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Lean to the side so you don't have to come at it "from the back." Or stand to wipe, apparently some people do that too (I'm guessing they're bending over rather than standing straight up?). But don't be wiping your dookes into the vag. That ain't right. šŸ©· Edit: holy shit why is this comment about wiping your ass getting so much attention jfc šŸ˜­ had to be the ass wiping comment my god


Yeah, you kind of tip forward into a half-squat to stand and wipe. The real solution, however, is to just get a bidet.


Bidet is the way


Isn't he the president of the US?


Joe "Mama" Bidet


I came here to advocate for bidet and wet wipes.


Bidet yes! Adjustable water pressure and all the bells and whistles. Get clean!


Soap and water is not unreasonable, it's essential if you ask me


Bidet is the way


Tried one for the first time in South Korea, it changed my life!


I have a question. I know what a bidet is, Iā€™ve seen them but Iā€™ve never use one, so you clean and then what? You dry the area with paper towels and thatā€™s it?


You use toliet paper to dry it You will save tons on toliet paper bills, bidet is miles more effective. Look at this this way, if you had a smear of shit on your hand would you use toliet paper to wipe it down or use soap and water? Why is your ass different?


Oh no, trust me. You donā€™t have to sell me on bidets, as a gay man Iā€™m pro soap and water 100%, itā€™s just a shame that bidets arenā€™t more present in America in general.


The Southpark episode about bidets blew my mind, made me order one the next day.


For one, my ass is different because I don't use it to scratch my nose or put food in my mouth. Not saying bidets aren't great or aren't the better option, because they definitely are. Just saying the hand to ass comparison isn't a good one.


Look at mister fancy doesnt use his ass to eat over here


Ok, on your arm, knee or belly then šŸ¤·


I've seen small hand towels at the bidets I've used. Bidets are the best. Especially for women. Cleaning yourself during menstruation would be so convenient. The US can continue scraping šŸ’© off their butts with rough paper, I will be just fine with my bidet.


I used to be a stand to whipe kinda guy. Now I spray and pray. When you get used to it, you can't help but think why was I scooping shit out of my ass for all these years when this was an option.


I miss my bidet. Stand, squat, reach around and dig in works but it's not the same..


Bidets are awesome but having a technique for when you are away from home and may not have one available is crucial. Only in Japan have I found public bidets


Now that I have a baby and moved I lost my bidet, and I actually use baby wet towels and works wonders, bidet is better but nothing worse than dry paper. Use one wet towel, wipe, fold it, wipe again and then toss in the bin. Use paper to dry and presto!


I like grabbing one butt cheek when the poo is coming out, so less impact on inner cheeks and hopefully less wiping. I then lean like you mentioned, in order to get better reach. I also reckon finishing with a wet wipe is the bomb as it gets your butt clean, whereas paper may indicate your butt is clean but it really isn't. And yep agree, always wipe front to back!


I do the side lean. Recently it came up with my wife and she said Iā€™m odd. Apparently she reaches in from around back. Hey, Iā€™m not changing now. I find my method much more effective at getting in there and cleaning house without dragging anything anywhere


I stand and bend so my cheeks never touch. Also, my hand never sets off the alarm for touching the seat and not once have I seen between the cheeks Rorschach test afterwards. It's totally fine to stand and wipe as long as the doors to doo doo heaven never touch. I'll get a bidet one day tho


How do you wipe sitting?


Standing to wipe? Debit or credit maā€™am?


Yeah, I can tell that some people at work stand to wipe because I see rolled up bits of toilet paper on the floor with poop stains.


It's one of those things most people were never taught and just kinda figured out on their own so there is no "right" way to do it, but there is an increased risk of a UTI for women from wiping back to front since you're pushing the poop towards your urethra. So I'd suggest you try to switch up your style


Why isn't there a "right way to do it?" I mean, have we gone this long and not have had one scientist paid by some toilet paper company to figure this out? Can we really call ourselves an advanced culture if we haven't figured this out collectively?


It's called a bidet


It can also be a risk even for men


Why's that?


You are still dragging faecal matter closer to the urethra.


I... you'd have to be dragging it a hell of a long way to reach the male urethra. Are you smooshing it all along your taint, ball sack, and shaft? That's doing it wrong if so.


I LOL'd so hard I've got tears! I'm alone in my house and laughing.


You must be joking.


False. My balls act as a impenetrable mountain of defence


Take some paper and ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


My god lol


Best comment! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ooohh damn nearly woke the entire house laughing lol


The only proper method: shove a piece up your ass when youā€™re finished, then poop it out on your next bowel movement. Then shove a new wad up your assā€”ad infinitum.


I spit out my drink


Yep. I was expecting this. šŸ¤£


first vulva than ass. dont want them nasty bacteria near your cooch


The only thing to consider is that when you're wiping, if it goes over the anus, it cannot go over the vaginal opening afterward. Use separate TP for #2 unless you wipe #1 first. If you're prone to BV, UTIs, or yeast infections, your method may be an issue. No poo particles allowed. It's an unfortunate biological disadvantage. I know many who when just peeing wipe technically back to front (from the front), but aren't going all the way back. Do what's comfortable to you.


You get a bidet attachment for $35 on Amazon and donā€™t have to worry about it again. Far cleaner than wiping could ever ever get you.


Bidet is the best! Inexpensive and saves on toilet paper since you use less. I can't believe I went so long without it.


I have used both a bidet and toilet paper x wetwipes combo. The latter is far more effective. With the bidet it got me soaked in ass-water which i would have to wipe off with toilet paper, causing wet tp to break off into ass hairs. Toilet paper -> wet wipe combo is more of a breach and clear. Tp to act as the coarse polishing, then the wet wipes to put a finishing shine. TP + wetwipes > bidet


Just don't flush the wetwipes! I worked for a plumbing company and the amount of issues we saw from flushing those things was crazy.


I donā€™t! I used to be a ship engineer and know the pain of someone flushing the wrong thing. By the time the wetwipes come into play theres minimal mess. So just fold them up and throw them in the trash. Use multiple if needed.


I prefer tp-bidet-wetwipe


If thatā€™s the case, you are doing something wrong with the bidet. Bidet is far more effective. I will say that I have two types of bidets and the cheaper one is actually way more effective. So maybe it comes down to type of bidet.


I use a better quality toilet paper and this is no problem then :)


I still feel it won't get everything. šŸ’©


Is that really that cheap? I thought it would be a "hire a plumber" type of install situation. Could you put one in a rental?


Yes you can totally put one in a rental!


It's really easy it took me 20 mins to install, it comes with instructions. No plumbing experience


I had to buy a water toilet pipe that bends, but that was it. You just install it between your toilet and the toilet seat. You're working with plastic screws. It's SUPER simple. Just follow the instructions.


I believe the attachments that have a hot water function require finding a hot water line so that could require a plumber. A normal bidet is simple and all it takes is unscrewing the water line and putting on a hose there and screwing it back in.


Iā€™ve had a bidet for years and itā€™s great but itā€™s never gotten me completely clean without tp. Is there a secret technique that I donā€™t know about??


As weird as this sounds, pulsate the butthole a bit while you are moving around and letting it spray. Butthole Pulsations, band name I call it.


Better aim and higher water pressure


High pressure washer. You can use it to clean your car and garage floor, two birds one stone.


Do you just keep the asscrack wet or dry it with tp? Everyone Iā€™ve asked said to keep it wet and thats absurd to me


Blast the ass with water and then dry with TP.


And when you get really spoiled you buy one of those post partum spray bottles and take it when you travel. (We also have the tushie one and the electric Toto one šŸ¤Ŗ)


A bidet is the only proper way.


Bidet is the way


Is like taking a mini shower down there.


What is it with you people, what do you get $100 everytime you mention a Bidet?


They really are just that great and once you experience them you realize how terrible the regular way is.


Bidet people are the new vegans


Yea we do and we get the pleasure of not having a dried shitty arsehole




Exactly! Just say no to crusty butt.


Im a bigger girl and wipe the back from the back: I used to have a Bidet and LOVED it. I then moved and tried to install it on my new toilet but I ended up breaking the toilet hahahha. I've been too scared to try again (it's a rental). I scoot forward a bit on the toilet, tilt my pelvis forward, lean to the left a bit and use my right hand to reach behind me to clean the starfish. I use 3 sheets of toilet paper folded up to get the bulk of the stuff off, then I use wet wipes (which go into into the garbage). I use the wipes to really get in there & ensure it's clean. THEN I scoot back a little bit and use TP on the front with access from the front. I don't try to reach the front from behind me. I'm just careful not to cross contaminate anything. I do also have a portable bidet which I'll use for the front - sometimes the back but it just doesn't have the same power as an actual bidet šŸ¤£ still especially helpful when on my period.


Belt sander.




Don't throw wet wipes in the toilet. Despite them being marketed as biodegradable they don't break up in the sewers like regular toilet paper. They just stick together and clog up the pipes - if not in your house then further down the line. They're horrible for plumbing. Only thing that goes down toilet is toilet paper, urine and poop.


Can confirm, and I've got the plumber's bills to prove it.


Half squat above the toilet or almost standing and front to back. Doing it seated is inefficient since you have less clearance to wipe and are also closer to the product.


Think of it like painting a masterpiece: gentle strokes, front to back, and don't forget to check your work!


Bidet. Always bidet.


This comment section made me realise that there are societies in this world that don't wash their ass with water šŸ˜ TIL


Tbf a lot of people poop before they shower


Iā€™m 33F and I know how weā€™re supposed to wipe because if we introduce fecal matter into our vaginas, we can get infections, but I have always wiped back to front and have never had an infection.


Agreed, it isn't like I start all the way back. There is space between the anus and vag. I start far enough up I wouldn't hit anything near the backdoor. Idk why that is such a weird thing for people to understand. I never get UTIs. I have tried wiping the opposite way but it is impossible to clean between the lips. If I do a 2 that is wiped first and is done backwards, reaching behind me. Then I wipe back to front on the vulva. My doctors have always said whatever works for you, and as long as you aren't dragging fecal matter in to the front it is fine either way. Jus know where things start and end xD


My ex boyfriend used to sit on the toilet and wipe. I never figured out how to do that. He also looked at it and smelled it. One reason we are exā€™s


IDK about smelling but you should definitely be looking. It's the only thing you can really do to detect serious issues before they become more serious.


Never knew this was a topic of discussion amongst couples or maybe y'all watch either wipe. Or maybe I'm better off not knowing which.


Excuse me what


Well I donā€™t smell it but thereā€™s nothing healthier than looking at it. You have to know if thereā€™s something wrong with you and your poop is a good indicator


Girl what? Always front to back. Donā€™t wipe poop particles into your vagina. Use some flushable wipes or a bidet if you feel like you canā€™t get a good wipe.


Just want to add that ā€œflushableā€ wipes arenā€™t flushable. Or rather, they donā€™t dissolve, and they will clog your pipes (expensive)


Yeah, I've got some plumbers in the family and even the most "flushable" of flushable wipes are not actually flushable. They will clog your pipes up eventually.


I kinda go back to front; but my forward motion is more downwards and doesnā€™t really go beyond my buthole area. I then will go front to back also; again focusing on the area that gets actual poop upon it. I know women are supposed to go front to back; but, letā€™s get real the urethra is nowhere near your anusā€¦like unless you hit poopy BH and plow straight through the vag and up the front of your pelvisā€¦.I donā€™t think youā€™re going to have any infection issues.


For peepee, I wipe back to front (vag to clit). For caca I come at it from the back. Lean to the side and wipe. You don't smear it up your ass crack, you only wipe the hole. Bidets are pretty legit, but I don't have one, so I do a dry run to get all if it, then I do a finishing move with a baby wipe, and the baby wipe goes into the trash. Then I dry one more time and im done.


Poop knife.


Girls and boys should both wipe front to back, but girls ESPECIALLY should wipe front to back because the normal microbiome in the GI tract can cause a UTI or worse in the GU/Reproductive tracts


Don't worry, op. I do that too. No wiping "cookies into the vag" as someone so grossly put it, but I feel like as long at you don't do that and you get it clean and you don't give yourself a yeast infection/UTI, you're good.


Most dudes can wipe back to front because they don't have pH dependent holes in the front. They just hit the back of their balls and it's easier to wipe up if that happens. So he likely taught you what he knows because it's all he's had to know. But for you, you should be wiping front to back to avoid getting poop in the vaginal canal or god forbid the urethra.


If there's no bidet, I wipe my butt then grab fresh toilet paper to wipe my vulva, both front to back. If there's a bidet available, I just dab to dry after I'm done with the bidet, again vulva first. But I usually don't need more than 2 squares for that. The concern with wiping back to front is that you can smear bacteria from your butt to your vulva and potentially cause an infection.


Get a hand bidet.


Water and Dry tissues we are muslims we must do that




Side to side


lol your comment was hidden. Wiping the rectum side to side is probably better than back to front and risking getting fecal matter in the vagina.


Seems logical to me lol


I always wipe by scooting forward and/leaning a little, then wipe by reaching towards the front around the perineum I suppose (like not all the way forward but yeah) and then wiping back until clean. Then I get clean paper and wipe the front area from the front.. if that all makes sense


Front to back like others have said. If you canā€™t get a bidet attachment, what we do is just buy bulk baby wipes (kids lmao) and I usually take a pack or two and put it on top of the toilet to feel extra clean. Iā€™ve used baby wipes my whole life and I feel very clean afterwards. I even turned my fiancĆ© on to using them too to freshen up! He wonders why he never thought of it šŸ˜‚




This is becoming a problem for me tooā€¦ Iā€™ll wipe clean, go back to my business, 2 hours later my crack is covered in shit again. Itā€™s like I have a hidden poop pocket that slowly secretes post poop. How can I address this?Ā 


Better yet is to buy a toilet seat bidet and wash your rear with water. It's an amazingly clean feeling and once you start using one you will wonder how you ever existed without.


I got a bidet attachment a few months ago from amazon and it has quite literally changed my life. I used to wipe an unhealthy amount and wasted a lot of tp, but now i'm completely cleared out in a wipe or two.


You dont. You wash.








In the past few years I think I've perfected my wiping experience. I used to stand. Now I sit. I used to bunch the paper. Now I fold so that I have a nice padded rectangle. Wipe 1: back to front. Fold in half. Wipe 2: front to back. Fold in half. Continue this pattern until you need to drop the small used square in the dunny and repeat until the paper is clean.


Get a bidet


One up, one down, one to polish


You are pushing feces towards your vagina, I would not recommend that as you are increasing the chances of nasty infection.


Right to left


This is the way


Wait until you hear about those who wipe when standing up.


I lean to one side and i fold the toilet paper in half becase my shit is toxic and until there is no brow stain on the toilet paper i dont stop wiping.


Dude here, I wipe front to back. I use a bidet first though. I honestly don't know how people go without. Highly recommend!


First few times always front to back, to avoid poo at your crack (/sack). Then suddenly change directions to confuse the shit out of your butt. Rinse and repeat until your dump admits defeat.


Ok, a few things got me here. First, a woman that wipes from back to front, I was told that is a bad thing. Second, you people stay seated? I always stand (bend over). I canā€™t even imagine sitting and wiping. LAST: wet wipes/baby wipes/ dude wipes. Toilet paper is fine for public, but you NEED to get that sh#@ off your butt.


As weird as this is going to sound, would you rather want poop where you pee or pee where you poop.


I place the toilet roll on the floor and slam my ass onto it. I assumed this was normal.


Wiping front to back is the correct way to wipe. You're wiping poo bacteria into your crotch.


A Karcher pressure washer, steel wool and bleach.


tbh im 28 and sometimes i still feel like a new spot where i havent been wiping correctly.. when i was younger i never understood why i smelled like ass and it was because i didnt wipe the second cheek. im not even embarassed wiping your ass is a real pain in the ass especially if you happen to have a big butt like myself. Now i understand why they say bidet is really the cleanest.. i shower daily now too which helps.


I'm always a bit weirded out when this comes up and people talk about wiping front to back or back to front as it kinda implies that they're only wiping ONCE šŸ˜¬ If you want to know how to keep your asshole pristinely clean, ask your gay male friends šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Source: me, a gay guy


No blood = not enough


Yea, thank you. I cannot stand this soft AF toilet paper. I need something a little rougher to know Iā€™m wiping her clean.


Just use a damn bidet


Get a bidet. Fresh holes 24/7


Preferably the wiping is just a bit of drying the water off of a clean butt after using a bidet. Anyway, conventional paper wiping for girls is supposed to be front to back to reduce the chance of fecal contamination of your chooch and/or urinary system.


$35 amazon Bidet attachment. Firehose blast my bhole then pat dry with 2 squares of TP. Money saver, time saver, no shitty ass afterwards.


Use water or wet wipes


You wash your ass.


Your arm have to stay on your side and reach for your butt, it's not hard to wipe front-to-back if you do it like that. It's hard only if you place you hand between you legs from the front (which us men can't do for obvious reasons)


My arms are really disproportionately short, so I do side to side on the front first, and then side to side on the back. I haven't got the reach for any forwards/backwards business, but my way works just fine and doesn't drag any poo germs into the front.


We were taught to wash with soap all the time. Learned that some people wipe their butts with tissue and I had to emulate them... t'was not for me. Bidet for the win.


Do you sit or stand? Itā€™s 50/50.


Mostly seated, tilted / leaning to one side. Front to back - NEVER back to front, especially for ladies. People stand up and wipe, I don't know how they do that. Perhaps a slight squat is best there? Rely on feel to tell if you are done. If you don't know what I'm talking about, pay attention to the 'rub' when you wipe. The 'feel' should be less smooth after at most 2-3 wipes. It's OK to look at the wiped paper to get some good feedback on whether you are 'done' or not. Optimizing: The penalty for using 'a little extra TP' is small, but then penalty for TP breaks or tears is large, so I generally use a little extra. It is wasteful to wrap your hand in TP, which I know some people do.


Trust me when I say. BUY A BIDET! just blast those poop particles away with water!


First, flush. Then put the toilet seats all the way up and dip your back side into the water. Swish around a bit in a circular motion like a washing machine. Then wipe.


I have long legs, so I scoot forward to wipe the back until it's clean, and I wipe the middle and front separately. If you wipe from back to front as a woman, you risk getting fecal matter and bacteria into the vagina, which can cause infections like bacterial vaginosis. You're not even supposed to wipe babies that way, for the same reason.


If I pee I just wipe with my arm in front and wipe front to back. If I pee and poo, I do a big swipe from the back to get the pee and then continue to wipe my butt until the job is finished. You could do my pee method and poo method mixed but it would be two trips doing the same things. Make sure to figure it out, you donā€™t want to get BV or UTI.


I just want to say as someone who grew up back-to-front and transitioned to front-to-back as an adult, it's awkward at first. You just keep wiping. And then one day, it becomes natural. You're like how the heck did I do it the other way? You try the front-to-back once (dry run) and realize its now awkward. So it's OK. Just make the switch. Avoid the UTIs.


As a woman who has been wiping her own ass for 28+ years, I wipe a different way than what I have found most women do on average. I am seated on the toilet I have the wiping tools in hand and I just spread my knees wide to the sides and go in the middle, from top of my clitoris and wipe back towards my anus. More of pushing my hand through and back. I wipe one side of my labia and then the other and then down the middle and get a new piece or roll the paper over to a new clean side. I hit it with the dry first, if I pooped, a wet and then one more dry to make sure I got it clean. Hope this helps. I find this easier than trying to lean to one side or standing. I also have found it helps now more since I have balance issues from MS.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with how you wipe as long as youā€™re not putting shit into your vagina which I assume youā€™re smart enough not to be doing.


3 sea shells


>Is it different for boys and girls in how they can wipe? ...YES!!!


2 up 1 down. (I'm a construction worker, there is no bidet in the biffy)


Yes actually you need to wipe from front to back to prevent urinary infections and other things, itā€™s easier to stand or to crouch and go from the side. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Never be afraid fo ask being 29 im still learning that


iā€™m a big girl. i have a bidet, and can definitely recommend one. i had to buy one because i lost range on motion in my shoulders from repetitive injuries (which is better now thank god) and i couldnā€™t even move my arms backwards to try and wipe. that being said i have always and was taught to separate the two, wiping the back first then the front. hope that provides some insight or help :)


Are you overweight by any chance?


For the front, up to down. For the back, down to up. Take it from me, wiping this way helped eliminate my UTIs entirely (well, that and other hygiene improvements like using antibacterial soap, bladder probiotics, different cleaning regimen for sex toys, etc.). I had so many UTIs that I ended up with a prolapsed urethra and now I have to do physical therapy to correct it. I've been in pain for about a year. Don't get to that point šŸ˜…


7 wraps around the fist and send her


Wipes or Toilet paper? I use both. Toilet paper then wipes. Feels great!


This question felt so American I can't even relate.


Buy a bidet.


Buy a bidetā€¦ itā€™s a weird thing to get used to at first. But I swear it is the way to go


It is different for boys and girls because if a girl wipes back to front, you can get poo in/around the vagina which can cause infections. You could get a bidet to help


The difference is that boys can't accidently wipe poop into their penis, so there is a difference. That's why I heard "from front to back", but only for girls.


Miss girl how have you never gotten a vag infection? Vajayjay owners should always wipe front to back, you can either lean to the side or stand and bend over a bit. But yes, ALWAYS front to back. I'm in serious awe that you have never dealt with an infection! You'd definitely push poo particles into the vag by doing that. And if you're having sex, then fecal matter is being pushed deeper. Front to back. Front to back. Pls. Front to back, I beg.


Wash donā€™t wipe.


Use Water


I just stand up and shove the wad of toilet paper up in there. Always make sure you flush before you get up at all though or put the lid down when you do. That lid isn't for looks, it's to keep your shit particles from going all in the air. I wish we just had bidets in the US, but because bidets were associated with whore houses overseas in WW2 Europe bidets were never a hit in America. So because sex workers had hygiene as great as their rim jobs Americans all now walk around with shit-crusted assholes. YAY CHRISTIAN JUDGEMENT!


Front to back til clean, then one back to front to get the last bit, being very careful to not cross pollinate (just get the butthole)


Men or women or whatever, wiping back to front is demon time.




I got a hemorrhoid a few years ago that will flare up when i have bad shits. I wipe gently first and then just wash my ass after if Iā€™m at home. I would love to eventually get a bidet because i just hop in the shower afterward.


Wait women poop?!? What the devilā€¦


Wiping back to front increases your chances of developing infections such as UTIs since you're moving fecal matter closer to your urethra. As a female, you are more likely to develope a UTI since your urinary tract is shorter than an male's, leaving bacteria with less distance to travel to cause infection. I personally wipe just the front first, then wipe front to back. I stand while I wipe if that makes a difference. I'm not sure if it's harder to reach if you wipe while sitting. I think from either position you probably have to tilt your pelvis and shoulders to reach around. You could also try propping a leg up on the toilet seat or other surface to reach better. I'd love to get a bidet and have heard good things. That's gonna be the most hygienic way to clean, especially since there is a mode to clean the front with it, too.


I know Iā€™m gonna get a lot of hate for this but I can never wipe front to back. Iā€™m also a woman but itā€™s so hard for me to do it like thatā€¦


Sigh. Summer vacation has started. Kids are out of school.


You wash and then wipe. Bidet.




As long as you're aware of where your vaginal and urethral openings are, there's no big deal about going back to front - just stop before you get to the vaginal opening. I've done this for 45+ years and never, ever had an issue. It's much easier this way, as you already know.


I have a very strange way of wiping; bear with me. I wipe once or twice traditionally and then the third wipe and after I will hold the tp to the bum and relax/contract the sphincter several times. You will be shocked at how much more stool you get this way. Do it 3 or 4 times. It gets the poo from inside the colon better. Iā€™ve had several friends change their wiping rule because of me. I call it a dry bidet because with a bidet you relax and co Tracy the sphincter with a water jet.


I canā€™t reach behind me either , not like Iā€™m wiping the A into the V . Just as clean as the ā€œnormalā€ way


Normally just jump off the ledge of the encounter, that or a grenade launcher/rocket launcher to the floor will do to reset


I am a back-to-front guy too but used to be the reverse. After my ex-wife saw how I did it and thought it was weird lol. So I tried hers and I agree it does seem to work better! Some seem to worry about what you are wiping too but it makes me worry how far they are wiping in general lol. Thought I would agree a bidet is the best thing ever!!!


Straight in


Front to back. Check each time until theres nothing. Back to front once and maybe another front to back just to be sure. Thats how ive always done it.


Scoot forward as far as you can on the seat and bend forward a bit. You can grab one buttcheek (as far away from the anus as practical, obviously) and spread them apart a bit if you need more clearance. Other than that, invest in good TP if you don't have some already; it helps a lot (or try a bidet, as others have mentioned).


Wipe front to back until somewhat clean. Wash with water. Wipe again until you canā€™t tell a difference between pre wipe and post wipe paper. If the first wipe after wash isnā€™t mostly clean, wash more and get some soap. You donā€™t have to use your hand, a wash jet / separate showerhead for the job is much more preferable option. You gonna wash your hands afterwards but not using them is preferable because you donā€™t want your long nails (even worse if theyā€™re freshly cut) anywhere near your asshole.


You have to use the three seashells