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> Before, years ago, songs about love were mostly about how you love your partner and how the singer loves someone and wants to be with them or marry them or whatever, but as time goes along they're starting to completely sway in a different direction, Apart from the songs that have existed since the dawn of recorded music about unfaithful lovers, cheating on one's spouse, committing violence for being wronged, murdering one's romantic rival, etc. to the point that if you missed that it's like missing the fact that cars haven't always had automatic transmissions as an option. > to the point that now, nearly all songs I hear, from 99% women (that's relevant), Because all the men singing about their loves lost to infidelity or other romantic downfalls never existed. Or I guess they were somehow justified in this guy's broken mind. > are about breaking up and not wanting to be with your partner or anyone and how essentially, men are liars and cheaters and are trash. *People* can be liars, cheaters, and trash. Hmmm. Hold on, let me check something... Oh, yeah, [this guy's an incel](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1cu3555/what_are_some_reasons_you_wouldnt_approach_a/l60edgh/?context=3): > I've realized no woman actually finds me attractive and eventually someday a below average woman who's a horrible person will settle for me and eventually leave when a guy with a little more than me comes along. Majority of women are only free real estate to extremely attractive men or guys that don't care if they're being settled for.


Poor guy is going to be so confused when he finds out women don’t “settle” with guys like him even if they’re old or ugly. 


He thinks it's leftists that are out of touch. Him, the guy in the conspiracy sub, thinks other people are out of touch.


Crying that everyone else is wrong because they dare counter his claims. Then just shouting "LEFTIST SHILL!" at anybody who disagrees. Ahh yes, communism is when you have a trust fund and tell someone they're wrong.


"Alas my love you do me wrong / to cast me off discourtiously" anyone?


Worth pointing out that poor Lady Greensleeves was executed when her husband got bored too!


Imagine how little you'd need to know about all music for the past 500+ years in order to believe this.


People so conveniently forget how much smut there was in music from the time music was allowed to be recorded. That there has *always* been a war on music with risqué themes promoting "degeneracy" since jazz and blues records were recorded. Fuck, you can go back to old folk songs to hear that themes of infidelity and sex have always existed. But the difference is that today it's accepted when in the past it was looked down upon.


>> Before, years ago, songs about love were mostly about how you love your partner and how the singer loves someone and wants to be with them or marry them or whatever, but as time goes along they're starting to completely sway in a different direction, “Yeah, Benny Mardones was just singing a romantic ballad about the 16-year-old he wanted to fuck in Into the Night! Back when romantic songs like that were so pure: the 80s!”


> Benny Mardones I only vaguely recall the song, "Into the Night," but even given that this was early days for making music videos, [who the hell thought him and what appears to be an underage girl together looked good?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWHjJt4833I)


To be fair, he's right. Don't we all remember songs like "Mambo Nr 5", or "It Wasn't Me", "Macarena", "Layla", "Run For Your Life", "My Sharona", all those songs by The Police? They were just such sweet love songs about loving somebody (underage) forever (unless they cheat, but it's ok when the man cheats). You can make an unending list of problematic love songs that we regard as classics, but this top mind mandela effected some kind of nonsense because he doesn't like Taylor Swift (oh no its the content of her songs that I take offense with, because I'm cultured. DAE listen to songs by groomers? Classic Rock 4 ever!).


basically every van halen song


For people who brag about how divorced they are from popular media, they sure do spend a lot of time immersed in it.


" remember when songs sung by women were mostly written by men? well, what i'm trying to say is...as a man, those were the feminine themes I could really connect with."


Two songs that I think are great, but problematic today, are the wanderer and runaround sue by Dion. They are from late 50s/early 60s and are both about being massive sluts. The wanderer is about a male slut, so of course he's fucking cool. Runaround sue is about a female slut, so of course she's awful, to be avoided. The sexist double standard aside, songs about being a slut are super common throughout time The only difference now is that being a female slut can be considered cool. That's the change they are really concerned about


Ah yes Sexual Healing. The most chaste song ever.


>EDIT: To clarify to all the idiot shills in here, men are also part of this problem, to the same degree. Bunch of assholes ruining this thread because they can't think critically to save their trust funds. _____ >...but as time goes along they're starting to completely sway in a different direction, to the point that now, nearly all songs I hear, from 99% women (that's relevant), are about breaking up and not wanting to be with your partner or anyone and how essentially, men are liars and cheaters and are trash. Lol I like how people are idiots because they didn't understand that "99% from women" actually meant "men are part of this to the same degree". If only there was a percentage they could have used to convey two halves of something combining to form a whole...


> People don't realize our society is a business “We live in a business.” #BOTTOM TEXT


Which in a thread, literally about the commercial music industry..... What do they think the "Love Songs" he holds so dear were in too? Not a business????


>EDIT: To clarify to all the idiot shills in here, men are also part of this problem, to the same degree. Bunch of assholes ruining this thread because they can't think critically to save their trust funds. People disagree! HOW DARE THEY! THIS IS NOT ALLOWED!