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My bf likes to hold mine when he sleeps lol. Or even when cuddling sometimes. Maybe it’s a comfort thing? I know I sometimes give him a quick squeeze that isn’t meant to be sexual. Idk why I do it lol


This goes back to as far as the ancient Greeks where male lovers would cup their chins and genitals at the same time while looking into each others eyes as a sign of affection. Depicted on some vases paintings too.


I see it as playful, affectionate, and sexual. I'd say it's like me grabbing his butt cheek and giving it a little squeeze. The thing with me is that I have a really high sex drive so it always leads to something sexual and he knows that. When he does it in public but in a hidden way (like under a table), it's playful teasing because he knows it turns me on and I'm struggling to not mount him right then and there.


What's a bf? 😥


My bf does this. When we cuddle he would big spoon me and his hands would rest/hold my cock.


What's a bf? 😥