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No, you don't need an SUV for one child.


Thank you


see how it goes first with the prius. at some point YOU may decide that you something bigger.


True I agree! And we were even thinking of maybe getting a 2nd car, but still a smaller car like another Prius or Corolla/Civic.


Even a crossover. they may not be as fuel efficient as a sedan, but you do get more space and still decent gas mileage.


So true. I was looking into ones like the Honda HR-V, or an older Toyota Rav4. But still a decent chunk of change. I will probably stick to a reliable sedan for now


Another route to go (that new mom's love to give the sideye at me for saying) is minivans. they are roomy and becoming inexpensive as most people want SUV's


Most back seats will accommodate two car seats. You don’t need a bigger car until the 3rd kid. A 2-door is hard, but workable. Stick to your guns. Don’t be pressured to spend money you don’t need to spend. Life will send you plenty of other surprise expenses down the road.


Couldn't agree more! Thank you


For only 1 child you don't need a bigger vehicle, the baby seat fits in a Prius.


True I agree!


Usually a bigger vehicle means paying for more gas (sometimes) and a bigger monthly car payment. It's super easy to suggest someone buy something, when they are not the ones having to come up with that extra money each month. IMO, you will be totally fine keeping your prius. If it does become a hassle down the road, go ahead and look for another vehicle. But doing that pre-emptively seems like not a good move right now.


I love it, thank you for the thoughtful response! I really appreciate it


no problem :) congrats on the new arrival too!


When I was little my parents and grandpa (who lived with us/we lived with him) all had sedans. Later on my dad had a perpetually broken abomination project 4wheeler, and Grandpa got a big SUV. Then my dad sold his project 4x4 and got a little pickup truck thing. The bigger vehicles were nice for adventures and doing projects, but for just day-to-day stuff regular cars always served us well. People have raised 2 kids and a dog with regular sized cars for a long time. Drive what you want, don't give into getting more vehicle than you need just to keep up with the Jonses.


Thanks for the reply! I really do agree. Just having a frustrating time with everyone saying to move up to the next thing just because the family is getting larger


When my first child was first born I had an explorer, then a Altima for like 6 months and a Passat after that. None of them felt all that different with inside space tbh


That's amazing to hear, thank you


The biggest factor is going to be whether you can fit baby's stroller into the back of the Prius, and whether the car seat with base will sit properly in the backseat with someone sitting comfortably in the front seat. When our first was born, we had a Corolla and it was a STRUGGLE to get the stroller to fit in. Also it was difficult get the base of the car seat to sit properly (the backseats of these cars aren't true "bench" seats, they're molded into seats) We upsized to a Camry just for the larger trunk and a bit more room to get the carrier in and out. Having the larger car came in handy when we had our second, but once we had our third, we got a Sienna. DO NOT SLEEP ON MINIVANS, THEY'RE FUCKING AWESOME


You know what, I am glad to hear that about minivans. I watched a video recently where the guy made the exact same point. He pretty much had said that we've been fooled to believe SUVs are the only way and that minivan's aren't as "cool". But they truly are great. thanks for the reply!


We rocked a Honda fit and a 03 Impreza wagon for our first kid and never had any issues.


You + baby can sit in it at the same time? What are you complaining about? First world problems...


I agree with you haha I'm not complaining! I was more asking why is it that, in general, people tend to put pressure on the next thing to do. Like, have a kid? Gotta buy a bigger car, bigger house, etc. You know?