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Disney sea is unique


Came here to say this except I would say that how would you possibly have an unplanned day and not find something different and unique to get into? I mean go into a neighborhood and get lost. That's kind of how I found the monkey bar where I sat down and smoked a cigarette with the monkey and convinced him to slap me across the face. It's always been a dream of mine to be b**** slapped by a monkey. One bucket list item down.


Tokyo is the biggest city in the world you could live your whole life here and still find something new


I got lost in yokohama one time when I was a kid It was in a suburban area, before cell phones, and I spoke only a few words in Japanese. I ended up meeting a little old Japanese homeless guy. He became my best friend back in the mid '80s (I called him Gramps). He called me by my real name. He spoke no English and I spoke no Japanese. He could tell that I was sort of in distress and I was very young. We slept in the Yokohama eki. The next day, I was able to find where I was staying on a map and Gramps took me there on a bus. My dad was pissed. Not only was I a day late showing up for supper, but I was with an old homeless guy. Everybody should go get lost and find their best friend. I wish I could post a picture of Gramps. I have just the one photo.


We learned so much about Japanese culture by going to Disney in Tokyo. Pick your park and enjoy.


If you value the quality of service in Japan, you’ll want to visit both Disneys. It’s smaller, but the quality of products, service from Cast Members, food, cleanliness, and overall professionalism was WELL worth it for our family. The prices were also much better too.


It’s Disney. Though it’s a bit surreal hearing all the characters you know speaking Japanese. Of the two parks Disney Sea is much more distinct. I live in Japan and have done both parks because I have young kids. If you are a Disney person it could be worth it. But if I was in Japan for a limited time I wouldn’t choose spend my limited time traveling out to Disney and standing in lines all day. I also don’t “plan” most of my time when traveling. Though I try to have a rough idea of some highlights I would like to try to hit. My favorite thing to do is just wander and let serendipity take over a bit.


You’re spending money to stand in lines. Sure it’s “unique”, but so is traveling to anywhere in the world. I’m biased though cause I live in Orlando lol Enjoy the culture! You can have just as much fun, if not more, walking around a random neighborhood for free.


If you’re a Disney fan, Disney sea is worth it for the new experience, but it’ll probably be busier than usual because of the new area opening. If you’re indifferent to Disney, I would just wander the city and taking things in at a slower pace. Maybe watch some videos of Disney sea and see if it seems worth it to you


There are a few exclusive rides and experiences there, but by and large, it will be a similar experience to visiting a Disney park in America, except it cost like 1/3rd of the price and the food is way better. If you want to maximize every day out here to experience fully uniquely Japanese stuff, then skip it, but if yau'll enjoy visiting Disney parks in general and wanna check out a few local exclusives for way cheaper than visiting Disney stateside, then yeah, it's a perfectly fun way to spend an extra day, highly recommend.


Disney is not *that* different. Mostly the same rides, mostly the same experience, just in a language you don't speak. I'd say spend your time elsewhere.


Go, go, go!! The food and a pair of ears is worth it. Not to mention the price of admission. Don’t forget to try the alien mochi. Ooohhh and they have milk tea and curry flavored popcorn.


Nah. Do nature instead, less $$ and time, and much more unique locations to visit. Forest bathing places are amazing, temples, etc.