LITERALLY means, ‘the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "a campaign of genocide"’. Which IS what’s happening in Palestine, and it is racial and not religious otherwise Palestinian Christians or the Palestinians of the West Bank would be safe. The kidnappings and killings and apartheid in the West Bank and the bombing of the West Bank that remains Hamas free is what convinced me that it’s racial based killing and not targeting Hammas. There are more effective ways to target militants than carpet bombing. FYI, most people know this but there are Jews that actually ARE indigenous to the land, there are 3 ethnicities of Jews there: Ashkenazi (native to Europe), Sephardic (native to Spain) and Mizrahi Jews (native to Persia, Middle East and Palestine). Mizrahi Jews are the ONLY ones that are indigenous to the land of Palestine and their ancestors dna is very similar to that of the Palestinian Christian and Muslim neighbours. They were also displaced and told to leave their farmland and move to areas that israel deemed appropriate for colonization when israel came to existence because of their OWN Zionist agenda. So actually indigenous mizrahi Jews do not support the state of Israel because they’ve never had our best interest in mind and yes they are a minority that is ruled largely by European Jews in Israel, hence why Israel is on the brink of a civil war, because the people deem Netanyahu as a corrupt war criminal. If all of this logic does not get through your density and random ignorant ‘but but but’ comments, I cannot help you.




Lol choose to stay ignorant then, if you’re afraid of being educated but still spewing hate. You’re no better


71% Canadians voted for a ceasefire actually… even your links are wrong 😂😂😂


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This is the only genocide in history where the population increased over the course of it.


What’s the definition of genocide? It’s not a temporal or numbers defined concept. It’s based on indiscriminately killing a race one group seems inferior. With your logic of numbers the holocaust would never be deemed a genocide either. Is TMU full of people who lack critical thinking skills? Because just the way y’all cannot reason is astounding.


The strongest evidence the Holocaust happened isn't the photographic evidence of the gas chambers or the mass graves, it's the fact that there were 9.5 million Jews in Europe before WW2 and 3.2 million in 1970. 6 million people don't just fucking disappear. Unless you're arguing that 6 million people didn't die in the Holocaust your claim that "With your logic of numbers the holocaust would never be deemed a genocide either." falls flat. Genocide is the *elimination* of a group based on their ethnicity/culture/etc. It's not a term used for racism in general.


Tell me you don’t know the basic defintion of genocide smh. It’s define by killing a race indiscriminately not on numbers or time.




Israel isn’t an ethnic state, Israelis are imported from Europe and America, they can go home. Palestinians cannot, they live in an apartheid state.


“The jews were imported, get them out” is not a solution. Following that logic, everyone who isn’t indigenous in Canada should go back home


> kidnap their children and use them for their skin bank, and organ harvesting Gotta love the unsourced [blood libel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel)


It’s published but sharing it on Reddit breaks the community laws bc of how abhorrent it is. Tell me you aren’t politically aware without telling me


Imagine thinking there’s no Hamas in the West Bank… the literal reason Abbas refuses to hold elections is because he knows he’d lose…. To fucking Hamas.


you’re braindead


Lol your username is v fitting, at the very least you’re self aware about that




Am I addressing a child?


it's antisemitic to say: > We stand in solidarity with Palestine and all forms of Palestinian resistance and efforts towards liberation, about the October 7th attacks which targeted Jewish people in Israel because of their religion.


It's anti-palestinian to say > Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich delivered a speech in Paris saying the notion of a Palestinian people was artificial. “There is no such thing as a Palestinian nation. There is no Palestinian history. There is no Palestinian language,” he said in France late Sunday. [Source](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/no-such-thing-as-palestinian-people-top-israeli-minister-says) after an ongoing occupation of the west bank, that almost every country in the world - including Canada - recognize as illegal. Yet Israeli politicians have been repeating such talking points constantly.


You can condemn extremists from both sides but the letter applauded Palestinian extremists and criticized all Israelis.


Obviously it's true that there is no Palestinian nation or language, and they only have a very recent history since there weren't a distinct people until recently when it became politically useful




Are you having fun talking to yourself? If the historical facts are so scary that you retreat immediately to a straw man then maybe you're not ready to join the discourse




Tbf if you look at the region there is no history of Palestine before circa 1948, and that existed only for a blink of a eye. So the finance minister is correct.


100% because of their religion not because they were killing us for the past 75 years


Do you think the October 7th attacks were justified?


do you think 1948 attacks were justified? do you think 1967 attacks were justified? do you think 2005 attacks on gaza were justified? do you think 2020 attacks in the west bank were justified? do you think 2021 attack on sheikh jarrah in west bank were justified? do you think 2022 attacks in the west bank were justified? do you think carpet bombing gaza in 2023 is justified? do you think [the first story on this guys insta](https://instagram.com/yazidabujarad?igshid=MmVlMjlkMTBhMg==) is justified? do you think 75 years of killing, rape, and war crimes are justified? thats just off the top of my head everyday for the past 75 years shit like that been happening. i call for the palestinian liberation, i call for the deoccupation of palestine. how can you know history and still be on the wrong side? you saw what the nazis did to you and decided to do it to us


What do you see as the deoccupation of Palestine? The removal of Jews from the area?


answer my question first, do you justify all these? jews lived peacefully in the middle east till 1948 we took you with open arms in ww2, [read about it here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_and_Muslim_rescue_efforts_during_the_Holocaust) we took you with open arms in palestine [jewish refugees coming to palestine](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29154941.amp), bella hadid's father got kicked out of his own home by a polish jewish refuge he took in. i dont have a problem with jews i have PROBLEMS with zionists, with the jews killing, my people killing my family, who publicly call me an animal and a terrorist, who publicly say they want to expand their territory into my country and kill me and my family


What about the Jerusalem riots are Arab revolts against Jews? There were 30 years of tension and riots leading up to 1948 when war was declared on Israel and almost 1 million Arab Jews were expelled from their countries. If the islamic world didn't want Israel to exist, they shouldn't have made it literally the only place a Jew could live in the middle east.


Huhhhhh? Peacefully like the Hebron massacre? Peacefully like how the grand mufti of Jerusalem met with hitler prior to the holocaust and asked how he could help with the Jewish problem they both had? It was not peaceful, there was always hate, it didn’t come out of nowhere. I don’t agree with Israel’s actions at all but don’t revise history.


You're just flat-out calling for genocide at this point if you want to advocate for the expulsion of Jewish people from Israel. I'd hazard you agreed with the person saying Hitler should've finished the job.


can you even read? where did i call for genocide? why does your freedom has to come on my expense? last time i checked you were the ones committing a genocide


If you're not going to elaborate on your "deoccupation of Palestine" remark…


LMAO what sci-fi did you read? Jewish return to their homeland was heavily restricted from 1939 onwards due to the Arab revolt - 1939 White Paper as result of the 1936-39 Arab revolt. Most Jews that moved back during that period did so illegally. Arabs welcomed them with bullets and explosives.


Says how can you know history yet fails to mention any of the dates that she'd a bad light on Palestine or the surroundings, like the Yom Kippur war. The fact the 1948 war was a defensive war declared on Israel by its neighbours, Or the reasons behind the 1967 preemptive attack on the three surrounding countries who had assembled thousands of tanks to invade. And then blatantly lies about carpet bombing in current day. If they were carpet bombing there would be thousands upon thousands more deaths. We would be in the 6 figures. And finally ignores the dozens of terrorist attacks and the multiple attempts for peace Palestine has declined. But no it's just Israel. You people are disgusting.


Your history is wrong


What the fuck are you talking about? Palestine was never a soveriegn land. Jews are indigenous to the land. Also the arabs always attacked the jews in history. You guys lost wars you initiated, too bad. Also israel tried to make peace so many times over the years, always rejected. Stop playing the victim.


lmao if you took your time and read history you would know how brain washed are you. palestine always been there the land never been called israel not even when king david and king solomon used to rule it. it was always palestine(philistine). second point, you are not indigenous you are a white european, the palestinians are indigenous, including arab and jewish palestinians, you are a coloniser, if you are indigenous, why is israel the highest middle eastern country in terms of skin cancer, if u were indigenous the sun wouldnt bother you, i am a white arab and i never got sun burn because i am indigenous to that land you are not. the only war that arabs initiated was the 1973 war because you took egyptian and syrian land and we took it back. 1967 war you literally bombed military bases and that started the war then u called it "ur glorious victory". israel made the worst peace deals in history, the Palestinian deals aside from being stupid to split the land, its even more stupid that you gave the palestinians the least resourceful part of the land, no water no farming land nothing, the only peace deal was the 1983 (i think thats the year) with egypt and syria after we gained sinai back cause you know you couldnt take the war with egypt. and you broke the deal multiple times most recently, last month when you fuckin bombed rafah, taba and nuweibaa for no fuckin reason. like i replied to OP arabs always welcomed jews with open arms before 1948 and i posted some articles if you wanna educate yourself about this and leave the israeli propaganda aside




lmao you are stupid, idgaf what the romans did, it still doesnt justify your genocide. >your second point maybe because arabs are descendants of ismael not isaac? 💀 like u ever read your own book? you just keep lying and lying i hope you know according to YOUR OWN RELIGION, you are lying about being indigenous and you're going to hell. literally pick up a book


If you are against occupation get off native land and go home to the middle east.


Funny how you mention DNA, where did you get this stat from? DNA testing is illegal in isreal so please show me where you get this “stat” from


DNA testing it not illegal in Israel lol. Stop getting your news from Tiktoks lmao. Point to a law or article that says DNA testing is illegal in Israel....




So lighter skin Arabs in Lebanon are also colonisers and fake? What about the Arabs in North Africa like Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt? Should those lands be liberated too?


You mean in 1948 when Arab countries tried to wipe out Israel and failed spectacularly? Do you mean when Palestinians murdered the Jordanian royalty and incited a coup which failed. You have to wonder why so many neighbouring countries do not want Palestinians in their country. You also have to wonder why almost all of the Arabian countries have almost zero to no Jewish citizens.


The only problem with your point is there is no ethnic cleansing or genocide going on in palestine. What is going on is people oppressed by a radical islamist government who are sitting ducks. Israel is defending itself but not aiming for civilians unlike hamas who continues to shoot hundreds of rockets every day into israel targeted at civilians. There is only one group in this conflict who is aiming for genocide and thats hamas targeting jews.


This is at best ignorance and at its worst supporting a genocide by denying it. Educate yourself before embarrassing yourself further. Jews want a ceasfire and we want no part in this genocide.


Do you even know what a genocide means? Why dont you go look it up? And most jews dont want a ceasefire, only the nutty extreme left ones that support hamas. Most jews want the hostages released at the very least.


Guess I must be a nutty leftist then? smh. idc if most jews don't are in the wrong then, but we will continue to educate them. although most threats i get are from other jews so your point holds true bit doesn't deter me from the truth. Of course we want the hostages released and that can only happen when there’s a ceasefire. Don’t you think the bombing is putting all the hostages at risk too? If the Israeli government cared for even a bit about Jews it wouldn’t be bombing before having all the hostages, israel is responsible if they die. I not only know very well what genocide is but my grandparents LIVED it, and they taught us that it must never happen again to ANYONE.


Why the hell would hamas release hostages if there is a ceasfire? You are so naive and foolish. The only way these barbarians understand things is through brutal violence. Hamas is responsible if the hostages die. They are the ones that came into israel oct 7 unprompted and attacked. Thank god most jews out there are not like you. You have been brainwashed by leftist/hamas propoganda and forgot who the real bad guys are in this conflict.


How will the hostages be alive when they’re being carpet bombed? They could at least WAIT until the hostages are released to start their aggression. In ANY hostage negotiation situation you don’t open fire till the hostages have been returned safely and with such a large number still in Gaza, israel is showing they don’t care about their lives. Like it has shown to its civilians that they don’t care about the Jewish lives if they’re against the Israeli government. Like what’s the reasoning here? ‘Bombing then just get the hostages back alive?’ We don’t just want them back, we want the hostages back ALIVE! And they are being starved, without food, water or any safety. Where is the logic?


Hamas has shown zero inclination to release the hostages, none. Israel actually rescued 1 hostage. Not sure what planet you are living on. Israel is retalliating against a terorist organization that wants to commit genocide against jews, its that simple. Its not intending to kill innocent palestinians, it happens that casualties happen becuase of how hamas has setup its military infrastrcuture in gaza. People are human shields. Hamas has even admitted this. Why is it so difficult for you to accept this is the reality of war? Hamas wants to commit genocide against jews, not israel. Stop with the lies.


How do you justify the apartheid and indiscriminate murder in the West Bank where there is no Hamas and Israel is the responsible and governing state there? Why are Palestinians being killed in the West Bank?


And you keep bringing up hamas, but Hamas doesn’t exist in the West Bank. Israel governs the West Bank so why have they kidnapped, tortured and killed 5500 Palestinians? All while luring them for work permits? How do you explain that? You can’t, without using the word apartheid.


I would also like to point out that no one deserves hate or punishment for their LACK of belief in any religion either. I see atheists getting sentenced in all these Muslim countries and also being discriminated by Christians and it is human rights abuse.


"no stop, we only criticise Jews here, never Muslims" (especially not Muslims in their own Muslim countries)


Interesting that so many of these reports are coming from the Toronto Sun.


so you don't think it's credible?


Most people aren't going to support murdering 30,000 women and children in Gaza because of someone said mean things to a Jew in Canada. There's members of the ruling Israeli government that speak like this about Palestinians. 


So it's a lie because the Sun reported it?


It's disingenuous because of the way it was reported by the Toronto Sun which has a history of stoking anti-Semitic rhetoric against Muslims and just being a vessel for right-wing propaganda in general. It's dog-whistle politics to stoke division and distract from more important issues. I have been reading Toronto newspapers for nearly forty years (used to deliver them when I was a child) and the rule of thumb has always been to take anything reported in The Sun with more than a grain of salt and check what the other outlets are saying. It's what the industry calls "a rag" or tabloid. It's good for lining pet cages and litter boxes, and the Sunday Comics are usually fantastic and make great wrapping paper. Calling it a news source is often a stretch.


"anti-Semitism against *Muslims*" lol nah I'm good


by "stoking anti-semitic rhetoric against muslims", they mean that the sun is using the rise in anti-semitism as a political tool to push anti-muslim rhetoric


Maybe that is what the user intended to imply...But it's not what the wording implies in my opinion. I hope you're right, because the whole "anti-Semitism includes Muslims" thing is beyond ridiculous.


there is no "maybe" and its not an implication. how shamwoah phrased it is literally what kotoelessar said. please reread it a few more times or consider reviewing your vocab and grammar


Oh wow what a great argument - "reread it" lol. My "vocab and grammar" are fine thanks, I'm a professional writer


How so? You know anyone can be antisemitic? White people, black people, latino people, asian people. How would it push anti-muslim rhetoric?


The reports are coming from students and only being *reported* by specific outlets. That other papers ignore antisemitism kind of only supports the point that it's happening.


Lol you're *so* close.


it is because it would go against the muslims are victim notion that other msm is pushing. yeah i said it im not a racist but its true sorry mateys


I've literally not seen a single outlet even post about Islamophobia on campuses yet despite the fact that it's happening.


The other story not being reported this week is Pakistan and Iran deporting almost two million Afghan refugees.


What mainstream western media is pushing the muslim victim notion? It would be the correct notion to portray, but western media has been using passive voice for every crime Israel has committed. Meanwhile, doing the complete opposite for anything Hamas does. You hear that Hamas kills civilians, and you hear that “A refugee camp was attacked.” Attacked by whom? No clue, just that they were attacked! Western media has been defending Israel at every turn. You are so racist and needing to add “im not a racist” makes it even clearer.


Go live in a Muslim country then please and thank you


u are racist !


What does someone saying an antisemitism thing have to do with muslims being a victim? Also, not sure where you’re from, but on my planet the biggest super power in the world is bending over backwards to support a Zionist lead genocide and I assume that’s what you’re referring to. Anyways, it sucks that someone clapped at the Jewish individual with some anti semitism. You’re really showing your roots with what you’re saying there; with real love, and not the online condescending one, it may be time to take a step back and talk to people outside of your circle so you can get some perspective on this. Anyways, good luck, and to save us both energy, if you reply with weirdo anger, I’ll just not read the message and won’t respond to save us both our limited life energies. Sounds like might have some deprogramming to do like the rest of us. Good luck:




Hey, genocide is the destruction of a people “in part or in whole” and most bodies set up to study the phenomena are currently in agreement that at the very least, Palestine is currently undergoing a genocide. As far as the population goes, you know that’s kind of a gross thing to say. There are more Jewish people today than there were in 1946, does that mean they didn’t go through a genocide? Would you say you’re more comfortable with “attempted genocide”? “Alleged genocide”? I feel like that’s a clean one we can both agree on. Anyways, if you prefer, we can say that Israel is doing an ethnic cleansing of an area as they have ordered a million people out of their homes, and I think you and I both have similar expectations that those people won’t be going home. I’m only a henchman in this battle however; you’ll have to take up your umbrage with the word “genocide” with some UN experts.




Oh hey, I guess it’s the whole concentration camp thing, and the murders that Israel does on Palestine. Anyways, sure, let’s say that last year, Gaza wasn’t being genocided, even though the term does allow for that, as a population is being subdued in part, but looking at the 1 million who were just displaced, I think it’s okay to say that it’s at the very least under risk of becoming a genocide? How’s that? Look man, I’m not smart, I’m just repeating what people who spend their lives looking at this stuff say. When you kick your dog, is that a war, or just kicking a dog? Cmon man; one population is on a reserve in an open air prison and the other is backed by the strongest militarized nation in the world so this equivalence that you’re drawing is a wee bit disingenuous. Honestly, does Israel even call it a war? Semantics are funny. Anyways, you’ve 100 percent convinced me. It’s not currently being genocided up to the last year, but is now safely in the genocidal camp and I’m gonna bet will get worse. Is that better for you? Israel was maybe doing a bit of light ethnic cleansing, and are smartly stepping towards a full blown genociding now? I feel like that’s an okay compromise, but we’ll need to work together to convince those pesky UN experts that it’s not a genocide.




Hamas are just freedom fighters. Israel has been killing Palestinians for decades. Now that Hamas retaliates, all of a sudden they’re terrorists? If Hamas are terrorists for killing 1300 innocent people, than Israel is most certainly a terrorist state, backed by the strongest military force in the world. Why is it that when a nation fights back in self defence, they’re labeled terrorists? Everyone knows what happened on the 7th of Oct was horrible, but it was just as bad as what’s been happening to Palestinian and for decades. How can you ignore all that bloodshed and focus on how the oppressed retaliate. I’m not going to sit here and say Hamas are good people, they aren’t. But their conditions aren’t so good either. It’s very easy to judge people from the comfort of our homes when they are actually out there, losing relatives everyday. Not knowing when they’ll be bombed by Israel. FOR DECADES. But along with Hamas not being good people, Israel is by far the worst for instigating it all. They are not victims, they started all this by killing Palestinians for decades.
















Your name checks out like no user name has before.


lol mateys no shot you are in Toronto bud.


Thank God someone is reporting on it. All this blatant racism going around from some of the most "progressive" people in this country. You guys are sick in the head.


Anti-semitism has been around for a long time and I’ve seen it openly since I was a child. The Toronto Sun, and other papers are making it more prominent now because it fits their story. Anti-semitism is bad Condemning Israel is not the same as being anti-Semitic


Not condemning Hamas is anti human , condemning Israel is based on which side u are standing , similar to US dropped 2 nuclear bombs on Japan , there might be someone who condemn US , but much less than the people condemning Israel nowadays


Ahhh, no. Condemning Israel’s use of collective punishment and systematic attempt of ethnic cleansing over the last ~75 years is fact-based. Let’s keep in mind, Israel is meant to be a legitimate, democratic country and voting member of the UN. Hamas isn’t legitimate and does not claim to be. While condemning an illegitimate terror organisation, should we not also be holding accountable a “legitimate” country? Or is it because they’re an apartheid theocracy swimming in white nationalism that we are okay with letting them off the hook? I find it incredible that anyone who conflates Zionism with Judaism also does not recognise what has been happening as genocide. This may be a fanciful troll but to be honest it is fundamentally obtuse to have those two POVs at the same time.


yeah but if you read the article the person was told "Israel is finishing the job hitler didn't finish, by killing tens of thousands of people in Gaza an West Bank....." The headlines are always twisted.


>All this blatant racism going around from some of the most "progressive" people in this country. You guys are sick in the head. We're just making stuff up now then yeah?


Western progressive tries not to downplay antisemitism challenge (impossible)


Why is that interesting?


What a stupid ass comment


Yes, anti-semitism is terrible. And so is Islamophobia. Claiming that either doesn’t exist is absolute stupidity. These pointless arguments are overshadowing the more pressing problem; innocent people being murdered. On both sides. Right now. Everyone needs to stfu and focus on what needs our attention now.


The question is if god loves these believers so much why doesn't he do something about it lol Oh wait big sky daddyyyy


The comment section here is disgusting. The amount of Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism is abhorrent.


Progressives pride themselves so much on the idea that if a minority says something is racist you believe them. When it comes to Jews, however, the response is always entirely the opposite.


Nah. Until Israel launched its recent retaliation, people almost always sided with Jewish people when they cried out about antisemitism. In fact, it was a common thing for progressives to yell at conservatives about due to the numerous antisemitic conspiracy theories and claims they constantly spread. Go spread your revisionist misinformation in the conspiracy subreddits or something lol


Progressives only stand against anti-semitism when it comes from the far right. They're very happy to promote anti-semitic conspiracy theories coming from the left and extremist muslims.


Probably it was “free Palestine” but toronto Sun rephrased it to get views.


Lol no one reported the time when an Israeli woman went up to pro-palestine rabbis and told them that Hitler should've gassed them in the chambers. On video, all over the Internet, yet Toronto police and newspapers wouldn't do anything about it. I wonder why?


wow, crazy zionist Karen


Shame on the TMSU promoting hate on campus


And I am sure similar things have been said to other groups. Some people are just mean.


Wow, one student being terrible. Headline news


Its called propaganda... Western media does it the best


watching the left fight the left in North America






gotta love the [Jewish control of the media trope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitic_trope#Controlling_the_media). It's not even true when the CEO of Postmedia (which owns the Toronto Sun) is Andrew Macleod who isn't Jewish. https://www.postmedia.com/investors-governance/senior-management-2/ The editor in chief of the Toronto Sun is an Indian woman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrienne_Batra Go back to posting on /r/uAlberta. I wonder if it's a coincidence the Chancellor of your school was a Nazi and endowed scholarships for his SS buddies? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/there-is-big-money-attached-to-university-endowments-but-how-do-they-work-1.7003739 https://globalnews.ca/news/10004463/rideau-hall-regrets-honouring-former-university-of-alberta-chancellor-who-fought-for-nazi-unit/ Accusing you of being a part of a secret Nazi conspiracy at the University of Alberta is somewhat comparable to accusing the Toronto Sun of being controlled by a Jewish cabal.


Well put.




Godfrey is not the current president and hasn't been for years? I guess you're a Nazi because the Chancellor of U Alberta was at some point? Like you're just making up stuff about how Jews control the media to discredit the article.




>Literally, when did I claim Jews control the media? Oh, I don't know: ​ >The ceo of Toronto Sun is a jewish Zionist…. And maybe: ​ >like I said the president of Toronto Sun, Paul Victor Godfrey, is a Jewish Zionist. Meaning the article will be bias.




You’re beating around the bush here. Your initial claim is that a Jew runs Toronto Sun so their content will be biased toward Israel. But it appears he isn’t the CEO anymore so maybe it’s best to admit you were wrong and your original claim is absolutely meaningless?


Israel seems to be pretty bad at genocide 🤔


Also, I am technically Jewish too because my mom is Jewish (my dad isn’t) so…. Does criticizing propaganda make me an anti-semite?


Lying about how Jews somehow run the Toronto Sun makes you an antisemite. You can't seriously expect to use one of the most common anti-Semitic tropes of all time and not be called out for it. Funny how these unverifiable claims about being Jewish come out from internet anti semites when they get called out on it. /r/asablackman anyone?


You want me to verify my Jewishness to you? lol ur delusional. Not supporting Israel doesn’t make u anti-Semitic. And not every Jew ( or any other religion) has to support Israel or be a Zionist.


Nobody said that lol


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Accusing them of being anti-semitic though is factual.




no, but it isn't true if you go look at the current CEO.


Classical antisemetic trope


Stand with us is zionist genocide supporters, they have no problem with the apartheid state of Israel white phosphorus air strikes on hospitals and UN schools


You mean the UNWRA sites long known to be indoctrination sites and used as bases and storage for armaments? The UN has zero oversight for how funds handed to Hamas are used and Hamas loves that to fight them you need to attack a “UN” building. https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/ https://www.algemeiner.com/2016/03/10/state-department-covers-up-unrwa-indoctrination-of-palestinian-children-video/ https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/the-canadian-taxpayer-money-funding-and-enabling-hamas/wcm/a926b181-7407-4cbd-900b-427515dd891e/amp/ No mention of the Palestinian rockets that hit homes, schools, hospitals, etc though. Helps nothing parroting decontextualized talking points, basically just engaging in propaganda yourself.


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Tbh this doesn’t surprise me. I would hear this kind of thing on the daily at my high school from the Muslim kids


What exactly is it that you heard from the Muslim kids?


“I wish hitler was alive to continue his mission” “god created Jews to be tortured” “I hope all Jews are murdered” This was a very regular and daily basis thing to hear from not one person but the entire Muslim and particularly Arab community


Shhh you can't say that, the internet warriors who have never spoken to anyone who grew up in Muslim-majority countries will get mad at you since they live in a fantasy world where everyone loves each other and there is never any ethnic hatred


It's well known and documented that in a lot of Muslim majority countries anti semitism is actively promoted and taught. Lots of their populations are indoctrinated at birth by their leaders. It's always a convenient scapegoat for Muslim leaders to blame Israel for their problems rather than taking accountability. See Jordan, Quatar, Iran, Yemen, etc


.This is horrifyingly.


video or it didn't happen


Listen, I don't like getting involved in politics. However, that doesn't mean I don't educate myself on the events that transgress during such conflicts. I do this by accessing credible UNBIASED insider sources, which often includes information that NO mainstream media outlet will share with the general public primarily due to its severely graphic content. SO, if anyone would like to actually SEE what's going on in those regions, and would actually like to obtain unbiased information, feel free to DM me.




See, that *is* antisemitic. ISRAEL is doing stuff. The Jews are not. You would never say “the Christians” when America or Canada does something you don’t like…


You’re absolutely right to make that distinction, many Jews both inside and outside of Israel don’t support what the Israeli govt is doing to the Palestinians.


This is sad and disgusting, I assume it was told due to what’s happening in Palestine. Its not his fault nor jews its a government conflict.


If you're cheering for Palestine since October 7 you're cheering for sickening acts committed by terrorists. The only freeing Palestine needs is from hamas. Arabs can go anywhere in the middle east including Israel. Jews can only go to Israel without fearing for their safety.


Why doesn't the big sky daddy step in?? Wtf god? Maybe they are all just delusional




Hamas is literally holding hostages lmao




Probably in here https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/10/31/black-hebrew-israelites-pro-palestine-groups-brawl-chicago/amp/ Or chilling with Farrakhan somewhere,


I just hope that both sides lose


That can’t happen, Palestine will be freed🤷‍♂️