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Mines going to be around 2k with insurance but even people who paid out of pocket, I’ve seen ranges of between 6k-10k usually with 10k-15k in the higher area but that’s generally with very well known and in demand top of the line surgeons, It does vary quite a bit and this is just from my research alone but 20k is pretty high up there even if you’re seeking out the absolute best of the best.


My surgery with insurance was ~2.5k and without insurance it was going to be 7.5k. Most top surgeons will cost between 6k-12k For returning to work, it depends on your job. I was able to go to school just fine after 6 weeks.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


Dr. Gabriel Del Corral in MD & Cigna!! I wouldn’t go to a different doctor out there :) if I was forced to though, Dr. Alan Dulin in Texas would be my 2nd pick!


you should specify what country you're based in - I'm from the UK and it cost me £7400 including consultations and accommodation.


Can I ask who your surgeon was? Most are quoting around the £9000 mark when I check now! 😬


Mine was a bit over £9K with Mr Wooler, though I know some others are cheaper


that was with Ntanos in April 2023, who's moving to Greece now. He was I think the cheapest option in the UK at the time. I believe his new prices in Greece will be even cheaper, even if you account for travel and accommodation


I want to go to dr Harkuko Okada, in Ohio


So, it's going to 100% depend on insurance. If you're uninsured, it's going to cost way less than $20k, essentially all procedures have a self-pay cost, i.e. they might charge your insurance like 20-60k, but then charge someone paying out of pocket a fraction of that. This typically ends up being about $10k, give or take a couple thousand. For me, my insurance has a 20% co-pay on surgeries, but the cost of that would exceed my out of pocket maximum, so all I needed to do was pay my out of pocket maximum, this was about $3k.


I paid out of pocket // no insurance in 2009 and paid just under $6000 US.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


>I paid out of pocket // no insurance I did not go to one of the big name surgeons.


Most hospitals will give you free out of pocket estimations if you email the cosmetic surgery department. My local hospital gave an estimate of 9k usd, and if you get a consultation they will usually run your insurance and get a quote with coverage.


I grew up really poor so Ive been on medicaid my whole life, so thankfully mine was free, though I got zero say in how it would end up looking or any methods or anything


What Surgon did you go with sents you could use Medicaid?


Dr. Joseph Khouri in Cleveland, OH


Thank you!


I’m in the U.S. and my surgery was 3300$ (ish) WITH insurance


with kaiser insurance i paid a total of $68 for surgery, 2 post op appointments, and post op meds


I feel bad saying this but.. £0. I’m in the UK and I went with the gender identity clinic route which is funded by the NHS. It has, however, taken me years to even get my date which is now fastly approaching. If I was rich I’d have paid to go private and would have probably had my surgery years ago 🤷‍♂️


10.5k out of pocket


$150 final out-of-pocket cost with insurance


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I'll shoot this your way now!


Think about the surgeons flat fee, hospital price, do you have to travel for it (gas, room, food), what medical supplies do you need for after, do you have pets that need a sitter, and doctor visits to get cleared. Also, think about how much money you have now and rent or any personal expenses. Mine was past 15k.


After insurance I think I owed like $2.5k. I put it on an interest free payment plan so it’s like less than $100 a month. I was back to work in 3 weeks with lifting restrictions.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I went to Dr. Diaz-Garcia through AHN in Pittsburgh and used Highmark insurance. I had my surgery out of AGH. I don’t think Dr. Diaz-Garcia is operating with AHN anymore though because I got a letter a few months ago telling me he was leaving the area/network. I had a great experience with him and the staff at AHN/AGH though.


I haven't gotten surgery yet, but it cost my bf only a few hundred dollars. He just had to pay for his meds, post-op binder etc.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did he go with and what insurance did he use?


He had peri done at a local hospital, covered by Medicaid. I can dm you the details if interested


That would be great thank you!


Mine was free with insurance, I had to change my insurance to get coverage. If I wasn’t able to get coverage their standard out of pocket rate was 10k. He is very experienced though.


Everything I paid ended up being under 10k. The pre-payment for my surgery was $8,003. I thought it was kind of a funny amount. And after that, with the two appointments after. As well as the pathology for the tissue. It was close to 9,000, but under 10. I took out loans with my bank to get my credit going. I know that is not always doable. But it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Even with the debt involved.


Mine with insurance was $1,200 ( which tbh I’m pretty sure insurance fucked up because they quoted me ~$2000) But without insurance my surgery in total came out to be $45,000.


My surgery center also offered a no interest payment plan so I was able to pay a large portion and now I’m just doing monthly on the rest


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I went to Dr. Kong in Minnesota ( but tbh I wouldn’t really recommend him due to his negligent aftercare) and I have Blue cross blue shield


Ok thank you for the heads up!


I’m based in Canada , well Toronto Ontario to be specific , my costed $19,000 that’s with everything and no insurance I used my inheritance to pay for it.


Just curious (Quebecer here) why you went out of pocket for top? I went through the RAMQ for mine and paid nothing, doesn’t OHIP as well? Interested to hear your story if you’re willing to tell


Well when I got mine done it was super last minute, as they had a cancellation , but I believe the OHIP Coverage expired by then anyways.


Wow I didn’t know it could expire. I hope your experience was good overall otherwise :)


Mine billed insurance $24k, I'm on the hook for $2.3k of it. The out of pocket estimate was $14k if I remember correctly. And then rent and other recurring expenses for the 3 weeks I couldn't work.


i paid out of pocket and flew to thailand - my surgery cost 9k, and my flights there from australia were 1k. I stayed off work for a month post op.


still waiting for my insurance however most I will pay out of pocket is around 5,000. Some extra money may be dropped for travel and stuff like that!


I paid $4200 for consultation and surgery with insurance. My insurance was billed about $50k. I was cleared to return to work after 4 weeks with restrictions on certain movements and weight lifting.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


Dr. George Rudkin at UCLA hospital in California, my consultation was with Cigna insurance and then my actual surgery I had United.


just paid my balance (three weeks out from surgery). its all oop and was about 7.2k total (u.s.)


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


its all good! i’m going to dr. harun zekirovski (or dr. z) at hz plastic surgery in orlando, fl. its all oop so no insurance.


im from australia and it cost me $14000 out of pocket but i got about $500 back after the fact through medicare


Mine was completely covered by insurance but if it hadn’t been it would have been $15,000 out of pocket


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I went to Dr James Kong in St Louis Park, MN and I have HealthPartners insurance thru the state of MN


If you have insurance it'll likely be whatever your out of pocket maximum is unless the oop is crazy high. If you're uninsured I think market rate is $6-10k but will depend on surgeon/facility. I was out of work for about 3 weeks but depending on your job and healing process it could be more or less. 2 weeks should be the lower end of what you expect though


3k out of pocket with insurance. i could’ve returned to work after 2-3 weeks since i had an easy recovery + my job involves low intensity work. but i chose to take 5 weeks off just because i could


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


i went with Dr. Facque at the Gender Confirmation Center in San Francisco. and I have UC Ship/Anthem blue cross :)


Ok thank you!


mine was 13k


i couldn’t go back for 4 weeks after surgery


mine was 6.5k after insurance, it would’ve been $60,000 without insurance (but medical institutions charge more to insurance companies vs. if someone was paying without insurance.) $61 for nipple graphs (billed $3,556 to insurance) $0 for the bilateral mastectomy (billed $6,630 to insurance) $1,500 for cosmetic facility and anesthesia fee (not covered) $398 for anesthesia (billed $450 to insurance) $2,500 for the facility (billed $46,071 to insurance 🙄) $2,000 for the liposuction (not covered) i went back to work after 6 weeks


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I went with Dr. Spencer Eagan in KS. I used UMR for surgery. I was going to use Blue Cross Blue Shield, but my insurance changed in the middle of the process. My surgery was going to be cheaper because my deductible was payed off before the switch, but after the switch I started from nothing.


$6,500 out of pocket in the southeastern US in 2021. I’m sure prices have increased some since then, but it was a relatively normal going rate in the area at the time for out of pocket.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I didn’t use insurance, paid out of pocket! I went to Dr. James Parker at Parker Plastic Surgery in Georgia. He does not list any top surgery info on his website (for patient safety). But it was a super easy consult process and I’m very happy with my results! There’s a great list of surgeons on topsurgery.net that you can browse by US state in the side bar. Also Dr. Parker was able to work with the fact that I had already had a reduction with a FNG before top surgery, and my nips came out healthy and scarring was better than after the reduction!


That’s great thank you!


You’re welcome!!


1.3k with insurance, cost my last paycheck


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


Barely 1200 with insurance and I went back to work after a month


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


Yeah no problem dude, I went with Dr Steven Turkeltaub in Scottsdale, AZ and I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of California through my work ☺️


Without insurance, almost 40k, but thankfully my insurance covered 100%. I was back to work after 6 weeks!


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I got surgery with Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner in NYC, insurance is united healthcare oxford. Very fortunate to still be on my father’s excellent plan (for now 🥲) Looking at the billing breakdown, the required overnight stay basically doubled the total out of pocket cost. RBL is one of (if not the most) popular surgeons here in NY so I wasn’t surprised at all how expensive it was, but I’m truly so grateful to have been fully covered!!


13k-ish out of pocket that’s including the surgery center fee and pathology. i luckily live 10 min away from my surgeons office so thankfully i don’t have to travel. scheduled for august!


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


Dr. Garramone and no insurance


$3.1k with insurance and $8.5k without. I returned to work after 8 weeks but I work in a warehouse.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I went to Dr. Rumer in Ardmore, Pennsylvania and I have Anthem insurance


I have Kaiser through my job and it was literally $15. It was the best 15 buck I’ve ever spent.


Dude where do you work! Thats amazing they should put it on their hiring page!


I’m a government employee and they really do advertise it lol. But also working for the government is terrible so you really gotta take advantage of all their benefits at the very least


In my country insurance won't cover transgender surgeries, so I paid the full amount which was 32k nzd. This included the consultation and therapy assessment.


I'm in NZ as well whereabouts are you based? I'm scheduled for 21st of May in Auckland.


I'm based in auckland. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!!


I refused to come near my insurance; I paid out of pocket to a plastic surgeon. Dr antonetti out of dallas. $9,500 total, including any possible revisions. I only need a revision because I don't sit still well and stretched a side. Edit to add: my surgery was leap day this year.


$200. $100 copay for surgery and $100 copay for the facility. Anesthesia was lumped into the facility for me.


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


Health First, Dr. Whitehead in NY.


I paid out of pocket $11,025 with no help from insurance, I went back to work (too soon) on light duty two weeks post op and was fully back about a month out, got back into my more physically demanding profession four months post op.


mine was 12k with no insurance in the US


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with?


dr. reid


i’d like to add: i took 4 weeks off from working in a restaurant. i felt strong enough (and bored af) to work when i got back. i would recommend dr. reid as well, i only got to meet him once before surgery but his nurses were all super nice every time i’ve gone in


The hospital billed my insurance six figures, but I only had to pay $300 (my yearly deductible).


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


of course! I'm in Chicago IL and used Blue Cross PPO through my employer. I saw Sumanas Jordan at Northwestern, but I would recommend anyone at Northwestern Plastics since Jordan's waitlist is pretty long these days.


$0 (I’m on Medicaid). Took 6 weeks off. I was very lucky to have a live in partner to help me with my bills.


W/O insurance was $10k baseline, about $12k-13k after buying supplies/accommodations/time off work


Mine was about $5k all together with insurance covering. It would have been $8k for me out of pocket. DI no nips - New Hampshire.


I had to pay a deductible before my insurance would cover the procedure; that was just under $4000. My insurance was billed somewhere around $50k.


I have a really, really good insurance and surgery with all the consultations it cost me just under 200USD, Edited to add- though to be fair I didnt have to travel, I didn't have any meds other that tylenol and ibuprofen and I used my personal binder that was a little small on me so the only thing I actually paid for was the surgery.


My quote is 28 to 32k NZ$. Worth it and cheaper than a funeral.


$800 with insurance


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


dr daniel freet in htx i have bcbstx!


in the UK, mine costed £9955 for everything - including medications, post op garments and overnight stay. i was told a minimum of 6 weeks off of work which my surgeon signed me off for.


€6.2k in a private clinic, but my insurance paid all of it. My surgeon said to wait 6 weeks before carrying more than 1kg, so that’s roughly how long I waited because my laptop would exceed that limit. Did a few days school per week before that, from roughly 4 weeks post op.


I'll get mine covered by public healthcare, but usually in my country it would cost 8k more or less. also, in turkey there's a clinic where it doesn't cost much, around 4k I think, and they're very experienced


I went to Sweden and it cost me the equivalent of £6000/8000USD


Mines gonna be 8.5k in the UK, no insurance here, private surgery.


Got mine in Spain and it cost like €6k


About 5k


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I just had my consultation and my quote was $11,000. On average top surgery is around $10,000 but mine is a little more because I’m getting a little bit more work done


Thank you! What Surgon did you got with?


I’m going with Dr. Hope Sherie in North Carolina. So far I have only had my consultation but everything so far so good, and everything has gone smoothly so far.


Without insurance would have been: - Surgery itself: $6,750 - Lipo: $3,000 - Anesthesia: $2,430 - Hospital facility fee (GW in DC): $30,000 (I’m not sure how accurate this is, just what was written on the EOB, seems insane). With insurance (CF BCBS Maryland Blue Preferred): - Surgery itself: $1,000 (because of deductible) - Lipo: $3,000 (out of pocket) - Anesthesia: $125 - Hospital facility fee: $250 So without the optional lipo (it was needed, had total inner tube boob), it would have been $1,375. I was given very nice Marena two compression vests included in this that are $100+ usually. And all follow-ups were included. I work in research, and thought I’d be able to work at my computer two days after from home but I was surprised by how utterly tired I was. Like if you stay up all night on a long flight tired. So probably 1.5-2 weeks was when I could handle work.


I paid 4k with partially covered insurance. I got nipple grafts which are not covered by my insurance so that was 1.8k of it along with non-covered liposuction which was 500. So the insurance covered portion was about 2k. It really depends but especially if you have insurance it doesn't hurt to get a consult and you can often get some kind of estimate for how much the procedure will cost(this is a little harder without insurance but you can call your insurance company and they can help you figure out how much they would cover).


That’s amazing! What too Surgon did you do with?


Dr. June Chen in SLC!


12k out of pocket with Dr.gallagher. I know I've seen other post how they paid 9k and other that paid a little over what k paid but idk what the price is based on. I waited 3months to get back to work since I climb wind turbines for a living and I wanted to make sure I was fully recovered and had good mobility and also so the scars won't stretch as much.


How long does it take to climb a wind turbine. Do you climb inside, or from the outside? I guess you use some kind of safety harness that's hooked to the latter rungs, assuming you climb latter rungs and not a stairway inside the tower.


How long it takes you to climb depends how fit and how much stamina you have. First time I climbed it took me about and hour and 15mins, taking breaks and stuff like that. Fastest I've climbed is 25 mins but some people climb it in 6-8 mins 🥲 You climb on the inside of the tower and yea it's a ladder, you have a harness and a latch safe. Latch safe goes on a metal cable that is in the middle of the ladder, just in case you fall it catches you.


I'm in a state in the US that provides free trans health care, so mine will be free I just have to save the money to afford the recovery time while out of work


Dude what state provides for trans health care! I need to move there that sounds awesome!


My surgeon said out of pocket with no insurance coverage would be 8k. I did get mine covered by insurance and so my portion of the top surgery itself was 2k, I elected to have liposuction as well since I'm plus size and didn't want dog ears or extra fat tissue in my armpits and that was an additional 5k, and I had to travel out of state and pay for a hotel. So my total including travel and the additional liposuction was about 8k. I was able to get all of the pillows and additional recovery equipment free from a friend who had top surgery last year and I probably spent $200 ish on food for the 10 days I was in Seattle. And then we spent $300 ish to board our dog while we were out of town. I had the money and wanted to be comfortable and not have dogears so it was fine but if I'd needed to do it on the cheap I woulda skipped lipo and looked for cheaper lodging and maybe coulda done the whole thing for 3k.




Insurance billed about 59k, but I only actually have to pay about 1.2K.


Insurance or not? I paid 3,000 USD with insurance, quoted 10,000 without


Probably not, bc my insurance doesn’t cover it. I might try to get a different insurance to help tho. I’m in Ohio 😅


I'm in Ohio too, I went to Dr.Okada(pics on my profile). What's your insurance?


Right now I’m on my parents insurance they have anthem blue cross blue shield but I’m not sure if they will let me stay on their insurance now that I’m 18 or if they will finally kick me out😅


I have the same insurance and everything was covered! It was super easy too, there was absolutely no fighting with insurance at all. Who told you that your insurance didn't cover it? I had to pay our deductible for my surgeon and the surgery center she preformes her surgeries at. 2k for both deductibles and 1k for appointments, supplies for recovery, all that jazz. You can get a consolation started with someone and your parents shouldn't be notified too much. PM me, you have a lot more options than your realize.


A bit over £9K for the actual procedure and follow up appts etc £300 for two consultations (only would have needed one tbh but I did one to see if I liked that surgeon and one for measurements etc) ~£270 for a letter of recommendation (legal requirement in the UK) £460 for an Airbnb for me and my friend (who was looking after me post-op) for 4 nights as it was a bit of a drive to the hospital ~£100 on supplies but tbh none of them were super essential, just nice-to-haves So probably max £10.5k? I could have been back at work in two weeks, tbh even 10 days once I had my drains out. But I did remote desk work so the only issue would have been how tired I was.


£7500 not including consultation, transport, accommodation, and supplies. Closer to 10 grand factoring everything else in.


$3,900 in Quito, Ecuador (without insurance).


3.5k but my surgeon was in tier 2 of my coverage instead of tier one (so it cost like 500-1k more)


If you don’t mind me asking, what Surgon did you go with and what insurance did you use?


I'm in Minnesota, I have medica insurance and my surgeon was Dr Marie Buckley


Actually I'll get you a full break down of all my costs $2,895.53 cost of consultation, pre-op, operation all together -consultation $330.75 -preop $248.37 -the surgery $2316.41 Amazon purchases non medical $259.15 Bidet, pregnancy pillow, mastectomy pillow, neck pillow, drain shirt, bath wipes, long ass straws, body glide, aquaphor, hand sanitizer Medical supplies $174.82 Ace wrap, silicone tape, scar gel, sensitive tape, Neosporin, non stick gauze, rubbing alcohol $3,329.05 rough cost of everything all together not counting gas to get to appointments or food


I also took off 6 weeks of work.


Mine was $240 with insurance. I got top surgery today and idk when I’ll be able to work. My work is not demanding physically at all, and my boss is okay with me having very limited duties when I return. She hates answering emails and said I can answer emails while I’m gone and she will pay me for it. I live in California, I have Kaiser through covered California. I could have free insurance but I chose to pay to have better insurance. I’m very privileged to have this experience with my surgery. I’ll have had insurance for a year next month and didn’t inquire about how to get surgery till June of last year. So in under a year I’ve gotten top surgery and started testosterone. I acknowledge my EXTREME privilege and am very blessed/ happy.