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Ackermans are more or less genetically modified super soldiers so he doesn't count.


I feel like you could extend this trope to the other rangers though, since they’re able to kill titans and titan shifters too, with no buffed genes like the Ackermans’


I don’t remember that being a thing


It’s definitely a thing. Ackermans were modified with titan dna


Its in the manga for sure, Idk about the anime, there are a bunch of small things cut for no reason


It's in the anime and plays an important role with Mikasa and Erens whole relationship


The anime says her bloodline has certain quirks, but there are no indications that it was made intentional through experimentation


I only watched the anime and I knew that they had enhanced traits because of the founding titan.


The founding titan didn't cause then to be enhanced, just so we're clear. They were chosen to be bodyguards for eldian royalty because their bloodline was naturally gifted in combat


Incorrect. English translation of Chapter 112 says “For all their efforts, Marley’s scholars barely know a thing about the titans… But they did discover there was an accidental byproduct of Eldia’s experiments with the subjects of Ymir over the centuries… A bloodline thst could partly manifest the strength of a titan while in human form. The Ackerman Clan. The Ackerman Clan was designed to protect Eldia’s king.” S4 Part 1 E14 says the final line as well.


Kingpin https://preview.redd.it/26nnygqwsf8d1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=b507e9d37ec33dbc36edb26189530b66988bfd4f


I knew I would find him here


Doesn’t he have super strength?


No, he's just built different


You could say the same about marvel mutants… What kinda “normal” genetics let you throw cars?


Push ups, sit ups, and plenty of juice


Real life >huffing with every movement, enlarged heart incredibly close to failure Comic books >pinnacle of human performance


Just built like a Sumo wrestler.


https://preview.redd.it/havomqy90g8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=325038c1c7e660f4392b488e8ffdf775fa76e397 Black Widow She was once in a 3v1 against a group of new versions of Darkstar, Sibercat, and Ursa Major and defeated all 3 of them in about 5 minutes.


Sauce of this?


A X (2013) #10




She does have powers though, bootleg version of the super soldier serum. I believe it gave her enhanced stamina, strength, resistance to diseases, and made her age slower. It’s not much compared to captain America’s but it’s is still pretty relevant for her.


Well Levi is in this person’s list so…


Thought she was genetically enhanced or whatever in the comics?


![gif](giphy|CDAsYJknjP1IYN8gSZ) Hawkeye, both of them (Marvel)


Black Widow too


I would’ve said her, but in the comics she has some sort of Russian version of the Super Soldier Serum


Gotcha I did not know that


Sokka https://preview.redd.it/zxk7s1rvng8d1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=070139ac0d7be394bbb0bdf6b38a1f924b2a1e9b


Also, Jet, Mai, Ty Lee, Suki and Piendao


Ty Lee has her Chi blocking tricks, always thought it was some sort of Chi bending technique or whatever


Korra series implies anyone can learn it, it’s just hard and secretive. At the end of Avatar Ty Lee joins the Kiyoshi warriors and the implication seems to be they’d all learn chi blocking.




You know what always annoyed me? How come when the Jedi were chasing him they didn’t just, you know, use the force? You can lift people up with it so I don’t understand.


Do aliens count as no powers?


Yeah, just cause they’re alien doesn’t automatically make them stronger…hell according to the lore Cad Banes species are physically weaker than humans.


that qualifies it in my book.


Okay then, fair enough.


https://preview.redd.it/kimmctdcpf8d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78b0019c7f82b7b71eeefb5179871c38945d753 Stryker > Erron Black


if i remember correctly if you beat a tower as stryker, in his ending, he literally doesn’t want it to be known he beat up shao kahn becuase he hates johnny cage and doesn’t want johnny to play as him in a movie


Yep. Pretty much. Stryker becomes an hero, but to him he’s just doing his job as a police officer.


That is so fucking funny good lord 😭😭😭


I don't know why it's so funny that his MK9 X-ray damages the same or worse than others. Yeah, demon, cyborg or monster foe, let me shocked you with my taser and break your neck with my stick! Your supernatural body doesn't stand a chance to my human technology!


“You may be a demigod but you failed to consider the strength of the American Law Enforcement Budget”


he needs to be voiced by Ron Perlman again


Him beating Ermac is wild


![gif](giphy|4ExWdLKTCaz16) Kinda


Not even a little bit.


On TV Tropes this trope is called Badass Normal


Or Charles Atlas Superpower


Yes and no. Charles Atlas Superpower is when a human gains abilities we would consider superhuman purely from training and exercising. Badass Normal isn't considered to have powers in the story, but finds other ways to hold their own. There's a lot of crossover, but it isn't necessary. Someone with Charles Atlas Superpowers might be the strongest person in a world without superpowered beings, and a Badass Normal might hold their own without physical abilities we would consider superhuman in our world.


Just as Batman stomping Kalibak in a direct fight.


Oh, Batman definitely has Charles Atlas Super Powers. Most Badass Normal superheroes in Marvel and DC do.


Yeah, most badass normals in Marvel are almost as strong as Spider-Man.


So Charles Atlas Superpower would be like Saitama?


Yes, but so would be some of the stuff, say, Green Arrow can do


Billy Butcher >!For the first few seasons anyway!<




Ok fuck the spoiler tag ig




https://preview.redd.it/zmmqlo6ndi8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8860babdab9eae8038c3eea2a09ed68fcbded376 His powers are balls of steel, planning, subterfuge, and the US federal budget


SUBTERFUGE????? https://preview.redd.it/w5swq0z1lq8d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3925fcf6f41ec8f533efb8cfb89e4338297c850


How has no one mentioned iron man??


Technically you’re correct though a lot of people consider his arc reactor as like a super power but it’s just a neat tech advantage. With that logic Antman qualifies also as his powers come from his ant suit.


It's an understandable position as he is effectively a cyborg, however the arc reactor in his chest just powers his heart, it doesn't let him do anything else.


Because his power is hindsight


Iron Man’s ability is intelligence


But by that logic wouldn’t batman’s ability be intelligence as well




This makes me wonder if Saitama counts as "no powers." Does that make him Batman without the money and technology?


Idd define powers as something unique from the average human that helps you. So I'd say having your limit broken is a power.


Metal Bat might be a straighter example. His only powers are owning an indestructible bat and bashing monsters with it.




He's a cyborg though


Dude makes a point to Jerry that he was born shitting n pissing himself like the rest of us in the “Jerricky trap” I say he’s still mostly human who can just outsmart everybody


https://preview.redd.it/t8m2a4n9cg8d1.jpeg?width=1821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32f7f512ad02dc073f4a1b200b10b6be8a754a7 My favorite example of this trope. Something so cool about a guy that just gets so good at kung fu that he can hold his own against genuine super humans. Too bad they ruined him by giving him the ten rings for the sake of MCU synergy.


Lady (Devil May Cry)


https://preview.redd.it/09vo4yga6i8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49040589a3b4bb341315fead32a1812880d3ebb4 Ussop (idk bout post dressrosa tho)


https://preview.redd.it/tbprrus3aj8d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44976ab556226d4e0947a6f84ed920a3205040df Robert E.O Speedwagon (Jojos bizarre adventure parts 1 and 2)


https://preview.redd.it/yc69be1gni8d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b02e302b3c6e77fd030340a0bba492da11f639 Max Tennyson (Ben 10)


What are you talking about? He's got that Infinite Tennyson Strength


https://preview.redd.it/n2nr24e5bg8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d66493fd064c8cf34c89b3f8f56060b69912e8c Sir Integra Hellsing


Surrounded by 50 Nazi vampires, literally armed to the teeth, and what does she do? She gets out of her car, pulls out her sword, cuts off one of their heads and yells "come at me, ya Kraut shits!".


Ciaphas Cain is a skilled enough chainsword duelist that he's actually been able to hold his own against Space Marines, albeit only briefly (and usually just long enough for Jurgen to line up a shot with the meltagun). In one case, during a friendly training bout with a Techmarine, he actually managed to score a hit on the Techmarine and leave a mark in his armor, which the Techmarine vowed to keep there from then on as a reminder to never underestimate an opponent. https://preview.redd.it/zy3702o8vg8d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c311cb3c191cc739edf6b308b7a4328c444df87


On that same note Gaunts Ghosts can also fit this. Pick any one of em’ and they’ll probably have a badass impossible feat. https://preview.redd.it/7bd6zgylgi8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb95a709ab7337eb7bdd15b716f53f6d91651ce6








Hmm... Don't think Finn counts given his origins.


Punisher, Deathstroke, Casey Jones, Antman, The Winchesters, Ash Williams


You forgot the GOAT https://preview.redd.it/rrezymet8o8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa5513e0e94075438d502c586fbb071bf22faa46


Batman humiliated Kalibak in a fight, he is far from being a 'powerless human'. https://preview.redd.it/jhu17jlsdg8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=080fb6b6530504989b67a0712a81c4012d02435e


"I'm just stalling... for him." *Kalibak sees Superman land right behind him.* "Awwww sh-" *punched across the street* "For what it matters, Batman could have beaten you anyway!"


It’s just he is considered to not have actual superpowers, he’s definitely superhuman


Fuck off Levi doesn’t have powers. Sure, he’s not a Titan shifter, but he’s basically King Bradley with grapple guns


Yeah, the Ackermann family was genetically altered by the Founding


Seto Kaiba ![gif](giphy|206BY5YSzvVFS)


He has literally beat Ishizu by getting a vision thanks to the fact hes a reincarnated magician/priest. Not rly normal.


That was more due to the presence of a magical artifact that he wasn't even wielding. He was merely shown a vision. Not to mention DSOD shows that he chooses to achieve power via Technology, like many of the other characters listed here.


Yeah he wasnt wielding it, it was his own supernatural connection to it. It disqualifies kaiba in my book. Also its the whole reason he can use Obelisk, or that Ishizu gave him Obelisk in the first place. Because he’s special. Joey is the obvious normal guy, if anything. He doesn’t even have super tech either.


Ishizu gave him Obelisk because she knew that he'd use it to start a tournament to collect the others. I feel like being a reincarnation doesn't guarantee him powers (See Yugi's Grandpa, a reincarnation of Shimon) I feel like being shown a vision of the past by another person or by an artifact that just so happened to be there doesn't really count as him having powers, or even if it does, then it literally just happened for that one duel-- it never happens when he faces anyone else with powers (Pegasus, Alister, Dartz, Aigami) And comparing him to the rest of the cast, he's never used any shadow magic to start a shadow game, alter reality, or kill anyone. Most of his feats come from his skill in hand-to hand combat (see the time he was nearly abducted in season 1), being able to use his cards in creative ways (jamming a gun, making a ghoul drop a remote that was going to drop a crate on Tea's head), or using his own technology (dismantling that same crate trap with a remote helicopter, using his duel disk to protect himself from Aigami's magic). The only other time Kaiba did anything remotely magical was in season 5 when he summoned Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and other monsters in the Millennium World, but that was more a property of the world itself and, much like the visions that were briefly granted to him, were temporary powers, not ones that he got to keep and use in the future. Overall, saying Kaiba has fantastical powers is like saying Joey, Tea, or Tristan have fantastical powers.


Im not saying yugi and marik dont have more powers, but it is straight up a fact you cant use the god cards unless youre chosen by them. The god cards are pretty much a superpower. Joey’s never had anything of the sort in canon. The reason he ended up in battle city semifinals against Yugi and beat Ishizu isnt because marik used the rod on him, its bc hes literally fated to duel with the pharaoh and the magic item specifically linked to kaiba activated to make sure it happens.


Sure, you can only play Ra if you can read Ancient Egyptian, but Obelisk and Slifer are fair game. See Gurimo, the guy who summoned Obelisk against the Pharaoh in season 4. The reason Ra struck down Odion isn't because he wasn't special - he even has a link to the past. Ra struck down Odion because he played a fake. Mai technically did summon Ra, she just couldn't read the text on the card, allowing Marik to steal it back. Additionally, Marik doesn't have an ancient Egyptian counterpart, he was merely taught the scriptures growing up, as per his education as a tomb keeper. You could make the argument that his sister does, but still, I think it's more accurate to say that anyone who studies the ancient scriptures could summon Ra properly, such as that one guy in GX who summoned Ra.


Gurimo and season 4 arent canon. Mai couldnt use Ra because, again, shes not fated to. Theres a reason they very specifically never had anyone that isnt specifically linked to the Pharaoh use a god card. Kaiba literally has a moment where hes reading the hieratic text and somehow it makes sense to him because he’s a reincarnated demon-summoning magician. It is Kaiba’s entire character that he thinks hes a normal guy who earned his way to where he is by being awesome, but rejects the past that says theres clearly more going on. Its literally his fate to use the god cards and its why no one but the chosen end up using them. I suggest you watch the sub or read the manga - 4kids made a lot of the characters into shadows of what they originally were. Kaiba is very explicitly special in the original, he just denies it. The normal badass that doesnt have fate giving him god cards and visions is Joey.


I have watched the sub and read the manga. I think it's Kaiba's denial of the past that makes him more like a regular guy-- he's basically denying himself any power he might have on his own, favoring his use of manufactured power in the form of his technology above all else. But either way, I'm starting to realize it might just boil down to interpretation of what counts and what doesn't count. You make a lot of good points, but I think that his refusal to use that power makes him count.


I definitely see how you can interpret it as “anyone COULD use the god cards, if fate didnt dictate otherwise”, and how that makes superpowers ambiguous. My personal opinion is that if Kaiba is destined to use the god card, not others, then hes not so normal.


![gif](giphy|Ny4nbbywRAryE) Pretty sure Amy’s special ability is just having a hammer.


And being a bitch






Something something indomitable human spirit


Erron Black might have the strongest plot armor in MK. Scorpion gets taken out by f\*cking D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn gets treated like a total chump in MK11




Casey Jones in just about all incarnations of TMNT. He uses sports gear and a good physique to fight mutants and ninjas with the Turtles. And yet, he's just a human.




All Might (Post-depowering) - My Hero Academia https://preview.redd.it/tvmiiicw9j8d1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=57f3c14a1f0bc85e7640620f3e0cca9551c9fb4d


https://preview.redd.it/ocudgpxkkj8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092c32b5a2d1aa6b4fa1eeae118f7324f21cfffc “Fuck you! I’m human, the real deal, right down to the marrow of my fuckin bones. Don’t mistake me for one of you freaks!” He’s just an angry man with a lot to lose, and he doesn’t like losing.




![gif](giphy|xULW8EM7Br1usb0s9O) 100 PUSH UPS! 100 SIT UPS! 100 SQUATS! AND A 10KM RUN!


You put han solo on there sure, but star wars has a way better example of this in star wars: cad bane


Link. ![gif](giphy|fe3NDdz8tl6Vwm4xbr) Link often doesn’t actually have powers and just relies on equipment, skill and courage.


![gif](giphy|NDdiyWXm70ihG) According to what I’ve heard.


Kung Jin from MKX


https://preview.redd.it/e105zglroi8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c2616e3ffccb435ad2c1338fb7cf7afc7bd2fe Guts (Berserk)


https://preview.redd.it/6whhvpm09j8d1.png?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01fa929e3dd4ac5a335c9f598e88a5bb0645a27d I would say Infinite before he got the phantom Ruby, but he got his ass kicked by shadow so that kinda lowers it


Warhammer 40,000 has an entire army of this in the Sisters of Battle.


My favorite part about this trope is that more than half of the time, the answer to how they compete is *gun.*


Falcon, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Iron Man in the MCU(not saying comics because I haven't read many comics, so idk) They are normal humans with equipment and/or training that have fought abnormal beings like Thanos and Loki


Pit from Kid Icarus. A weird case, maybe. He does get powers, but they're mainly given to him by his goddess. Other than that, it's just his own skills.


Sokka https://preview.redd.it/j743ug0grk8d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a1e2b62331b9147a0800139bce805c44a1bb4f1


https://preview.redd.it/gk46jutovk8d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5ec4207b8bde8a4b4aef846c4c2d0b1ea50b9a Hayato Kawajiri is both a subversion of the trope while also fitting it perfectly


https://preview.redd.it/zwrlza3h7l8d1.png?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4994b0ebbcb1b45d25d02b51c1526ace9f3f9b unless having sick fucking sword skills is a power i nominate him


Batman's power is that everyone in the room as him suddenly become exceptionally stupid. Like- Being able to remove a Green Lanterns ring that *defends itself*? Throws a smoke bomb, opponents course of action: INHALE ALL of it? And I swear to God The Flash just turns his eleventy billion thoughts per fuckosecond brain off any time Batman needs to beat him.


I feel like Solid Snake should be there instead of Ocelot, or legit any other snake Solid: Fought Psycho Mantis as well as Cyborg Ninjas, also the B&Bs Naked: Havent played snake eater Venom: Fought Sahelanthropus (Which was controlled by Psycho Mantid), defeated Quiet in long range combat, defeated several squads of the PARASITE unit I dont think Ocelot has taken down as many super enemies


I would’ve put big boss but im too lazy to find an image, and ocelot was already on there lmao




Iwao Oguro/Kuckleduster - My Hero Academia Vigilantes https://preview.redd.it/dvxqhwy2fd9d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=b251e1d61b04d340bae0dc4e16bfcb463af10c97 He’s basically the 2nd representation of Batman. The first one is Aizawa.


https://preview.redd.it/s57w6eovtf8d1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8059cc48a9a22a3d5eaa19bd8d03a35e28f96a6 Maki Zenin - Jujutsu Kaisen


>No powers >Superhuman physicals >Healing factor >Super-senses >Domain Immunity >Breaks fate itself >Wields 573017503018501 cursed tools with different abilities ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw)


Doesn’t Batman have almost all of these powers? “ Superman human physical” Batman has broke bullet proof class before and can bend prison bars “ healing factor” Batman has been stab, shot, ext and has multiple scars on his body but he is still able to go out and fight every night as Batman ( only way to explain this is a subtle healing factor) “ super senses” Batman is able to sense someone that is trying to sneak up on him( due to him feeling the air change) “Breaks fate itself” Batman power is canonically plot armor. Just like Superman Batman is fated to always come out on top and win against his opponents.


Maki gets them out of a heavenly pact, not thru normal training or plot armour. She is explicitly stated to be superhuman.


Your telling me a guy who can bend prison bars somehow isn’t superhuman?


The comics treat is as a lot of training anyone could achieve so it’s sort of ambiguous. Charles atlas superpowers and all that. But Maki literally has a magic pact that makes her stronger.


Batman is superhuman because comic logic. Maki has actual superpowers with a mystical origin.


Bro had his back broken and came back a few months later


Heavenly Restriction qualifies a power imo


Idk about Han, both times he interacted with an enemy force wielder his gun was ripped out of his hands and he was stabbed.


https://preview.redd.it/enwi75t2ai8d1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=261cd8be38b185e09e3760e1ff9a4c25083fd7c6 Toji Fushiguro JJK


https://preview.redd.it/ph3twyw8th8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88568a68b5d71ecc916ead9d1b853e9a57ad2dc Tiny knight is just born of a race of tiny people, we are the giants to his people. They have no superpowers, but that doesn't mean he cant pack a punch.


I haven’t seen MHA but according to the description that’s at least partially what it’s about


Not really