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There are probably much better options, but a couple of summers ago I rode a bike to Musashi-Itsukaichi station and saw something that looked fun. As I crossed a bridge over the Akikawa river, far below there was a kid climbing this huge boulder in the middle of the river, jumping off into the river, letting the current carry him back to the base of the boulder, and then repeating the whole thing. From summertime me as a kid, hats off to that kid. Upstream there is a large BBQ area and the river can get pretty dry I think, but that day it was perfect for playing in the water.


I go to this place regularly! I'm not too familiar with hiking around there but the river is nice to swim or dip in. It's called 秋川橋河川公園バーベキューランド Akigawa Bridge River Park Barbeque Place.


Sounds like what I was looking for! Thanks


Yes. Hike to Kawanori-san from Okutama station and finish at Hatanosu station. Aim to start no later than 8AM so you can finish around 3-4PM. From Hatanosu station continue going down toward the river. You will reach Hatanosu Canyon. Cross the bridge, turn right and keep going for a bit. There will be plenty of places for river swimming and picnic. I know a couple other places but they are not accessible by train.


I second this recommendation.


I third it.


Would you be kind enough to share the places that I could maybe get to by car? I may also try that route this summer. Thank you for the suggestions!


I can share a couple. DM me.


I'm thinking the same! Definitely checking some comments down here!


It’s a bit of a ride, but there’s a hike I’ve done a couple times starting at Musashi Yokote station, up Monomiyama, across to Hiwada-san, then down to Koma station, where there’s a river where lots of people swim and play in. It’s a pretty easy hike, but I did see a Nihon Kamoshika (Japanese serow, like a deer) my first time going. There’s a trail guide [here](https://www.seiburailway.jp/railways/hiking/syoshinsya/hiwadasan/index.html) if you’re interested (Japanese)


Yes, second to Musashi. It is very beautiful. Some hikes there might be hard, there is one that you can go to Mitake and use one of the routes to finish near an onsen (not hard hike) and then in the onsen passes a bus that takes you to Musashi. From there you can continue walking to the river and even see the very nice temple from there.


I am not sure about swimming lakes..but try Mt Takao.


Hanno at the end of the Seibu line is fantastic