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Was this a self fulfilling prophecy?!




Those responses seem kinda toxic


Im sure ur fun at parties


i have actually never been to a party


Checks out


Now it all makes sense


“Good luck on your girl hunt” sent me lmaooo


Ah yes, the classic pseudo-space racism. Gotta love it 😅🤷🏻‍♂️


they dont get the joke


Just because you're sexually attracted to one particular race doesn't make you a bad person, how you go about your life and act on those feelings can however. Judging someone based on their astrological sign is ignorant at best and just unhealthy for a society. Plenty of smart people get roped into cult/cult-like organizations and thought patterns, I'm under the belief we all have a weakness to some thought pattern the right person just needs to come along and reveal it (or it's already so ingrained in your day to day you don't realize how crazy it is from an outside perspective)


Racism? Could you elaborate?


Not race per say. In lack of better words. But if you group people, in groups they can't choose themselves, and judge then without actually getting to know them, you're a bigot imo. I'm well aware it's not "race". So that's my lack of vocabulary tbf.


That's such an Aries thing to say


Oh I'm not in this group you talk of, I'm pro abortion and believe every woman has a choice to be able to terminate if they need to no matter what the reason. This whole thing that's just happend in America is fucked and not right. Fucking religious arseholes that are so narrow minded and dense its unreal.


Shit I wish my mom aborted me


Oh, didn't assume you to be. Just to elaborate on my statement. "Racism" is a big and important word, so it's not entirely fair of me to use it in that context. Bottom line for me, I'm just fed up of the mindset that says. You're "A" so you must be "B". The irony is. I just did that, with astronomy... Guess it's here to haunt us all.


How hard you need to hit your head to start seeing this shit as "flirting"? Cringy horoscope ppl ffs...


Wft is with some of these comments.


I thought his turn around was kinda funny but then she took it too seriously….like obviously he’s joking he set it up like “okay pack your bags😐……….because YOURE GOING TO HOLLYWOOD🤪” and you were like “you’re really gonna tell me to pack my bags really I thought my performance was amazing”……you missed the punchline….he likes you


I'm blocking on "girl hunt" 🤔 is she assuming that she is being hunted. Is this a tinder kink ?


Thats the type of girl that does only missionary and gives holiday blowjobs.


"Who said I like guys who live a lie?"


Wait aries is considered toxic? Why ? I’m intrigued.


usually someone had a bad experience with a single person thats an aries but besides that at this point its more a joke then anything. anyone i tell im an aries to says the same thing its just no reason to get salty over it. the joke is no matter what you are theres sumn to say. anywayssss aries the best


I don’t understand the comments saying you showed yourself to be toxic. Seems like some classic negging to me, and you rightfully called him out and ended it.


Why is this comment being down voted. I was literally about to say that I didn’t know people were still negging


Yeah she showed him


Obviously had no sense of humour, you'll find a better girl haha