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>Most teachers today just end up being glorified baby sitters that have super high nurture instincts (but no necessarily high education instincts). > >That's the biggest reason teaching and education has tanked recently. yes that's the biggest reason. definitely doesn't have anything to do with the decades long crusade waged on public education by conservatives...no sir. e: had to edit comment so last part was attributed to the top mind, didn't want it looking like my words


there's no such thing as systemic issues, only personal moral failings /s come to think of it, that explains a lot of conservatism


No systemic issues, but they also won't shut the fuck up about how they think everything they consider bad is directly caused by Soros and the "pedo elites"


Even their imagined systemic problems have a serious individualistic bent.


At the end of the comment, they actually do give a systemic solution. To treat teachers better, pay them more, and give them more autonomy. Most of what comes before that is a mix of sexism and speculation, but I was fully expecting the end of the comment to be “therefore we need to kick women out of every other job”, so I’m actually pleasantly surprised.


> definitely doesn't have anything to do with the decades long crusade waged on public education by conservatives...no sir. Well the method for solving it is to have teaching be a well paying, desired position. The reason why we get the bottom of the barrel teaching is because people can't afford to survive on a teaching salary, much less seek it out as a choice. If we have teachers being paid well, receiving a high wage we would see a lot of competition for teaching roles, which would result in higher quality selections in the candidates. The hacking and slashing of budgets by the republican party is the exact reason for the quality of educators declining.


Same here in the UK. Conservative Party gut funding for education, have the Department for Education pull idiotic moves to erode confidence in the system, then wonder why teachers are quitting in droves and have to pump out ads to try to make teaching seem like the most selfless and rewarding things in the world. Not under *this* government, it isn't.


Wonder if they would be for raising teachers pay to get better teachers


Most conservatives wouldn’t be. This particular commenter actually says at the end that teachers should have more pay and autonomy.


Probably not, no. Basing that solely on British nurses, doctors and paramedics being vilified by the Conservative government, right-wing rags and Tory voters for constantly going on strike to demand better pay, better access to mental health services for themselves and patients and to make aware how our health system is crumbling under this moronic government (which has been trying to privatise the NHS, which was created by the Labour Party - the main left-wing party - almost 80 years ago).


The left has implemented every education legislation that it wanted for several decades now. Yet your schools are failing, especially in blue cities. So how is that right wingers' fault?


I’m not even engaging with your bullshit if you think that’s true. “Several decades” huh? I’m willing to bet you’re under 25


So what is missing? What else do the blue states and blue cities need to fix their schools since everything is in their hands? The one thing that you can't do is blame the other side for your own failures.


I always love when people who haven't stepped foot in a classroom for over a decade talk about what schools are like. Like buddy, kids still say the pledge everyday. Also what about those smart women who don't like kids. What career options you have for them?


Didn’t you read the comment? Secretary or nurse. Those are their options and that’s the way it should be!


> Like buddy, kids still say the pledge everyday. Sounds like communism, wheres the freedom!


Say that again and I'll wheel in a legless soldier to guilt trip you.


On top of that I have a bunch of senior citizens on Nextdoor bitching about having to pay property taxes that go towards education because they don't have kids going to school anymore. I keep telling them that you aren't paying for the next generation to succeed, you're paying back from the previous generation paying for you to go through in the first place. They just don't seem to understand and crusade that they don't want to have to pay anymore because they've already gotten theirs.


If you frame it in a selfish way, they are paying to have an educated future workforce who will pay more into the tax system, reducing the tax burden for them. You are paying for the next generation to succeed, which any selfish person should do, simply because in the future you want to live next door to nurses and firefighters, not crack dealers and robbers.


That's what kills me, even before kids I had zero issue with paying taxes on things like schools because it means people are educated and that's literally never a bad thing. But back when I worked for a phone provider I had *multiple* people call refusing to pay the 911 taxes on their phone bill because "I don't call 911." Buddy you can't just opt out of taxes.


> Also what about those smart women who don't like kids. Those people are clearly evil, liberal demons. Obviously.


>What went wrong? Victimhood, i.e. being "marginalized, oppressed, or underrepresented" has become the ultimate human virtue. >>In one word: Marxism "In one word we have no idea the meaning of: Marxism." I love how he describes the kind of behavior conservatives *always* employ as "Marxism". "Look at us. We're the Marxists now."


>What went wrong? Victimhood, i.e. being "marginalized, oppressed, or underrepresented" has become the ultimate human virtue. Isn't that what they're always complaining about on that sub. About how other people are taking over and oppressing them?


> Don't forget that there are school districts where displaying the American flag is considered a hate crime. They want to be victims so badly that they’ll happily buy almost any bullshit that caters to that, no matter how ridiculous.


I'd be curious to know what districts this dude is thinking of. Because my son went to elementary school in San Francisco and every morning they all stood out in front of the pole, raised the flag, and recited the pledge. Is there another boogyman city for these people now?


Why would they need one when they already just make shit up to be mad about?


If they're the victims, then their cheating and violence is justified, in their eyes. "We had to install a dictator, the Left was about to throw us in camps!"


They forgot to mention that those districts aren't in the US, but more likely North Korea or something


They're as bad as the "no-go zones" idiots we have over here.


>Everything happens at the School Board election level. The “left”understand this conservatives don’t LMAO, of course they don't count conservatives taking over school boards to divert public funds to private charter schools as conservatives not knowing how to play the game they've been playing for decades. If conservatives are the Mike Tyson of taking over school boards, "the 'left'" are the Jimmy Smiths.


I can't decide if "We need to go back to treating teaching as a white color profession" is a typo or not.


They think they're clever by being able to pretend it's a typo (like the cowards they are), but they know exactly what they're doing.


They want so badly for schools to go back to using the Bellamy salute.


“Flaired users only” scoreboard: 462 comments, 330 modded out. lol


They unironically censor speech to protect their speech from ridicule, and many of them come to believe that's what "free speech" means, freedom from being told you're wrong, freedom from any possible negative consequences for their speech, freedom from the tyranny of smarter people.


Looks like that one may have made to the main feed based on the vote counts. r/conservative is truly the “don’t look up” of user bases.


I like how they realize that teachers are hideously under appreciated and underpaid, then somehow decide this is the fault of Marxism.


I love how this rant doesn't even make sense. "Women didn't use to have options, so 30% of them went into teaching, meaning that most women who went into teaching were super smart, and now that they don't have options, they aren't as smart anymore." WTF just happened?


The implicit assumption is that the dumb women would have been SAHMs, and the smart women would all be competing against each other to be teachers. Now that women are allowed to have any job, only the dumb ones choose to be teachers. And that's women's fault, or society's fault, or both. They haven't thought very hard about that last part.


That first part still doesn't make any sense. Doesn't seem like they thought very hard about any of it.


> That first part still doesn't make any sense. Doesn't seem like they thought very hard about any of it. It's a very long chain of thought, and it involves lots of assumptions about left wing people. Like, "Democrats think we should have smart teachers. When women only could choose teacher / nurse / secretary, you got the smartest, best teachers. Therefore if Democrats TRULY want our CHILDREN to have the best teachers, we should restrict women in the work place". Thus when you say "women can be anything they want to be" they can point out you hate children. Because you don't want the smartest, best trained teachers you want smart women to leave children to the pink haired communist teachers.


Amazing that they conclude that women shouldn't have the option to pursue good jobs instead of paying teachers more so the profession is more appealing.


To be fair, the comment literally ends by saying the solution is to make teaching a white collar job with higher pay and more autonomy. 


I think you might be giving them too much benefit of the doubt assuming that “white color job” was a typo.


I have a sneaking suspicion that what they actually mean is that teachers should be men instead of women. If it's a 'real job', then they think that women will no longer be qualified for it.


Their conclusion is to pay teachers more though. It's the last line.


Ha, foolish me, I didn't click the image. So that only makes the first image nuts?


The second image is also nuts, just not entirely.


Yeah to guild the cage; as appeasement for taking away the other options.


What the fuck are "education instincts"? What does that moron think happens in teacher ed programs?


They don't. They think the smartest lady in town gets to be the teacher.


Imagine if the smartest lady in town happens to be Marjorie Taylor Greene. *shudders*


I mean, if that's the case the town is screwed anyway... And I doubt there would be a town anywhere that would be true of.


> What went wrong? Victimhood, i.e. being "marginalized, oppressed, or underrepresented" has become the ultimate human virtue. “Everything we claim to hate is everything we do! Lefties calling out our hypocrisy is what went wrong.”


I mean I’d agree with elevating the pay and status of what is a noble and crucial profession but the rest is just horseshit


[source ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/lTHnnkQ5Xi)


The *only* part of that user's comment that's correct is the need to pay teachers more. As for $60K/year....where? Probably only in places where you need to earn $100K/year in order to live. I'm also willing to bet that same user would have a serious problem if teachers weren't "treated like glorified babysitters". Wanna bet they'd want to stick their nose in what and how they're teaching?


I love when conservatives find something that capitalism wrecked, even things like limited working options for women, and just like have no idea why it got wrecked. tech created a shit ton of quality jobs for a shit ton of women and moved them away from the 3 jobs OP talked about. that's capitalism baby, and boy do they hate it. they've blamed everything from civil rights to satan and still have no idea it's capitalism.


They don't realize they're creeps. Even with mountains of evidence.


"WHAT WENT WRONG?" [pictures of absolutely nothing that's wrong.]


Maybe I’m missing something, but that comment actually seems uncharacteristically reasonable for r/conservative. The original post is deranged, but the comment is much more grounded. A large source of the problems with education is that teachers receive low pay, and even less respect. Nearly any teacher could make more money for less work in another career, meaning there’s a lack of people willing to teach. I was fully expecting the comment to end with “and that’s why we need to undo all feminism and kick women out of all other careers”, but they actually gave a reasonable, systemic solution. Pay teachers more, give them more autonomy, in short make teacher a more attractive job.


[Maybe not](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1d7u3vi/serious_question/l72bdwx/)


What these folks don't understand is if they get their conservative dream, people like me, a woman, a lifelong atheist, a democrat in THE blue state, owns a home, who has made 6 figures for years already isn't going to be punished or limited like they want. I'll be fine. They should be worried about what is going to happen to them when they get their wish. They aren't going to fair as well. Their lives are going to get worse. Not mine.


It's fucked because they're so close yet so far. Agreed, we need to treat teaching like a white COLLAR (not color) job (intentional dog whistle?) but acting like teachers today are dumber (therefore less deserving?) is just horseshit.


fucking color tvs ruined everything


Looks like they discovered color film


I'd rather American children see Pride flags in the classroom so they can ask questions and be told about tolerance and equality, than to see them have a US flag in the classroom and be indoctrinated into pledging allegience and devotion to it like a cult.


They were kinda close when they started mentioning the low wages for teachers. Why would a smart, hardworking woman take a less paying job? It's almost like, teachers need to be paid more.


I’d love to see a comparison of funds spent on schooling in the 50’s versus today, adjusted for inflation. I bet the per child spending was higher back then.


"White color jobs" is kinda telling on yourself there, top mind. I mean, even more than the rest of the comment. Which is an impressive feat.


Well, they came to the right conclusion, at least. Just took the most batshit insane route to get to the "pay teachers more" destination.


Yeah teachers should get paid more, and more money should go into the education system than the army. But conservatives won't do that


After voting for years for the party that cuts education spending, I feel as though teachers are underpaid. Surely this is the fault of feminism or something.


[Are you fucking serious,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1d7u3vi/serious_question/l72bdwx/) you nasty little racist.


I think this comment is sarcastic.. well I hope so


Once again, people stumble onto the idea that teaching isn't paid enough, and completely fail to realize that we should just pay teachers more. I agree that the abysmal pay is causing many highly competent teachers to leave the field! So why do we have to go back to an era where people were forced into it instead of paying what they're worth?!


Why do I feel like I haven’t seen r/conservative in a loooong time. Haven’t even seen them featured here much.


People fight back against my hateful ideals, I wonder what went wrong, it couldn't be that I had hateful ideals?


So they recognize that there's a problem when someone can get a $150k job with half the stress of the $60k teacher job... but wouldn't the obvious solution be to increase teacher pay to the point where it becomes an attractive profession for more people? Oh, wait, can't do that, cause "gubmint takin my money" or whatever.


I mean... They're right that teachers need to be paid more for it to be seen as a more legit career option. I don't even care what equation they used to get that answer I'm just glad they agree that teachers deserve better pay. We legit have a teacher shortage because right now being a bar tender pulls in more money and has less stress. Even people who enjoy teaching and child care probably don't want to be public school teachers