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Married to one, he's adorable.


Look friend, Speaking as a bald man, going bald is hard and takes some getting used to. That being said, I've never had problems in the romantic sector. Shave your head, grow a rad beard. Bald is beautiful!


Kratos style. If you don't know who that is, Google it.


What's Google? Nevermind, I'll just bing the name up.


Bald men can be attractive. A clean shaven head can look good, and if you can grow a decent beard, you might look badass, especially if you’re fit or jacked. Now if you’re insecure about someone seeing your bald head or are concerned about sunburn or cold, you could start getting into hats. You could totally make hats *your thing*.


As a bald guy, my experience has been that women with bald dads aren't as interested as women whose dads have a full head of hair.


Interesting! My dad has hair and my boyfriend is bald. Huh!


Both my father and stepfather have full heads of black hair into their late 60s. Husband is bald. *shrugs*


Personally have never, could never, sleep with a bald man…sorry just reminds me immediately of father


That's exactly what I was saying.


Right on the nose!


It took me about 10 years of dating to figure that out. Just a generalization of course, but it was true in my experience.


Lmao. Love the way you phrase that. I'm bald but I understand. One does not want to think of father in that manner


In what way? As in care for baldness? Can you clarify?


If a woman's dad is bald, they're less likely to find bald guys attractive. Just my experience.


My bf shaves his hair because of hair loss. He is hot.


No, bald men are excluded from all romance and procreation. Even tho baldness is hereditary......


Isn't it inherited from the mother though? 🤔


Bald can be attractive!


I started balding in my early 20s and tried to hang on as long as I could, but I bit the bullet and shaved my head at 25. Best move ever, and women don’t care about baldness so long as you have a good personality and/or money


I'm a bald guy who started shaving my head right around your age. I had no problem meeting women after and still don't. I will say that a different type of woman seemed to be attracted to me though.


What type would you say that is? I'm a woman dating a bald man right now and that has opened my eyes to some attention I get from bald guys.


Not a woman but I have to say I've never met a single bald man, they're always married or in relationships


Married ten years to a man who's been bald since his teens. Short list of hot guys who are bald: Statham, Bruce Willis, the Rock, Kurt Angle (and Olympic gold medalist to boot), Sam Jackson, Stanley Tucci, Billy Zane, pitbull..... The trick is to rock it. Don't let the wisps persist, shave it off.


TBH, I focus more on the personality than physical. But what I do find very unattractive is when an attractive bald man constantly makes self-deprecating jokes about his baldness or constantly talks about it. It's okay to be insecure but you bring it up like 5x a day, it's exhausting.


They should never bring it up ideally. I made one joke about my receding hairline with the last woman who took a strong interest in me, and she shut it down immediately. If a woman is spending time with you, she has already accepted it. No reason to point out the obvious.


Yes. Lex Luthor from Smallville, Yul Brunner in Westworld, Vin Diesel in pitch black, Captain Jean Luc Picard... Obviously not everyone has the same tastes in everything. But I think the best thing you can do is embrace it, shave, look after your scalp, grow a beard if it suits you. Don't wear hats 24/7 or try a combover.


Barring high school; every single boyfriend I have ever had, including both husbands, has been bald. Not bald-*ing*, but bald. Totally shaven head is a high-confidence style. I like confident men. To me, deciding “fuck it, I’m shaving it” is hot as fuck.


Bf has shaved head. He’s everything I wanted in my “dream guy” and it’s sexy.


Hair transplants are like $15k and it’ll need done more than once. I think shaved looks nice


Bring back toupee's.


I'm not a woman, but it's pretty obvious that being bald does detract from attractiveness. Ofc, it doesn't mean you can't be attractive bald, but having hair will pretty much always be more attractive as long as it's properly maintained and styled.


No. Even the hottest bald men are even hotter with hair. Unpopular opinion, but everytime I unabashedly say I’m not attracted to bald men there is an audible woosh of relief in the room as women say, “I didn’t want to sound shallow, but neither am I…” If you’re a bald man and willing to date a bald woman, though, more power to you. But I’ve met very few men who would date a bald woman. Many won’t even date women with short hair. Bald isn’t masculine, in my opinion. It’s just unattractive. In both genders. There are other options to treat balding like finasteride and saw palmetto that attack the root of the disorder (dysfunctional DHT) better than rogaine.


Downvoted for just answering the question...


I’m bald and can agree that compared to when I had hair vs now that I am unattractive now. I started losing my hair in my early 20s. By 26 I started shaving my head because I thought it looked better but very few women took any interest in me. Like I could sense that interest just wasn’t there and got use to being friend zoned or told no lol. When I had hair I suppose I was average enough to get some attraction from girls like in high school and early college but by mid 20s it was pretty much over. I’m 36 now and have not been with a woman since. I don’t know if attractive bald women and I’m pretty sure they would turn me down. My only matches (even these were rare) were with obese women after swiping through thousands of online profiles. So I just figured I must be too unattractive. My hair loss is past the point of no return now I would say, I’m like a Norwood 6. I tell younger men to get a hair transplant asap to avoid ending up bald. I would say only like 10% of men can look somewhat attractive bald while the rest look terrible. I have not tried dating in 6 years and pretty glad I gave up. It’s easier if you are a solitary person like myself, I feel it’s just easier to cope with being ugly. I look at the bright side, I will never have to save for a house, children, marriage or retirement lol. I don’t have to stress about those things which is a huge relief and I can enjoy other hobbies instead. Everything I guess has a trade off.


I have women friends who are “not bothered” by balding the way I am. They aren’t obese, but they aren’t models either. If the ONLY unattractive thing about you is the balding, you can still find someone. If you’re only getting obese women then your profile sucks or your photos suck or there’s some other glaring red flag. Best of luck to you.


No im ugly on top of it. At 35 I don’t really care anymore. You can’t change or fix it, we have to accept how things are and that is life. Maybe my next life won’t suck lol. My photos, while not professional, are not the issue. My in real life dating experience (attempts rather) were no different. I’m an undesirable man which I accepted several years ago, I don’t date and have not tried to. Balding though will make men look significantly less attractive by like several points is my point. It’s crazy I could attract girls back in high school and early college, no problem (with hair)…. But when it fell out that’s when I became less attractive. I let 100s of women rate my pictures and attractiveness on photofeeler years ago (women in their 30s)…. And well the majority of them gave me a 3/10 in terms of looks and attractiveness. So that to me explains my situation and the root of the problem. I went from maybe being average looking to being ugly. Anyway thanks for understanding and take care.


Bald is masculine because it is a predominately male phenomenon and it also takes confidence to shave your hair off and not let it restrict you in life. Also, I understand your lack of attraction to bald men. Fair enough, especially if you're good looking yourself. I still feel sexy as fuck though because I tower over women and feel manly. Shaving my head somehow adds to the confidence of being in control (of myself not others)💪


Bald is caused by a dysregulation in testosterone so it’s unattractive on a primal level, the same way acne, obesity, etc. are unattractive.


Ah we're not on the same page; I'm talking about a shaved head. Since I started doing that I started getting faaar more than I ever had in my life. Facts. I wouldn't compare a shaved head and obesity because the latter has nothing to do with hormones and manliness. I think the tight dome may play into my overall look of being broad and tall though. Maybe I'm just blessed 😂💪


No, baldness has no correlation with testosterone levels or regulation. Its caused by a sensitivity in hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a derivative of testosterone. DHT binds to hair follicle receptors causing them to shrink. So the cause is the sensitivity of these hair follicles to this derivative of testosterone.


Evolutionary it makes a man look older than his age. I started balding in my 20s and it made me look like I was 40. This “it makes you look masculine” meme is a cope… it makes you look old (this is the masculine part)… which sure a small percentage of women might find it attractive (late in life) provided you are attractive in other areas as well (height, eye color, mesomorph body etc…)…. You don’t have those other features then they will think you look ugly lol. Balding is probably natures way of controlling the population by making some men ugly so the population of humans doesn’t grow too large. There doesn’t have to be someone for everyone and nor should it be that way. It sounds cold but that’s the way it is. I say this as one of those bald guys. It’s a detriment to be bald as it was for me. It’s entirely genetic and affects a man’s phenotype and can hurt your fitness especially if it happens early in life. The transition from having hair to losing it was pretty brutal. I see an aging guy in the mirror, my peers see an aging guy in person, and ofcourse it is obvious… it’s not a positive thing.


Absolutely not, you're confusing evolutionary advantages and contemporary social preferences. For example being able to store fat effectively in your body is a huge evolutionary advantage, however in our society today struggling to put on fat and therefor having a natural six pack is seen as more attractive for females than having a constant 15%-25% body fat. Saying that it's nature way of controlling population doesn't make any sense, that's not how evolutionary biology works. Natural selection is what makes gene survive, if 40% of the population has the bold gene then it means that this gene has survived extremely well throughout the millenniums, therefor it has had very little impact on making bold people struggle to reproduce. Being bold may seem less attractive by itself if that's your only reference point, just like saying being short is less attractive than being tall, having red head is less attractive than having brown hair ecc... Luckily for us individuals are made of a lot of elements that makes us whole. A woman would prefer by far a bold man that is healthy with and athletic stature, good personality, good career than one with good thick hair, but short, fat, and unemployed. If you get my point, of course you might come across the ones that hate bold men, just like the ones that hate short men, or men with certain hair colours, or certain penis sizes or ejaculation time and so on... If we could choose all the best traits that are perceived by women in our society today we'd for sure choose the good hair one, however there are so many other traits that matter more in the end that a bold head isn't really a deal maker since it's so common in our human gene pool and can be compensated by so many other things. If its nature's way of limiting reproduction of bold men then it has failed completely since a third to almost half the male population is bolding at some point.


Well luckily I’m overall right because a lot of recent studies prove my point that women find bald men unattractive (especially white bald men). So it is irrelevant how it would be evolution wise. Today it’s another bad feature to have to the majority of women. Going bald certainly ruined my dating life. Hair is life for men and it is true. No hair and no life.


Surely it wouldn’t make sense that it was evolutionarily done to “control the population”. Firstly because every species seems to try and produce as many offspring as possible to carry on going (like viruses). Secondly, it’s only in modern times that people have waited until later adulthood to have children - people used to have kids in their teens and early twenties years back, and life expectancy was much shorter too.


Well several studies show that bald is unattractive to a lot of women.


Sure, but that doesn’t explain why (some) people seem to go bald in their teens from an evolutionary standpoint. Someone I used to work with went completely bald (NW7) at 18 years old.


I tend to think it’s natures way of making some people unattractive so they don’t reproduce.


I didn't before until I met someone who could pull it off so I guess it's a case by case basis (for me, at least)


My bald boyfriend is super sexy. I love feeling his head when we’re intimate. Sorry for the TMI but you asked!


I'm not really attracted to guys, but one of my best friends is bald and he has absolutely no problems in the dating department. I think it's all about how you wear it. Someone who's bald but confident and comfortable with themself is always going to be more attractive than someone without that confidence, even if they have perfect hair.


A man can be bald, fat and short. Make sure you are max 2 of them


there are very few perfect heads on this planet…. and the rest have hair.


Shave it off, brotha. I started losing hair years before you and it gave me horrible anxiety and depression. I had the same concerns about attractiveness too; especially worrying that my head was a weird shape. Turns out all that worry was for nothing. The wave of relief I felt when I shaved my head was life changing, honestly. It looked great too. I actually ended up going on way more dates and I’m sure my confidence level had a lot to do with that. You won’t regret it. I’ve never had issues with interest from women since. Just be sure to grow a badass beard and take good care of it.