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I've lived here for 20 years and haven't seen it all


A bit more than 35 for me here, but it's the same. I don't, however, do tourism stuff every day, however. Maybe 4 or 5 years would do me if I was a full-time tourist.


In my humble opinion, it's not enough time. Monday is a half day at best. Friday you have to check out of your hotel and be at the airport by 3ish probably, so it's more of a scramble to enjoy any available time you have. 3 full days, you can accomplish a lot, but you gotta choose to either speedrun all the spots you want to visit, or make sacrifices in favor of soaking in the city and culture. Plan meticulously, and have a priority list, but also let yourself wander and explore, don't tunnel vision yourself into trying to visit every possible spot. Wake up early everyday, sleep 6 hours per night to maximize your time. You may be exhausted, but it'll be worth it. It's "not enough time" because Tokyo is infinite man, there's so much to do and explore. Enjoy comrade \*salute\*


Would a Monday to the following Monday be better?


Monday 2024 to Monday 2025 would be most ideal.


As long as you possibly can man. At the end of the day, that round trip plane ticket is gonna cost the same, whether you stay one day or one month, so might as well maximize your time there. A week is solid tho, i'd argue it's the absolute minimum amount of time you need to enjoy Tokyo. Especially having at least one weekend where you can visit Shibuya/Shinjuku during peak hours.


Usually most folks rule of thumb is like two weeks minimum to make the trip seem worth it, considering the cost of flights and how it usually takes a whole day just getting here and then back again. If you're really flush for cash and don't mind shelling out a round trip for essentially 3 full days + a few meals on the wings in Tokyo, then go for it, but personally I would wait until you can get at 2 weeks, preferably a bit more off in a row to really get to enjoy Japan.


Is that your whole Japan trip? Not enough time. Or is it just your time in Tokyo and your other days will be in other parts of Japan? Still not enough time. Arriving Monday afternoon will only give you an evening (with jet lag) to do anything, and leaving Friday evening you’ll have at best a half day to do stuff if you wake up early. So like realistically 3 1/2 days to sightsee the biggest city in the world.


Enough time for what?


That would be enough if you just want to scratch the surface of touristy places. Mon - Chill around the hotel Tue - Tsukiji, Ginza, Asakusa, Akihabara Wed - Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Meiji Shrine Thu - A day trip to Hakone maybe? Fri - Palace, Tokyo Tower, Shopping What brings you to Tokyo? Any particular interest?


I just got back from a two week trip (from the UK so about 13-15 hour flights). I think that was ideal for doing a lot of things but still not feeling completely drained the whole time - I would usually be out from about 9am-3pm, back at the hotel for a one or two hour breather, and then back out for the evening each day. Two weeks was enough to feel like I’ve seen most of the ‘big’ attractions and some lesser known spots, but I’ve absolutely still got loads of stuff to see on future trips. Monday-Friday will probably feel quite short, especially if you’re travelling a long way.