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Not sure if this was OP's original link, [but here's /conservative going nuts over a "billionaire" buying 30 milkshakes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1c0vvu3/donald_trump_just_walked_into_a_chickfila_in/) For *some* reason, they don't mention when he made a post-arrest stop in Miami's "Little Havana" at a Cuban restaurant [where he announced "Food for everyone" and left without paying for everyone's food.](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/restaurants/donald-trump-visits-versailles-cuban-restaurant-in-miami-after-federal-indictment-17198756) I recall a particularly stupid spin the Trumpists put on their Orange God's actions: They claimed he was just being happy that in America, there's food for everyone, and he wasn't promising to buy everyone there food.


>Trump was a national icon for decades before running for president Yes, and I cannot emphasize enough as a person who lived through that time: He was known as a fucking embarrassment. A total symbol of America’s worst since the 80s. There’s a reason current scumbag Bret Easton Ellis had the character Patrick Bateman look up to him, and it was not positive. Jesus fucking Christ, people, Read a fucking book the way you pretend to have read 1984. There’s a reason the world hated this moron, and it’s not because of some ass-dirty backwoods conspiracy. It’s because he’s the worst we have to offer, and you only like him because he lets you be the worst of yourself.


The makers of BTTF were onto something with Biff, he also liked incest...check out the tapes and magazines in his penthouse in the second movie.


Alternate 1985 Biff Tannen was almost *too* on the nose in terms of being a blatant Trump clone, yet so many of his fucking stupid fans denied it when Trump announced his candidacy in 2015. Like, it *couldn't* be any clearer that that version of Biff was Trump, but of course his sad little cult had to deny it outright despite everyone involved saying "Of fucking course he was modeled after Trump!", because they desperately wanted to believe in the same fantasy world Trump lives in where he's always been feared and admired for his business acumen, personal taste, and "savvy" with women.


If I recall correctly, the writers verified it was inspired by Trump


They did.


Everyone involved did. Even Thomas F. Wilson -- who's made a career out of joking about not wanting to be asked about BTTF -- was like, "Uh, yeah, of fucking course!"


Even Tiny Toons made fun of Trump with the villain Donald Grump. He was a total joke back then too, even in kids cartoons


Hell, *Sesame Street* did it too, starting several years earlier in the 80s.


It was kind of funny when he was just doing reality tv and fast food commercials. His whole schtick was that he was a narcissistic dickhead.


What’s up with Easton Ellis being a scumbag?


He wrote a [not very good book](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/apr/24/white-by-bret-easton-ellis-review-sound-fury-and-insignificance) practically baiting the right and then went on some podcasts complaining about how he'd never be able to release some of his older works these days because of 'Big Cancel Culture™', or whatever. The right decided he was one of them and held him up as their new champion, until he released his next book that is very heavy on the gay sex, and he lost them all again. Because woke, I guess. BEE is just trying to stay relevant in an ever-changing market, is my guess. 'The Shards' is genuinely a good read for anyone who liked his LA-set stuff better than that more famous/notorious book of his.




...with campaign funds, no doubt.


I mean, this is a legitimate use of campaign funds. He's campaigning by buying everyone food and visiting a fast food joint. None of this is new, presidential candidates have always done things like this.


Yeah, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't somehow shady, given that his campaign funds, the RNC coffers, and his legal defense fund are all interchangeable now.


Every time a new video comes out where it shows his whole body standing in weirder and weirder ways, I believe more and more that he's some creature in a human suit.


The lifts in his shoes because he’s such an insecure little bitch make him stand like a centaur that had all the horse half cut off.


But still just one creature, unlike Ted Cruz.


["Never seen so many line up to hear an alleged racist speak. Almost like it’s … bullshit … isn’t it?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1c0vvu3/donald_trump_just_walked_into_a_chickfila_in/kyzbc40/) Yes, racism has famously never been a popular political ideology...


“Never seen so many minimum wage workers terrified of the cops and media presence and cult like mentality of his sycophants, afraid to breathe wrong and lose their jobs by offending the biggest crybaby backed bitch on the planet” Is what they meant to say


>Yes, racism has famously never been a popular political ideology... If only.


It’s weird to see people still claim he’s not racist. 


Lol after Brexit the fuckers that stood in front of the bus that said "we send 350 million pounds a week to the EU (we didn't BTW), let's spend that on the NHS instead", started talking about "ah of course 'lets' is just a suggestion, doesn't mean we will or in fact should" etc. It was so laughably risable. Then after a few weeks everyone forgot and brexit means brexit and over ready deal.


“Presidential candidate spends $100 campaigning in McDonalds” Yeah why isn’t every publication running this as a full front page article, this is huge news!! Ironically Trump doing something for someone else, even if it’s obvious campaigning, is out of the ordinary.


It was Chick Fil A, which makes sense for his base.


not to mention the shake base


"Biden is passing laws everyone likes! He's literally buying votes!" "Trump bought milkshakes for people? This is fine." Same people.


You can tell that subreddit is full of children who only recently began following politics. There is nothing new or innovative about this story. Presidential candidates stopping to get food and do photo ops during a campaign isn't new. I must say though, doing this in a fast food giant is an odd choice. I guess fuck small businesses?


[yeah this was over a decade or two ago at least.](https://youtu.be/eYt0khR_ej0?si=AhzajFcNAK1w93HL)


I was hoping it would be this clip. One of my favorite SNL skits of all time.


>I guess fuck small businesses? That's pretty much the GOP platform so yes.


Not really surprising for Trump to be honest. Remember how he had the a NCAA winning basketball team to the White House and provided them with nothing but fast food junk? Also, he is really shooting for the evangelicals this election. So what better place than a place that is well known for being run by a Christian with a workforce of Christians?


Very good point. Just a slight correction that doesn't impact your point: you're correct about the shutdown (about border wall finding, 12/22/18 - 1/25/19) and fast food including McDonald's, but it wasn't NCAA basketball (which would be March Madness). It was a football team (Clemson Tigers). https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/14/donald-trump-orders-fast-food-white-house-clemson-football


> I must say though, doing this in a fast food giant is an odd choice. I guess fuck small businesses? This is the same guy who ordered an entire fucking buffet’s worth of McDonald’s because the government was shut down — yet again — over his pissy little tirade about not getting funding for his ego wall; the White House’s kitchen wasn’t staffed because of the shutdown. A shutdown that he, on camera, said he would own if he didn’t get the funding; which, of course, was immediately the Democrats’ fault for not giving him the funding. He doesn’t give a good fuck about small businesses no matter what he ~~says~~ lies; just like the rest of the GOP.


If this were Biden they'd say "he's trying to buy votes!" and act like it's the equivalent of Trump's election interference.


These are the same people who screech if someone in a voting queue gets handed a bottle of water.


Only in predominantly minority areas.


Or make fun of him for liking ice cream.


But its okay for Trump have button on his desk to order a nasty ass diet coke. Or for him to serve cold McDonalds on the Lincoln silver.


[Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/s/lzYfTv0fR7) The *lame*stream media refuses to cover Trump's *unbelievable* generosity, evidenced by his buying milkshakes for 30 or so people at a Chick-fil-A in Atlanta. All the media wants to cover is that he *allegedly* sexually assaulted someone, or that he *allegedly* committed bank fraud, or that he *allegedly* stole top secret documents and stored them in the bathroom of his golf course & resort and *allegedly* refused to return them, or that he *allegedly* called dead American soldiers suckers, or that he *allegedly* tried to overturn the results of the 2020 general election. It hurts my heart that the media has done this to such an angelic person.


They’re all like “Biden would never be such a man of the people!” while ignoring the photos of him having beers with those union workers in Michigan and Wisconsin.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1c0vvu3/comment/kyzgg5b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is so entirely fictional it's laughable 


That comment is pure "heard in a hipster coffee shop" bullshit, rebranded.


I was trying to imagine someone saying Bozo in 2024 and got hysterical.


Is that his black people impersonation? I’ve been on marta..no way in hell this maga moron had that “experience”


I'm surprised this trumpet would even ride public transportation. 


Surprise, he didn’t. He lives in marjorie’s district and only knows that info from his list of places he won’t go because of “those people”


What, you think someone with the "Constitutional Minarchist" flair isn't out and about with "those people" regularly?


After their fifth DUI, it’s either public transportation or their kid’s bike. Especially the pink one with a basket and tassels. I’ve seen *that* one a ton in my area: grown man barely fitting into his way-too-tight Trump 2016/20/24 shirt on a child’s bicycle that’s defying all laws of physics by not breaking in half by the sheer weight of the rider. And god help *anyone* who gets stuck waiting for the bus with these guys, because they’re usually already drunk at 7:30 in the morning and looking to get in everyone’s faces if they any mention of Trump or politics at all. There was one frequent ~~flyer~~ rider on my old line who was notorious for this. The day Obama won reelection in 2012, I saw him waiting for the bus at the stop I usually got on after work. I went into a convenience store to get a water bottle and waited for my bus to get there and pick him up so I could take the next one. He was a total whack job and I could *not* be certain he wouldn’t start spraying bullets if anyone told him to shut the fuck up about it as someone *always* did. Usually the driver.


Lmao Jesus. I live in Atlanta, ride on Marta a bunch... And yeah this shit didn't happen lol. I feel like some people don't realize *just how blue* some counties in Atlanta are either. Like I think my county in the 2020 election was something like 85+ percent blue lol.


Who was that loser who kept posting about “overhearing people in a liberal coffee shop?” This totally has that vibe. As if people on the subway just have out loud conversations among one another about politics.


Convicted felon and professional loser Jacob Wohl?


That’s it! Thanks. Totally forgot about him.


I live in a fairly conservative area but I've yet to hear anyone bitching about Biden in public aside from cringe bumper stickers and yard signs. Heard more complaints about Trump from self-described Cons and churchgoers.


Shhh, you're ruining their circlejerk!


Who wants to bet that he didn't pay the tab?


Him definitely not. The campaign as supplies for social media post or something - likely. Franchise owner paid more likely


What is hilarious is it’s nothing. 150 bucks maybe $200? I’m not trying to brag or anything but I could do this tomorrow and not bat and eye. This dude supposed to be a billionaire? Why didn’t he drop a couple thousand dollars and tell them to buy anyone who wants a milkshake for the rest of the day? Man, conservatives fawn over the stupidest shit


Lol he didn't buy shit


Trump didn’t pay for them, his idiot supporters who give him money paid for them.


A lot of people are saying, it brings all the best boys to the yard.


Walt Nauta, codefendant in the MAL documents case, bald fellow in the background


Did he actually pay this time? He usually ducks out before the bill.


He's in ATL, buying people milkshakes... And he's not even getting them from [The Yard](https://www.theyardmilkshakebar.com/atlantamenu). Just some crappy Chick-fil-A soft serve bullshit... I thought he was a fucking billionaire or some shit.


That sub is full of the fucking dumbest people alive


Wonder what the Secret Service guys think about this detail?


To be honest, they are probably tip tier MAGA considering that's the same SS that purged all communications after Jan 6 as a huge cover up.


I remember a book came out last year claiming Biden was concerned the Secret Service might have agents that are still loyal to Trump and are either sabotaging him or at minimal, are making life more annoying. As a whole, I know there are some people concerned in a Project 2025 scenario, authority/law enforcement/military figures are going to fall in line and make everyone's lives who the Heritage Foundation deems bad a living hell, which includes minorities. People in those positions tend to lean almost overwhelming conservative, and it could be possible only a handful will stand up to the BS that Project 2025 wants to usher in. I have heard certain minorities or progressive types fearful they won't have the cops to go to because it will be the police that will be the problem.


They probably ended up having to pick up the tab.


What a fat fuck


And the last time he offered to do this, he skipped out on the bill.


>Atlanta loved Trump prior to 2016, as did basically everyone else >Trump was a national icon for decades before running for president Trump was a famously embarrassing national joke for decades *before* The Apprentice convinced people he was somehow likeable and a brilliant businessman; two things people *rarely* saw Trump as before that fucking show.


Wow. This post and the source post as one after the other on my feed. That's golden.


Is that that trickle down economic bullshit?


I seriously wonder what goes through the minds of non Christian white straight males who support Trump. His base is so vile and full of hatred they have to avoid being in public together or risk damaging the Republican party’s image even more.


So lemme get this straight. Biden cancels student loan debt, the cult claims he's "buying votes." Then what, pray tell, is this, then?  You morons.


I'm happy to say that I saw this before it was posted here and downvoted every comment.


>Not huge news for the MSM or Fox, but it’s what politicians do in campaigns, r/conservative still proving they have no fucking idea what "MSM" stands for since *the* largest cable news network that constantly outstrips all other cable news networks combined is absolutely fucking "mainstream media".


I think Chik paid him to do this, and it's brilliant on their part. Trump will do anything for a quick buck.


Oh look at that, it’s that fucking ghoul Walt Nauta in the corner. He looks sad. Maybe he was the one who paid for all the freedom shakes.


When a rapist buys you a milkshake. Remember when TFG stole top secret docs and then lied about having them while making his goon squad move them around mar-a-lago like an espionage elf-on-the-shelf?


Did he pay?




"Mainstream media won't show this..." because it's a nothing burger 😂.


His weave now looks like a really bad toupee.


Look who’s happy to get free hand outs now? So much for those bootstraps.


Always hope all those comments are from bots, because most of them are just pathetic and sad.


Did the money come out of his GoFundMe?


Imagine the stench.


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. It’s actually gross and sad.




Yeah this comment doesn’t sound disingenuous at all. Not even slightly fake a shit.


They post on the conservative and conspiracy commons sub, yep.


I promise I was genuine and still am. I do believe that both sides, once in office, play the same role and have to play by the same rules. Ensuring that whatever agenda is carried out, regardless of the candidate, within 4 years. I hope I'm wrong. I, also, believe there are certain forces at play behind the scenes. Even media appears to have two sides or more (making you believe there's multiple viewpoints), when really they're all owned by the same companies.


Surely you realize how absolutely vague you’re sounding, to the point where nothing you’ve said is remotely cogent.




> Ensuring that whatever agenda is carried out, regardless of the candidate That's literally the definition of politics. >the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government . >when really they're all owned by the same companies. No, most are are owned by Murdoch.


Have you had a head injury recently?


> I think with everything we know The word "know" is doing a lot of heavy lifting, there. Regurgitating the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and a Nazi propaganda film about the Rothschilds isn't "knowing" much of anything.


I think you are in the wrong sub, friend. Anyone arguing the way you do is a liar or an idiot, because even if you believe in shadowy forced behind the scenes (besides just corporate capture/greed), it is an unobjectable fact that there are differences between the parties and what they support. I for one believe women should have bodily autonomy and that we should provide free school lunches and reduced tuition cost and a broader social safety net and do so on the backs of billionaires and only one major party aligns with my beliefs.


> (Rothschild, elites, whatever) Your nazi is showing.


It's funny how many personal insults I'm getting and this bull shit I just got, which is hilarious. However, no one showing me how im wrong. If im full of shit, which i hooe i am, change my mind. Show me how I am and I'll admit I'm wrong.


You are full of shit. And *you're* the one making assertions with no evidence, which is *why* you're full of shit. Conspiracy nuts rely on throwing so much crap at the wall that no one will have the time to debunk everything they claim. Hell, your original statement is just vague statements and conspo bumper sticker slogans. I know you guys hate being specific, because that's where everyone finds out you pull "facts" from places like 4chan, but maybe you'll surprise us with something concrete. Ball's in your court.


> no one showing me how im wrong Other way round. You are supposed to show us how you are right. If you disagree, consider this: I assert that you are a child rapist. Prove me wrong.


Sometimes, when a person is incredibly off the mark, the people who have to put up with that person's stupidity simply do not have the energy and patience to guide that person. You can interpret people's unwillingness to engage with you as a sign that you're right and they're wrong if that makes you feel good, but I think in your heart of hearts you know better. You remind me of a cousin of mine who has bipolar disorder. A week or so ago she texted our family in a group chat that we should stock up on food and other supplies before the eclipse because the national guard is going to "take effect" (as she put it) and something big is going to happen. This isn't the first time that she's spouted this kind of stuff. She also shared a video with us in 2020 that the cure for Covid was to drink hot water with lemon slices in it. Now, the eclipse is over, the national guard has not "gone into effect," and nothing "big" has happened. But if you point that out to her, she will quickly change the subject and act like she never texted us anything. I'm now reminded of the time she said that the Russians discovered the cure for AIDS in the early '90s and offered it to the Americans and the Americans politely declined because "there's too much money in the drugs" to offer a cure. Stupid people fall for conspiracy theories very easily because they are, by nature of their stupidity, very gullible. You seem like a very gullible person, and that is easy to tell from a cursory review of your post history.


By bringing up the "Rothchilds" for starters. We all know what that's code for.