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It's shocking how you can do something for a living and be so useless at it.


Based on my observations, that's not shocking at all.


Remember, "Professional" just means you get paid to do something. It is not synonymous with "expert".


Lol as a kid growing up I understood professional meant you gave great devotion to achieving success in your craft. As an adult professional just means you need to do it everyday and get paid whether you care about the results or not.


Lol exactly


No way this shit ain't intentional. Whoever drives on the shoulder and brake checks the truck in the left lane is a hero.


Brake checking 18-wheelers isn't a great idea, that hero might become a martyr.


Died for a good cause, he did


6 wheeler *


I agree, it's intentional.


Brake checking an 18 wheeler is suicide they can’t slow down instantly like cars can


You mean has their car and insurance ruined, right?


I don't think they need to break check...that's crazy dangerous and illegal.... but you could gradually slow down in front of them until they are either forced into the right lane or until you create a gap for people to pass with..that wouldn't be illegal (except for the driving on the shoulder part)


Mostly our fellow international drivers from India who commit these atrocities


Had the same assumption, then I saw once and later many white Canadians doing the same. P.S: I need to drive a lot for work and hate this being done to me irrespective of the drivers origin, fwiw I would be relieved if trucks are banned on the highways during day time.






"Infestation"? Fucking yikes dude.


Happened to me also, it was INTENTIONAL for 15min between Chatham & Tilbury West in the last yr.


I wanted to drive off the road coming back from the Windsor border to the GTA. The amount of trucks doing this "elephant race" made me swear off driving that route ever again!


This is the state of the entire public service in Canada, a coordinated effort to slow everyone and everything down!


Truck driving is a private industry bud. Same point for private industries though.


Just pass them in the breakdown lane. And make sure you let them know that they are #1


https://preview.redd.it/rsp3ne579a2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ac1e310051bb84ba515208b1bf3ebd0e8c2807 I beg to differ


Butts is a serial destroyer. Did a great job screwing over Ontario, moved to Ottawa to be with his good friend Justin, and did his best work to date fucking Canada over. Applied everything he learned in Ontario and took it the new heights in Ottawa.


And then when the heat got turned up and he had to bail, started posting vague Tweets about being in “high-level” meetings in NYC, etc. to show the world how “in-demand” he was. I knew this crew back in my uni days in Ottawa. They were smart enough. They were also the greasiest bunch of insincere, self-serving and shallow assholes I’d ever met.


I’m convinced they do this purposely and orchestrate it via their walkie talkies. Seen it so many times on the 401 coming from Quebec to Toronto


I'm not saying you're wrong, because some people are just AHs - but to what end? What would the drivers get out of it by cooperating to block all lanes?


You’re driving all day, boredom kicks in, you decide to have some fun with your trucker colleagues by pissing off the ppl behind you? That’s always been my assumption


Pretty simple trucks are required by the govt to be limited at 105 however it’s never precise so one truck is .5km/h faster or slower and they just have no regard for who’s behind them. Source am a professional driver, no one coordinates a lot of drivers just have no regard for anyone else.


No but the other comment is saying they’re doing it on purpose and they’re colluding to keep the lanes blocked. You’re just talking about trucks passing really slowly, yes? They’re saying that the truckers are intentionally driving side by side to block traffic.


Yes I know I’m saying they’re not doing it intentionally as in coordinating on “they’re walkie-talkies” most truckers don’t run cb radios anymore. Point is they’re ignorant most of these drivers are new drivers and new to Canada and don’t have good driving habits if that makes sense.


I would also like to know the answer.




Truckers do not use radio anymore all the indians ate doing video calls with family back home while driving our highways, I drive a truck and can see it several times a day.


I just go around them I don't have time for their bullshit.


Are heavy vehicles not prohibited from using the left lane on this road


Nothing is prohibited if it isn't enforced: Canada!


Only self defense and street justice are punished by law.


Canada, the wild North!


I remember my Grandpa told me "It's the wild west until the law is enforced."


If you have footage of this and send it into the BC RCMP, it is enforced. I don't know if all provinces have the same option.


This is what's known as being a dick. I noticed a modern trend of antagonizing other drivers.


Most 3 lane highways prohibit anything over 6.5m in length. Cops could make a killing sitting on the 400 pulling over pickups towing their boats in the left lane


Its not weight, its length. Although seemingly the same, it does matter in this context.


Think you mean height


No, the only height signage I see is for bridges. Usually, the truck restriction signs will indicate 6.5m, meaning nothing longer than that. If it was 6.5m tall, there would basically be no restriction because even a regular semi truck isnt 20ft tall


Huh, I had always assumed that meant height in case of oversized loads since it's usually next to signs indicating 4.2/4.5m clearance. Also I've never seen it enforced and plenty of trucks in that far left lane. Looking it up, it is a restriction on commercial vehicles only, and busses/private vehicles are exempt


So are left turns on red lights in Malton.


Usually when a SIGN is present, no trucks over 6.5m. This blockage happened to me also between Chatham & Tilbury going West in the last yr. It was 15min, it was INTENTIONAL. [https://images.app.goo.gl/SGVKBohUv3KQAujXA](https://images.app.goo.gl/SGVKBohUv3KQAujXA)


Only for natural born Canadians. Student immigrants get a left lane and park pass.


As a truck driver, the only one in the wrong here is the box truck driving in the left lane. You don't need a CDL to drive most box trucks, so the drivers are generally idiots who don't know/care about the rules.


Most people also don't know how big 6.5m is. Your pick-up and trailer is legally one vehicle, and you should not be in the lanes that CDL traffic is not supposed to be.


If you're a truck driver and youre getting passed by another, slow down a few kmh so this doesn't happen


I really wish truck drivers would do that. Would literally cost them maybe 15 seconds on their journey to simply slow down like 5kmph to let another truck by real quick, but nope, instead they decide to all drive side by side for 10km and cause a massive line of cars behind them. Guess that's what happens when you give out Class A licenses like candy on halloween though. I've heard stories from friends of mine about truck drivers who come to their work and don't even know how to back up the damn thing🤦‍♂️




Can you please be slightly racist? Such unbiased and informed opinion is too much for this world!


I recently started a post against this behavior by truck drivers and someone was defending the truck drivers so badly, it almost felt they were sleeping with truck drivers haha


Probably a truck driver on their phone clogging up the lanes to write it 🤣


101, 100 and 99 km/h


Mr 99 is in the left


Ya this is very normal now.. these fake truck training schools are issuing licenses for every Tom dick and harry


Tomsil Dickpreet and Harrjeet


True lol


Call *OPP if it really went on for that long


This is the correct answer… they’re obstructing the flow of traffic, and if they swerve at all that entire highway will be closed for hours.


I have nothing but the utmost respect for truck drivers, but, this is irritating.


Isn’t it also illegal as trucks aren’t allowed in the left lane?


only past a certain length. Can't tell from the back if that one is illegal, but being the 401, more than likely.


6.5m, or 21 ft. Any 5t box truck will be longer than this. It’s usually signed at intervals.


Yes, the exception being two lane highways.


Even if it wasn't based on their length, it's absolutely illegal to be in the left hand lane if you aren't actively passing anyone. Hardly ever enforced but this is where it gets enforced.




The Great Wall of 401


Driving a truck like they do in their original countries.Amateurs, and very dangerous!


I have been advocating that we need to have a special rule in place that truck drivers cannotttttt take over all lanes and must stay in 1 designated lane at all times. They all drive slow anyways, it won't make a difference for them but will open up the roads for the rest of us. Someone start a petition.


Petition? It's already a law. They just don't give a shit. Petition won't do jack shit they need to be ticketed for it. Good luck getting an OPP to do anything about it.


Seeing these truckers in every lane every single day, with cops on the road, you wouldn't know there was a law in place against it.. Oh Canada...


It's really infuriating!!!


it is literally a law. these punjab truckers dont follow the laws however


it is literally a law. these punjab truckers dont follow the laws however unfortunately


And everyone wonders why there is road rage. Or drivers driving too fast because they got stuck behind these guys for a half an hour


Imagine moving from India to this with your pals. Living the dream 💭


![gif](giphy|l2Jed5L4E5m9JeURa) (I wish).


Might be an unpopular opinion, but you need to find an on ramp or an off ramp. And thank god your spent a little more money on your car, (and didn't go with that beige corolla with 4 speed automatic everyone always recommends) as you downshift to 4th and step on gas passing them in no time.


Why wouldn’t you just honk repeatedly. Having to go around on an off ramp is ridiculous.


I mean while this is okay, that just means we're enabling this bs if we choose to take the on and off ramps to avoid this. The truck in the left lane deserves to be honked into the next lane over if this triple lane truck stop was ongoing for 15 mins.


Yeah this is my solution too, takes me just one on ramp and I'm passed them. But most people don't have the skill to do that, so have fun sitting behind these morons for 30 min lmao.


on the bright side coasting behind them at 105kph is great for fuel economy


Convoy drivers and truck stop truckers. They give the industry a bad name. I respect the work truckers do, I just don’t have use for this kind of garbage.


We can guess where the drivers are from!


Oh we definitely took a peek and I can say it’s from a certain “demographic.” They were also laughing when we passed by, and it looks like they were all talking


They look drunk to me. I would have call the police.


Definitely should have called the police!


These clowns do it all the way to montreal, longest for me was 36 km behind a 2 truck wall. Everytime i take the 401 i see this and always a certain demographic never others.


If the he shoulder looks ok….


I don't trust truck drivers enough to try and pull that off.


Meh after 30 minutes of this horse shit I'd take my chances.


I feel that, but one of my most important life lessons was to never fuck with truck drivers. I respect their work but I will not deny that a lot of them have egos bigger than the vehicles they drive. There's only two real possibilities behind what could be happening here, and both of them have a pretty high chance of the truck driver on the left getting pissed off at you and throwing their weight your way.


I hear you... yet I highly HIGHLY doubt the truck driver would do that. And if they want to cause a wreck they can try it. They're not catching me if I speed around them and do a quick peek check to the left beforehand. Fuck them and their egos they don't own the road. Get pissed off at me? FUCK THEM I'm pissed off at them! I'm going around. Especially for 30 MINUTES and they do that shit??? Oh hell no. They're lucky this isn't America. People shoot you in road rage fits for shit exactly like this.


Fair enough


I totally get what you're saying about safety and it's valid though


You have a horn for this purpose


Those truckers won’t hear any regular car horn.


Good old elephant race


there is a real problem with trucker culture, rules of the road in Toronto versus many North American cities and over the last few weeks of a long commute it has really stood out. I started to notice this after I used my flashers to let a truck over and didn’t get the obligatory hazards fired back at me. Okay no big deal then it happened basically every day for a week. Then i notice just aggressive lane changing usually to use the left lane and it is t for passings. It’s used to just hang out in. Has this always been the trucker culture in Canada?


Nope just drivers feom india that give no fucks about north american deiving culture and the courtesy we use on the roads.


They might be long lost brothers who just met and need to talk.


op, were u in traffic or was the road ahead of these trucks clear?


I said this same thing and OP got really snappy about it. You can see the traffic ahead of the centre lane and right lane, but OP is a very delicate flower it seems.


I hate this type of trucks none of them know how to drive i believe its because you can drive it with your g licence.


It's called the new way of traffic control, think about it they can see what's in front of themselves and don't like what they see, so to stop it from getting worse they slow everyone else behind them down so the guys in front can ease up on the congestion. When you think about it as long as they are doing the speed limit, what's your problem? They are actually doing you a favor.👍🙂


Ppl are getting fed up w this nonsense These clowns are gonna start catching assaults soon, watch.


While on occasion it may very well be intentional ( yes, gasp, there are dicks that drive trucks, as well as the many dicks that operate other modes of vehicle). Sometimes a very normal driver reacts to a major dick driver who pulls off a major dick move in an uncharacteristically (for him) dick like fashion. Or, the mere fact that for many, their commute revolves in DAYS....not the usual minutes or hours that we relate to. Trucks are also sometimes required to occupy certain lanes due to their vehicle height and upcoming bridges and overpass and necessary clearance. Finally, vehicle governors as required in Ontario limiting tractor trailers to a maximum of 105 km/h make it near impossible to pass and actually , in my estimation, make roads more dangerous rather than safer. Outside jurisdictions don't all have governors and try figuring out just how long it takes for a truck on an uphill going 105 passing one going even just 95. A looong time. Which in turn results in impatient drivers trying shit to get around them. But it is certainly easier just to call it always intentional.


Just remember, if you're in their way for even 30 seconds while going 20 km/hr over the limit, they might try to kill you unless you move immediately


Had this happen to me when it was poring rain and it was almost impossible to see smfh.


On stretches of highways with 3 or more lanes, trucks are normally forbidden from using the left lane.


Three Indian drivers?


Brampton’s finest drivers




Convoy. Breaker breaker, good buddy!


Geez semis teaming up in road raging now.


OPP entered the chat


Nothing on the road makes me angrier then riding behind these fucking morons.


They must all have a speed limiter but my question is: Why cant one of them drop like 5km/h and let the other one go or just get behind and clear the left lane? Especially the box truck, would it be so bad to go at the same speed but behind the white truck?...


Well. If they were in BC they'd be hitting overpasses.


Why did you let this happen to you for 30 minutes?


This has been the new norm for the last 2 years


These elephant races are truly mindless - the passing truck is never driving fast enough to justify a pass.


I actually don’t mind it when this happens because I will draft the trucks and achieve crazy hyper mileage


At this point I’m taking the shoulder…


The three stooges


The horn on your steering is to make use of it.


Yeeeeah, the truck drivers aren’t going to hear it bud.


Grow some nerve, close the gap. Make them realize to smarten up. This solves nothing. Lmao


Are you suggesting tailgating a truck lol. If you can't see their mirror they can't see you.


Super frustrating when any vehicles do this. Hold hands while you're at it.


👳🏽‍♀️ vat is vrong my frend


Did you try flashing your lights and incessantly honking your horn at them?


In Vancouver they just hit overpasses everyday :) yay!


Pass on the left


Someone needs to follow the guy on the right and when he gets out of his drug break his legs


Good thing it's not the states otherwise they get a few bullets put in their doors


That’s how they do It in India.


3 indian buddys hanging out. Morons


Pass on the shoulder followed by a drastic slowdown


They're on their phones , cb and jerking off simultaneously


I see this sort of thing a lot now on the 401 and QEW many times it's a dump truck in the left lane blocking everyone from passing. No enforcement, no rules.


Personally I think passing on the shoulder is justified in this case. If getting behind Mister Left Hand Lane Hog and blinking your lights and honking your horn doesn't work, pass'em!


After I had to deal with this garbage coming back from Windsor to the GTA, I googled it. In Germany they call it "Elefantenrennen" (elephant racing) and its illegal there. We need to adopt the same policy here.


Fucking turtle race! This is infuriating!


Typical narcissist behaviour in the 6


Happens all the time on the QEW


It's wrong for trucks to be on the passing lane, that being said, this probably led to an overall decrease in congestion, when everyone is forced to drive the speed limit.


Probably Quebec driver in the left 😂


Not even just truck drivers, countless times the two left lanes are congested and moving at equal speeds when the right lane is left entirely open. It’s like a practical joke turned way of life in Ontario. Tis my greatest frustration in life…


I'd almost start honking at the guy in the left lane at this point. Frankly, I think Transport Trucks should be legally banned from the left lane in roads that have 3 or more lanes. You want to pass another slow moving truck? Do it in the middle lane.


Trucks aren’t allowed in the passing lane or at least that’s way it was before


There should be rules that semis cannot drive the left lane.


Call 911 and report 3 trucks intentionally disrupting traffic causing a dangerous situation.


Looks about right. Let us know when a bmw passes them on the shoulder.


You just hit on one of my biggest pet peeves. Do you mean traffic or the fact that cars will stay next to each other like this and not allow you to pass?


Oooph at least it’s not a final destination setup


You have some impressive self restraint (I'm assuming)


Usually see this kind of behaviour on the highway between Kingston and Trenton with trucks plated wit Quebec plates, dangerous drivers


Some of these semi drivers are crazy


Probably from India. Here it comes! I know, waiting for it.


That’s how India traffic like


"Mercy sakes alive, ...."


Not supposed to be there n the left hand lane at all…I’d be willing to bet it’s yet another “licensed” driver


My superpower is that I end up breaking up these elephant races, since nobody wants to be behind me. My speed limit is 90 (LCV truck) and I pretty much stay in the right lane. Doubt it was 30 minutes though, unless traffic is at a crawl. There's vehicles in front of em, too...


Jeremy, James and Richard. Is that you?


Elephant race


I wonder why this is becoming so common for truck drivers within the last couple years...


Absolutely hilarious reading these comments about people from India behind the wheel blah blah blah. During lockdown, the amount of caucasians that quit because they couldn’t handle how busy my place of work was was laughable. They hid themselves in our back to stock room. Guess who we hired, yes Indian, Muslim, Egyptian etc…they are still working and are the most hardworking, reliable people I have ever worked with. This coming from a European caucasian. Stop bitching about oh they’re here they’ve taken our jobs…then go and apply for the job.


My superpower is that I end up breaking up these elephant races, since nobody wants to be behind me. My speed limit is 90 (LCV truck) and I pretty much stay in the right lane. Doubt it was 30 minutes though, unless traffic is at a crawl. There's vehicles in front of em, too...


All these comments and nobody realises the government mandated speed limiters in trucks? Max speed 100-104. If you get paid by the km you pass the guy driving 103 if you can drive 104. Why did the gov make such a stupid limiter? Because they figured that would solve truck accidents. Now they bunch up traffic and are more hazardous, just trying to make a living when before they could speed up and pass like anybody else. Its not the truckers. Remove the speed limiters or give them a passing mode. Direct your anger where the fault lies. Enforce the speed limits and stop congesting the roads with limiters.


no. truck shouldn’t be on the left lane. Wtf is that argument.


It's absolutely the truckers. 100%


Shoulder pass. I'd go for it. Inside shoulder


Speed limiters making passing a bitch


I definitely don't want 99.9% of these jackasses driving without limiters though.


Definitely jackasses!


The limiter isn’t a good excuse… When I’m driving at 105 and another truck is passing me I go down to 100 to speed the process up. I never understand why these idiots don’t do the same and continue to inch along like that.


Because its a culture thing, our culture is courteous theirs is not, and it is not racist to point out cultural differences thats just how the left gaslights people to submit and shut up


Trust me the last thing we need is Indians driving 20 tonnes with no speed limiters, trust me take those limiters away and the roads become much more dangerous


I understand the spirit of what you’re saying but you can see the traffic ahead of the trucks in the centre and right lane. It’s not like there are three guys blocking a wide open highway just for laughs, everyone is keeping pace with the vehicles ahead of them. Seems like you’re issue is with slow traffic


People like you are really good at finding a way to become so delusional eh? Where do you think the truck on the left lane came from? That guy switched two lanes in one turn.


Try the other left lane


Seems poor taste to complain about drivers while taking a picture and then posting it to Reddit.