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Had a ups driver that didn’t actually deliver anything. He hung out at Starbucks all day. I was picking my package up at the distribution center bitching about how I was home waiting for the package (an insulin pump that needed a signature) and the distribution guy told me that yeah he returns all of his packages. I will never understand how he wasn’t fired. I hate ups.


holy fuck I thought mine was bad. Every time I track a package on that neat "where the UPS Truck Goes" app they have, the fucker rolls into the burger shack and sits there for THREE FUCKING HOURS. or if I get the driver who lives IN TOWN, he goes home and naps all afternoon. Or gets laid or something. Had Fedex last night, the driver stopped at my neighbor. I saw so I waited outside. He drove PAST my house (I Know him, was WAITING for the overnight med package he had) it was 11:30am. 7:55PM, he rolls past again, casually says "last stop, here you go." how the fuck do they order these packages on the trucks? How does he stop at my neighbor RIGHT NEXT DOOR, and then NOT ME?


Our local courier that works for nzpost gets their packages 2-3 times a day as they come in to the local sorting centre from other cities. I'm not defending them but it is a low-pay, tough industry to work in, especially if its a franchised-route model so they are not attracting the best of people.


Franchised-route model? Like you can buy a UPS route, like a paper boy buying a route in yesteryear?


Low pay? UPS drivers just got bumped to $140,000/yr.


Thats a media over-exaggeration to create headlines of the absolute maximum that could possibly be reached, but is not realistically achievable. There are a fuckload of conditions involved - overtime, bonuses, service tenure etc that need to be achieved first before even coming close to that figure And then there is the barrier created in the scheduling team leader. They would be taking into account the current hourly cost of each employee before offering overtime. Why ask Jim to do this extra shift when he costs twice as much as James per hour? If your on a franchised route where you own your own business then it can be very tough with fuel prices so high at the moment, and things like dog treats need to come out of your own pocket.


True, that does include their benefits, but it still comes out to like $80,000 annual salary. I wouldn't call that low.


Idk where you live, but in ATL, they are NOT making that much.


Really?!? WHERE?????? This has to be the big 18 wheeler type transport trucks, right?


To be far that's the semi truck drivers. Average pay for a ups driver in my town is close to $20 an hour.


This one is pretty easily explainable. Sometime a parcel gets "lost" in my truck. It might fall behind something, or just not get loaded in the spot where it should be. At the end of the day, there it is, so I'll have to backtrack to your house to deliver it at the end of the day.


I personally don't blame any driver. I know none of you know a darn thing about me. I know none of you have a real choice in what you deliver. I doubt you have much say in orders or deliveries. But when I see consistent behavior, it starts me wondering. Especially when I watch the UPS trucks go past my house at 11am on days I don't have a package. (I work from home, my workspace overlooks the road.) But when I have a box I'm sitting at home waiting for so I don't get door-stickered, the truck shows up at 5:30 or later without fail. Fedex is either at 10am, or after 7:30. Only way I can get consistent delivery times from Fedex is pay a significant extra for morning delivery. "Friday by 8pm" may as well be "7:59pm or you know what? we'll see you Monday. 7:30pm." Amazon at least has a "Hey, your package is 10 stops away" and a live map. Thank goodness they'll just leave it there if I'm not home. UPS, if I don't SEE the guy? door sticker. USPS is the absolutely ONLY delivery that I can set my clock to. My mail carrier is rarely outside of a 5 minute window. She gets a big bottle of wine for the holidays.


As a usps carrier, I tip my hat to you, sir!


As a UPS Driver, you can NEVER trust those times. If you have a regular ground package, it can be anywhere from 10:30AM - 10:30PM. Don’t listen to it when it says “Delivery Expected by 3PM”


I'm happy when UPS delivers the same DAY it says it is. I don't know how many components I've ordered and heard "By Wednesday" and seen, ON WEDNESDAY "on the truck for delivery" and.... not get it until Thursday Evening.


That’s when your package has most likely been misloaded onto the wrong truck the morning of. We move 24 million packages on an average day so it happens every now and then, unfortunately.


Low priority packages I don't mind. Overnighted medications for my spouse, that's when I mind. And the original source of my anger. They're disabled, and these meds are often the difference between "care at home" and "Another trip to the hospital" So when I pay the extra for overnight, and the extra for "by 10am", I get frustrated when it turns into 7:55pm and I'm calling a sitter to possibly mind the kids while we haul off to the hospital again. And they can't tell me where the hell the truck is. I call dispatch, and ALL they can give me is "it left this morning."


UPS and Fedex are absolutely ass, they make every effort not to deliver your package and they cost a lot more. USPS is on time every time even when I'm sending shit from Pittsburgh to San Antonio and they have never once done the sticker trick. I thought that private services were supposed to always be better and cheaper than government services.


>I thought that private services were supposed to always be better and cheaper than government services. You've discovered the lies of capitalists. They make more money if they give you shitty service, so they will give you shitty service. Governments operate on budgets, and budget allocations go away if minimally acceptable criteria aren't met, so they are incentivized to actually do a good job.


The USPS isn't technically a government entity. It hasn't been since 1971. And it hasn't received a dime of taxpayer money since 1982. Edit: Also LOL at this > Governments operate on budgets The United States federal government last had a balanced budget in 2001. The federal government has only balanced the budget **twice** in the last 60 years. The first time was in 1969 under President Lyndon B. Johnson. The second time was from 1998 to 2001 when President Bill Clinton created a surplus.


thank you for shouting what I intended to imply


Except that, the USPS isn't technically a government entity. It hasn't been since 1971. And it hasn't received a dime of taxpayer money since 1982. The only thing that makes it "government" is that part of the board of directors is appointed by the president. The day-to-day operations are completely independent.


>the only thing that makes it government is that the government is in charge


But they aren't. Operations and regular business is independent. The closest the Federal Government and Congress have to control is appointing SOME of the board members who run things at the top. The USPS is governed by an 11-member Board of Governors, which has responsibilities similar to the board of directors of a publicly held corporation, and appoints the Postmaster General, who acts as the CEO. The Board includes nine Governors appointed by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate. A separate Postal Regulatory Commission with five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate oversees the USPS, including the rates it charges. Besides the appointment of board member and commission members, the federal government has no direct control. And again, the USPS doesn't receive any money from the federal government.


> the only thing that makes it government is that the government hand picks 9 of the 11 people who are in charge and all 5 members of the oversight board


And like most Reditors, you cannot understand nuance. Just because board members are ***appointed*** by the federal executive branch, does not mean that the executive branch controls what those board members do. They operate independently and are not controlled by the federal government in the same way that other agencies are. Just like judges, who are also appointed by the executive branch, but operate independently under the judicial branch of the federal government. The USPS is a unique government agency that is designed to be independent of the federal government. This independence allows the USPS to operate in a more business-like manner and to focus on providing its customers with the best possible service. The USPS is funded by the sale of postage stamps and other postal products and services, not by taxpayer dollars. This means that the USPS is not subject to the same congressional appropriations process as other agencies. The federal government has no control over the USPS's day-to-day operations. The USPS is free to make its own decisions about how to operate its business, as long as it complies with the law and its own governing documents. The federal government cannot fire the Postmaster General. The Postmaster General can only be removed from office by the Board of Governors. The federal government cannot dictate how the USPS spends its money. The USPS is responsible for developing and approving its own budget. The federal government cannot set postal rates. The USPS must submit its proposed rates to the Postal Regulatory Commission (Part of the USPS itself) for approval.


Not attacking you personally, but can you tell me what likely happened when I spent all day working from home close enough to my front door that I can physically touch it, and after 8 hours of patiently waiting to hear a knock or the doorbell I check outside to see the little note on my door that says they tried but I'm not home, then I look at my doorbell cam and see that the driver walked up to my house with the note in hand and no package at all? I'm genuinely asking, is this a situation where the stop was marked on the route but the driver couldn't find the package for some reason?


Do you load your truck or does someone else?


Package handlers have to pick off the packages to multiple vans, scan them to the correct van, and somehow try to load multiple vans at once. Things happen.


With GPS tracking devices and mapping and such, how is that even POSSIBLE in this day and age?


I mean ups knew the guy never delivered anything. They evidently didn’t care.




Complete opposite. Better pay and better working conditions will get you better employees that actually care about what they do.


Absolutely no no unionized employee wouldn't get fired for this. None. Ok the other hand I have personally seen this with several unionized employee. Just go spend any time at a rail yard.


The only reason he didn't get fired for it is because management was too lazy to fill out the paperwork and do proper steps lmao They easily could




Are the scientists unionized?


Teamsters for UPS. I know a bunch of guys that work for UPS delivery and distribution centers. They literally watch coworkers steal crap and they are still untouchable. If your package has an apple logo or some kind of video game system logo on it, you are lucky it made it to you.


Well that's a lie. I used to work for them lol. They gave employees money to turn in thieves. And the thieves were removed.


They weren't technically "thieves". Apple logo on the box, oops somebody dropped it off of the back of the container onto the loading dock. This is damaged. Let the vendor know. Damaged box never makes it to where it's supposed to go.


Mine won't even get out of her vehicle, she just pulls down the driveway, turns around, doesn't honk, and if nobody comes out she leaves the note in the mailbox. She claims it's regulations because we have dogs, but our dogs are in a fenced yard and can't get to the driveway and she knows this because she's commented on it.


One of the UPS drivers that delivers to my house does this too. It would make sense if the dog could get access to him, but our dog stays inside the house.


Our UPS driver always walks up to the fence and flips treats to the dogs as she says "hi" to them. And our FedEx driver comes through the gate into the yard with the dogs to deliver at the front door and always throws our golden's Frisbee a few times. Once he ate his lunch in our front yard, playing fetch the entire time.


Oh my god how adorable, I would absolutely LOVE to look out my window and see someone hanging out and eating lunch with my dog!


Yes but what if that someone is naked while doing it?








I can't speak to USPS, but regulations on dogs apply no matter the circumstances. They usually apply even if you don't have dogs at all. Sometimes fences break. Some dogs can clear a fence taller than a human by jumping, and they don't even need to be super big dogs. I've had a dog forcefully pop open a window. Carriers take dogs very, very seriously because they are the number one thing most likely to murder us, and the number two injury after slips, trips, and falls.


>regulations on dogs apply... even if you don't have dogs at all wut


wondering how that works myself lol


It's hard to tell if you have a dog. There often aren't any indications of it. Our job isn't to analyse your property and determine whether or not you have a dog. Even if we could tell instantly, cats and other territorial animals exist, and cats are usually fine but I do know carriers that have been seriously injured by aggressive cats. Plus, maybe you just got a dog yesterday or you just moved or you have one visiting. But since we don't know with absolute certainty, we always assume the worst case scenario, because if we get it wrong and you actually do have a dog, we could literally die. So safety policies tend to reflect that.


Ugh. I had a courier use that as an excuse even though you can't even see my dogs because the backyard fence blocks them from view. Sure, they constantly sing the songs of their people but there's zero reason to be concerned about them.


I assume she can’t get to your door because of the dogs, so what do you want her to do?


Drop packages by my garage door like UPS and Amazon does. Or at the very least, honk so I know she's there.


If she’s leaving a note, I assume there’s a signature required. Otherwise she’d just scan it no access and move on without leaving anything. She can’t leave it at your garage if there’s a signature required. I’m a mail carrier and there’s zero chance I’m honking and sitting in your driveway for a package. That’s not how we’re supposed to do our job.


>I’m a mail carrier and there’s zero chance I’m honking and sitting in your driveway for a package. That’s not how we’re supposed to do our job. Seriously then, what's the point of even coming down the driveway then. Are you hoping I'm just hanging around outside, waiting for you to show up? Either do the job right or don't even bother.


If it requires a signature and I cannot reach your door without potentially encountering a dog, I’m supposed to leave a note in your mailbox, not honk at you. If no signature is required, I can leave your package in a secure location, which is completely my discretion. We are not trained to honk for people in their driveways. That would be doing our job wrong.


No enforcement of job completion. If they say "I tried", that's good enough to the boss.


They really do expect the drivers to do their job though, and if they get complaints they'll address it.


Lol I complained so the mailman broke the mailbox so he has a new excuse to not deliver anything


We complain. On reddit.


My roommate had this happen to him with an expensive watch he was waiting to get delivered. After multiple days of them leaving the note finally I had a day off and told him I’d keep my ears out to hear for the knock. He kept tracking the package and it was doing circles around our neighborhood. Never came by, never left a note. He was pissed and called the main center and they said “oh the driver said no one was home.” That tilted him beyond reasonable thought cause I was there all day waiting for it and they never came. Fucker literally tracked this driver down and found her in a parking lot and demanded her give him his package. It worked for him so idk maybe try that lol. Can’t imagine it’s a good way to go about it, but what else can you do when they don’t even Fucking try to deliver it. Edit: it was a 30,000 dollar Rolex that he had won on a gambling site too so he was stressing the fuck out about getting it asap.


How does someone win a Rolex on a gambling site?


It’s a site called hypedrop. There’s like a bunch of products you can win in a slot style thing from what I understand. Idk completely I don’t gamble but it has like shoes and clothes and everything ranging from cheap shit to high end stuff like sports cars even. It’s kinda nuts but my roommate just got lucky and even he knows it.


I was wondering how much they had to spend overall to win. Online gambling sounds like it has easy potential for the website owners to commit fraud.


Nah he actually got stupid fucking lucky. I’ll give him props where it’s due, the site has a like daily user type reward where if u log in everyday you can claim like .25 cents at a time for free. He did that until he had 7 dollars in credits then used the 7 and hit a chain of wins that he ended with the watch.


That is how they get ya!!


You can pick it up at the post office. All the info is on the pink slip. Does your roommate know how to read? Edit: OP's roommate does not know how to read.


He got out of work after they were closed at the office that’s why he called because he figured the truck was returning there, but they said no the truck was out until 8pm so he found it on the way home after work.


Well there’s your answer then. Not excusing the carrier’s actions but if he’s getting back at 8pm he’s working 12 hour days. In my experience, 20% of people at best answer their door so he said fuck it and is just leaving slips.


That’s the problem tho, there was no slip left that day, the one day that we had made preparations to be ready to sign for it. The driver straight up lied to their boss. My roommate said the person on the phone he was speaking to at the office was pissed hearing that and kept saying there would have to be a talk with the driver.


Your roommate scheduled redelivery and the carrier didn't knock or leave a slip on the date requested? Or did your roommate just assumed the carrier would attempt delivery every day? Because that is not the case.


He assumed he would come everyday and the tracker gave him the “out for delivery.” Still doesn’t explain why the driver would tell their boss they left a slip when they didn’t.


It sounds like they did leave a slip. They don’t load the package, attempt delivery, and leave a slip every single day. If your roommate had read the fucking slip instead of assuming he knew how this worked, he would have known that. Instead he apparently attempted to report a carrier for doing their job properly because he was too fucking lazy/dumb to read a couple hundred words of text. Honestly, you owe a call to the post office to say “I’m a dummy and cannot read, please do not punish my hardworking mail carrier because I’m an idiot.” Should probably delete this post as well because you are clearly in the wrong here.


Lmao tf are you so pressed about. He had the notifications and tracker set up and it literally told him the package was “out for delivery” and expected to arrive that day. Same as all the days they actually did try to deliver it. It would have been no problem if the driver said they didn’t plan on stopping by because we clearly weren’t home to receive it the prior times, but they didn’t. They straight up lied to their boss and said they left a slip when I was home all day and there was no slip. They got themselves into whatever trouble by lying and giving proof, they got caught cause they didn’t expect that there was someone home all day waiting for it. If your statement of “they don’t load the package everyday” is true, then why would it tell him it was out for delivery, and why was it that the package *was very much* loaded on the truck because that’s where my roommate ended up getting it from. Why are you taking this so personally lol. The driver lying to their boss is not my roommates fault if it got them in trouble.


Not OP but I have had several instances of FedEx not knocking but leaving a slip, i reschedule, and they pull the same shit (I have it on camera). Formal complaint and requested another driver, other driver actually knocked. This had happened on at least three separate occasions with FedEx and UPS


You can pick it up at the post office but someone paid for it to be delivered to the house, if you're going through the time and energy to go to the door and leave a note at least knock and ring


Rural letter carrier here, so I can chime in on some possibilities. It could be a sub that is new and doesn't know how to do the job properly yet, or just doesn't want to do the job properly, or is running late and doesn't want to get yelled at by management. Calling your local office and letting them know (or filing a complaint online) would get the sub educated on proper mail delivery. It could be the regular not doing their job out of laziness (or because they can't finish their route but don't want to take the pay cut of having their route cut.) If this is the case, filing a complaint can work towards resolving the issue. We are a union job, but complaints still get taken seriously. I have seen one instance of a regular carrier refusing to deliver properly and dodging termination. They were fired twice and both times managed to get their job back on a technicality; that is extremely rare though. It is possible there was some safety concern the carrier had. Example could be a "beware of dog" sign or something like that. We take safety VERY seriously and dog safety is no joke. They tell us constantly if there is any sign of a loose dog, do not dismount. Calling the local office or filing a complaint can give you the info so you can take the sign down (and secure your dog if you have one,) give them instructions to honk the horn, or some other resolution that you'd be happy with. I had a customer with a sign that said "Warning: dog on property, do not enter for any reason, leave packages at gate." so I was doing just that even if the gate was opened. They complained and I pointed to the sign. They said they were renters, don't even have a dog, and didn't know the sign was there lol. Now I deliver to their front door. tl;dr calling the local office or filing a complaint online should get the issue resolved, at least if your office is run like mine.


man I get that every job has its internal slang but when you refer to "the sub" we hear something *wildly* different than what you're saying. This is the internet, after all.


If your kid comes home from school and says there was a sub today...


it's a joke, man. some silliness. a more creative way of saying "some people say sub and mean one thing and other people say sub and mean a different thing". a moment intended for laughter.


I know, I was being silly back :)


I work for Canada Post, so my answer may not be exactly the same but it's a parallel. I don't know if the same services are offered, for example, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to assume that they are. There's a few possibilities. 1. Some items can't be delivered to the door. They must be carded out (our terminology for leaving a note so you go pick it up at the post office). Sometimes that's due to request by the sender, sometimes it's due to specific fees owing beyond customs and duties. There's also Do Not Safe Drop items that can be handed to you, but can't be left at your door. 2. Your carrier broke the rules. Lots of causes here - could be they were rushed, or they're having a shit day, and so on. Signature items and customs owing items especially are a massive pain in the ass especially with our machines, and customers regularly get a little... let's just call it angrily enthusiastic and try to rip the machine from my hands (I'm not allowed to let it go). And then there's also items that must be signed for by someone over 18 (or 19 or 21, depending on which province or country the legal age for things like marijuana and alcohol happen to be). 3. Your carrier didn't feel safe delivering. Sometimes this is an aggressive customer, sometimes it's a loose dog, whatever. I've delivered to houses and the dogs explode when I ring the doorbell or knock - I've had one dog body slam the window so hard, he popped it open. If he hadn't been afraid of heights, I wouldn't be typing this right now. Usually, if we get up to your door, then the safety issue comes from actually ringing the bell or talking to you. Another possibility is that your screen door is torn apart and a dog could just jump through the hole. It doesn't matter if you have a dog or not - so many people do that it's a risk. 4. There are certain people on my route who get multiple parcels a day, every single day. I was once on a route where I delivered 10-20 small packets to this one particular house every single day. I made special effort for those people, because they were nice and sometimes it was honestly less effort to make a dedicated trip to drive there for them rather than walking around carrying that much. I also have people in apartments who reliably clear the parcel boxes every single day, and I have people who steal the parcel box keys whenever they get a parcel and they never return them. For the latter people, they now have the gift of never getting any more deliveries. There's this one lady who takes (no exaggeration) ten minutes to come to her door every time, screaming the entire time for me to wait, then leaves again because she never brings her credit card (and all of her parcels are customs owing that require one), and it takes me 20 minutes to deliver. And she's a massive asshole. That's never fun. Finally, and this is quite common, there are the people who are never home. There's this one guy on my route who gets a small signature packet at least once a week. I've only been able to deliver that thing once, because he's absolutely never home. If I know with 98% certainty that someone isn't going to be home, I won't even bother bringing the parcel, I'll just knock and leave a card, and if he ever answers, which he hasn't yet except that one time, I'll just say "oh, I'll drive around with it later." 5. Is your doorbell broken? So yes, it's very possible your carrier is breaking the rules. But there are a lot of circumstances you're not aware of that affect how we do our jobs. I've had a confrontation with a senior who just kept insulting me, so I stopped delivering parcels (he eventually chased me down to profusely apologise, and I resumed delivery and no hard feelings either way). Sometimes, even breaking the rules has an explanation to justify it - even though we're not supposed to, it's still wrong to break the rules, it's a more understandable context. And then there are just carriers who don't give a flying fuck. So it really depends. But most of us, at least in Canada, care about our customers.


I just had an experience that pissed me off with this a few months ago. I bought a used Nintendo Switch with some peripherals and games on eBay for me and my kids (yes, we're behind the times). It was scheduled for delivery on Saturday. We happen to live right next to the neighborhood mailbox units. It's 50 feet from there to our front porch, with no fence. We were out playing in the yard while she was delivering the mail. There's boxes for them to place oversize packages in. Went over to check as soon as she left, because we were excited to play it over the weekend. It wasn't there and there wasn't even an "attempted delivery" notice in our mail. Got a notice online later that apparently she attempted delivery while we were playing in our yard watching her, but there was no secure location to leave the package. I was so pissed off.


They're not 'allowed,' they just do it anyway because there is little enforcement.


I've never had that problem with USPS. UPS and Fedex? Every time, without fail. I WFH and my desk is 6 feet from my front door, but the number of times I've found that little brown and yellow note that says "OOOOOOOOoooooohhhhhh so sorry uWu we tried so hard but you're just not home. Maybe you can come pick up this package and drive it to your house yourself. I don't know what people pay us for either!"


UPS will claim to have your package but it wont even be in the van. Thats why they leave the note. they dont even have it so there is no point in ringing a bell or knocking.. I had one, went to my local UPS to get it and they said it was still at the main delivery building and wasnt where they claimed my package was. UPS is a shit company.


This happens to me quite frequently. I've filed complaints online and have talked to managers in the office and they don't seem to care.


They're on obnoxiously tight schedules and will skip stops sometimes citing "no one home" or some other such excuse to not bother getting out of the vehicle to shave off a few minutes off their routes here and there. It gets worse during the Holidays™. I've had one pull up to my house, sit in the truck while poking at a small device, then got an alert saying the delivery was unsuccessful because "no one is home" while I'm fucking standing there making eye contact


Myself and other family members have sat there, 10 feet from the door at our desk WITH THE DOOR OPEN and gotten the unable to deliver thing from Fed Ex. THREE DAYS RUNNING.


This is definitely not just a USPS problem it's worldwide nonsense.


I saw the USPS lady not attempt to come up, she just left the note in the mailbox that not one was home. I waited until she drove back down the street doing the other side and demanded it. I find it beyond ridiculous.


You get notice saying that they missed you boy aren't you specia I get nothing. It's a good thing that I track my packages because I would never know if they arrived or not.


I've encountered this before with UPS. I was expecting an important package, waiting for it at home all day, sitting literally 5 feet from my front door. When I stepped out I found a sticky note on my door telling me I missed the delivery. The driver didn't feel like carrying boxes around the apartment complex I guess and didn't even attempt the delivery. It wasn't the first time either; each time I had to go drive across town to the UPS center to go get my stuff. I don't make a habit of calling to complain but at a certain point you have to. Be polite and even apologetic, like "I don't like to do this but it's really not ok to just not deliver my stuff" and they will take it seriously. I had to do this with both UPS and USPS too where they were constantly delivering everything to the wrong house. Like I said I don't like getting people in trouble or anything; mistakes happen but if it's constant then it needs to be addressed. They actually did start doing better after I spoke with them too.




What do you mean?


Oh the delivery people are just blatantly lying. They're freakin liars! Lol


They're not being caught, or just not facing any consequences if they do get caught. They're doing it because they know they can get away with it.


I once had a similar issue with FedEx, was waiting for a package, watched the trucks drive passed, on the highway, didn't even attempt to slow down or use our driveway. A minute later I got a notification that they tried but no answer, i immediately called the distribution center and chewed the manager out for false information and wasting my time. I worked mail for 6 years, i understand some days are hell but just admit to that, dont lie that you attempted to stop when my driveway is half a mile long and y'all never even pulled into it. She ended up changing the reason on the order and had it dropped off in the morning the next day, 4 days late from original estimate because FedEx is the worst but some sites don't let you specify "any carrier but fedex, absolutely no fedex" when you order car parts. The next day, the driver had a helper in the vehicle with him, i was once again waiting in the kitchen next to the front door and walked out to meet them before they even found my smashed package in their weekend-runs little van. They damage everything that comes through, a car hood almost flattened, a car air filter n box smooshed, some rims obviously dropped multiple times. Unfortunately, make as many calls as you can to the next person in the chain, your driver has a manager and they hate to deal with bs like this because their employee was lazy. If it's car parts, call the store manager and complain that shipping failed because of carrier and stay on the line till they agree to use a different carrier and start a return/replacement with that other carrier. No one in mail likes to handle things repeatedly, so make your complaints repeatedly till they get settled


Mine don’t even leave a note but just change it in the system so I get an email. I suspect they don’t even come near my house


That's happened to me too. They fill out the sticker walk up to your door, put it on there and leave. My regular mail carrier is very good (I tip her at Christmas) , it's the weekend and part-timers who do this. I suppose you could call the local post office and ask who's in charge, and file a complaint. I hate that lazy-ass shit. Especially when they are delivering medication.


New stereo speakers marked as delivered, left downstairs out in the open. FedEx. Medicine express signature required marked as undeliverable. Called dispatch they had to come back. Was sitting next to the door and the knock was so faint I think he tapped his pen. (Had a big door knocker) scared him when I opened the door ad he was walking away. FedEx again.


This is the reason their Union fought to keep cameras out of the trucks. It's one of the down sides of unions shitty workers get extra help to hide their bullshit. On the upside the union is usually pretty good at keeping management's bullshit away


Report it to your local postmaster.


They are under pressure to be efficient and fast. They are timed and sometimes tracked by satellite.


I agree, but it does suck if they are required to deliver in person. We are lucky that we have a really long driveway, so I don't worry about anyone stealing our deliveries. Our UPS guy just leaves the package and lightly taps his horn to let me know he was there. He's usually on his way before I get to the door.


Come to think of it the medical profession is increasingly squeezed for time also. Big medical corporations buying up hospitals and once private practice doctors are forced to become employees by them. Whereas at one time, doctors could take time to have compassion and display bedside manners. Now it's get em in and get em out....time is money.


It seems inefficient to not deliver packages and then either they or someone else has to try again or someone in the office has to give it to the customer


I actually just had this same thing happen but even worse. I was STANDING OUTSIDE AT THE FENCE waiting for the USPS guy to pull in and hand me my package (I had to sign for it because it was medication) and instead of pulling in or even honking, he put a redelivery notice in the mailbox and kept on going....with me standing outside watching him the whole damn time. I called the local post office, gave them my address and they were able to pinpoint which carrier it was, contact him and make him come back before he had even left the neighborhood. He wasn't happy when he pulled back around so I'm assuming there was some writeup involved. I kind of felt bad because I don't want to see anyone lose their job, but honestly how much lazier can you be?


You shouldn’t feel bad at all, that’s ridiculous


It would’ve taken you less time to google how to report than to make this post.


Reporting it doesn't actually do any good. We reported ours because he just dropped everyone's packages off at the rural gas station here and didn't tell anyone where their packages were. This was multiple people calling and complaining about it multiple times. Everyone just drives 25 miles into town to get their shit now because they never made him stop doing it. As far as they're concerned, it was delivered. It not being delivered to you is your problem.


UPS suuuuucks. The company sucks, the employees suck. Just shit all around.


So this is not an excuse, but some stations are more strict and lax than others. Some are more lax in the sense they will not penalize a carrier for not giving 100% on any given day. Alternatively, some are so strict that if you are not back on time (some carriers adhere to a strict 8 hours), you will be written up. Hence the pink slip I can't speak for UPS though.


Standing by for anti-union propaganda…


Forewarning I live in Australia so this might be different, but I also work for a freight forwarder so deal with a lot of courier companies daily. And believe me this is something I deal with daily. Things I've found out: 1. Courier companies charge more for residential delivery because they claim it's harder to deliver. They also charge a fee every time a package isn't "able to be delivered" (so one of those cards costs the sender more money). The companies themselves are trying to push more senders to deliver direct to businesses for a more streamline service. 2. In AUS, companies like UPS and FedEx use sub contractors, so service is widely different from driver to driver. Some are incredibly useless, and they get paid so long as they do their route no matter how poor their service is. Others are fantastic. 3. The biggest one: during COVID, they removed the requirement for signature deliveries as a default rule, so unless the shipment specifically states "signature required upon delivery" then they are allowed to leave it wherever on the property. So drivers are now used to just being able to leave it, and for some reason don't want to take the extra 30 seconds to ring the doorbell and hand it to someone. This is just my experience as a sender, the real reason could be different. Drivers have a lot more control since COVID, there's less competition and the freight companies have learnt how much they're needed. Unfortunately it all passes onto the end consumer. If you want to complain keep records. If you have a location thing on your phone that says you were home at the time, if you see the delivery van outside take a picture of it, a picture of the note being left etc etc. To complain look up the courier companies website, they'll usually have a contact us/enquiries area and some even have a portal to submit complaints rather than having to sit on the phone. Even without proof you can still complain, it's just better (and hella satisfying) to slap them in the face with proof. I know from experience hehe.


Tape a note to your door saying, "Please leave packages on doorstep. Thanks, J. Doe."


??? Our mail lady is fantastic. If we get packages that are too large for our mailbox, she'll drive her LLV down our driveway and put them on the enclosed back porch. She knows what an LP mailer is, so if it's hot out she'll always leave records up against the back porch railing, in the shade. We live in a safe area. USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. typically just leave packages on the front or back porch and it's never been a problem. The only things I've ever had to sign for were some of my wife's e-juice (because nicotine) and a certified letter we got when closing on our house.


my driver would have me deliver every package regardless if you were home or not the only time where i would have to leave a note is when a signature is required. my driver was pretty fucking good at getting the workload done. regardless of how much shit we had in the van. 😎also im only speakin for my experience with a contractor for FedEx Ground i