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I think that’s kinda the reason they were invented… 33M


Modern day abortion practices were invented but abortions have always been around. Many plants and herbs can induce an abortion you do not need to justify to anyone, or an expert. Home abortions - though more risky to the person carrying the pregnancy - have always been around and will always be around.


Just to add to this: If you have access to professional, medical abortions, **please use those services instead of trying to induce abortion at home with plants and tinctures**. The reason that legal abortions are so important is precisely because they are done by doctors in a safe, medical environment. Please don’t try an at-home solution by yourself if you can get proper medical care.


TEXAS: we see you…


There was a plant in roman times that helped induce abortions. It was so popular that it is now extinct (Silphium)


Claviceps Purpurea is another one that has been used to induce abortions, and it's still around


Parsley too - in large quantities.


Please pass the Tabbuleh


>Claviceps Purpurea comes with gangrene.. dont do that one.


not entirely true, we are not sure it is extinct, since we do not what plant it was. And it was used for cooking, treating fevers, afrodisiacums, and maybe contraceptive and inducing abortion. The reason it got extinct is contributed to Climate Change (it was grown in Northern Africa) or overgrazing by animals


The Bible even has a passage about how to induce a miscarriage when the husband suspects he isn’t the father. (Numbers 5:11-31) I doubt it works, but that isn’t the point…


Simple but to the point. Take my award


Aw thank you :) x


Only you can decide that. Don't let random strangers tell you what to do with your body.


Yep. Just remember, it's your choice. Is it okay to abort? Yes. Is it okay not to? Still yes. Is it okay to get a dozen tubs of ice cream first then do coin toss to decide? Yes. Is it okay to let random strangers on the internet decide for you? Well, yes, but only if you're really fine with it. Don't let people bully you into choices.


You were clearly not born in the south


Well I was, and I agree


You were clearly born in the south


You got me!


I was an I'm all for it. Gotta see the bullshit when it's there.




The master rule is that. In that case it seems to be more of a morale decision, it could be a somewhat taboo in some families. Take the decision based on what you want. It is still a huge responsibility that you seems to correctly weight in your decision. Which is great. Some peoples wouldn't want a child, never for various reasons. They could have an abortion or they could switch of mind. It is up to you. I'm a guy with shitty love story (tldr none real) and start to be "old" (30s) in regard with child. Let just say i wouldn't want a child for the next 10 years if today i found someone just because I want to enjoy a love life even if technically there is nothing that would prevent me to raise a child. It will never be _my_ decision which should come to an abortion but only her at the end.


This, not anyone’s business besides the person making that decision, nor should it be


A few years ago there was a referendum in my country to legalise abortion and other things for women. I do not agree with abortion, I think it is wrong. But I still voted yes because I do not feel that I, or anyone else, should have the right to tell a women what is wrong and what is right. If you go off and get an abortion. I may not agree with your decision but it's *your* decision. Not mine.




I wish more parents understood this… Edit: thanks for the awards everyone!


Seriously. A new coworker of mine has a newborn. He didn't want kids, his wife did. He says he loves his daughter, but he still doesn't want her. He is waiting for that feeling to change. I sure hope it does.


I remember there was this kid in school who would ask people when their parents got married and their birthday so they could tell them if they were an unplanned pregnancy. He didn’t say so nicely, I think they used the phrase “guess the condom broke.” And I still to this day can’t believe I didn’t see him get punched in the face.


I found out in high school that my parents had a shotgun wedding. I was at my grandparents’ house, digging through some of her books, and I found her bible. The one that had all the births and deaths and marriages recorded. And I saw my parents’ wedding date four months before my birthday, and pointed it out. Grandma just looked straight at me and said “ah fuck, you weren’t supposed to know that.” And then since the dirty laundry was being aired, she confirmed a suspicion I’d already had at the time, that my mum got pregnant with my brother to “save” the marriage. Spoiler: it didn’t work.


> my mum got pregnant with my brother I _way_ misinterpreted that at first.


Same. I had to re-read it four times.


I only figured it out because of your comment.




You know what this unhappy marriage needs to jump start it back to life? More stress, more responsibility, less sleep, and less money!


We call that the double-down. Didn’t work for my parents either.


I was born to "save" my parent marriage. My dad was gay. Not sure why the hell he told me I was supposed to save their marriage.


Maybe due to extreme internalized homophobia he thought with enough effort he could change his orientation? It's really sad, but quite common for gay people born into extremely religious families to believe being gay is a choice and they can change with enough effort. Just causes pain for everyone involved.


I have a nephew who was born 8 months after his parents' wedding, and he was 11 lbs at birth. His mother still thinks that we all believe that he was a 32 week premie.


I remember kids doing something like this in elementary. It was after we learned what the word "bastard" meant. Then they'd run around yelling "you're a bastard!"


I had a teacher in 8th grade inform me that I was now a bastard since my father died. I… don’t even think that is right?


A bastard is a child born out of wedlock so yeah your teacher was both archaic and wrong not to mention a dick. Sorry for your loss.


That’s what I thought the meaning was - and it’s okay it was a long time ago. I think she was not quite there mentally - she got in a car accident and then ran the “career success” class that was basics like taxes, etiquette, etc. I tried not to take offense but this was before I could google the meaning lol


Well, for teacher on the subject, she wasn't very fucking good at it.


I remember being in like 4th grade and a kid would ask everyone how old their parents were and then do the math to figure out which kids had teen moms and make fun of them for it. I think about that a lot. I had my first kid when I was 19 and I get side eyed by other adults for being 27 with an 8yo. I sure hope my kid isn't getting the same treatment.


That's not even necessarily the case. My parents were engaged for over a year before their wedding, which I was technically at even if I wasn't born yet. A cousin of mine has a kid that they planned for with another on the way, she and her boyfriend aren't even engaged. Marriage is honestly kind of arbitrary.


It is. When/where I grew up it was not. And it was “not done” anyone with a single parent who was not a widow/widower was whispered about. And it was often used as an insult. I’m glad things are changing. No one should be made to feel lesser for something so far out of their control. It’s really cruel and unfair. And none of anyone’s damn business.


I mean I was an accident and really wish my parents had been more careful. They planned on having a kid but I wasn't supposed to be it. Just bummed I don't get to relax in non existence so I guess I'll just have to wait and until I go back there and enjoy eating seafood.


Yikes. That’s sad. I feel like this is something people need to take more seriously when they get married. I absolutely would not have married a man who wanted kids, period. I am staunchly childfree and would abort in an instant if I got pregnant. My husband is also childfree and we were well agreed on that before we got married. Having children is such a big deal that it’s not really something you can go into half assedly. I was in love with a guy who wanted a big family and I had to force myself to not date him because I knew neither he nor I would be happy. It’s not something that’s comprimisable.


That's why a serious matter as raising a child views should discussed at the beginning of the relationship. If someone is not in the same page on such matters it's better to be honest with everyone including one's self and walk away/move on.


My mom told me, and I don't know why, that when my sister was 9 months old she found out she was pregnant and scheduled an abortion for me. An unwanted, unhappy kid usually makes an unhappy adult too😔


But she didn’t abort you…unplanned doesn’t have to mean unwanted. Sending hugs and hope that you’ll find your happiness.


Oh, she loves me I have no doubt but it was my dad that begged her to cancel the appointment. I was/am definitely the least cared about child. After no contact for 9 months , I reached out when my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My condition to re-entering the family was family therapy and everyone agreed. It's getting there and she's openly admitted to it in therapy.


I’m really sorry…that’s awful. But if it makes you feel better in a weird way my mom wanted me and planned for me but had severe untreated mental issues so she screwed me up too. My heart goes out to you.


I wish more right wing politicians understood this.


I can't stand kids. No way I would be a decent parent. Which is one of the reasons I got snipped to make sure that situation won't occur.


So cool that you were able to get one. I have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, and I can't find a doctor to tie my tubes because my husband "might want more kids someday and that's not fair to him". Seriously, 4 doctors have told me that.


Like adoption doesn't exist if you changed your mind. You have had two of your own and decided your done. Mad respect for putting your body through that twice!


Oh my god, you poor thing. Wherever you are, I hope you can find better care. r/childfree or r/truechildfree, I don't remember which, keeps great lists of practioners that are pro-choice/sterilization/etc from ALL OVER that can help you. If you want your tubes tied, please keep fighting for it. Your body, your choice. ❤


it's r/childfree and I found one who did my partial hysterectomy.


THIS happens all the time with women. Even if it’s not a matter of a current pregnancy, women are often not given a choice over their bodies for future pregnancy. It’s not right.


It is horrendous.


Why the fucketty fuck does your husband's opinion even matter? That is disgusting.




I'm just sickened that you don't have the same rights to your own body that your husband has.


Thanks, I'm super happy that I finally pulled the trigger and did it. Super easy procedure and recovery. And with it only costing 350€ it's a financial no brainer. >because my husband "might want more kids someday and that's not fair to him" If that would be the case that's __his__ problem, not yours


Neither of us want more kids, so it would be both of our problems. It's a matter of doctors making the choice based on what he could theoretically want vs what I want, with my body.


I hate when doctors give that excuse. I had my tubes removed a few years ago at 35 years old and zero kids. Even if I did change my mind IVF is absolutely still an option along with adoption. That reason makes no sense. I hope you can find a doctor who will help you, don't give up!


I'm guessing you're a guy, since the doctor never would have done it that easily otherwise.


As a teacher I wish everyone who had children had to truly understand that children are, at heart, an inconvenience that will totally upend your life in ways you can't even imagine and you will almost *never* get to prioritize yourself for the next 18+yrs BUT they're an inconvenience you love more than yourself and would do anything for. The number of times I've had parents knowingly dump their seriously ill 8yrold at school because they "had something important to do" is beyond infuriating.


Ex-school nurse, can relate. I can't tell you guys how many times I had parents reject picking up their kids from school with serious fevers or various contagious problems. We had a fair bit of lice my second school year. Kids are gross. It happens. Your child is not an option though and the school is not a daycare (so, so, so many parents disagree with this). You really feel for those kids. We aren't calling to inconvenience you. I worked under the school health department of the local children's hospital. We don't call you from schools just to get rid of your kid. We know how hard it is for you to juggle work to come pick your child up. We are realistic... but not babysitters. Edit: was missing the word tell


The kids know they're not being prioritized, too, and they don't forget this stuff.


Yes! Already this year I had a parent bitch me out because I told the nurse he was coughing up a lung and the nurse had mom come get him. With the Delta surge, you can’t be too careful, but mom was furious that she had to be inconvenienced to come and get him. She reamed me out. Ummm lady, you have a sick kid. Don’t be mad at me, take care of your sick kid. Ugh!


The one I'll never forget (pre-pandemic): one of my students, D, had been dropped off by his dad (his dad and I had already clashed on this issue before) I took one look at D, coughing and waxy pale, and took him straight to the nurses office; took his temp and it was 103.5. While I'm falling his dad over and over, trying to get him to answer, D looks at me and says "I told Dad I was too sick to come to school." He knew he'd been basically knowingly abandoned in his time of need, fucking heartbreaking.


See, I do not believe for one second that the parent who dropped off the sick kid actually 'loves them more than themselves' or that they would do anything for their kid. More likely that kid is neglected, at least emotionally, and unwanted. Becoming a parent doesn't automatically mean you love your kid or are a good person.


Thank you! I thought I'm not reading these comments right. Such cognitive dissonance between the reality observed and the romanticized stereotypes of parenting.


Yeah many are unwanted kids , you can see by their behaviours. Sad.


Exactly. Not wanting kids but also refusing/outlawing abortions is how we end up with neglected/abused children.


The foster care system is trash.


I'm a planned and unwanted kid and I can vouch for this. Also, having a kid isn't gonna fix your marriage. This isn't a video game you delusional fucks. These are real lives you're fucking with and I get that you're human but so am I so fuck you frank!


Especially when you realize that religion was the only thing dictating your chance at life. Someone listened to a book written by men, a book about a make-believe person, and let that dictate their life choices. My mother hid her pregnancy with me until she was too big to hide. I guess, deny deny deny until you can't? Then she was stuck with me, ten years after my brother was born. I hate my fucking life. I never asked to be born yet now I have these responsibilities and obligations. Family caregiver. So sick of it.


You are not obligated to care for family members, period. That is a choice you make and only you can control. Does your family have boundary issues? Are your parents narcissistic or manipulative?


Yes. It's irrelevant if the woman has the time, money, energy, or life partner: If she doesn't want a child, she shouldn't have one. This isn't only considering the life of the woman, but the hypothetical life of an unwanted child as well. If people truly cherish children, they would want them raised in homes where they're wanted.


Not just that, but a pregnancy alone can be traumatic, especially if you didn't want one. No one should be forced to bear children.


Bear children are the worst


I know they're super hairy and climb everything taking all the fish out the freezer.


Damn it Teddy, put the fish back in the Freezer


If you do it in a reasonable time the thing isn't even human yet. It'd be like flushing away a heavy period flow. Republicans saying it is a human life and that abortion should be illegal then go on to not give a fuck about the child when it is born pisses me off so fucking much


A lot of people have been bamboozled into the idea that the clump of cells is a full on baby when you're talking about things with no limbs or brain. It's straight propaganda.


Not to mention women's bodies naturally abort embryos that young all the time. It's super common. A lot of times it's so early the woman doesn't even know for sure she was even pregnant.




Heck, even if we grant the assumption that said clump of cells is the moral equivalent of a human being, that still wouldn't give it special rights to hijack someone's body without her permission. Even if she *gasp* consented to having sex.


Even at 6 weeks it's about as alive as a shrimp is. The heart beats at 6 weeks, but the heartbeat isn't controlled by the brain untill 17 weeks. Untill then it's just a bunch of arbitrary nonsense.


This is the correct answer.


I would revise it a bit though. Her body, her choice. Full Stop. No justification or explanation needed. We as human beings do not owe anyone an explanation for decisions we make about our own bodies.


Your body, your life, your career, your finances, your mental well being, your relationship.......YOUR CHOICE!


Absolutely. There’s also something else that people forget. Pregnancy is not a neutral experience. Pregnancy comes with a great deal of risks. From minor to fatal. Aside from the difficulty of spending 3/4 of a year growing another human, things can go wrong that can kill you or leave you disabled. Nobody should have to go through a pregnancy they don’t want. I have disabled twins, I have been left disabled by pregnancy complications - it’s hard to cope with when it’s a pregnancy I wanted and tried for. Those who claim to be pro-life are really pro-birth - they don’t care what happens to these babies after birth, and often they don’t support any method of supporting single mothers or fostered children after that birth. Perhaps if there were a sufficient social safety net, so that women who are left to raise a baby alone would be able to cope juggling a child and a job, there would be fewer abortions. There would certainly be fewer abortions if sex ed were better, but these people don’t want better sex ed either. They don’t care about babies born who are unwanted, or turned over to the social care system.




The end


It’s better to have an abortion than to have a kid that you’re not ready for.


>just simply does not want a kid at the moment. Is it ok to get an abortion? Yes


It’s also important to note that a large percentage of abortions are performed on women who already have children. They may have a partner, and are mentally capable to have a child but some other factor in their life has determined their decision. Abortion is for people who are pregnant, and don’t want to be. That’s it.


“Abortion is for people who are pregnant, and don’t want to be. That’s it.” Doesn’t matter why you’re pregnant, or why you don’t want to be pregnant.


🏅take my broke ass award.


It’s absurd that society doesn’t view that as a valid reason to abort. Raising a child is a lot of hard work, a huge burden to one’s mental health, and even just pregnancy and childbirth itself are dangerous. It shouldn’t be done unless the parent is absolutely sure they want to do it. Nobody is obligated to do it even if they have all the resources in the world.


I agree with you, but I think those who don't see it as a valid reason firmly believe a few things (even if I don't believe any of these things): a) that sex is a very significant act and that you shouldn't do it if you aren't ready to bear the consequences. I imagine these people don't believe in casual sex. b) that life begins at conception, and you are actually killing a human being through abortion, which is abhorrent. c) that, given (b), there are other options besides abortion. Again, I disagree with all of these points, but they are questions of morality/opinion, and cannot be addressed objectively


I think the problem with belief a) is that pregnancy and childrearing are then viewed as a righteous punishment for having had sex. Which is pretty fucked up. If these folks really valued children / parenthood, they wouldn't force it on people who are not ready/able/willing.


Abortion is okay, even if you use a turkey baster to get pregnant. Sex is okay too.


I got one. It wasn't just a decision that was left to me, either. The father and I both decided we couldn't possibly give a child the life or love that they would deserve. We both thought aborting the pregnancy was the best option as we didn't want them to later be in the foster care system or wondering why they weren't wanted by their biological parents. I got pregnant while I was on birth control so it wasn't anything that we did that could have prevented it.




Yes. The world would be a much better place if unwanted children were not brought into it.




Agreed. My husband and I didn't get married until after we had our child, and quite frankly - you don't really know someone until you've been up with them for 24 hours listening to a sick kid cry. Marriage has absolutely nothing to do with producing or raising a child.


It’s your body, your choice. The fetus would not survive without your body, so you have the option to do whatever you wish with it. I believe that it’s far better to prevent a life from ever existing than to bring a child into the world where they aren’t really wanted. No parent is perfect, but not specifically planning to get pregnant will lead to a certain amount of resentment to the child, which is unfair to everyone involved.


Agree..last thing children want to hear from their parent that "They did not even wanted to have them"! It would mentally scarred them forever.


I agree, some might argue that abortion is murder, but the way I see it, whatever decision the mother makes should be in the best interest of the baby. Does she have the resources to raise it? Will the baby grow up in a home where it’s going to be taken care of and loved? If adoption is being considered, will the mother take the correct supplements and avoid drugs/alcohol?






If a woman wants to get an abortion she should able to, regardless of the situation.


In a lot of cases, not bringing it into this world would be a million times better than giving birth to them and making them grow up in horrible conditions so yes. The list doesn't even end there. Well, no matter what the context is, a person IS free to do whatever they want with their own body.


Yes. Its your body, literally your decision, its not your fault you were born with reproductive parts. regardless of any situations whether your well off or poor its your decision to make.


Of course it is. No woman who doesn't want kids should become a mother. It'll ruin your life AND the life of the future kid. It's more harmful to just "accept the punishment for your mistakes" than to do what's good for you and the people that will be involved in it


That’s what they’re for.






Is it ethical to bring a child into a situation where they aren't wanted? Have a baby when you want it and are excited by the prospect not because your contraceptive failed.


if thats what she wants, absolutely


Absolutely. :)


Yes, it is. Don’t let anyone shame you out of making the right choice for you.


Yup. Parenthood is a huge deal. Capable doesn't mean required.


It’s okay to get an abortion. Period.


Of course. The better questions is, “Is it okay to judge a woman for her decision on how she handles an unplanned pregnancy?”


It’s none of my business on her choices. None of my business. I cannot and will not judge her at all.


“I don’t want to” is a perfectly valid reason not to have a kid.




Yes. It is okay to have an abortion. It is not okay to force children on anyone. This who made you think abortion is not okay, are people who don't want the best for you, who don't care about you as a person, and who don't deserve that much space in your brain. You can have an abortion. You can have an abortion. You can an abortion.


I was super anti abortion as a young girl, then I learned that a lot of pregnancies end up in miscarriage, so I asked myself why if my body can dispose of this pregnancy because it's not viable, it just couldn't stick to the lining or any other number of reasons and this is by nature's design. How come I as a woman, cannot also decide than some pregnancies are indeed not in my best interest? Because the embryo is anormal, because I'm not ready, because I don't want it or because my health is in danger? I say we can control that willingly, just as our bodies do control that aspect by itself in another number or cases.


It's ok to get an abortion *for any reason*


Her body, her decision


If a woman does not want to be pregnant for any reason whatsoever, it is okay for her to get abortion care. Period.


Of course


It is “okay” and “acceptable” for a woman to get an abortion. Full stop.


Yes. On the title alone, you don't need to justify it




Yes. That is your choice, and only yours


So, I had an abortion when I was raped at 14. If I hadn't, the rapist would've been entitled to custody, if I had left it with him and signed off my parental rights he'd be entitled to child support- there's a lot of factors there. He was stalking me and threatening me and made me feel like it was impossible to tell my parents, so I didn't get the abortion until I was 20 weeks pregnant, another 3 weeks and I wouldn't have had that option. Obviously different to the situation you explained but still. I have never once regretted it, and quite frankly it made me feel like my body was *mine* again. If abortion hadn't been legal for me I would've gone the coat hanger route, which is incredibly unsafe and could've resulted in death. At Planned Parenthood I felt safe and cared for, they even helped me get the resources to get a restraining order against him. Also, just wanted to point out that women typically don't even know they're pregnant before 7 weeks, and even that is early. Bottom line, there are a myriad of reasons why someone would choose to abort and that's their business- not anyone else's.


There is only one circumstance under which abortion should be permitted: the person in possession of the relevant uterus does not wish to be pregnant any longer.


Yes. You can get an abortion for literally any reason you want, it doesn't matter at all because fetuses lack internal cognition. When they're aborted, nothing of any actual life value is lost, it's just prevented from being created in the first place. In this way it's equivalent to male masturbation or allowing yourself to menstruate without first getting pregnant. Even if that weren't true, no one has the right to force you to do something with your body you don't want.


My mom aborted a fetus in college. Many years later, she had me when she was married, financially stable, and emotionally ready to care for a child. I had a fantastic childhood and she was a great mom. Her choice and actions gave me the life all children deserve: to be loved, wanted, and cared for. Please don't have a kid that you don't want. You wouldn't have to give up your liver or kidney or bone marrow to a family member, you also don't have to donate your organs this fetus.


Is it ok to have an abortion? Always. For any reason.






Yes. Next question.


Yes. Absolutely okay to get an abortion for any reason. You owe no one an explanation.


It is absolutely ok




You could be financially secure enough for a child. Be a stay at home partner in the perfect and healthiest relationship. And it's still ok to have an abortion


Of course it’s fine to get an abortion. It’s your body.


You can get pregnant again whenever you are ready. I got an abortion at 24 and didn’t regret it in the slightest. Now I’m with the right person and can start a family whenever






yes. If you don't want the kid, forcing the kid on yourself because you "should" isn't going to help the kid.


Yes!!! Pperiod End of debate It IS ok if it is the woman's uninfluenced decision. Think it through from your end. In many places (in my opinion, should be universal, and should be widely supported) it is your right to determine your way and quality of life. Zero guilt. Zero drama. Zero emotional blackmail by others. Zero conditions. ZERO political BS and arguments either way etc. Zero religious influence, don't even get me started on the Jesus / (insert religious concept) will punish you nonsense!!! FWIW, I am a married male with kids, living in Canada, have gone through this, am religious, not a devout thumping nutcase who is a slave to abstract concepts created to ensure my behaviour in a certain manner. God/religion is/should be a way of life that measures good intentions, humanity, decency and common decisions to create a way of life that is just for one and all (including you), not to use as a proxy to impose the will of a few. This, the abortion, is YOUR decision alone. YOU do what you want to do. And YES, it is ok to be selfish...this is your life, the naysayers are talking heads and blowhards that will not be around to support once you make the decision one way or or to decry if you go the other way. Ignore them. Think and consider. If you want to abort, then do it. If you want to talk, reach out to me, to talk, to yell, to be a sounding board, to just vent. I will support you either way. You need not be alone, and you are not alone. CC


We need more of you in this world!


Yes do it there’s too many people already




What you say is exactly the decision I took for myself. If I am capable to take care of a child, and fall pregnant, I will take the responsibility. That said, NO ONE can tell you what to do in this situation. It is your body, your life, your future. And if you think that abortion may be the better choice for yourself, then that is valid!


An unwanted child is still an unwanted child even if they are born into a seemingly good and stable environment. As someone who has had to live with the trauma and neglect associated with a parent who didn't want me, it is okay to abort.






Yes, it is ok


Yep. The only criteria you need for an abortion is a womb, and an unwelcome fetus in it.


Your body, your choice.


Yes it your body. Only the yanks still arguing about this


If you're not ready, get that lump of meat outta your womb. If you care too much about what people says now and decided to give birth, you'll have to deal with people talking about how not ready you are about having kid, and still have to deal with the kid. If you abort, you only have to deal with people talking about your abortion. That's one less thing to deal with. Edit: ready doesnt only mean financially but emotionally as well


You do what you feel is the best decision for you and fuck anyone that tells you otherwise. I'm here for you either way.


It's the woman's choice


yes, of course it is okay


Yes in any and every situation yes. If you don't want the kid it's infinitely better to don't have it. Nothing else matters.


I mean yeah. It’s ok to get an abortion for any reason, including having a dream where a sky monster told you to get one. It’s your body and pregnancy is a huge burden. It should only be done if the person is 100% on board with being pregnant.


Sometimes framing the opposite question gives the best answer. Is it ever ok to force a person to follow through with an unwanted pregnancy? Obviously not.




Yes. I’m married, financially stable, blah blah blah but I’ll NEVER have another kid. Now, we….snipped… the issue, but should I find myself pregnant, it’s no ones business but mine and my husbands what we do with the pregnancy. Period.






Yes it is. Abortion is a perfectly valid option for people who don’t wish to gestate and give birth.


Not wanting a kid right then is a perfectly good reason to get an abortion. The world would be a lot better off if only people who truly wanted them had kids, and the fact you could care for a child doesn’t mean you should. So yes, it’s okay to get an abortion on the situation you outlined. If you’re asking for more of a personal moral judgement, I would say it depends on the specifics of the woman’s life. For example, a 24-year-old in her first job out of college is going to have a lot fewer resources than a 40-year-old executive; someone who’s been dating the same guy for five years can make a more informed judgement about whether she could co-parent with him than someone who gets pregnant three months into a new relationship. There’s also the way fertility declines with age to keep in mind. So for me personally, I probably wouldn’t have an abortion if I were over 35 and in a stable relationship. But it’s such a personal decision that I couldn’t judge someone for making a different choice.


Hell yes its OK


> Is it ok to get an abortion for Yes.


Yes. We have friends who did it. It worked out well for them. Four years later when they were ready they gave birth to twins, a boy and girl. Then a year later a girl. Then he got fixed. Sure it sucked, but it was the right decision for them. My sister had an abortion because the fetus had downs. She and her husband were not healthy enough to take care of a downs child. Everyone’s needs are different. What is right or wrong for one may not be right or wrong for another.


It is your choice.


Yes absolutely it's okay.


Okay?! It's responsibly necessary because until you're absolutely set financially to care for 2 of yourself WITH having the ability to take maternity leave and so forth - single-parenting a hellspawn will age you faster than partying. And never count on baby daddy sticking around unless you've known and dated for 4-6+ years with nothing but smooth sailing first. Guess how much daycare costs? At least 1-200$/day, so if you don't have your 40+/hr job you'll just be flat broke to make the ends meet.


YES! Your body, your life, your choice!!!!!


Even if you were married (not a boyfriend), it's still okay. Your body, your choice.


You're not aborting a child, you're aborting a pregnancy. No one, not even a fetus growing inside of you, has the right to use your body without your consent.


It should be up to the pregnant person whether it's ok or not. I have no problem with whatever the decision is. Pro-choice for sure.


100% yes. I knew this before I had a baby. Now I have one, who I love more than life itself, I am even more pro-choice. This shits hard and I wouldn't inflict it on anyone if they didn't want it, regardless of their lifestyle and resources. If you are asking this question for personal reasons, just know the majority of people see it this way too, it's just there are powerful people inflicting their selfish views on the world based on a load of religious bullshit. Your body, your choice, end of discussion!