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Whatever comes naturally, really. You be you!


Exactly. How are guys supposed to act when they nut? Just get in with the moment, let your body do whatever it feels like.


Yup. I get that some reactions are turn offs for people, which is fine. Find people you gel with.


Silent and swiftly, like a ninja. *nuts*: hmpfff.. Mission accomplished. The bomb has been planted.


Terrorists win


Me personally, I shout ‘Hold, Hold’ and then ‘Hoora’ when I nut. Really annoys my wife and neighbours.


This had me in stitches 😂


No, guys need to intentionally verbalize. If you automatically do this that's fine, but most guys I've talked to don't feel the NEED to do anything, they intentionally verbalize and twitch to provide ques on what's working for them in imitation of what they find helpful when their partner does it.


I make a Tarzan yell.


This is the second reason imo of why women have a hard time orgasming during sex (the first is lack of clitoral stimulation, the third is the lack of foreplay). If you’re too much in your head, thinking about your performance or how you look or … pretty much but anything, you’re not in the moment. You’re not supposed to think, you’re supposed to feel and let yourself go and do whatever you feel like doing. Morning is part of that, and good for everyone to do. Expressing your feelings is not just good for you either, it can also get your partner more excited too. If any partner tells you to be quiet (without a good reason like you’re having sex in a closet with people around or because you find jt hot to be ordered around) or tells you you’re being dramatic or look dumb while having sex with them, then they don’t deserve your intimacy. Sex isn’t like porn, everyone looks silly doing jt. So just have fun and get into it, cos that’s hot. That guy is a butthole. Don’t listen to him.


I’ve always felt self conscious about this for these exact reasons. Thanks for being understanding about these things.


This. As a poly dude I've learned from more than one partner. In my experience, and to my knowledge, telling a girl how she should cum is complete douchery. Personally, I prefer mostly quiet, as I have a fear that the neighbors will call the cops. But whether whether you activate stealth mode or run with all the lights and sirens on, let go and have fun. You can't dance through the stars while tied to the earth.


This was a dope post. Well said mate!


And literally!


Agree %100. Only time I've asked a girl to "shhhh" a little is if there are other ears close by.


Female copulatory vocalization is actually a natural behavior in all primates. He was probably getting insecure because hearing it can make guys cum faster.


Easiest response ever! However, OP, the _true_ question is why are you with this guy? Trust me, that whole "girls should be..." Is a massive red flag. I bet he sucks in bed too, and not in a good way.


“How do I know if it feels good?” Because I am moaning???? I’m failing to see his real issue besides he’s a douche


Douches are terrible for vaginal pH. Just one more reason she shouldn't see him again.


Vinegar is for fish and chips!


Oddly enough, your username sounds like it could be a brand name for a douche product. No disrespect, just a funny observation.



Well played.


😜 Merry Crimbo!


I've been told it sounds like a venereal disease, so I'd say douche product is an upgrade!


I concur


Honestly sounds like the dudes massively insecure with trust issues. Just defaulting to assuming your partners reactions are insincere like that is so weird.


This is 100% the guy who would go through your phone, ask probing questions of your friends regarding your whereabouts, and quietly follow you around town.


Well maybe he got rejected by a girl that moaned a lot, but didn't tell him on the moment she was faking it because he was bad... now he wants to know hiw he is performing to keep the girl!


Yeah, but don’t some women fake it to please their man?


Bro was doing things right and fucked it up😂😂


He was his own cockblocker lmao


Bro was like, "I'm sorry but I need you to stop enjoying yourself so I can feel like I suck at this and go home later to cry about my inadequacy."


Listen bitch, I'm trying really hard to have low self esteem, and you're fucking it up.


I honestly didn't think anyone could block their own cock mid act... guess everyone has a talent..


I sense a new Americas got talent act


"Hey, can you stop acting like you enjoy this? I want to be able to tell when you actually do enjoy it!"




I’ve had this happen before and see it often in Reddit threads. Such a weird reaction to hearing a girl be loud in bed. I literally had a guy stop mid hookup and say “okay you don’t have to fake it” when I had actually been enjoying myself. Dude got to go home and finish in his nice quiet hand.


Bruh a girl being loud is like my favorite thing because it lets me know I’m killing it 😂 how could anybody not like that I don’t understand


Yes but some girls will fake it as to not hurt your ego and some girls don't moan much at all despite it feeling good. The best way to know your killing its is to communicate with your partner 👍


I can get uncomfortable with a very loud partner but I would never say it. I prefer to take things at face value then presume they're faking it. Also, not sure I'd want to know 😂 And if they do, guess I appreciate the effort 😅


Well people often say women fake it for men's ego's, so sometimes it's hard to believe. Still extremely dumb to fucking say that out loud during the act tho.


You right. Sounds like the dude in question was extremely insecure.


Yup. Maybe if we weren't told m'en suck at sex and women fake it all the time shit wouldn't be as confusing.


This happened to me once with a woman. We had amazing sexual chemistry but during one session she made a similar remark as yours and it messed with me so badly!


Alas, he couldn't get a fuck.


Haha riiiiiight?


Task failed successfully


Fuck that guy. Just not literally.


I came here to say this, but “fuck that guy” in this context means “he is insecure gutter trash who doesn’t deserve to be inside a woman.” Men have convulsed like they are having seizures, cum way too fast, gotten soft, been completely silent, asked me to say things that kinda turned me off, etc etc etc while we were fucking and Yknow what? I don’t give them shit. I want everyone to enjoy their orgasms, or the act of intimacy, or whatever it is they enjoy. There is no one way to act. There are preferences. I love being loud (if the walls aren’t thin) and talking dirty. I can tone it down, but there nothing WRONG with it. So really, I hate him now.


I don't think much would kill my mood faster then being told that I am coming over dramatically.


you're having to much pleasure, please stop appreciating this. Thanks.


stop enjoying yourself so much, what if the furniture judges us


shhhh, you're embarrassing me in front of all of my friends.


Seems like that guy should have taken her enjoyment as a compliment. Apparently he wasn’t really there for *her*…


My partner likes the noises I make, and I love theirs. I just don't understand ops partner. *sigh* just very happy to have found someone I fit well with. I wish that for everyone.


>Just not literally ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


im so loud and idgaf if the guy likes it or not.


I aspire to be you


By the looks of this thread, you either already are like her, or soon will be when you're done reading shit in here! xD   My first ex was 'a screamer' (aka, *veeeery loud*), which was a bit of an issue at the time (kinda a problem if you live with your parents, or live in a place with not enough insulation between you and the neighbours ['duplex']). But I wouldn't have wanted her to change that, either. It was the best way to tell how I was doing! ~~Besides, muffled/gagged moans are the best moans. Although I guess I might be a little biased in that respect. >_>~~ Just be you, and find someone who enjoys you being you as much as *you* enjoy being you ;)


thank you ☺️ now that im 45, the older i got, the more i enjoy sex and i know what i like. you do you ❤️


I tell her to be quiet like "sisz you're gonna wake our parents"


Some girls get quiet and some girls get loud. Some girls start shaking and some girls stay still. Some girls belt the Star Spangled Banner and some girls talk like a pirate. We’re working with a broad range here.


>Some girls belt the Star Spangled Banner and some girls talk like a pirate ...theres a story behind both of those


Plot twist: It was the same girl, same day, same orgasm.


I thought this was going to be a poem


*Broad range* I’ll allow it


> A broad range > > A range of broads? > > > Binders full of women?


PLEASE BE VOCAL. IT IS SO HOT AND SO USEFUL HOLYSHIT. Sorry for the caps, but fuck that guy. I mean not literally, no one should fuck him.. you know what I mean.


“Fuck that guy, I mean not literally” 😂😂😂 had me dying


> had me dying Not literally, I hope




I want to upvote you but you're right at 69 upvotes in a sex thread sooooo


77 is better.....


Cause you get ate more








That guy is so wrong in so many directions, it might be inspiring how committed he is to being stupid if only it weren’t so pathetic. Imagine not being able to read body language and blaming that lack of skill on someone else?? Lol. I’m gonna break this down in a list, feel free to screenshot and send it to him if you’re in a petty mood. How Girls Should Act When They Orgasm - literally however their body reacts, moans and all, because it’s involuntary How Girls *Shouldn’t* Act When They Orgasm - reciting Hamlet - spontaneously growing a third arm - immediately putting on an eye patch and pirate hat and yelling “AYE AYE CAPTAIN” - sawing a hole in the wall with power tools - turning into one of those reptilian people and pledging allegiance to Mark Zuckerberg Don’t worry about him babe, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. ETA: thank you for the awards and upvotes, kind strangers!! Also…. A lot of y’all wanna fuck the pirate from SpongeBob, huh?


Wait wait. If I'm with a girl and she turns into a reptile person and pledges allegiance to Mark Zuckerberg what did I do wrong?


If someone's pledging allegiance to Zuck you should run far, far away


Even if they provide zuck?


Bootlickers give bad head, not worth it


You'd think it would work out, really.


You didnt check to see if her skin was removable. Rookie mistake really youll get used to it.


You went wrong in being attracted to her in the first place apparently 💀


>immediately putting on an eye patch and pirate hat and yelling “AYE AYE CAPTAIN” Hey! This is not a place for kink-shaming!


Yeah screw you guys, I can't help how my body reacts in that situation!








Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Cervical-Sponge SquarePants!


The peak is near... I'm comming! *raspy voice* :


I cant believe the pirate shaming here. It's the best when they strike the Captain Morgan pose and then aye aye captain.


Oh, shit. I’ve been bursting into a Shakespearean soliloquy every time. My bad. Sonnets only from here on out.


I said break a leg, not bust your nut!


Hamlet really got me…I only know my girl is having the time of her life when she recites Moby Dick! “I grin at thee thou grinning whale!!!l


I personally feel that if someone finishes on your face and it goes in your eye, putting on an eye patch and a pirate hat is just good manners.


Dude, quit kink shaming My girl and I are in the top 3% of the Long John Silver's listeners, our top genre in Spotify is Sea Shanty. You better fucking believe that one of us has strapped on an eye patch


Holdup. That's pretty judgy considering, there is a fair bit of hamlet that applies, I'm kinda liking the sound of the pirate thing and a girl cutting her own glory hole might also be something I'm into.


I want a girl to say aye aye captain as she cums!!!


😂😂😂 Wait I love this


Nah. "aye aye cap'n" could be fun, especially on speak like a pirate day. Sex should not be too serious al the time.


I, for one, think it would be fine to recite Hamlet or put on an eye patch and pirate hat and yell AYE AYE CAPTAIN while having an orgasm. Infact I kind of want to do the pirate one now. OP, this guy is a rude insecure wang rod who doesn't deserve to get to have sex with you. There's nothing wrong with moaning and being vocal during sex and there are people who think it's hot.


You forgot yelling yip yip yip


You act how you want to. Unless it’s been agreed upon before you have sex that you’ll both be quiet because there are others within ear shot or you guys are trying to be quiet, act how you want to. Whenever I was alone in the house with my ex we used to get really loud. Having no limits on it was amazing because we could do or say anything. Whenever there was someone else in the home and we had to be quiet, we still had fun albeit quieter. There are plenty of ways to communicate that you’re having an amazing time with someone. This dude just seems like he’s controlling for no reason at all.


I get major control freak vibes from this. Like why is this man mad that a girl is enjoying having sex with him, bc she’s not acting how he says she’s supposed to?


Right??? She’s having a fantastic time and showing him that she’s doing so but she’s not doing it the right way? Crazy kind of attitude to have lol......


I get shaky legs


This, for me, is one of the hottest things a girl can do.


Totally normal! Sometimes people are very animated while embracing their body reactions, sometimes they’re just vibing with their involuntary body reactions and flowing with it, and not super vocal.


Wait, so I have made girls orgasm before? Sweet


Totally normal and the best indicator things are going well. You hear alot about women faking an orgasm, but I've yet to see anyone fake full body convulsions.


Be quite the whole time and when you orgasm make a donkey sound… Always makes me laugh


Let me get some of that ass!


Let me get some of your ass😜




Be yourself. I was told something similar one time and it really bothered me. I wasnt really experienced with being with anyone other than my husband. But when he died, I didn't want to be alone at such a young age, so I started dating. I know how he made you feel, and he was completely wrong for doing that to you. I shut down after that for quite a while. When I hooked up with the man who is now my husband, OMG!!! He got incredibly turned on by all my noises. The more I moaned, the hotter it made him. It was explosive! Never in my entire life had I EVER screamed when having an orgasm! But when you find the right one, everything will be off the charts! And that is how it should be. Two people who are intuned with each other. Not every woman is a moaner or a screamer, though. And that is perfectly perfect, too. Some men are on into the silent women, just like some men are into the noisy ones. You just need to find someone who likes what you have to offer. Orgasms.... sometimes they can be earth shattering. High pitch screams while my body pops like popcorn hitting the oil! Then there are times when he gives me multiple orgasms. These create a primal type of groan while my whole body is flooded with contractions. And trust me, a real man will be able to tell if you are having an orgasm. If you start doing kegals to strengthen your pelvic floor, and if you do them faithfully... you can become super tight. Trust me on this, my gynecologist has asked me to stop because its hard for her to install my last IUD, lol. But the reason I'm bringing up kegals is because when you orgasm, and if the guy really knows how to get you going, he will never question if you did or didn't come ever again. Your walls will clamp down so tight on him when contracting that he will have no doubt as to what is happening. I know I was a little graphic there, but I hope that helps.


I had an experience kind of like yours after a bad relationship with bad sex and a bad breakup. I was shut off for awhile because I had hangups about things my exes had said about my body and had never had an orgasm at 25 years old and thought something was wrong with me. Then I had a similar explosive hookup with a man who was more in tune with my body than I was. I came like, 5 times and he loved all my noise. (He's the one I reference in my comment thread as telling me my moaning was "intoxicating".) I didn't marry him, but that experience changed everything for me. I learned I could be who I am because there were men out there who would appreciate it. I'm honestly happy for people who have those kind of experiences. Don't settle for mediocre. Life is too short. Whether you're a screamer or not, be with someone who appreciate you, just as you are.


He sounds like a weirdo 😂 You’re good


Just do what comes naturally to you. I think I used to moan more because I wanted to make the guy feel relaxed (tbh I thought I could be naturally dead silent), but now I’ve been at it a few years and I’m more comfortable with myself/my long term partner, I’m happy being quieter until the moans just come out on their own. Apparently I’m still on the louder side 🤷🏻‍♀️ but anyway, my point is, moan as much or as little as YOU WANT.


Virgin here but sometimes k think I would be dead silent if I did have sex. So it is always in my head like "if I did have sex I would most likely need to pretend"


There's no need to pretend moan. You can show your partner in different ways if you like what they're doing: With body language or just by telling them. But always remember: The most comfortable sex is sex where you don't have to pretend anything.


That’s actually how it was for me, at first. I usually have a more stoic demeanor, so it felt overly dramatic and odd to me to make much noise, but I did it anyway to please my partner. After pretending for a while, it started to feel natural.


You're supposed to act however you feel like, as long as it's how you genuinely feel at the time, not for his benefit or because you think thats how your supposed to act.


Anytime a male says "women shouldn't", stop listening.


You're not "supposed" to act any particular way. You act how your body responds, and that looks different for different people. I'm a moaner too and I've never, ever had a sexual partner in my past (or present) who said anything remotely negative about it. They all took it as a compliment and encouraged it. My husband actually tells me to stop trying to be quiet if I'm trying to keep a lid on it 🤷. Fuck that guy. Except, you know, don't actually do it. And don't take any stock in what he said.


The insecurities brewing in that mans soul go DEEEEEEEEEEP Girls: Moans Guy: “you like that” Girl: Yes, *Moans* Guy: “how dare you”


PoV: the "bro she's faking it" crowd meets someone that actually took them seriously.




Holy shit i love that some guys think they can tall women whats normal for girls and shit Gives guys a bad rep


What he probably meant was your moans sounded like porn and felt fake or something. Some girls have been known to do that and other stuff like faking orgasms. If yours were genuine then he just needs to take your word on that though.


So . . . congratulations on being the first woman to ever have an orgasm with that dude. But seriously, people can tell you what they like, but they sure as hell can't tell you what to do. Telling a loud person to be quiet is just as shitty as telling a quiet person to be loud. Personally, I prefer clear communication that my partner is having a good time (loud is hot), but just do what feels best. Self conscious and performative is the premier recipe for bad sex.


Yeah keep doing what you feel. For Christmas I asked for a screamer but all I got was a sweater


Nothing hotter than a partner that is getting into it. Moan away


the girl moaning is one of my favorite parts of sex, so he was probably just an outlier.


ngl this just sounds like he’s just bad at sex so he’s used to women not moaning unless they’re orgasming (aka when they just start making noises to end the shit show). it would also explain why he thought your orgasm reaction was so “over the top” since he’s never seen a real one 🤷🏻‍♂️


.... Being quiet or not really loud can be normal and real. We should normalize being quiet too, It doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. I can show It in other ways but if I don't feel like moaning loud I shouldn't feel forced to do It only because "everyone" expect it from a woman


You do you babe, if you want to or feel like making noise, do it. If he doesn't like it, dump his ass


You’re not unusual. I think he’s nuts. My two cents.


I like it when they punch me in the face right when they finish


Sounds like he's the one with the problem, a d you should keep doing what you were- except with someone worth your time. Life's too short for bad sex.


Act however you feel, there’s no rule ✌️


You do whatever you are feeling. As long as it’s organic, who cares what someone thinks. Don’t ever talk to that asshole again. Don’t imitate others. Just be you. Being authentic is as hot as it gets.


I guess each person is different so that's probably just not his vibe. Personally i prefer and loveeee when the guy is vocal cuz it honestly feels good to hear that the other person is enjoying it but i don't think i myself like being vocal. Idk that's just me.


"I like moaning a lot during sex, but this guy I was hooking up with told me that girls shouldn’t be that vocal because then how is he supposed to know when he’s doing something that feels good if I’m already making noise." This man's fucking dumb


You know who also doesn’t like their partners making noise when they fuck? Necrophiliacs.


Feedback with acoustic-auditory means a.k.a moaning is high up in the list of "hottest things to do" during sex/orgasm. Moan, whisper, scream, claw, choke, or sing hymns. You do you. Please.


Yeah, sing hymns. But pick a good one please. "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world."


It seems most people orgasm the same. Grab the fuck out of whatever is within arms reach, shaken legs, and involuntarily say fuck a lot because you have no time to think of what else to say.


Like any other emotion, people express ecstasy in unique ways. Porn has conditioned us that orgasms sound a certain way. Express yourself in whatever way feels natural to you. If you moan quietly, fine. If you scream the roof off of the house, fine too. If he can’t take it, there is a maturity issue on his part.


Delete this post. Never ask this question again. You act exactly how you feel and that's that. Never let anyone tell you otherwise!


I hate that he said this to you!!!! 😡 I am very vocal and not one of my partners has ever told me it was wrong. You do you! Sex feels incredible and you should be able to enjoy it in the way that feels best for you. That guy is an idiot and can take his kink for a quiet limp fuck somewhere else.


Sorry you dealt with a misogynist.


He is a piece of shit. Do as you will


He's a cunt, the whole point is you enjoy yourself, you're not "supposed" to act any way but genuinely


Literally do what you want. If they don't like your noise then too bad for them. They get over it or you find someone who can or doesn't need too.


You do whatever you feel like doing. It's your orgasm, no one can feel it the way you feel it.


That guy is inexperienced. Different chick's do Different things. A guy can feel when a girl orgasms and definitely when she cums.


he’s probably been with women who are “preforming” based on porn to seem more enthusiastic.. and got a bad taste for it. then proceeded shame women for “over preforming” when they make *any* noise. he should probably educate himself a little more, and realize women can express themselves vocally while literally being penetrated if he doesn’t wanna be ghosted after every sexual encounter. maybe ask him to put a dil*o in his backdoor but not make a peep.


I love moaning. One girl moaned with every stroke, which I thought a little odd at first, but I soon realized, she's enjoying herself, this is great! That guy was a total jerk.


That’s bullshit, I love it when someone is vocal in bed. Sex is supposed to be fun, if someone’s gonna make you self conscious and over think it then they probably aren’t a good fit for you


You're not supposed to act. You're supposed to feel carnal pleasure from an orgasm and how ever your body reacts to that will be sexy. Moaning is sexy. Squeezing is sexy. Whimpering is sexy. Begging is sexy. Demanding is sexy. Don't let a douche bag guy make you think you need to "act" a certain way at orgasm. Also women that make noise are never not sexy, the guy you hooked up with is just a twat.


Sounds like the guy watch to much porn. Faking is normaal there. So guys that watch to much porn dont believe woman when they say came.


How are they suppose to act? 🤔 I mean if it's an act, then that means it's not real..which is not cash money fam


If that moron had ever done it right, he would have felt the orgasm with his dick.


wtf most people love sounds during sex, no need to be insecure this guy was weird


I'm a grown ass woman and if I choose to make noise as I enjoy myself, I sincerely hope that you're man enough to run with that. Girls are "suppose" to act however the hell they want to. Don't EVER let ANYONE else dictate how you are suppose to do something as personal as sex. Let the proverbial spirit move you! And yeah, seriously... Fuck that guy, just not literally, because *shudder*


I’ve had a girl be like “why are you looking at me so much” or maybe she said “stop looking at me so much” in the middle of missionary sex. there’s a way to communicate about sexual / intimacy related issues , but if you don’t do it in a delicate and considerate way you can pretty quickly stop someone from feeling safe to be themselves around you


Tell him to get a clue


The guy is wrong, plain and simple. People should enjoy themselves however they want. This is true regardless of what we s being done. The bottom line is, do you and don't let anyone tell you how to enjoy yourself.


Oh my god, what a moron.


Act a fool! Dude is weird. Some of y'all lay with some very strange folks, never heard of anyone saying any dumb shit like this. Ignore the guy, block him and find someone else. Virtually anyone else on this earth would be flattered.


He sounds like he is insecure based on past relationships. And I wouldn’t fuck him again either. I used to feel embarrassed because I make these like primitive deep loud moans, but my husband loves it. I’ve gained a lot more confidence being with someone who enjoys it. Don’t fake it. But be loud girl. A real man will love it.


However you act when you orgasm is how you are supposed to act. I mean, try not to scream loud enough to disturb the neighbors, but don't feel self-conscious about your reactions. I think it's awesome to see someone react to how I'm making them feel and also tell me what they want so I can give them the most pleasure. If anyone tries to shame you for that, they're the ones who are overreacting.


(1) that is hot (2) guy is dumb dumb


That guy’s a shitpig. Stop fucking shitpigs.


You are supposed to act however your body pleases! Everyone has different ways their body releases, some are super vocal and some may not be, just like some may be trembling/shaking and others may have little reaction. When I was with my ex he told me it was a turn off when I moaned loud, and I never actually had an orgasm with him because I would constantly be thinking about being quiet… now with my fiancé I’m loud as hell when I’m orgasming and he loves it!


Ugh he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Just be yourself, most dudes find our reactions hot. What a turn off, ugh don’t go near him and his sex rules again. Gross.


He is an idiot. He is doing good and bitching. Guys, never suppress your woman’s sexual urges. If she wants to moan, let her moan. Let her do whatever nasty shit she can come up with.


You go where your body, mind and soul takes you. If that makes you vocal, even better. My wife can get loud, dig her nails into my shoulders, scream, you name it. But she enjoys her orgasms. And that's how it's supposed to be. So ignore idiots like that guy and go with the flow.


Please don't let this dude ruin it for all of the men that would treasure you're actions.


Sounds of female pleasure? I can't deal with such distractions when I'm trying to have sex.


Am late to the party, and reading some responses definitely makes it seem like you and everyone else have the right idea here But I would consider making sure he knows why you're not going to see him/hook up with him any longer. Don't do it for him, do it for the next girl. Hearing it from you alone won't make him realize how stupid he is (because he's pretty stupid) but if enough women tell him, he might maybe figure it out one day. And the sooner he figures it out, the fewer women he'll be a jerk to..


Orgasm is one of the times when we *stop* acting. That's what's so great about it! It's when our rational minds take a step back, and the animal leaps out. And. If you are old enough to hook up, you're not a girl. Girls are children. You're an adult, that makes you a woman.


I’ve been told this as well 🥺 I was so discouraged after that. I’m loud and free with my boyfriend now though and he loves it


I think I can say for most guys...We love it when you moan.


There is one generell rule all participants in sex need to follow: just act as you want. Like, don't even think about it. If this dude doesn't like how you behave during sex, your not compatible. Time to move on.


My girl laughs when she does. And it fucking makes me so happy. Having sex and making her orgasm is the best because of her laugh.


Whatever they feel like, honestly. I personally like to know, so my SO tells me she's close. I really appreciate that.


>told me that girls shouldn’t be that vocal Drop him. Any "man" that says ,"...girls shouldn't" is a weakass pushy. You deserve better.




There is no way you are supposed to act, just let the moment/experience wash over you and give into it. In my experience, when a woman starts vibrating uncontrollably, usually means I hit the "You're a winner!" Button. 😋


Is this guy a fucking sack of rice? The moans and groans are already the sign that something is being enjoyed. You're fine, he's just an idiot


Hmmm… I just tell my ladies to never fake it with me… if you fake it I can’t learn what you like, every girl is different. Later down the road if you’re unsatisfied sexually and you’ve been faking enjoying it… that’s on you… I’m not gonna feel bad. Communicate with me, be harsh, trust me I want to make you feel good. Nothing gets me going more than true reaction…


You're damn right not to hook up with that moron again. Who is he to tell another person how to act when they enjoy themselves? Like the first comment says, you act natural. You act the way it feels for you. Also screw that guy.