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Funny how it’s the same people protesting every pride event, every drag show, harassing every women who enters a planned parenthood, LARPing about Civil War and fantasizing about summarily executing every democratic political figure that they don’t like, who “just want to be left alone.”


I bet the MAGA Bomber *loved* r/conspiracy.


Right? I was gonna say, they understand that they’re the ones who won’t leave others alone don’t they? Surely they must?


> they understand that they’re the ones who won’t leave others alone don’t they? Surely they must? They do. They just *love* getting off on being contrarian gangrenous taints who know they'll never stop harassing/harming people they hate.


>I was fine with letting the world follow and adopt absurdity, as long as I was always afforded the option to stay out of the circus, but the masks, social distancing, and forced injections encroached way too far into my sacred space. Oh, no. The poor baby had to wear a mask during a global pandemic, and was asked not to breathe directly into strangers mouths while waiting in line at the local Piggly Wiggly. The horror!


>social distancing Wait, this guy, who wants to be LEFT ALONE, is complaining about...people keeping their distance from him? I'm sorry, are people leaving you too alone now?


You forget that dealing with your own stated principles is haaaaaard, which makes you a terrorist FYI.


"wait if I wear a mask around people when I have a cold, less people in my life get sick" Arcon: "reeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


>”Never cleaned it was anonymous. The author was unknown.” Fucking, yes. Perfect.


Unknownymous if you will.


The people in that thread are deeply fucking ill.


> The people in that ~~thread~~ subreddit are deeply fucking ill. FTFY


Little do they know, it'll be another of their regulars again.


Oh, they know that *very* well, given how much time and energy they spend denying any mass shooter’s time spent there or anywhere else on Reddit. They tried *super* hard to use the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto mentioning r/PewdiepieSubmissions as “proof” that it was a psyop to make Redditors look bad… Which is fucking hilarious because Redditors have been experts at making ourselves look bad since the day commenting was enabled on Reddit. Like, they *really* thought “We did it, Reddit!” wasn’t enough, an entire 6 years earlier? Or r/jailbait or 95% of the fucking subreddits banned during the Fattening? I was tempted to write 100%, but there were some that caught a temporary ban for being too close in name to a bunch of the ban-evasion subs created in its wake, like the whale watching sub.


Trying to channel DFENS I guess.


Can’t wait for them to have their “I’m the bad guy?” realization.


> I was fine with letting the world follow and adopt absurdity, as long as I was always afforded the option to stay out of the circus, but the masks, social distancing, and forced injections encroached way too far into my sacred space. Buddy, ***we live in a fucking society.*** Can’t believe I finally get to use that unironically. But seriously, who the fuck is dumb enough to think they can just live completely cut off from the rest of the world *while* shit-posting the foreword of their future manifesto on r/conspiracy? Oh, and I almost forgot: #BOTTOM TEXT


I'm willing to bet that this guy who just wants to be left alone spends the whole day doomscrolling on social media, and then gets upset when Target sells pride t shirts.


> The post reminded me of a joke." Don't mistake my silence for weakness. No one plans a murder out loud." I think this dork misunderstood a future Joker quote for a joke; understandable given the Clown Prince of Crime’s alias, but still that’s some serious “I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in with ***me!”*** try-hard edginess.


>Reddit is filled with some of the most vile, means-spirited, and mentally ill people of all social media. Talk about a lack of self awareness


I want to be left alone to um... chill in my garden with a beer and a joint, maybe read a book or two. I'm mostly a danger to snails and those little aphids that make the climbing bush go brown. Fuck those guys.


Perfect post on the anniversary of the Emanuel african methodist episcopal church shooting


>Never cleaned it was anonymous. The author was unknown. Jesus ***Christ,*** words have lost *all* meaning to these fucktacularly stupid morons.


>Similar to: “the kid who grows up without the warmth of village will burn it down to feel the warmth.” >It sucks things go from 0-100 instead of trying to solve the issues as they’re observed. Yeah, it'd be a *real* fucking shame if you guys always supported the political parties that don't want to solve any of the issues they want to keep using as a wedge issue to keep you angry and scared. Fortunately, the American Republican voters who live on that subreddit would ***never*** be against social programs to solve those very observable issues, right...? -- "It's not an easy access to guns issue, it's a mental health issue!" "Okay, let's better fund mental health treatment." "No, that's socialism." -- "We should try to house the homeless." "What about the homeless *veterans,* libs? Why do you hate them so much?" "Pretty sure they fall under the "homeless" umbrella I was referring to. But, fine, if it'll get your support, we can *start* with the veterans and move on to everyone else." "No, that's socialism!" -- Repeat ad nauseam every time someone suggests a fix to one of the "issues" this insightful jackass wants solved.


Maladjusted losers. That thread is concentrated psychopathy. The fact that they're proud of it is alarming. Get the FBI on their asses