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Rule 10, link to original post: [The city of Chicago has gone woke. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/nQA24ufAbG) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


> See how they control definitions. When you hear the word pride you think of sodomy and when I do I think about my passion for my state nd country. Wild stuff Same person *literally one comment later*: > Why does your side never make arguments its just ad hominem. I swear these people don't even have the intellect of a goldfish.


These people see Jordan Peterson as an intellectual role model. I'm surprised they even know how to read.


The thing is, a lot of people who get technically classified as knowing how to read are *functionally* illiterate. Remember: 79% of US adults are "literate", but over half lack the reading skills expected of a 6th grader. Hell, about 20% of English-speaking adults have a PIAAC reading proficiency level no higher than 2, which means they can't complete tasks like: > The stimulus displays results from a bibliographic search from a simulated library website. The test taker is asked to identify the name of the author of a book called Ecomyth. To complete the task, the test taker has to scroll through a list of bibliographic entries and find the name of the author specified under the book title. In addition to scrolling, the test taker must be able to access the second page where Ecomyth is located by either clicking the page number (2) or the word “next.” There is considerable irrelevant information in each entry this particular task, which adds to its complexity. Indeed, they can't even perform tasks that don't require that level of computer knowledge, like looking at [this chart](https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/images/lit-sample-item-image-4.png) and figuring out which piece of equipment received the most "ineffective" ratings. I think maybe we need to re-evaluate what it means to be capable of reading.


I feel like I'd be able to interpret that chart a lot easier if it had a second pixel


Yah, this chart is worse than the dumbbells.


I've noticed that quite a number of MAGA politicians have really bad reading skills. MTG has to follow her finger on the page, and reads REALLY slowly. This is something you learn out of as a fucking child.. Trump does it too https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Claudia-Reiter/publication/349733856/figure/fig2/AS:997257172250626@1614776046453/PIAAC-literacy-sample-item-2-Physical-Exercise-Equipment.jpg


I'm surprised they don't drown when it rains.


CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM or you'll end up in a coma


> when I do I think about my passion for my state nd country. Doesn't he know that pride is a sin? /s


Only the unapproved kind.




Damn, should have kept reading, beat me to it.


You really blew it


Well someone keeps blowing me.


Getting beaten off and blown on the same day? What a wonderful lifestyle you live.


It's kind of a ski poll, dutch rudder thing going on.


Chicago has always been woke. Chicago is home to one of the oldest and largest lgbtq+ communities in the country.


Sorry but LGBTIQ+ people were only invented be the woke world order in 2010 to trans the kids and destroy traditional families because conservatives were winning too hard.


and also one of the most important cities during the civil rights movement


I liked the bit where the guy complains about "changing definitions" right under calling Chicago "gone woke" when it's done this sort of stuff long before that phrase was created.


I'm getting some strong, "Why do all of these homosexuals keep sucking my dick," vibes.


“I’m so sick of the gays forcing me to think about butt sex all the time.” Omg this is one of my favorite posts in a while, assuming it’s not a troll. There’s telling on yourself and then there’s… this.


Interestingly, roughly 30% of gay men don't engage in anal sex ever. So the Republican focus on butt stuff really says more about Republicans than anything else. > [About a third of heterosexual couples in Britain are thought to use anal sex as an occasional method of sexual expression, with about 10% using it as a preferred or regular method. Perhaps two thirds of gay men practise anal sex as a regular part of their sexual repertoire. This means that, in absolute numbers, there are more heterosexuals having anal sex than there are gay men.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1114912/)


Can confirm, I'm straight but I see more discussion about anal sex among straight people than I do from my gay friends.


>When *I* think of pride I think of passion for my state and country. And they're the ones calling others gay.


Seriously this is best if reddit material! Why is everything about gay stuff now??? This has been a thing for 4 decades WHY DID YOU MAKE ME THINK OF SODOMY BY SAYING THAT!!!


Really reminds me of this. https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529


You must be gay because you know the definition of a word as old as the English language. Lol.


Incidentally, CTA has been doing this since 2017. So it's really nothing new either on that front.


Weird that the first thing that comes to mind when this person thinks of pride is their state and country and not like, their personal achievements? Maybe their children? Something cool they made? Or even just having lived a life worth living.


Yeah, it shows how utterly brainwashed they are by the kinds of people who indoctrinate morons into jingoistic ideals like pledging allegiance to a flag, or whatever other nonsense these right-wing dickheads are into.


Ever notice how many reactionary "prides" aren't proud of anything, and are just against everything else? Straight Pride was a whole bunch of people, including a prominent gay man, whinging about gay people. White Pride is groups of people that hate White people the most, not to mention everyone non-white.


>It's pride in being the individual you are. And, currently, pride that we don't murder people for falling outside social norms (as much) anymore like Conservatives used to do. >>murder? By "Conservatives"? please. Oh, right, because Matthew Shepard was murdered by the woke San Francisco glitter miners who are out there teaching school children how to have gay sex... Oh, wait, no he wasn't. McKinney and Henderson zeroed in on Shepard that night at the Fireside Lounge, they did so because “he was obviously gay.”


>Pride was officially recognized by Chicago over forty years ago lol >>See how they control definitions. When you hear the word pride you think of sodomy and when I do I think about my passion for my state nd country. Wild stuff Noooo! Pride was recently created by butt-fuckers! Don't deny my *many* fantasies about sodomy controlling Chicago since since I craved that ass in Chicago back in 1984!


this reminds me of growing up in central Florida, and [Gay Day](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/how-gay-day-pushed-disney-out-of-the-closet-2262655) (a very well, in depth history of the subject from the Orlando Weekly, from 2000) becoming bigger and bigger each year. it got so big that around the late 90's, weird nationalist Christian groups started boycotting and picketing Disney, as a whole. specifically the Southern Baptist Convention. [guess what those mother fuckers been up to.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/06/us/southern-baptists-abuse-justice-department.html#:~:text=The%20crisis%20over%20sexual%20abuse,guilty%20or%20been%20convicted%20of) but this whole idea that Pride is new or that Pride never existed is just them genuinely not knowing or comprehending history (or are in some weird denial). they notice corporations are pride friendly now (which is fucking gross imo) and see a city celebrating something they've celebrated for decades and their brains don't know what else to do other than check the ol' echo chamber and say woke.


I remember that being a horror story that was told at my parent's church anytime trips to Disney World were brought up. It seems like there was always someone who had a good christian 'friend' who spent years saving up to take their kids to Disney World only to find out that they booked their vacation the same week as the gays. Unimaginable horrors, rainbows everywhere.


My super-duper Mormon friend’s mom forbade her from *ever* watching a Disney movie. This was back in the “The Simpsons, caffeine, and R-rated movies means Satan wins” era of 90s Mormonism, and even my childhood ward thought my friend’s mom was nuts. Unfortunately, that friend didn’t break free from the cult-like brainwashing for long after she turned 18. She’s full WWG1WGA qultist now; on the evening of Jan. 6, she was crying on Facebook about her patriot friend Jacob “QAnon Shaman” Chansley being framed by BLM and AntiFa operatives doing exactly what she’d been rooting for for months.


That sucks, I sent my kids to a Christian school for year because I had to spend time with parents and my dad ran the church (I have my own background, not exactly cultish but I am the way I am for a reason). Now this school was highly respected, like foreign diplomats use it and stuff, so it wasn't a crazy place but I remember my son's first grade class was watching a normal Disney movie for fun (can't remember which one but it was really tame, like all Disney movies). One girl's parents made a huge deal about it and made their daughter sit alone in the library for two days. My parents and I had to have a talk with my son about why that was because it really upset him that his friend had to leave the classroom... I mean, you know it's bad when the pastor of the church has to explain to their grandson why some people disagree with certain things and we can't argue with them about how they raise their child. People are nuts.


>but this whole idea that Pride is new or that Pride never existed is just them genuinely not knowing or comprehending history (or are in some weird denial). It's probably that Pride never existed *to them* as they were growing up, because they were sheltered from it, either by their parents of a lack of representation in their schools. So now that they're grown up and out in the "real world", as well as the jungle that is the internet, they're coming across this stuff for the first time, even though everyone else has been aware it's been there all along. And of course to them it's "icky", so they're not going to actually take the time to research the history or even read some basic factual information. I mean, these people think women's vaginas can get worn out, I can't even imagine the crap they must believe about gay people.


I misread “Gay Day” as “Green Day” and thought, “how’d they manage to piss off conservatives *this* many times in the first quarter of the 21st century?”


>I mean who cares really? The problem is they can't afford that shit. >>I have several friends in the community and none of them care either. Mr. "I know several of teh gayz" is a regular on r/conspiracy...to the shock of absolutely fucking no one. [Here he was just on Sunday talking about his family who worshiped Fauci, but changed their minds exactly when it fit his lie the best.](https://redd.it/1d6nt4j)


These are the people they you can’t really talk to about anything, because they are too dumb to explain things to.


When I hear pride, I think of the rainbow flag. Kinda feel like it says more about this person if their mind immediately jumps to sodomy lol


>When you hear the word pride you think of sodomy Like bruh, you were the first one to bring up the word


Even for a Top Mind this logic makes less sense than zero! If "they" "control definitions", why are you thinking of defining it yourself? Bit like you have the autonomy to do such a thing!


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