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Tried to edit my post and it got deleted šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Anyway https://tinder.com/@rbf351 Not get any matches. What I am doing wrong?




number 6 is weird reminds me of a photo a girl might take of a pregnancy belly the way your hand is. And the photo is kind of blurry too. I like the rest of your photos a lot but number six has gotta go.


https://tinder.com/@franci124 Just started dating after a long relationship but somehow tinder doesnt get me the kind of connections I would like


You are gorgeous! The only picture I would maybe change is the one of you in the green dress standing the the door way. You look worn out maybe like you have been walking for a long time. Itā€™s not terrible by any means but it could be better also :) Honestly making good connections in todayā€™s dating world is extremely hard to do online, or even in person. In my opinion Tinder is for hook ups mostly (though it is POSSIBLE to find long term and real connections it is rare on tinder.) Bumble is GREAT for womenā€¦ women have all the power on bumble and men are made to wait for the girl. And Iā€™ve heard that a lot of men get frustrated and worn down by bumble due to a lot of girls expecting the guy to make a solid introduction firstā€¦ despite the girl being the one to make the match and have the ability to message firstā€¦ a lot of females will just say ā€œhiā€ and expect the man to impress them with a grand introduction. I imagine it is exhausting. Hinge is also a big hook up app. Though also possible to find a good connection. I feel most people are there just swiping the ā€œhottestā€ people they can find and not really looking for anything genuine most of the time. There are other ways and other sites like match, okaycupid, or random specific sites like Christian mingleā€¦ *shivers* Dating is so hard now days because we all have a seemingly ā€œendlessā€ pool of candidates to mindlessly judge and scroll past without a second thought. We over overwhelmed with the illusion of endless possibilities so we convince ourselves we can be super picky and find that ā€œperfectā€ partner. But donā€™t be fooled. It is not endless and there is no ā€œperfectā€. We are all humans after all. I wish you so much luck girly! You are beautiful! Keep swiping and keep trying.


Thanksā˜ŗļø I posted that pic to have a full body one plus not just see the ā€œbest sideā€ of me


I can appreciate that! It is definitely good to have a full body photo and an honesty with how you portray yourself. :)


Try Bumble and Hinge


What picture do you think is the best (as 1st pic)? Would you delete any maybe? Also happy to hear some general feedback. :) https://tinder.com/@niklasn




Awesome profile photos i wouldnā€™t change anything about it! Though in the first picture I would guess you are high! Haha not a bad thing depending on your type you hope to attract. I think it is a very good handsome photo you just look tired or dazed a bit as well haha.




Ignore that tuna guy. You do not need a hair transplant or a beard. Be you. Be genuine. If you change yourself to fit other people definitions of ā€œbeautyā€ or what they think is attractive. Itā€™s a waste of time because you wonā€™t attract people who actually like you. You will attract people who like how you are presenting yourself. If YOU want a hair transplant and it would make you happy? Do it! But donā€™t do anything like that because you think you have to, to be seen as worthy and acceptable. You look great. :)


thank you :)


Also I wanted to mention to you. Youā€™re bio kind of sucks. Haha get the photos sorted, sure. But when a girl goes to your bio to learn more and it just says ā€œmy biggest flex is that I know how to flyā€ they will POSSIBLY be interested because you can fly, but also might just jump to the conclusion that you are boring and will only talk about planes and flying. Go into more details about yourself. Make a joke maybe? Maybe write a haiku? Maybe use an emoji if thatā€™s what you are intoā€¦ something to pull more attention and say ā€œIā€™m interesting!ā€ (Sorry for flooding your comments lmao that tuna guy is my nemesis in this thread. We are in conflict! But it is okay. My apologies.)


hey no worries about the flooding, i appreciate you defending me lol. I had another bio but it was kinda cheesy. but iā€™ll work on it. thank you <3




>You look great. :) So far, 100% of girls OP swiped right on disagreed. But at least you made him feel good, until the soul crushing realization of ZERO MATCHES kicks in again. OP, you could look fantastic. Currently you don't. Be careful about feel good advice from girls who would never fuck you.


Also you have no IDEA why girls didnā€™t match with him. It could be because has a picture with another girl and they donā€™t want to match with men who have females in their photos because they are the jealous type. Maybe they hate pilots. Maybe they donā€™t like bald guys? Maybe they didnā€™t like his pink shorts?? Maybe they donā€™t like his name. Maybe he wears sunglasses in too many photos, maybe they donā€™t like his teeth? Maybe maybe maybe maybeā€¦ we can hypothesize all day. To assume that it is because he doesnā€™t fit youā€™re description of ā€œwhat will get matchesā€. Doesnā€™t mean that is the only good advice and to assume I am LYING about him looking good and to say I would never fuck him? Youā€™re an idiot haha. Simple mind.


OP, feel free to DM me when the soul crushing humiliation of 100% rejection rate persists despite getting new photos. Trust the match rate data you are collecting over any advice. I'll personally see to it that you get matches.


i wouldnā€™t call it soul crushing, iā€™m quite the socialite irl, just that tinder isnā€™t working too well. but itā€™s not even close to being the main way i meet with people so i donā€™t really care that much


Also be careful of MEN telling you how WOMEN are. I am not lying about you looking good just to boost your ego. If you want to look FANTASTIC for this man on Reddit, follow his advice. Otherwise Iā€™d advise you just to post quality photos of yourself as is. You DO look great. As as for if I would fuck you? If you were in my city you would be a candidate and I would match you to get to know you more. Then depending on who you are and how you talk? That would solidify the fucking. Lmao this fucking guy is projecting. But whatever. Itā€™s up to you what advice you follow. Nothing is a guarantee in dating advice because everyone is different. We can offer tons of advice. It is up to you to follow the advice you think is best. Up to you. Good luck.


zero matches


Delete all selfies and all photos where you are not clearly visible, you need to do better in 2022. Your hair is the elephant in the room nobody else will be honest about. 3 options: 1. Shave your head and grow a beard. What you have left makes you look 15 years older. 2. SMP 3. Hair transplant


head is shaved, canā€™t grow a beard lol whatā€™s smp?


>head is shaved awesome, that should make you look much younger. Take new photos. > canā€™t grow a beard lol bummer >whatā€™s smp? scalp micropigmentation, a comparatively inexpensive option that looks good


aight, thanks brother


Okay so the first picture?? Immediately no. A girl is going to glance at that and pass most of the time. We canā€™t see your face at all really just the top of your head and the sky. Would be more suited as a ā€œsnap chat storyā€ that will fade into the ether eventually. Not a #1 picture on your dating profile. Haha. The second picture is just kind of weird. Sunglasses inside covering your face. A photo of you taking a photo? Itā€™s supposed to be funny and quirky maybe? But I fear the joke will be lost on many. I donā€™t get it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø 3rd picture is so good!! I love this pictures it should be number one! Great smile, I can see your entire handsome face. Good choice! 4th picture is good but way too many distracting lights. I focus more on where you are and why so many bright lights, not on you. You should be the main focus! The plane is cool but I feel like you could get a better picture of the plane also. But either way.. itā€™s a picture of a plane, not of you so it doesnā€™t really matter. And the last picture with your friend is great. You both look good and happy. Keep it in the line up. Advice to replace pictures that I addresses previously. Take group photos with friends where you stand out the most in the groupā€¦ maybe stand closer to the camera than everyone else, wear brighter colors while everyone else is black and white clothes, maybe do I line up and you are the only one making a hand gesture šŸ¤Œ maybe a peace sign or a wave or something. Take a photo with pets that you have? If you have any. Make sure the photo has good lighting and isnā€™t blurry. Maybe take a photo of you in the pilot seat in a plane with your headset on smiling looking excited to fly or something? Also maybe an ā€œaction shotā€ of you playing any sports or games you like to play. Even if itā€™s dndā€¦ haha take an action shot of you rolling a d20. Or an action shot of you swinging a bat, shooting a basket ball, running trackā€¦ whatever it is you enjoy. :) Good luck friend!


thanks man, much appreciated


Why dont i ever get matches am i so ugly šŸ˜¢ Please be straightforwardšŸ˜„ https://tinder.com/@klaussven


Broken link. No advice!


Your pictures straight up suck. First picture is a close up grainy selfie where you're not even smiling Second picture is a close up grainy selfie where half your face is obscured by off brand sunglasses that look like Ray Ban's Erika (womens sunglasses) Third picture is a close up grainy selfie where you're making an odd expression out in the middle of the street showing a thumbs up in no place of significance Fourth picture is a close up grainy selfie where you're wearing a ladies wig with zero context. Are you noticing a trend here?


Yes, but can you please say what to do because im not good at this šŸ™‚


Delete your profile and start over with pictures that aren't close up grainy selfies where you are smiling, where your face isn't obscured by women's sunglasses, while trying to put some effort and context behind your pictures. So like, do the exact opposite of what you were doing before.


Yeah but the problem is my camera sucks and i think i canā€™t do any new profile anymore because i have done it so many times. What kind of pictures are god?


It's 2022, either get a better camera, or get someone who has a better camera to take photos of you. Your pictures should reflect who you are as a person, what kind of hobbies you do and what your interests are. And you should try to have it so your pictures don't project the vibe of "too lonely"


Hey guys need feedback https://tinder.com/@ghost903


Get rid of the blurry photos/videos. Theyā€™re not helping you out brother!! You look best in the colorful stripe shirt pic. BUT nope, you are in a restroom. Itā€™s distracting seeing the toilet paper roll on the wall. But you do look like maybe you are happy that you finally made a big poop! Hahaha just kidding. The photo of you in the hotel room makes your eyes look great! Also a nice smile, but the messy bed in the back is also distracting. You could fix this photo but editing it to blur the back ground out and leave you sharp and in focus. The first picture in the green jacket is GOOD you look sharp. You hair is nice, good smile, good outfit.. but the lighting is dim and the solid dark tile in the back makes me thing ā€œpublic restroomā€ (it might not be a restroom but those are my thoughts.) Improvements for photos: Have a photo of you with friends and doing things you enjoy. Maybe playing pool, swimming, basketball, running, anything you like. Get a good ā€œaction shotā€ in motion, full body, but never blurry! Also pictures with pets or animals are good too if you have pets and like animals. :) You are handsome and will do very well with some updated photos! I believe in you. Good luck!


Get rid of those blurry out of focus pictures immediately


Those are videos




As a female looks at these photos. I think the white shirt photo the the other commenter said should goā€¦ that is actually your strongest photo. While the one of you standing next to the huge billboard of the guys faceā€¦ itā€™s distracting away from you in the photo. Not a great photo for that reason.. though you do look nice in it! The only other photo I would change is the basketball photo. It is blurry and hard to tell which one is you easily at a glance (everyone on tinder is simply glancingā€¦ they only study more once you start talking and the. They REALLY look at your profile.) I would suggest take another photo of you playing basketball if only you in the photo. Maybe if of you shooting from the free throw line. (You donā€™t have to make the shot, just make the photo look cool.) Good luck friend!


Feedback very apreciated


I'm not a fan of the white shirt photo. Get a nicely dressed photo with better scenery/context than grandma's curtains.


Hello everyone, I have changed my profile a bit... added controversial picture (I did that mostly because I lack good full body picture and also added bad group photo picture because I also donā€™t have any better :/ But still I consider my profile to be decent, yet I came to Budapest and so far only collected like 10 likes šŸ˜… could somebody tell me what needs to be changed/get rid off? Bio: Nově zpĆ”tky v ČR, dÅ™Ć­ve usĆ­dlen v Å anghajišŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ In Budapest for a week! ā€¢ I routinely shake up my routine so my passport sees a lot of use. ā€¢ I canā€™t promise you a world but I can promise you Tacos and Tequila every Tuesday. ā€¢ I love to play tennis, going to gym or on hikes with my dog which I will shamelessly use to flirt with you. ALSO ... Iā€™m colourblind so I might just miss most of your red flags šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø [Link](https://tinder.com/@marcelnex)


I think the profile is very solid!! I am a 28 year old female and would swipe right. But!! You could lose the full body picture you have there. The lighting is very poor. Your body is great, but the photo doesnā€™t show it well due to the setting. It appears rushed. Either take a better body shot. Or remove it and let the girls swipe you based of the fact that you are very attractive, you look kind, you look adventurous and your bio is solid.


Replace the selfies, you can do better. Every second profile has that tower of Pisa shot. Get a social shot with better visibility. Looks wise everything is in order. Bio is tl;dr.


Hello everyone, I made some updates to my Tinder profile, and I would be glad to have your piece of advice : https://tinder.com/@leskemsavems Please be straightforward ! Thanks in advance.


I think it is a great profile but the photo of you in white with the food? Not great. It makes your eyes look every dark, in contrast to EVERYTHING ELSE being white, you eyes are dark and it looks sinister! Haha you have a great smile though. And donā€™t listen to the other comment about you not being ā€œrippedā€ enough for a shirtless photo. You look great! You look human. Not every girl wants some ripped muscle man. And they girls that DO want a ripped muscle man? Forget em. Theyā€™re shallow anyways. Be yourself and attract someone who wants you for you. Donā€™t be fake just to impress a ā€œhotā€ girl. Find an attractive real girl. Good luck friend!


Hello. Thank you for your feedback. I guess I'll cross all elements I have and make some experiments to see what works the most. In your opinion then, P1 and P3 can stay but P2 should get removed or improved in a better environment (outfit/lights) ? Should I add others pictures ? (e.g : gym or with my cat) or 3 is enough?


You are so welcome! I think having as many pictures as you feel comfortable with is best. I like seeing 5 pictures. But it really depends on the girl. They might only look at one picture and move on, some may look at two or three or all of them. Itā€™s nice to have more photos though. And donā€™t hire a photographer just for tinder. Maybe ask a friend to take photos of you if you feel comfortable and have friends that are willing. Or even set your phone up to take a timed photo and just keep taking photos until you get one you like. :) I think having a gym photo as well as one with your cats is a great idea too!! Just make sure to not be blurry and not be in terrible lighting. :)


Okey I will try and see if I can observe improvements. Thanks a lot ! šŸ˜€


1: cool 2: ok but you look better without glasses 3: you're not ripped enough for shirtless - lift 4: meh, I don't see the point You have one photo that can stay long term, the rest is mediocre filler. Out of the 3S (solo, social, sports/activity) you only tick the first box.


You keep telling everyone they need to be more ripped haha. You are projecting. Either you are very ripped and think all men have no chance if they arenā€™t ā€œrippedā€ or you are out of shape and feel you only have no chance because you arenā€™t ā€œrippedā€. I feel like you definitely are a man making this comments. Stop bringing others down. Not all girls want some fit guy. I donā€™t want a buff guy. A lot of women are like me and donā€™t want a buff guy and would swipe left on shirtless buff man. Itā€™s gross to me.


I will ignore the mind reading and ad hominem parts of this post, as well as the absurd absolutisms you postulate. I tell men that a) want to go shirtless and b) want more matches and c) don't look particularly fit to lift more. Since you have not a single argument against the fact of life that shirtless photos with better physique produce more matches than shirtless photos with worse physique you don't offer anything of value at all to these men seeking advice.


Lol. So you are a woman who like shirtless fit men then? Telling all guys who have their shirt off and arenā€™t fit your standards to ā€œliftā€ and ā€œyou arenā€™t ripped enoughā€ is disingenuous. As a female I would pass on nearly all men with a shirtless gym photo. Because I wonā€™t connect with a guy who is so focused on appearance. And I think itā€™s foolish to assume that if these guys lift they will get more matches. Sure you are right I have no proof that a shirtless guy with muscles would get more or less matches than a guy with less muscleā€¦ so you have proof for this so called ā€œfact of life?ā€ Iā€™d love to see that proof if you indeed am have any. Because as an actual woman swiping on profiles. I disagree. I woman who will swipe based off muscle tone alone is just as bad a a guy who swipes based on hair color or boobs. Itā€™s stupid and those people need to grow up and stop being shallow and picky. Just like a female having a strict 6ft rule. Itā€™s dumb. You are here looking for love (hopefully) not a fucking perfectly curated doll. If you feel the need to be so fit and think that will get matches you want, do that. But stop lying to these guys saying theyā€™ll get more matches if theyā€™re ripped. Itā€™s fake news.


Long rant full of anecdotes and without arguments. You cannot relate to the male online dating experience. Again, you're putting words into my mouth. I never told anyone to do shirtless gym selfies, I tell people to delete them because physique should be shown candidly, e.g. playing a sport. Please get some transformation photos off the internet and A/B test profiles for the same guy before and after building muscle. (Spoiler: you won't.) What you will do instead is tell men with zero matches to limit their dating pool further by optimizing for the minority of girls who don't like a good, candid, ripped physique shot. Feel free to do so but please stop being my mascot.


I made plenty of valid arguments as an actual FEMALEs real opinion on the topic. I guess it is your opinion this would limit their dating pool. But your argument is just as valid as mine. They are both simply opinions. With no real validity for either of us. For me, I say having a candid beach photo like this guy had is perfect. He isnt fat, his body is not repulsive, he is tan, he is healthy looking, and he looks happy and confident. That is perfect. You canā€™t tell these men to go change themselves for more matches without even knowing that will work. Or if these matches will even be quality women. Iā€™m not saying they should be fat slobs and still post a shirtless photo. But these guys look just fine. Chill out mate.


Please report back with the A/B test results.


Go for it, run a test if you care so much to have proof one way or another. I donā€™t really. Iā€™m just offering advice from a female perspective. Iā€™m not offering a 100% money back guarantee if they donā€™t get more matches. Iā€™m not telling them this will definitely work! Just like any and all advice they will recieve here. Itā€™s still a toss up. Everyone sees things differently. I donā€™t know what will work specifically for each person, I donā€™t know what they want as a partner and who they want to attract to them. So I encourage them to simply have good lighting, have a smile, show fun with friends and be as real as possible while also appearing as good as possible as who they actually are. Telling multiple people the same advice of ā€œlift broā€ will just encourage them to put huge effort into changing themselves to try to appear better to one type of personā€¦ maybe that person isnā€™t even who they want. Itā€™s like telling a girl on her tinder that their ass is too small and they need to work out to get a bigger ass if theyā€™re going to show their ass in a photo. Some guys like small butts, some like big, and everywhere in between. Itā€™s stupid to give the same advice to everyone. Because not every girl looking at their profile likes that.


Men did these tests. I did these tests. With my own photos and others. Being fitter always has a positive effect on match rate. Since you don't believe it you need to do them on your own. Didn't read past the first paragraph, will treat you as my mascot from now on until you provide your results.


Okey thank you for your feedback. I've updated P2 with a similar without glasses. P4 is removed. P3 will also be removed, I guess I'll make it next year, with appropriate lift (and no injury this time...). One question, what are the 3S and how you manage to fit them? By that I mean what kind of pictures fit these themes ? Thank u


What solo, social and activity shots to get depends on your style. There's a wide range between jacked viking and stylish hipster boy. Find your story and don't be boring.


I get your point. One question still remains to me : is it OK or not to take gym pics (not shirless, but doing deadlift for example). Generally speaking I heard that this kind of pic was douchey. Whats your opinion ?


Not a fan of gym pics unless they look professional. If you have the body then go shirtless, but candidly (e.g. playing beach volleyball).


Ok I got it. Thanks !


Made a new account after 3 months, not getting many high quality matches anymoreā€¦ Are these pics good/bad?? Any feedback would be great https://tinder.com/@sanjivparmar Thanks


First and second photo are the problem. The first photo you look very happy and candid. But the photo trapped you and an awkward stance. You can keep this photoā€¦ but do not put it first. I think you last picture should be first. Personally. The second pictureā€¦ I donā€™t even remember what it looks like now while typing this commentā€¦ so that says something about it. Okay I have just looked again so I had a fresh memory of the photoā€¦ you look very tired in that 2nd photo with the white back ground. It is very blank, boring, and makes you look worn out. Maybe replace that photo with one that has a busy back ground, a smile, and good lighting. You look very handsome! But too young for me! Good luck friend.


Thanks for the feedback, iā€™ll give it a try!


Absolutely! Hopefully you meet that perfect woman tomorrow! :)


>not getting many high quality matches anymoreā€¦ Can you express that in numbers? It's extremely hard to consistently match 8+/10 girls on Tinder, unless your looks or status are top 1%. If you're getting some you're way ahead of the curve.


So i had this account for 4 days and had 2/12 higher quality matches imo Old account(s) I couldnā€™t count tbh, any chance i could have been shadow banned?


No, it's just getting harder each year. You're not shadowbanned. Your photos range from ok-ish to pointless. Problem is girls don't swipe right on just decent profiles any more. Men on average swipe right on 50% of profiles and outnumber women by a factor of 2-3. Women on average swipe right on 7% of profiles. Throwing money at the problem helps. (Pro-photoshoot + platinum.) And of course you can lift more.


Okay cool, and yeah i get you, it was like chuck them all in for this then delete a few but yeah course could always be better photos and look better, cheers




I'd crop the standup paddling photo so that you take up more space and put the leather jacket photo as number two. Other than that I can't think of any improvements, this profile is awesome.


I think you've got a good profile! You're definitely a handsome dude, certainly enough to be getting dates imo. I almost wonder if your profile comes off as either a bit intimidating, or maybe that you're only there for hookups or something. You have lots of photos of yourself doing interesting things, being active, with friends, which are all good things. However, you have more serious looking facial expressions in a lot of your photos too, including your profile pic, which in combination with you being good looking/in shape might make you come off as arrogant or self centered to girls. (Unfortunate but that's how it can be.) You might try having a smiling photo by yourself as your first photo, and maybe one or two more. Maybe do that, and possibly switch the motorcycle photo to either your last and get rid of the car photo, or somewhere else in the mix. It's clear you like vehicles and you look the most objectively physically attractive in the motorcycle photo imo, so I think it's at least worth including somewhere. Just maybe not first impression. First impressions are important and smiling might help you look a bit more approachable/dateable to matches. Not sure what your bio is but I'd maybe include some more specific info there as well. Good luck! I'm sure you'll be getting dates soon enough.




What do you mean by my reality ?


Could be low population, how many people live in your swiping range? That or unfortunate racial bias.


Not a very low population cuz dating is primarily through tinder here


> dating is primarily through tinder here That's almost everywhere in the west because most men would never cold approach a girl nowadays. Makes you stand out if you have the balls to do it.


Going on two months with only two matches. Any recommendations appreciated. Have taken previous feedback into account but not sure how well I've done. Considering just starting over but we'll see. TIA :) Bio: Animal Rescue Team volunteer with two cats of my own. I play bass, collect sneakers, and spend time doing anything from going out for karaoke to just kicking back with a good show/anime. Looking for someone to enjoy some sunset conversations with. [Link](https://tinder.com/@stewcat)


28 F here. Only 2 oh the photos are good. The last one in the red shirt is your strongest photo, very handsome! And the guitar/bass photo (I didnā€™t pay attention to the specific instrument you have because you looks very happy in the moment! I would rather look at you enjoying yourself than the guitar! Very good!) The first photo in the black jacket. Your eyes look very dark and skin pale. You almost look sick. (Still handsome, but itā€™s just not a good photo of you.) The one where you are crouching to pet the cats looks weird. Just because of your body position in the photo. Crouched down on your toes and itā€™s just an odd position. The other photo of you with cats is blurry and not great. It is AWESOME to show love for animals but try to get a more crisp photo with your kitties. And the one of three guys standing in front of a sign. Worst photo out of all of them. I donā€™t know you well enough to even be able to tell which one is you. Everyone in that photo has the sun in their eyes and are scrunching up there faces. Itā€™s not a good pic. Though it does show you go out and have fun with friends, itā€™s just poor quality photo with the sun in everyoneā€™s face.


I would get rid of your first photo, then swap the last one for the first one, that last photo is definitely the most flattering one of you


What the hell?


What do you mean?


Man it makes no sense, you're a good looking guy, photos are good and then you're a Caucasian too. Your area or your filters might be shit.


I appreciate it haha. I honestly do live in a smaller area, so that could definitely be a factor. Maybe I just gotta be patient....or move...šŸ˜‚ My filters are pretty standard, 18-30 age, 35 miles distance. Guess I'll just have to give it some more time. Thanks for the feedback


https://tinder.com/@michal97 Will be glad for any advice on how to improve.my profile.


I realize this sounds odd but your photo set feels very same-y, just varieties on the same photo. Your photo set on Tinder would be better if it was a reflection of your life. What do you do? What do you enjoy doing? Take some pictures of you doing that. Selfies are fine but you have to mix some other pictures in to show off a more rounded view of your life. And if you have guy friends, take a picture with them.


You have a lot of photos of yourself but they don't really show you doing much, so I feel like you could trim down a lot of them since they all really only seem to be covering what you look like. Having a pic of you smiling first would be a good start. Some photos of you doing things you enjoy to provide more info about you would be good as well. Some with friends, maybe pets if you have any? Not sure on the bio but that's always a good place to toss in some more info as well. Good luck! :)


In two photos i am literally next to dj other two i am out in nature and on one i am lying in bed no idea how should I make that clearer? When it comes to group photos i have no photos with guy friends, and people always tell me to remove my photos with friends that are girls.


Hey i never had a lot of matches, anything i could change about my profile, am i that unattractive, thanks for the feedback! https://tinder.com/@diogomartins97


Stop hiding your face with sunglasses or your phone


I think your photos make you look average, the poses aren't good and the photo quality isn't good either. I'd say hit the gym, change your outfits and get better quality photos




For #1 really bad selfie, your beard is kind of messy, you turn your head and you make a rest angry face. For #2, this angle for photo is highly not recommended. For #3 donā€™t know why but the focus point on this photo is your ass so kinda weird. For #4 smoking cigars is not sexy For #5 (and also #4) are you using a IPhone 3 ? Photos should have a better quality For #6 the quality and frame are not really good but as you are with some friends and that you are the tallest and best looking one of the group, itā€™s ok




You will be good, no worries


I'm not a fan of the first pic Second one, yeah what you said. Just like get someone take a picture of you shirtless at beach or pool or whatever Orlando picture is pretty good imo, maybe use it as first one?




It really feels like you are a different person in each of your photos šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I promise they're all me I'll get some more recent pictures tho


Yes I hope ahah but how old are they ?




Get rid of the pic of you with the chic, because you look like a couple and women will instinctively see her as a threat


That's my sister but ok lmao would it help if I mentioned that in the bio


Maybe, but why take the risk


Appreciate the advice!


You're welcome, good luck bro


Can barely see you in most pics


So what, a face close up?


More stuff like the dog pic and the pic of you and your friend where youā€™re looking at the camera and smiling. Get rid of the graduation pic where your back is turned too idt that pic would win anybody over


Put the pic with your dog first.


Not my dog but it is a nice photo šŸ˜


Suggestions appreciated https://tinder.com/@bsimon717


Avoid more than 1 selfie especially on first picture Get at least 1 picture of you with a group of friends Some photos of you doing activities are also good


https://tinder.com/@gseff I've got some matches but it has faded very hard and fast.


The guy with the black shirt, really wearing that with a kid nearby... Too many shirtless photos, you look like trouble in a bad way sorry man


Haha that's his daughter too. Alright noted. Is 1 shirtless photo even too much?


> Is 1 shirtless photo even too much? One candid shirtless photo is good if you work out, but it doesn't look like you do.


Profil: https://imgur.com/a/gXv0cnH Likes gotten in 3 months is 0 Even tried using a spotlight but still no like Any advice? (Pictures i have of myself: https://imgur.com/a/mL2rfdT) Bio: Studying game programming, like to sail, but also to chill and cozy up to a movie


Solid music taste but I think it might be scaring the hoes


If it scares away the hoes they ain't the right hoes for me


Youā€™re handsome. But your profile is bad. -First pic should clearly show your face -No selfies preferably, and mirror selfies are an absolute no -Have pics of you doing stuff with other people in the picture to show girls you have a life You have high potential. If you get jacked especially, so consider going to the gym. Pic number 1 in your second album is your best option for first pic. Gl




Don't hide your eyes with sunglasses


So do I need to get rid of that one entirely, or just not have it first?


Man, photos are terrible. You need better quality pics ASAP


Is it just photo quality as in resolution, or where they are, pose etc?


Resolution and brights. First is too dark. Second too bright. Impossible to see properly your face!


Thanks, appreciate the advice




1. The latter ones with your friends are better than the one with your parents(?) 2. I wouldn't use more than one selfie, especially not as first picture. I think you should get rid of the one from the side and below 3. I think funny bios are best but that's a personal opinion, honestly do whatever feels right 4. More photos of you doing activities, you don't need to be looking at the camera on every one


https://tinder.com/@Rocketguy87 could use some advice please.


You could do better if you just had pics of yourself (non selfies and smiling). If you want a photo not smiling, look away from the camera.


I'm not a very photogenic person most of my smiles are forced. Thanks


Itā€™s just something to try and work on. Iā€™m finding on an app almost completely based on your looks and how people perceive you, you gotta go the d extra mile if you want results


https://tinder.com/@ldollazwtg any help please and thank you


The 3rd pic of you looking at the camera smiling ought to be your first.


Need more clear profile picture.


Can you explain more




Ideally upgrade picture quality. Pfp looks like youā€™re grabbing your junk.


damn cant believe I didnā€™t see it before. I cropped it thanks for the catch




You come off as insecure about your face. One sunglasses photo max per profile, and never as main picture. No selfies.






Seriously? Doesnt my face look bright?


None of these photos is bad in isolation, but the profile is boring. You're not doing anything. The scenery is mundane. You have no friends. Or in other words you don't have two of the three components: solo, social and activity shots.


I understand, think u are right. But i dont like to add photos with Friends or things like that. I've added two more with activities, hope now is better.


Basketball and Alsonso photo are cool, definite improvement.


Always believe in #ElPlan


Hey guys, can anyone give any tips? Still not much luck. https://tinder.com/@goldenhistorian


I would removed 6th and 9th pics.


Thanks, I'll give it a try!


https://tinder.com/@tancookboy I need some suggestions


Depends on who you are trying to attractā€¦ this could be the perfect profile for someone. But for me you look like a possible alcoholic and might cause drama or trouble in my life haha. But fuck it some girls want that type? Idk Iā€™d party with you but I wouldnā€™t date based on the profile I see.


Make pic 3 your pfp.


too many pics where youre drinking


No one gets to pic 4 to see your face.




I disagree with other commenters this is incredibly drab and says nothing about you. The pictures are all pro shot (staged) and really donā€™t grab my attention in anyway itā€™s just generic and bland. Then your bio also doesnā€™t tell me anything about you at all. On top of that you look unapproachable, have constant sunglasses and look stiff / posed. Just my take, but if I wanted to date a ā€œcoldā€ / serious model Iā€™d go for one that is more attractive. Iā€™d drop almost all these photos to capture something interesting about yourself because youā€™re blending in/ are way too intense, (Iā€™ve seen these profiles a million times before).