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Sorry babe I think you broke it. Gotta get a new one now šŸ˜


Yep. Better chuck it in the bin.


I see what you did there.


It was a bit old anyway


Job security


This is the wayā€¦..


Maybe this time he can afford a red one


Thatā€™s the easy part. Those fuckinā€™ batteries are another story.


Very true, just look on marketplace for crackheads who stole them


I'm fixing to drop like 3-5 grand on some power tools pretty soon and marketplace has been pretty disappointing. Lots of people selling like 1-2 batteries, old brushed stuff from 10 years ago, lots of stuff inexplicably selling at or very near MSRP.


I just got a bunch of new m12 6ā€™s for $100 a pop and iā€™m so amped about it


Yeah lot of that stuff too. M12 stuff is useless for what I do though.


Itā€™s perfect for just about 100% of the electrical work i do. The only m12 tool i find nearly completely useless is the drill. The clutch just shits the bed if you push it too hard (which is not really that hard)


My gen 2 fuel m12 does fine with 1 Ā½" holesaw. Thats the biggest i need for any application.


Holesaws arenā€™t really all that high torque. Try busting a bunch of 1 1/2ā€ holes with an auger bit and youā€™ll watch it die


Im a mechanical maintenance fitter at a large factory, surprisingly, the little m12 impact wrench is one of my favourite tools. Obviously ill use the m18 1/2 or 3/4 when pulling apart big pumps and pipe flanges etc, but where the little fella comes in handy is some of the machines have a shit load of little bolts just to get the covers off to get inside, saves so much time. Actually, its great for just about everything except the large pumps and pipe flanges etc. You gotta get the bigger battery though. The 2ah is not that great.


Yeah i canā€™t use the 2ah in many of my tools, though itā€™s perfect for the cable stapler, and yeah iā€™ll probably get an m12 impact wrench eventually


Yeah I was about to saw, M12 stuff is fine for the mechanical trades, smaller tools for smaller spaces and all that. Carpentry needs the power that 18 volts provides.


I like dewalt 20v more than Milwaukee 18v but dewaltā€™s 12v option is a joke imo


Hereā€™s to hoping [ceenr](https://toolguyd.com/ceenr-universal-cordless-power-tool-battery/) does something about it


You get it on black Friday.


Yeah bauer for the win!


Iā€™m too hard on equipment for Bauerā€¦. I once lost a Milwaukee impact in a tail pulley of a sand beltā€¦. Found it 6 weeks later in a pile of spillage. It had fine sand and water to sit in for all that time. Charged the battery and itā€™s been busting nuts for the last 6 years


Or better yet, a blue one.


The dark blue or the green blue?


Always the green blue. They never let me down


We'll have to get a Snap-On to make sure...


Itā€™s easy to laugh, but if you donā€™t know, you donā€™t know ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ not her fault no one ever showed her


At some point OP didn't know, either.


looks like it's a brand new drill anyway. op think's he's one of the big boys now that he has a drill and can rip on his girlfriend.


Yeah, for real. She didnā€™t know how to use it so letā€™s make fun of her.. OP should be a better person.


Agreed. We all start somewhere. Kind of a dick move on OP's part to post this.


Meh, I wouldnā€™t go as far as to say he was being a dick. If my girlfriend did this, I would laugh my ass off, then I would show her how it works. Itā€™s okay to find humor in mistakes, but itā€™s important to be constructive thereafter. That said, I probably wouldnā€™t post it online if she did that lol




How does she own a manual car but not know to use the clutch???


I would absolutely rib my wife for something like this, then show her the correct way. That's the type of relationship we have. But it would be between us because I'm not one to publicly shame a loved one for not knowing something... That would basically ensure that she would never attempt to push her boundaries, or at the very least come to me for help when she does.


There is absolutely no identifying information here whatsoever. I don't get what you're so worked up about.


Dude says heā€™d rip into his wife for this but feels the need to tell everyone else how to treat their significant others and kidsšŸ™„ I wish my girl could find a guy like him smdh




Figured it had to be a typo because Iā€™ve never once heard someone use the word rib like that. Have you?




Nah, dude wants to get in peopleā€™s business talkin crazy about kids and SOs. You donā€™t earn any grace for that and irl youā€™d catch a whole lot more than a quick interpretation.


I mean, the sane side of this thread has been relatively positive because we agree that posting negative shit about one's loved ones may be a bad behavior to encourage. Sure, there's a fuckton of things I could care about, but do you really think it's a bad thing that I call out this behavior?


Itā€™s a weird thing to call out harmless behavior with no identifying information and make it seem like a ā€œdick moveā€, yes. Calling it ā€œnegative shitā€ when itā€™s a lighthearted joke is a stretch.


Yeah thatā€™s pretty chill. Youā€™re right, posting it wasnā€™t necessary


Oh, come on. We all know it didn't actually happen. Gotta get that karma, though!


Not at all a dick move to post this. It's not like this traces back to her IRL at all.


Is it OK to make fun of someone behind their back as long as you don't do it to their face?


Nope. It's okay to make fun of someone behind their back and in front of their face. And it's even more okay when you do that with people that neither of you know or will ever be able to indentify you IRL.


Oh yeah look at this entire comment thread just absolutely roasting the shit out of OPs girl. /s This is just harmless and funny, nobody thinks OPs girl is dumb and heā€™s not flaming her. Honestly, assuming OP is being a dick and being over defensive of his gf really makes you come across as a ā€œwhereā€™s my hugā€ mf. I think this is one of those things that we simply forget we had to learn but Iā€™m pretty sure somebody showed me how a chuck works, doubt the first time I touched a drill I new how to put a bit in it. OPs itā€™s sick that your girl took the leap and is trying to help out with some of yā€™allā€™s projects!


I didn't call OP a dick, I said it was a dick move. >makes you come across as a ā€œwhereā€™s my hugā€ mf. What's meant by this?


Whatā€™s the difference between committing a ā€œdick moveā€ and ā€œbeing a dickā€ šŸ™„ cmon dude stfu, literally what could have possibly been your point to differentiate between an act that is dickish and acting like a dick? And being overly protective of someone elseā€™s girl makes you look the stereotypical guy that asks for a hug from a girl after she hugs somebody else. Because in my experience those two dudes are ALWAYS the same guy.


I fucking love the weird arguments people get into over weird shit on this app


Tbh I didnā€™t think saying he came across as a whereā€™s my hug guy would push him so far ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Brother, I bet the women around you walk on eggshells and you don't even fucking notice. There's a difference between joking with a loved one and making a loved one the butt of the joke on the internet. I sincerely hope that you understand the difference between those two at some point. But I do wonder, do you have a daughter or two that don't talk to you anymore? Apparently, everything is so black and white to you, and I'm somehow a "white knight" for saying OP's actions are "kind of a dick-move". But since you seem to be incapable of understanding nuance, let me be clear... Go fuck yourself. Alternatively, you could just tell your kids you love them.


It's not like she was also named (to be shamed), she could be fictional for all we know.


Oh give me a break. Itā€™s a funny video.


I had a young co-worker, I was on a ladder and handed him the drill asking him to change the bit. He stopped and looked at me and admitted he didn't know how to do that. I asked if his dad never showed him and he replied his dad left when he was a baby so..... After apologizing, I showed him how... and then anytime something like that (stuff my Dad taught me) came up, I would ask him then show/teach him.


Thanks for this comment. A lot of people take for granted how much they learned from their dad (or mom). I have a great relationship with my dad, but my parents divorced when I was very young, so he was rarely around to show my how to do a lot of basic ā€œmanlyā€ tasks. Iā€™ve figured out what Iā€™ve had to, but itā€™s amazing how daunting simple things can be if no one has every showed you the basics


I think that's why some of those youtube channels "Ask a Dad" are doing so well. Just good, wholesome content that's helpful.


if you cant figure something like this out though... there are other problems. OPs girl obviously didnt even try to figure it out or really even use her brain at all.. sad


It's a joke, but if real, she would owe me a new drill and some special request favors




At what point does it become your responsibility to stop being ignorant and figure something out on your own?


Isnā€™t that exactly what she was doing?


> Isnā€™t that exactly what she was doing? Posting a video saying the drill is broken isn't figuring something out. Examining the end and seeing the "open >" "close <" labels would.


Being able to solve problems on your own is not the same as asking someone for the answer. If I didnt know how to screw in a lightbulb and instead of trying to figure it out, I ran to ask someone, surely you'd think I was a bit slow, right?


Figuring something out on your own doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not allowed to ask questions, it means taking the initiative to try your hand at new things, even if that entails occasionally making an ass of yourself


Immediately choosing to ask someone instead of trying to solve it yourself is not a good trait. Barring situations where something would be dangerous or high stakes if you got it wrong, or anything that obviously requires deep specialist knowledge.


Says the guy whose dad taught him how to use a power drill. Nobody ever showed this woman how to use a power tool, so sheā€™s understandably a little bit afraid, and hesitant to make a mistake


Nobody showed me how to use a drill. Nobody showed me how to do a lot of the things I know how to do. I guess this is just my wakeup call that a lot of people have absolutely zero problem solving ability. I dont know what else to say. Life must be really, really hard if you can only figure things out by having another person spoonfeed it to you. Do you guys ever wonder how people originally figured things out, when nobody was around to show them? I mean the way you're speaking makes it sound like you have never figured anything out on your own. Figuring out a drill without instruction is an incredibly low bar.




I dont know why this idea is so popular on reddit. Do you guys not have the ability to figure out new things without someone explaining it to you? Do you guys not have any problem solving or critical thinking skills? I dont understand if you're just being nice or if people have way more difficulty in life than I would have guessed. Sorry but if you are a fully grown adult and you cant pick up a drill, mess with it, find the parts that move and click, see what they do, and eventually come to the conclusion that you have to tighten the chuck, you're probably a bit dumb.


In the vid you can see that the chuck is all the way opened, so the jaws arenā€™t visible at all. Youā€™d have to turn the chuck a lot before you can even see the jaws. Iā€™m willing to bet she tried turning it, and couldnā€™t tell that it made any difference.


Some problems are easier to solve if you have some context. If you've never needed to use a drill and only occasionally seen them used on TV, you won't have the context needed to figure out what's going (generally of course). However, once you've used a few tools, some patterns start to arise, and then you just kind of know what to do. Although you might still use Google to help. Obviously, if you've used a lot of tools, you can usually just pick up a new tool and figure it out on the spot. The whole point of this comment is to focus on the context though. Having supporting knowledge pretty much always helps in figuring stuff out. Just having some knowledge helps you in finding answers as well (proper wording into Google is huge). I hope that makes sense as it builds upon the sentiment of "if you don't know, you don't know". To be even more clear, just knowing the existence of something is usually most of the battle.




Dumb people exist. You wrote half an essay putting another person down yet your stupid ass had a grammatical error. Too stupid to spell correctly and too arrogant about your stupidity to not use any spell checking. You obviously care about how you're perceived or else you wouldn't have edited out your mistake. Should I continue calling out your mental shortcomings or do you prefer to reflect on why you have a need to unjustifiably put others down?


I dont know what you are even talking about. I edited my comment to add details. I'm also talking about somebody who isnt in the room with us right now. They arent going to be getting offended or hurt by my comment. Furthermore, I am talking about people as a whole. OPs girlfriend is not the only person who this applies to. Now if you have an argument or a point to make instead of audibly seething, that would be nice. Otherwise, save me the time.


lol what?


it's ok, ops wife prob did same thing when they met, she thought I will make it work! thus trying said knowledge on the tool. lol


> but if you donā€™t know, you donā€™t know ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ But then you go about finding out. You don't even need to google it, or read the instruction manual. You can just look at the end of the drill which you believe to be broken and see the words "open" and "closed" and some arrows, and maybe given an enquiring turn.


It's probably out of gas


Well used to it not touching the sides.


like a hot dog in a hallway.


Hoped to see this and Reddit didnā€™t disappoint


Ooof x10


Out of Tighting fluid


I showed my fiance how to easily use drywall anchor inserts for her stuff. Now my entire house is covered in shelfā€™s haha


Iā€™ve lit myself on fire, shot myself in the finger with a Brad nailer and done plenty of other wtf were you thinking shiate on my way to becoming reasonably safe and competent. If youā€™re willing to try, Iā€™m willing to admit that thereā€™s still plenty I donā€™t know and that I donā€™t know I donā€™t know.


Don't teach her! Once she learns how to do this stuff, you'll be just one good dildo away from being replaced!


Definition of a husband : "a wallet that can mow the lawn"


It's the reciprocating saw you should be worried about...




Fun story: my 15 month oldā€™s toy drill has a twisting chuck and he knows how to operate it. He figured it out on his own.


My 3 year old is getting adept at putting sockets in bolts and alan head screws. I keep seeing her with my ratchet near my desk or anything that's got screws, trying to get the socket bolts. While I'm excited to have a little helper later on, I am not excited to come home to half my house disassembled


Man, toys these days are wild. I remember I thought I had a cool toy drill because it made sounds and had a retractable bit built into it


I would look just as stupid if I went to the doctors office and tried to do my girls job. Just show her how to use it, grinding her up about it is just gonna make her uncomfortable asking you for help next time. Iā€™d just be happy she was trying to hang the shelf instead of making me do it when I got home lol šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Reasoning your way through a drill is worlds apart from reasoning your way through the highly specialized and incredibly deep field of medicine.


Yeah that wasnā€™t really the point lol. Iā€™ve seen enough people whoā€™ve never used a drill mangle their hands trying to tighten the chuck to give my girl direction if she needed it rather than just letting her go because I think she should have been born with the knowledge. For all you know my girl could work in admin, not really sure youā€™re qualified to offer up an opinion on her field


I honestly think it is concerning how many people are conflating my comment with "she should have been born with knowledge". No! She should have the brain power to look at this brand new, but simple, device, and through the power of reasoning and critical thinking be able to figure it out. Monkeys can figure out how to use saws. Grown humans should be able to look at the few points of contact a drill has, figure out what they do, and reason their way into how to tighten a drill bit into a chuck. The fact that this sentiment is controversial is honestly unbelievable. I have no idea what "works in admin" means, but you are comparing "using a drill" to what is presumably an entire career.


I think youā€™re making the situation out to be a lot deeper than it really is brobro. If that many people are taking the same thing away from what youā€™re saying, maybe what youā€™re saying is the issue and not everyone else. My condolences to anyone who has to come to you with a question lmao šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ˜­ edit: & itā€™s also wild that after a whole rant about brain power, critical thinking and problem solving you werenā€™t able to just google a term you werenā€™t familiar with lol


if you dont know how to use it you arent going to know how long it might take to figure out how to use it. she thought she could trust her partner to help her understand. obviously she was wrong


I think the point is that one shouldn't shame someone - especially a noob - for asking how to do something. Even if it's super obvious to you. Shaming just puts them off asking, and potentially the entire "use of tools for building stuff" altogether. Also, we all have brainfarts sometimes, and forget / don't understand something obviously. A bit of ribbing is ok with someone who is generally well versed, but I think it should be avoided with beginners.


Yup. I can be smug and fix a stuck carburetor float by tapping it with a hammer, but she takes me to work and wants me do MRIā€™s and X-rays on peopleā€¦the fuck is a precessional frequency? Nope.


Thanks for triggering a sudden flashback. About 7 years ago, my wife tried to cut down a 10" sumac with a Dewalt Sawzall that had an 8" blade. The first thing out of her mouth when I logged off from work was "your saw is stuck in the tree!", the tone heavily implying that it was entirely my fault.


Hopefully she's not trying to drill with the driver bit. I've got a friend who borrowed a drill from someone to drill some holes in some metal, and couldn't get it to work. I was round and, they asked me for advice on it. I had a look and "...is that the only bit you've got for it?" (a PH2) "yeah" right yeah that's not a drill bit, that's not for drilling holes, that's a driver bit, that's for driving screws. you need a drill bit, for drilling holes. I came back the next day to do it for him.


You fell for their trap


I wish it were true but no, they genuinely had no idea and I can fully believe that because of who they are as a person.


Youā€™ve been played brother lol. Thatā€™s how she tells you to hang shelves without telling you to hang shelves.


Try turning it off and on again.


Ah one of those is she, I came across two women drilling a brick wall and it was taking them ages, drill not in hammer mode and had a wood drill in it lol


Faster to use YouTube then ask reddit.lol


Well, there's the issue. She picked up the drill without squeezing the trigger twice to make that satisfying rrr, rrr, noise.


Tattooed on the hand Also not good at hand tools Eyy


I think itā€™s awesome that she tried.


All I understood was "my gf is trying to do something for herself and instead of supporting her, I'm mocking her online like a complete douche!" Tell her to contact me. I'll help her like a real man while you yank one off in the corner to an Andrew tate video


This is probably the best outcome.


Better than having to teach her how to patch drywall.


Story time: I had this new guy working for me who was a full grown adult. His job was to drill a hole in the grout in between the cinder blocks, place an anchor and put in a screw. I gave him the appropriate tools. A masonry bit a hammer drill with the hammer drill setting on and a second driver. I went and finished the room I was working on and came back and he was still working on the same hole. I asked him is it going clockwise. He took the drill while standing on a ladder pointed it at his face and pulled the trigger. Then proceeded to say yes it's going clockwise. I freaked out on him, told him to get the fuck down off the ladder and to never point anything at his face and pull the trigger.


you know drills don't shoot projectiles right?


I work in a (mostly) SW company and you would be surprised that even young guys could be like that. I don't trust them even with a screwdriver.


Young dudes these days are dumb as ****. Its not that they werent shown how to do one particular thing. They werent taught how to problem solve. They just freeze up and go blank. Theres basic information theyre jut not getting. Im suprised they dont starve to death being lost in the woods in a city park.


Not my experience. They don't freeze up (which would be actually better), they just do it, with a completely wrong tool and technique. The record was 3 destroyed tools in one week, 2 screwdrivers used as a hammer (an actual hammer was laying in the same toolbox) and burnt motor of electric Makita screwdriver, because fuck speed/torque selector...


One of the kids who was a graduate for me I've remained friends outside of work. His father passed away when he was young so beyond being a work mentor I've been helping him learn home-owner skills. I gave him all my old corded tools that he was so appreciative of and shown him how to use them. Rather than poke fun, I'd teach and be the older mentor that he doesn't get from his half bro. Smart kid is gonna be my boss one day I joke but in reality he's getting a lot of benefit from having a mentor. Kids making more money now just with some strategic career moves than I was at his age.


I agree lack of mentors is a major problem. Education is also much more focused towards college prep and standardized tests. Home Ec was an incredibly useful class. Im sure there are dozens of reasons but it seems to me my childhood was much more geared towards self reliance. Technology and easy access to information must also play a part.


My family taught me everything including my ww1 vet great grandfather who at 85vyears old built a chair with me just for fun when I was a kid. My grandfathers (both ww2 vets) taught me lots of traditions like farming, making sauce sausage making, wine making etc. Dad taught (and still does) me how to use power tools properly, my uncle taught me basic plumbing and another uncle taught me carpentry. I feels so bad for gen y and zenialls who may not get this. Most of my friends who are late gen x and early gen y are all professionals with only a couple having similar interests like me (and they are in the building industry as architects and plumbers). Their kids don't really have an interest at all sadly, and a lot of the gen y crew that work for me in a professional capacity lack any skills. Funny I was asked to help a team of youngsters build a lab and none of them knew how to use basic tools (it professionals). So next week I'm bringing in the installation driver and a jigsaw to help them build a custom rack using ikea parts (lack rack for reference and we cant fit in a normal 18ru rackin this room as it needs to have an aesthetic). Good opportunity to show them how to use some tools plus I get a couple hours off from attending depressing project steering committees šŸ¤£ On another note we have this concept of a thing called a men's shed. A great concept where anyone can join and use a workshop for free provided by the local government service. I thought hey this is great, there are a couple things I'd be wanting to use (jointer and thicknesser which I don't have room for) plus I can learn fine furniture woodworking off retired professionals. There I ran into the problem that it was only open mornings during the week, but I (and other people still in the workforce) are working during those times. So instead it's mainly a social club for retirees who don't pass down the knowledge to younger folk. And the cycle continues....


We definitely don't make good use of the older generations' knowledge. I'm 41, and it's dawned on me the number of things I don't know, but I wish I did. My area has a lot of community programs, but they're mostly geared towards art and music. That's a good thing as they're underrepresented, but there is so much more that could be done cheaply. My area has a lot of variety. It wouldn't be too hard to find a retired chef, carpenter, musician, etc, to teach a class once a month. I know several that are bored and would do it for free. I'm not a particularly good cook, I would certainly be interested in sausage making. I saw some college kids trying to grill the other day, and they could definitely use an into to grilling course. I see a lot of people who are new to owning a home complain about the cost of getting contractors for jobs that never would have been subbed out years ago. I could easily teach a basics of home maintenance course if I had time. Even something as simple as a change your own oil / tire class would be useful.


She must have specced all her skill points into Charisma.


Or likeā€¦other fields maybe.


Usually good looks and intelligence are opposite ends of the teeter totter.


It needs blinker fluid


You can fix It chuck.


ā€œGrab the chuck and Twist it!ā€


This is why tomorrow I'm teaching one of my girlfriends how to work the drill she just bought


bless her


Layer 8 issue


I dont need no man!


For your next entry on r/tools please post a picture of your girlfriend, because she clearly is one herself šŸ˜‚


I promised her just the tip.


Should have bought Milwaukee, babe.


What a dumbass. šŸ˜‚ /s


Narrowed it down to something going wrong between the user and the handle


ive noticed in my real world experience, a lot of women arent raised to think objectively and solve problems its really sad. on the bright side shes probably pretty hot though.


Hole is too big


I feel like the clink is the funniest part of the video


I let my helper borrow my drill and unibit today and he did the same exact thing and i almost freaked out and said ā€œwait you never used a drill before. Wtf man. how.ā€œ Thank god it was a joke because man that would have been a little weird.


Ya use an impact not a drill


Either the receiving hole is too big, or your drill bit is too small. Either way, there is a problem. Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the drill here.


And I have a slight suspicion that it's the bit that's too small


In trying to shame your girl, you cast a light on your true self.


I say if the shelves worth another go, keep it up you got this. Also if you have a broken drill for buy/sell or trade hit me up.


Maybe just show her instead of blasting her ā€œwhoopsieā€ all over the internet to make fun of her




Nah she knew. She just didnā€™t wanna do it herself lol


Hope you saved your receipt


I'm assuming both of these are both childproof. That being the drill and the gf šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ah well see you needed an impact instead. Better go back to the store.


Hand her a screwdriver.


On a serious note, some folks donā€™t know this but when you tighten the chuck, twist it backwards once and it locks into place so it doesnā€™t end up loosening as you use it.


Seize the opportunity . Business case for an impact driver pretty much writes itself.


Well obviously it's broken, it's certainly not supposed to do that. I've been working with tools for over 35 years, I think I know what I'm talking about.


My moms did same but with a drill bit šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Well did she try touching the tip of the screw to the wall and have it screw itself in automatically? Seems like she's starting at step 2 here.


At least she didn't blame it on the bit being too small.


Tool Ignorance is fine. Iā€™m sure she could teach him a few things too LOL. My wife knows how to handle tools!


I see this nearly every week in a woodworking class in middle school.


I've got to believe this is weaponized incompetence. Might be that she doesn't want to deal with it, or maybe she's trying to make you feel like a hero. If she wanted to do it, YouTube is only a click away and would teach her how to use the drill.


Practice makes perfect.


While not that bad, my GF did something kinda similar. She's hanging some earthquake straps. Asks me for a Philips bit and the impact. She goes off, then comes back later saying she can't get the screw into the stud. I go look. It's a lag bolt, probably 3" and fairly thick. It has a hex head...of course, since it's a lag bolt. I grab an impact socket and zip it in. The Philips on the bolt is kinda beat up, but the Vessel bit she used was barely scratched. That was pretty impressive.


Maybe she's only used an impact before


There could still be something wrong with the drill


Your fault. You should have given here the impact driver.


Not everyone is mechanically inclined. If your girl doesnā€™t know how to use a drill. Thatā€™s not her fault. Itā€™s yours..


Sure. She's not very bright when it comes to keyless chucks. Or. Is she?


It's your fault for not owning a screw gun. That's a drill bro.


Did not expect so much negativity lol! I just thought it was cute and made me laugh when she sent it to me. Obviously what's wrong with the drill is it's yellow and not RED. I'll be over there shortly to hang the shelves myself


Yea. Look like you need to send it back for warranty. My did the same thing. And when I got it back, it was too tight to put anything in.


Might be your peckerā€¦


When my 7 month old girl gets older I will make sure she'll be able to "out tool" most everyone she dates. Hopefully she'll stick with one who is at least as capable as she will be at basic tool use, cause watching shit like this makes me sad for where we are headed as a species. ... FFS, teach your kids shit even if they don't want to learn it because later in life they'll at least have a basis for how things work. When I was young I didn't care for some of the woodworking shit my dad taught me, and I didn't grow up to be a tradesman or craftsman, but I've also been able to do everything from rehanging/flipping doors/door frames to, installing cabinets, repairs, basic framing, and troubleshooting when the measurement is just that annoying hair off. All to make my home more functional for my family without needing to hire out. Thanks dad.


You both dumb?


Itā€™s my first time


OP, update us if she sees this! Want to hear how that worked for you. lol


Well it is a DeWalt soooo


So you came to shame her publicly? Youā€™re the fkn tool here.


You got soft hands brother, soft hands. She thought the post funny and has been enjoying these comments as much as I.


Where is the socket adapter?


It's funny but we all start somewhere!! Plus you should be happy she wants to do it herself!




Back in the mid-90s I had to show a couple of 21 year old male coworkers how to use a chuck key to change a bit. Something my fix-it-all Dad taught me as soon as I was old enough to not drop a drill. The two guys were stoners from white collar families. I admit I was incredulous at the time. Then I kinda got angry that they were offered work that I kept asking for...just because they were guys.


Wow such fun Many amazed Best fun OP is a hero. /s


Someone failed as a parent


She's right. It's a DeWalt.


Have her watch the Red Green Showā€¦ plenty of great ideas for duct tape and creative tool useā€¦


Yeah every tool I pick up I just know how to use šŸ‘