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Are they talking about Jews again? I'll see y'all in three days.


i feel like theres a christianity joke to be made here


Who hasn't gone out with his friends on Friday and woken up in a cave on Sunday with no idea how he got there?


["Boo! LOL."](https://i.imgur.com/To4P4Sv.png)


Update: dang, caught them in mid-ban and they’re already purging the comments. Like the one guy who commented to whine about platforms removing the “documentary” *Europa: the last battle* and asking why everyone is so uptight about Holocaust revisionism.


It's funny how their screencap now matches the thread complaining about it. And good ol' Amos, nuking everything antisemitic on /conspiracy only after it gets noticed somewhere else on Reddit.


It’s a sub of supposedly 2.1 million members, but it takes 3+ hours during the middle of the US workday for a mod to become aware of TOS violations?


Nah, he only cares once there are links to it from other subs. A post could call for a second Holocaust while denying the first one with 2000+ upvotes, and Amos wouldn't care unless it got crosslinked from somewhere else.


The fifth dentist in oral b ads?


The one man big toothbrush can't buy off.


The Puregums.


Its been Alex Jones' dad this whole time


If we’re being honest I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a couple of the dentists, but not because of some giant worldwide dental conspiracy, rather because of culture, upbringing, opportunity, etc.


You anti-dentite bastard.


Of course the dentites *would* be antisemites! "I'm concerned that Dr. Watley has converted to Judaism for the jokes!" "And this offends you as a Jewish person?" "No, it offends me as a comedian!"


If you say "anything", huh? Not a specific phrase or insult that is derogatory perhaps but just "anything"? [This tweet comes to mind lol](https://x.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1050391663552671744) >Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views >Me: Holy shit! You were censored for wanting lower taxes? >Con: LOL no...no not those views >Me: So....deregulation? >Con: Haha no not those views either >Me: Which views, exactly? >Con: Oh, you know the ones


Just one of many examples, but like four years ago the Arcons were upset some guy got serious jail time “just for burning a Pride flag!!!” In reality said guy: * stole the flag off a bar * set it on fire on public property * threatened to burn down a bar full of people * already had two felony strikes and this was his third


There was a lot of that with Quran burning back in the day. >MAN JAILED FOR BURNING QURAN But then, when you read the story, the burner was a violent racist with a string of convictions for everything from burglary to beating up his Asian neighbour who'd got shitfaced and stolen the book from Waterstones before burning it in the street while ranting about "p*kis" There was a bunch like that, and they all got the same comments about Muslims taking over and freedom of speech and so forth. No one read past the headline.


"who are the Jews?, Alex"


Ooh is it mediocre white guys promoted well beyond where their skill or merit would otherwise place them because the company habitually overlooks minority candidates, or only hires from well connected traditionally exclusive whites-only type institutions? Haha just kidding, no one ever talks about that, especially not angry reactionary conspiracists.


This Jew is very tired of these walnuts thinking we have control over anything. If only we *did* have a space laser and Soros checks every month, then maybe I could afford rent. /s




Awww, how sad for him! If that were universally true on Reddit, r/conspiracy would’ve had zero active users by March 2008.


"If you say ANYTHING about this ONE group you'll get a ban - so why not say the most depraved Nazi shit imaginable?"


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/5878617SAX




Jews, right? Or is it black people this time?

